


San Antonio, TX

Monday March 31, 2003

                     Okay, let me do a quick run-through of my free day today.

                     I woke up at my mom's house with only five hours of sleep again. Today is the day I planned to talk to a lawyer. That was my ultimate goal for the day. I still don't have a recorder so I'm not sure of the times exactly.
                     Since I had already taken a shower last night, I just took a rinse in the hot water which helped me wake up. I woke up, took a shower, copied all my important text files onto a floppy disk and left. I walked out to the elementary school and caught the bus to the grocery store. There, I transferred to the 605. I didn't have any cigarettes. I had left them at Bob's last night so when the 605 was over by Bob's house I got off and walked the ten minutes to their house.
                     Bummer. No one was home. I looked at the bus schedule and saw the 604 was coming in two minutes. I have to walk all the way down the street to catch it, so as I was almost there I saw it pass. Shit. The 604 passes every hour and I was not looking forward to the wait so I thought I would swing by Andy's house and see if he was home. I walk for about ten minutes and when I walk to his house, I see a girl outside smoking a cigarette. I walk by and ask if Andy's home. She tells me no, that he's at school. Duh, Andy's sixteen years old. I ask her if she can spare a cigarette and she says sure.  Her cigarettes were inside and she told me to wait a second. She sets the cigarette she's smoking down, but it falls on the ground when she goes to open the door. I walk up to the doorway and pick up her fallen cigarette. When she appears again she holds out a cigarette and I give her hers back. She turns out being Andy's sister Seren(short for Serendipity, how pretty). I ask her if Andy had told her anything about me and my ideas. She says no so I just jump into my stories head first with her.
                     I just talk her ear off and she listens attentively the whole time. I smoked the cigarette and finished a couple more stories then I gave her one of my business cards with my email on it to back my shit up, you know. I knew they had a computer so I asked her if there was any way I could copy my files onto their computer so she could read my stuff. She said she was going to leave soon and that she would just email me. When I was ready to go I asked her if I could have a cigarette for the road and she said of course. She walked inside, came back and handed me two cigarettes.
                     Right when I walked back to the bus stop it came. Perfect timing. I rode the bus to the hospital and from there hopped on the 534 to go down Wurzbach. The lawyer's office is right in front of Chasity's old apartments which the 534 drove in front of. I got off and walked to the office. I entered and the door bell chimed. The secretary came out and I asked her if I could talk to Mr. shit I always forget his name.
                     Back when I used to crash at Chasity's not that long ago I had gone to that lawyer to tell him my ideas. I had even left some documents on his computer for him to read. He seemed cool and was the first person I thought about getting some legal counsel for my big injustice in Hays County. The secretary told me that he was in a deposition. I asked her what time he would be available and she told me I could try my luck at six. It was almost noon and six was far away. I had fifteen dollars on me so I walked to the Habib-mart on Gardendale and bought me a pack of cigarettes and a banana. I took the banana over to the Chelsea Street Pub next door and just sat down and ate it and smoked a cigarette afterwards. While I was sitting there I could hear the bartender chick talking to the patrons about how much she drinks. They all throw in their glory stories too. Stupid alcoholics are so damn proud of their evil habit. SAY NO TO DRUGS.
                     After that I just started walking down Gardendale towards Bluemel. I figured I'd walk to Fredericksburg and catch the bus to West Telemarketing where I was sure someone would sell me a sack of weed. I got the impulse to cut through Auburn Creek apartments. I was going to see if I ran into any kids that knew where to score some weed. I walked all the way through that complex with no luck. I crossed the street and entered these other apartments, keeping my eye out for any cool-looking people. I walked all the way to the back and didn't see anywhere I could jump the fence. Just then, I saw this group of Mexicans who were working labor at the apartments. They must've been on break because they were just hanging out. I walked by them and asked them if they could spare a hit or two of weed, or knew where I could buy some. I immediately talked Spanish to them because I was sure they spoke it. This one guy told me he didn't have any on him, but that at his apartment he had some. I asked him where he lived and he said over by Loop 410 and Bandera. I was like, bummer that's far. I asked all the vatos guess what I'm going to do and started reciting my scripts to them. I surprised myself when I was able to translate it really good. The one dude who told me he knew where to get some gave his kid, who he was watching to a friend and walked to a dumpster. He climbed in and took a leak. When he came back, he told me that he would take me to his apartments and give me a couple hits. He said I looked peaceful. He had been drinking beer so he asked me if I could drive his car. I said sure then he asked me if I would put his baby in the car seat so we could leave. He gave me his four month old son and I put him inside the car. We got in the car and took off.
                     When we got to Wurzbach, I got in the right lane to turn. He told me to get in the other lane and turn left. That would take us in the opposite direction from the intersection he gave me. I told him that, but he just told me to trust him. He was right. We jumped on the highway and got to his apartments real quick. We talked a lot in the car and this guy really surprised me. I asked him if he could spare a half ounce and I would give him the twenty dollars. He told me no, but the he could go to his friends apartment and make that score for me. He thought exactly like me, but he was forty. I park and give him my twenty bucks. He walks inside and returns about ten minutes later with my weed. I wasn't wary of giving him the money, because he left me in his car with his baby. I knew he was coming back. When he returned we got in the car and he showed me the weed. It was phat. It looked like a full half ounce and I only paid twenty dollars. What a deal. Mission accomplished. I was one grinning fool by then.
                     We drove all the way back close to the apartments he was working at and I parked. I told him about my accidents and head-injuries and it turns out this guy(Damnit, I don't remember his name) has been through near-death experiences too. He pulls up his shirt and shows me a scar he has on his side under his arm. I freak and show him my scar where I got intubated when my lung collapsed at head-injury number two. Our scars were in the exact same spot, on the exact same side and looked exactly the same. I ask him if his lung had collapsed and he told me no, that he had been shot. Weird. When he left he told me he didn't have a phone. I told him that it was okay. That if we ever see each other again, it will be for a reason. I meet people like that every single day.

                     From there I just got the impulse to walk to Medical, two blocks over. I was nice and stoned and had a fat sack in my pocket. I got the idea that if I saw anybody cool that I would ask them if they wanted to smoke a bowl. I was wearing the same clothes I wore yesterday, except a different thermal top. I had my green "Me" shirt on, my rainbow beanie I got in Garberville, my one pair of jeans, my army boots and my macramé cape. I looked like a total hippie. The only thing I had missing was my damn walking stick. I miss it and wish I had it back, but it is somewhat liberating going out and walking my ass off all day without it. I feel more independent. Also, I don't have a pocket-calendar and am still setting goals and getting stuff done without it. All this time I've used one and it's been an excellent mental exercise. I was on task all day.

                     I walked down Fairhaven to where Horizon Hill ends. I see these two cool-looking girls sitting down on the sidewalk and I walk by, smile and ask them if they want to smoke a bowl. The cooler looking girl said sure so I sat down in the grass. I told them that I would only smoke them out after they heard some stories of mine. Surprisingly, this girl tells me she thinks she has seen me walking around before. I ask her if she saw someone with a walking stick with a tennis ball on the end of it. She goes yeah! Whoa, badass. I randomly run into someone who has seen me before. This is my town, damnit.
                     The girl(forgot her name too) told me okay. She was just sitting there with the hood of her car open, waiting for it to fix itself I guess, hehe. I end up sitting there for a good while. I had time to kill until six. I talked her ear off too and she was in agreement with everything I said. Right before I left, I asked her what was wrong with the car. She told me that it had overheated and they weren't able to get the radiator cap off. I thought that weird, seeing how there was a guy there too. So, when I got to leave I tried taking it off. I put my palm on it, pressed down and twisted, just like it tells you to on the cap. It came right off no problem. She thanked me a lot and I went, "See how much trouble cars are?" I can't believe they couldn't figure out how to get the damn radiator cap off. I was just glad I could be of assistance. Oh yeah, I smoked her out the whole time too.

                     I get up to leave and as they're pouring water into the radiator I ask if I can have some in my bottle. That girl said the car needed it more and asked her friend to go inside and get me some water. I told them not to worry about it. That I had enough to get me to the gas station and I told them, "Peace, sisters," and left.

                     I was like a mile away from Methie's. Methie is this chick Crystal I know from AOL. Like four of these San Antonio chat room regulars live in an apartment in Fountainhead. I thought I would drop by and offer to smoke them out. Crystal and most of the other people there think I'm crazy, but they're cool with me anyway. I just wanted to go practice some of what I preached. When I got to the entrance of the complex, there was a gate I had to walk through that you needed a code to open. I see this guy out on his balcony and ask him if he knows the code. He tells me it's 4231. Cool. I walk all the way to Methie's apartment, go up the stairs and knock on the door. No one was home. Oil well. The brighter side to that story was that I walked and got exercise.

                     After I left Methie's apartment I was still bored so I decided to cut through the woods behind her complex and do some exploring. I didn't follow a trail. I was just walking through branches and stuff. I walked in the woods for about half an hour and I ended up on Donore Road close to Fredericksburg. I used to deliver pizza in Medical Center so I know the area like the back of my hand. I just went walking through the hilly neighborhood where people with money live. Really nice houses. I even stopped and smoked a cigarette in some guy's front yard. I was just sitting there. The front of his property was badass. He was doing some landscaping with natural bricks and he had these big boulders out there. It was just beautiful. I wished I had a pen then. If I did I would have left a business card with "What a wonderful castle you have here," written on the back. But I didn't, so I didn't. After there I walked up Chambers towards Fredericksburg. I walked inside the Mockingbird Tower(I think it's called) and refilled my bottle at their water fountain. I walked across Fredericksburg and into another complex. There was all this water rushing down the street. I hiked all the way up the hill sloshing through the water. Because I have these badass marine boots that are waterproof, my feet stayed dry. I had no idea where all this water was coming from, so I set out to find the source. It seemed unnecessarily wasteful. At the top of the hill, I saw they were draining the pool.
                     People driving through in cars were giving me weird looks. At the back fence I noticed an opening and I went through it. Bam, I'm in the woods again. I walk through these woods for another thirty minutes or so and I end up over by Callaghan and Midvale. I walk through these apartments and cross over to the ones next door. Turns out they're the same ones with the water flowing down the street. I walk to the Fredericksburg and sit down at the bus stop to rest. As I am sitting there not knowing when the bus is coming I scan the traffic. It was close to rush hour and Fredericksburg was packed. Medical Center San Antonio is known for it's heavy traffic. The population-density is high. It's like ninety nine percent apartments.
                     As I am sitting there waiting for the bus I got an idea to kill time. Like I said, I was just scanning traffic. Whenever a car drove by with a pretty girl in it I would smile and give them the peace sign. Almost everyone smiled back and returned the sign. It was hilarious. I got tons of weird looks from people. I sat there for like ten minutes until the 92 came. I was hungry then and I decided I would go to Jack in the Box over by 410 and I10 and buy me another double-meat Jumbo Jack with cheese on sourdough bread. The 92 doesn't go straight over 410 on Fredericksburg. It turns left and follows the access road and stops a the Crossroads Park and Ride. Now, the Jack in the Box is right off the access road by the intersection so I asked the driver to let me off at the last stop before he turned so I could walk over the highway to go to Jack in the Box. Right where he dropped me off I noticed there was a tattoo parlor there. I go into the tattoo place, it's called BackBones Body Mods and see this cool-looking guy reviewing a tattoo on some girl's leg. I tell him, "Would you think I was crazy if I told you that with the Internet I plan to eliminate money, make everything free, get everybody out of debt and bring world peace, get rid of cars in big cities and save the ozone layer and get marijuana legalized and chill everybody out?" He told me yes, that he would think I was crazy. I asked him if he had a computer and he told me no. I left him my card anyway and told him to give it to a friend or something and I would back my shit up.
                     I left the tattoo place and went to the bus stop to wait for the 92 again. It comes every twenty minutes. As I was sitting there smoking a cigarette I saw a sign taped to the trashcan that said, "Are you tired of just sitting there? Do you have $1300?" It was a sign for a car salesmen. I quickly stood up, tore it off the trashcan and put it in the trash. Screw that sign. I then remembered I was hungry so I got up and walked across the highway to the Jack in the Box. I ordered my fancy burger and told the cashier that I tweak everything. She didn't seem to care and just said, "Oh." Yesterday when I had gone the cashier dude hooked me up with some change so I wouldn't have to break my big bill. I recognized him. He had some blue tape on his neck. Well, after I order I call him over and say, "Weren't you the guy who hooked me up with some change yesterday?" and reached into my pocket and pulled out like thirty five cents. I handed it to him and he refused it at first, telling me not to worry about it. I tell him, "Put it in your pocket now," and he does smiling at me.
                     As I am waiting for my burger I check the schedule and see that the 92 passes at five forty five. It was like thirty five when my burger was ready. I had told the lady at Jack I was going to eat it there but instead I just grab it off the tray, said goodbye and left walking for the bus stop. I didn't even get napkins. I was going to eat it at the bus stop and smoke a cigarette if I had enough time. When I walked out there, there were these two kids playing on the bench and I walk up and say hello to them. I eat my burger and smoke a cigarette. Right when I finish my cigarette the bus comes. It's running ten minutes late because of all the traffic. Now the 92 turns on Louis Pasteur and goes down to Babcock to go to the transfer center at the hospital. It was a little past six and I needed to get to the lawyer's. So, I got off right after it turned on Louis Pasteur, thinking I'd cut through these apartments and just walk to the lawyer's office. I walk across the street over by the Papa John's Pizza I used to work at and go through this office complex that's behind the store. They have these cool green glass buildings. I think there's some "modeling agency" back there because when I would hang out in the back of Papa John's and smoke cigarettes(on the clock), I would always see these slutty looking girls out there.
                      I walked through the office complex and end up on Medical Center. I walk in front of Promontory Point and wish I lived there. Promontory Point is one of the coolest apartment complexes in Medical Center. Pretty prestigious place. Back when I delivered pizza I would love scoring runs to Promontory Point. My chances of a tip always looked better there. I walk down to the Habib-mart and walk up to shit, I forgot the name. Fairhaven I think. As I am passing the carwash I see these two cool-looking girls walking down the street. One has a baby with her. I ask them if they want to hit my peace pipe and one girl says, "We would, but we have to go to the store. Will you still be here when we get back?" I tell them, "No, I need to go talk to a lawyer. I'm sitting on a sure-win lawsuit. I was kidnapped at gunpoint." They were amazed. I told them I wished I could stay and talk to them some more, but that I needed to go talk to the liar. Err, I mean lawyer. I took off walking for a little bit and turn around and called out to them. I asked them that I might come back after I talk to the lawyer. They told me they would be hanging out outside in front of their apartment complex and just to stop if I could.
                     I take off walking to the lawyer's. I get there in like fifteen minutes. I walked in the door and the chime goes off. This guy who was talking with some lady in a room said hello. I told him I needed to talk to Mr. Bass. He asked me for my full name. He goes to the back room and tells the lawyer I am there. I walk back and Mr. Bass recognized me and asked me how I have been doing. I ask him, "Guess what I'm sitting on? A sure-win lawsuit." He immediately tells me, "Tell me a story." I pull out my disk and he tells me to come load it up. I stick it in his computer and use my control keys. He begins to read and I step outside to smoke a cigarette. I took a hit of weed too. When I walk back in his office, he's already at the end of the second report. He read it really quick, I guess. I tell him I have other good reading on my disk and he says he'd love to read it when he had time. I sit down and ask him what he thought of my story. He asks me, "So, what's your case?" I tell him kidnapping at gunpoint. He thinks it's all a little iffy. He asks me, "How do you plan to prove this happened?" I tell him, "Well, isn't that what court is for? I know it's just his word against mine, but I have to do something. People can't just pull a gun on you, especially if they're not cops." He then asks me, "So who exactly will you be filing charges on, the guy or the cops. I tell him both maybe. I tell him how they are keeping my property and violating my rights, and that in my property I have my daily logs which I have been keeping for over a year. I made a journal entry into my cassette recorder detailing it and I even repeated the guy's license plate number into my recorder. That'll be my reason for getting my stuff back, especially since they've kept it illegally. He then tells me, "The person you need to talk to is the Hays County District Attorney for a criminal charge against him." I told him that I was even considering representing myself, that it was an open and shut case. He told me of course, that I didn't need representation for this. It truly is just one big complaint. I shook his hand, thanked him for the counsel and left.
                     I walked across the street and decided to walk through Chasity's old apartment and out to Fredericksburg. I was going to go by that cool camp that homeless guy showed me the other day and see if anyone was there. I was going to smoke them out. It took me like twenty five minutes to get there and when I finally did no one was at the camp. I saw there was a big backpack under this metal panel that was out there. I thought maybe there was someone asleep behind it. I grabbed my little light that Tobin had given me and I looked behind the bag. No one was there. I sat down to smoke a cigarette and smoke some weed. I then got another idea. When I finished smoking, I pulled out a business card with my name and email address. I placed it on the thing I was sitting on and left a cigarette and a good size chunk of bud under it. That should make someone smile when they find it and it'll have my name all over it. :]

                     From there I walked across Fredericksburg a little. I turn around and see the bus way down the street. I cross the street but there wasn't a bus stop I could run to on time. As the bus got closer I turned around to face it and cupped my hands in front of me in the pleading position. When it was almost there I bent down and did one of those dainty bows, twirling my arm in the air. The driver was cool and stopped for me. When the door opened I did a little curtsy with my cape and got on the bus, telling the driver, "Thanks a lot, brother." I rode the 91 to Medical. When we were almost to Floyd Curl I looked at the time. It was seven twenty. Now all the buses that go to the grocery store by my mom's house are at the hospital at fifteen of the hour. After leaving the hospital the 605 goes down Wurzbach and turns on Floyd Curl, so I got off the bus in hopes that it hadn't passed. If it had, I would have to wait a whole other hour for the next bus.
                     Hooray, it came in no time. I was on the 605 on the way to the grocery store to head home. Right when the bus was over by Carlos and Bob's I thought, "I'm going to go to Bob's, get on his computer and type up my badass day. Then, I'm going to walk the five miles to my mom's house and get on her computer."

                     It's eleven sixteen and I called my mom around ten thirty just to check in and tell her I was still coming home. My mom was just itching to bitch and told me that I was calling too late, even though she was wide awake. Then she tells me, "You have the key right?" I tell her no, that I had given her the key when we were arguing that day she took me to Bob's. Remember, the time she pulled into the church parking lot and told me to get out of the car. I don't know how many times I have told her, but she still insists that I should have a key. She was all, "I gave you two of them before." I told her, "Yeah, I know. I lost the first one and gave you the second one back. I've told you that so many times now. Let it go. The point of this story is that I don't have a key." She sighed and told me she would leave the door unlocked. Man, what's her problem?

                     Okay, well looks like I typed most of what happened today up. I'm quite proud of myself. I did it all from memory. Practice makes perfect, I guess.

- Victor

                     P.S. Oh yeah. I'm going to leave walking the five miles to my mom's house now. It should take me an hour and a half. ETA midnight. I hope nobody breaks into my mom's house. I'm sure she'll be on the computer until I get home playing her stupid Gem Drop game. I'll tell you guys what happens on my walk. Let me email this to myself.

                     I finally got home around one fifteen. I took my time walking. I stopped at my hideout, the platform in the tree and smoked a cigarette and admired the view. I walked to the Exxon in front of the park and got some more water. This girl saw me and asked me how my book was coming. I told her great, that I had just had another awesome day. It took me like forty five minutes to get home.

                     I got home and luckily my mom was asleep. Good, I didn't feel like hearing her bitch that late at night. Okay, I'm going to bed now.



HAHA I MADE IT:    gotmail
HAHA I MADE IT:    had another badass day today
AmberJem84:    sweet ill see it in a asec im talkin to an old friend
AmberJem84:    Oooh jezz
HAHA I MADE IT:    i'm going to take off walking to my mom's house.  it's like 5 miles...i should be there around 12:30pm(central)..umm 1½ hours
HAHA I MADE IT:    if you're still on, i'll say hi
HAHA I MADE IT:    peace in the middle east :]

 AnkleSocksHomes:  yo  
 AnkleSocksHomes:  your a scam  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  no, the rest of you are getting scammed..
 AnkleSocksHomes:  but download SETI@home for every computer you sit at  
 AnkleSocksHomes:  if you want to do anything  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  what's that?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  that's a dumb spam, i can't believe people fall for that shit.
 AnkleSocksHomes:  what ?
 AnkleSocksHomes:  whats a dumb spam  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  why did you IM me?
 AnkleSocksHomes:  why did you just say thats a dumb spaam i cant belive people fall for that shit  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  why did you IM me?
 AnkleSocksHomes:  why did you just say thats a dumb spaam i cant belive people fall for that shit  
 AnkleSocksHomes:  you are a scam i said  
 AnkleSocksHomes:  than i said  
 AnkleSocksHomes:  you should wonload SETI @ home for every computer you are at  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  why are you calling me a scam?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  do you know me?
 AnkleSocksHomes:  than you signed off and came back on and said  thats a dumb spaam i cant belive people fall for that shit  
 AnkleSocksHomes:  you fucking emailed me one day  
 AnkleSocksHomes:  scam artist  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm more of a designer..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i design my own reality..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  anybody can, why don't they?
 AnkleSocksHomes:  your retarted
 HAHA I MADE IT:  at least i can spell "you're"
 HAHA I MADE IT:  sucker
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it's ok.  you're only human to envy that which you can never be..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i forgive you..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you don't know any better..
 AnkleSocksHomes:  o i know better
 AnkleSocksHomes:  your just a scam  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  how am i a scam?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  back your shit up
 HAHA I MADE IT:  explain yourself
 HAHA I MADE IT:  come on, i don't have all night
 HAHA I MADE IT:  that's what i thought punk..
 AnkleSocksHomes:  you dont have all night  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  actually, i have all the time in the world..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  all my time is free time
 AnkleSocksHomes:  you just say shit like you know what your talking about like how i am human to envy that which i can never be  
 AnkleSocksHomes:  explain to me you  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you're the one that made the accusation..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i have nothing to explain to your dumb ass
 AnkleSocksHomes:  your the one who is fake  
 AnkleSocksHomes:  you try to hard not to  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you wouldn't understand the explanation retard
 AnkleSocksHomes:  riiight  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  so once again i ask, how do you think i am a scam?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  what are you basing that accusation on?
 AnkleSocksHomes:  like you are  an enlightened one  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  yeah, and you're sure as hell not..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  that's ok, just doubt me..
 AnkleSocksHomes:  those words show every reason why you are not whay you think you are  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  like i always say, it will only make my victory that much sweeter
 AnkleSocksHomes:  yea right  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  what words?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  be specific now..
 AnkleSocksHomes:  why should you care about what i think, why does my "disbeleiving" in you make your victory sweeter  
 AnkleSocksHomes:  your suposed to be mr non envy
 AnkleSocksHomes:  talk to me human  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  just don't worry about'll see in the end..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  sucker

turned ims off

 SidharthaOwnsYou:  ha that shows you and me what ignoranc eyou still have yet to face  
 SidharthaOwnsYou:  human  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  man, i got you all riled up..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i manipulated your emotions with my computer..
 SidharthaOwnsYou:  i have no emotion
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you got so defensive that you had to switch screen names to keep talking to me..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  haha
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you feeble minded fool
 SidharthaOwnsYou:  acually both these names are on  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  well, let's see how many you got..

turned ims off again

 PeesOnLEg:  this one  
 PeesOnLEg:  same time  

 RabbitsAreWhite:  so is this one  
 RabbitsAreWhite:  all on  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ooh, you leeto ao-hax0r
 HAHA I MADE IT:  try something challenging...i was cloning screen names back in the 90's
 RabbitsAreWhite:  uh huh
 RabbitsAreWhite:  your wild  
 RabbitsAreWhite:  ever do it in the 80's ?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  yeah, they call me crazy
 RabbitsAreWhite:  your the one whos a bit angerd by me  
 RabbitsAreWhite:  your emotions are in a twist  
 RabbitsAreWhite:  even blocking me  
 RabbitsAreWhite:  aww  

 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  so man really how gay are you ?
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  thats pretty gey  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  not so gay that i take pride in being able to sign on different screen names at the same time
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  never took pride pincess  
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  pinny
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  the pincess  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  like it's hard or something
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  but your sorry ass did block me  
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  like a homo  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i could do it with my eyes closed, it's not like that's hard either
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  your fuckign talent  
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  whhheew
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  i never met anyone liek you  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you know when i unleash my book for free on the web, our ims will be in it
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  sooo talented and all  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and the whole world is going to read it..
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  hahaha
 HAHA I MADE IT:  why do you insist on making yourself look like a total dumbfuck?
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  your a fucking loser  
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  hahah
 HAHA I MADE IT:  suit yourself
 HAHA I MADE IT:  sucker
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  if i send a  picture off my asshole to you can you put that in your book ?
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  next to my im's  
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  so everyone in the WHOOOOLE world can read it  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i would, it's nothing but the truth
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  how many languages you plan on publishing that in  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  one, then people will translate it for free
 HAHA I MADE IT:  when they see how important it is..
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  rite  
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  you dont even have any real goals  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  actually, i'll have a webpage too and all my stuff will be on it..i'll tell people to just copy and paste from the webpage and print it out
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  your a fuck  
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  you will will will, whens this shit going to happen genius  
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  you talk out of your ass  
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  just download SETI @ home for eveycomputer you go to  
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  sicne you claim to travel  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i don't plan anything, but i'm shooting for august 8th
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  and this is the day you are relasing the ricin ?
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  i mean book
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  ooops  
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  hope the feds dont catch that  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  no, i hope it will be the day when i make everything free..
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  you have to much ricin to risk
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  opps  
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  not again
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  i mean books  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm not doing anything wrong
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i make perfect sense..
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  *wink*wink* i know partner, your not a terrorist  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  now, i know full-well that i could even be assasinated for having these great ideas.
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  your crazyer than tucci  
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  seriously
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i take comfort in the fact of knowing that if i was killed
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  no one is going to read your shit  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  not only would i die a martyr
 HAHA I MADE IT:  but my mission would be accomplished sooner..
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  for example i am willing to bet my life that my mother never ever ever even hears about you  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  just think of the publicity..
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  nor anyone in my family for that matter  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  EVERYONE would want to know what the guy who died for the world wrote..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it would be totally worth it
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  his name was jesus  
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  it was the bible  
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  lmao  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  one life to save billions
 HAHA I MADE IT:  to save a dying planet
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i would die one happy man
 HAHA I MADE IT:  no one can stop me, just get in my way
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  your funny
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  i love talking to people whos dopamine receptors are slightly smoothed over  
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  you want to get it  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  "An army of soldiers can be resisted, but not an idea who's time has come."

- Victor Hugo
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  but you  have the tucci complx  
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  is that the guy who made that shiity car
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  the one in drowning mona  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i have the sleep deprivation complex
 HAHA I MADE IT:  goodnight
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  like dave attell
 dirtyD0UGHnuts:  thats the same thing  


From :  
To :  
Subject :    
im sorry...  
Date :    
Tue, 01 Apr 2003 14:19:07 -0500  
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I still feel bad for not giving you a ride. I hope you're not mad at me. And,
the bank stuff....I was having some probles with money, and I didn't want to
fuck it up. I'm sorry, I feel really horrible.
-monkey :(


ok, i copied this out of the room:

HoityToity Diana:     victor!
HoityToity Diana:     guess what... I saw you walking again!
HoityToity Diana:     i saw this guy with a rainbow hat and a vest
HoityToity Diana:     we were driving by... and i was like... hey that victor again...
HoityToity Diana:     neat
HAHA I MADE IT:     one of the best thrift store scores i've ever made..
HoityToity Diana:     haha
HoityToity Diana:     i was like... hmm should i give him a ride...
HAHA I MADE IT:     and when i got back from the west coast..i went back to that thrift store and found me
HAHA I MADE IT:     get this
HoityToity Diana:     then ... was like... i dunnoo.... looks kinda scary with that lil hat
HAHA I MADE IT:     ANOTHER independance shirt..
LaidBackJack:     Bowling for Soup
Sweetnhotgurl20:     anyone wanna chat 18/f press 3434
HoityToity Diana:     neat
HAHA I MADE IT:     that has this picture of this dude with glasses and a goatee sitting on a lawn chair
HoityToity Diana:     what thrift store do you go to?
XDestinedgtrstX:     your a freak you know this andrew
HoityToity Diana:     i like the one by ingram
LaidBackJack:     why's that?
HAHA I MADE IT:     and the caption says, "it's about independance, man"
HoityToity Diana:     neat
XDestinedgtrstX:     bowling for soup'
XDestinedgtrstX:     freak
HAHA I MADE IT:     and he's holding an american flag
LaidBackJack:     independence
MS803:     sup room 24  f  ss
LaidBackJack:     *shrugs*
HoityToity Diana:     its crazy that ive seen you two times!!!!
HAHA I MADE IT:     thats the second shirt i've gotten at the same thrift store..
HAHA I MADE IT:     fo' free
HoityToity Diana:     neat
Rmartinez376:     hello
XDestinedgtrstX:     damn i wish i was seen twice
LaidBackJack:     why does everyone bitch about independence?
XDestinedgtrstX:     im never seen by anyone
HAHA I MADE IT:     i made friends with the manager olivia
HoityToity Diana:     i dont know what you look like dan
XDestinedgtrstX:     and i see everyone
HAHA I MADE IT:     and she gives me free shit all the time
HoityToity Diana:     which one victor?!
XDestinedgtrstX:     im like " hey there is my dream girl !!!!!"
HAHA I MADE IT:     before, she gave me a badass antique couch
XDestinedgtrstX:     and she leaves
LaidBackJack:     awwww, poor Dan
XDestinedgtrstX:     yeah
HAHA I MADE IT:     texas thrift store
XDestinedgtrstX:     its kewl
HoityToity Diana:     on ingram?
XDestinedgtrstX:     cause i follow her home
HoityToity Diana:     or the one on fredricksburg?
XDestinedgtrstX:     to her bf's 3 story house
HAHA I MADE IT:     on gardina, close to vj
XDestinedgtrstX:     damnit !!!!!!!!!1
HAHA I MADE IT:     and fred
HoityToity Diana:     yeah!
HoityToity Diana:     i like that one
HAHA I MADE IT:     it's the best
XDestinedgtrstX:     :: fixes hair ::
LaidBackJack:     i dont think i've ever been to a thrift store
XDestinedgtrstX:     im kewl
HAHA I MADE IT:     yeah, that's cool you saw me yesterday..
HAHA I MADE IT:     what a coinkidink
HoityToity Diana:     ive found some old shirts that i used to have
HoityToity Diana:     and i was thinking... whatever happen to this shirt
HAHA I MADE IT:     here, lemme send you my log for yesterday
MS803:     any  guys in ss  wanna  chat
HoityToity Diana:     and contemplate about buying it back
HoityToity Diana:     ok
HoityToity Diana:     i doubt you notice our car
Humanpowertool21:     whats up room?
HoityToity Diana:     it was a tan el camino
LaidBackJack:     lmao @ the road
XDestinedgtrstX:     ive seen a tan el camino
XILLBURPLAYGURLX:     16 f ne pix
HoityToity Diana:     neat
XDestinedgtrstX:     but it wasnt you
HoityToity Diana:     are you sure?
XDestinedgtrstX:     unless your a man and jon is gay
HoityToity Diana:     hmmm,
HAHA I MADE IT:     nope
HoityToity Diana:     well i dont drive
HAHA I MADE IT:     don't remember
HoityToity Diana:     so it would have to be jon
HAHA I MADE IT:     where did you see me?
XDestinedgtrstX:     saw too guys in a tan el camino
HoityToity Diana:     sitting at the bus stop
XDestinedgtrstX:     all hugged up freaky like
HAHA I MADE IT:     which one
HoityToity Diana:     hahahhaa no no dan
HAHA I MADE IT:     fredericksburg?
XDestinedgtrstX:     thats what im saying
HoityToity Diana:     umm near
XDestinedgtrstX:     unless .......
HoityToity Diana:     on fredricksburg
XDestinedgtrstX:     jon has a gay lover !!!!!!
HoityToity Diana:     but
HAHA I MADE IT:     over on fred close to callaghan?
XDestinedgtrstX:     :: runs to bathroom to throw up ::
HoityToity Diana:     like near....yeah!
HoityToity Diana:     exactly
HAHA I MADE IT:     teehee
HoityToity Diana:     jon does not have a gay lover!
HoityToity Diana:     and if he did...
HAHA I MADE IT:     i was all stoned waiting for the bus
HoityToity Diana:     it would be ok
HAHA I MADE IT:     and traffic was all backed up
HoityToity Diana:     yeah you look like youre were in deep thought
HoityToity Diana:     yup!
HAHA I MADE IT:     i bet a lot of people saw hippie-vic at the bus stop that day
HAHA I MADE IT:     as people were driving by, i would give them the peace sign
HoityToity Diana:     its just crazy that i saw you again
HoityToity Diana:     havent seen you in like 5 years
HAHA I MADE IT:     i got the weirdest looks
HAHA I MADE IT:     hehe
HoityToity Diana:     and then BAM!
HoityToity Diana:     three weeks seen you 2 times
HAHA I MADE IT:     yeah, weird, wacky stuff

AHA I MADE IT:     hit the road
TmOARsk8er:     u tried that be fore
HAHA I MADE IT:     get truckin'
HAHA I MADE IT:     pack your bag
HAHA I MADE IT:     i don't need the ag
Breakzone6969:     yeah right here
Sexyjess635:     OR NE FINE AZZ GURLS
HAHA I MADE IT:     on your knees
Breakzone6969:     oh no another bi
HAHA I MADE IT:     you big booty bitch
HAHA I MADE IT:     start suckin'
SccrChrm8:     18/f sexy soccer player if you would like to chat press345
HAHA I MADE IT:     you ride my ass like  a horse in a saddle
HAHA I MADE IT:     now you're up shit's creek
Buffnstuff1308:     345
HAHA I MADE IT:     with a turd for a paddle
Myselftoblame:     23/m/nw/pic
SccrChrm8:     well im me please
HAHA I MADE IT:     and i can't cope
I8 m nw I2inchs:     SO WHERE THE HELL DID U MAKE IT TO?
HAHA I MADE IT:     you can piss up a rope
I8 m nw I2inchs:     YO MAMMAZ HOUSE?
TmOARsk8er:     yah
HAHA I MADE IT:     uh, you can piss up a rope and feel the pissy dribble
TmOARsk8er:     mamma s house
HAHA I MADE IT:     you can piss up a rope and watch me giggle
TmOARsk8er:     ah piss up a rope
HAHA I MADE IT:     for the last 6 months i've been packin' your bag
TmOARsk8er:     lol
HAHA I MADE IT:     you can wash my balls with a warm, wet rag
Death00trip:     19-f-pic
HAHA I MADE IT:     tills my balls feel smooth and soft like silk
TmOARsk8er:     hag
HAHA I MADE IT:     i'm sick of your mouth
HAHA I MADE IT:     and your 2% milk
TmOARsk8er:     bring down south
HAHA I MADE IT:     and i'm no dope
TmOARsk8er:     nigg a
HAHA I MADE IT:     but i've lost all hope
TmOARsk8er:     thats life
HAHA I MADE IT:     so hit the fuckin' road and piss up a rope
TmOARsk8er:     pussy
TmOARsk8er:     the stong last
HAHA I MADE IT:     you can piss up a rope
HAHA I MADE IT:     get your shoes
TmOARsk8er:     piss ^ a rope
HAHA I MADE IT:     umm
TmOARsk8er:     good one
I8 m nw I2inchs:     ITS BORING
HAHA I MADE IT:     you can put on your shoes
HAHA I MADE IT:     hit the road
HAHA I MADE IT:     get truckin'
HAHA I MADE IT:     pack your bag
HAHA I MADE IT:     i dont need the ag
HAHA I MADE IT:     on your knees
HAHA I MADE IT:     you big booty bitch
HAHA I MADE IT:     start suckin'
TmOARsk8er:     u can alwways piss up a rope
HAHA I MADE IT:     you ride my ass like a horse in a saddle
HAHA I MADE IT:     now you're up shit's creek
TmOARsk8er:     damn are u a bot
HAHA I MADE IT:     with a turd for a paddle
TmOARsk8er:     or u just stupid
TmOARsk8er:     ha ha ha
HAHA I MADE IT:     !!!
Wantsome00:     made it on ignore    just plain stupid
OnlineHost:     *** You are in "Places - San Antonio 1". ***
OnlineHost:     Find more people near you at KW: Local
HAHA I MADE IT:     wacka wacka wacka
I8 m nw I2inchs:     WACKA WACKA?
I8 m nw I2inchs:     LOL
TmOARsk8er:     hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
HAHA I MADE IT:     i'm all crazy
I8 m nw I2inchs:     UZ A FOO NIKKA
HAHA I MADE IT:     i've had two closed head-injuries..
TmOARsk8er:     no ur a pussy
TmOARsk8er:     stupid
HAHA I MADE IT:     in 96, i was in a car wreck and in 2000 i got hit by a car
I8 m nw I2inchs:     ARE U SURE IT WASNT OPEN
Chopnheds4u:     18/f  and 19/m  both Bi....anyone wanna 3 sum IM us
TmOARsk8er:     diddnt learn the first time
HAHA I MADE IT:     neither of them were my fault
HAHA I MADE IT:     i ride the full-size bus, thank you
TmOARsk8er:     haha
I8 m nw I2inchs:     LOL..EXCUSE ME MR.VIA VIA
HAHA I MADE IT:     hmm, i'm gonna go jump on the bus actually
Joeybear4yall:     get you in free aka he'll buy you your ticket
HAHA I MADE IT:     i'll check your black asses later
Joeybear4yall:     ???
HAHA I MADE IT:     and you know that was a funny ass song
HAHA I MADE IT:     i bet you were all loling at home
TmOARsk8er:     the short one
Joeybear4yall:     i was cleaning
HAHA I MADE IT:     like a good woman
HAHA I MADE IT:     looks like you know what's good for you joey
HAHA I MADE IT:     it's in your damn contract
Joeybear4yall:     wha is?
HAHA I MADE IT:     cleaning
Joeybear4yall:     nope
I8 m nw I2inchs:     CAN U COME CLEAN MY HOUSE TOO
Joeybear4yall:     hahah
Nefretiri19:     hi
HAHA I MADE IT:     yeah, that's why you were doing it
Joeybear4yall:     nope
HAHA I MADE IT:     the only reason
HAHA I MADE IT:     because you're supposed to, damnit
Nefretiri19:     ok
Nefretiri19:     um
Cflilcutie:     wuz up room
HAHA I MADE IT:     shut the hell up Nef
Nefretiri19:     what haha
Nefretiri19:     what are you going to do about it
TmOARsk8er:     whatup
HAHA I MADE IT:     can't you read?
Psypher69365:     a/s/l/pic check all
Omardottcom:     i have a brand new still in the box (2003)  MA Audio amp.  model hk401sx, 1800 watts, one channel, it's either 1 ohm, or .5 ohm stable. selling for $350 (retails for $479,look online & see) anyone interested? Im me or email  me
HAHA I MADE IT:     do as you
Nefretiri19:     huh
HAHA I MADE IT:     're told
HAHA I MADE IT:     hooch
Nefretiri19:     thats what i thought
Psypher69365:     n e girls wanna chat with a 18/m ne type 365 or im me
Nefretiri19:     skank
Cflilcutie:     psypher asl plz
HAHA I MADE IT:     cumguzzling gutterwhore
Nefretiri19:     what ever
Nefretiri19:     lets see
SccrChrm8:     365
Psypher69365:     18/m/ne
Nefretiri19:     if you can back up
Nefretiri19:     what you say
Nefretiri19:     come on
Cflilcutie:     do u got pics?
Psypher69365:     sup sccr
SccrChrm8:     nw 18/f soocer player
Psypher69365:     nope sorry
SccrChrm8:     nothing do have a pic
HAHA I MADE IT:     ok bitch, i'll come over and beat your ass
Psypher69365:     nope sorry
TmOARsk8er:     hi there
TmOARsk8er:     come here often
Nefretiri19:     what ever i kick you stupid skanky ass
TmOARsk8er:     lol
Nefretiri19:     i am not afraid
Nefretiri19:     you should be though
HAHA I MADE IT:     give me your address cunt
Cle6002:     lol
TmOARsk8er:     short bus
Nefretiri19:     no lets meet at the park
Nefretiri19:     and youll know pain
HAHA I MADE IT:     ok, travis park downtown
TheManHasSkillz:     lol
Cflilcutie:     n e hot MeXicans have pics?holla @ me '
Nefretiri19:     pecan the cops cant see very good in the woods
Cle6002:     come on now ladies
HAHA I MADE IT:     just to warn you
HAHA I MADE IT:     i fight dirty
Nefretiri19:     oh
HAHA I MADE IT:     ill kick you in the tit
Sexyjess635:     HEY NE HOT N SEXY GUYS FROM 18-22 OR GURLS FROM 18-22 GOT PIX ....IF SO HIT UP 999
Nefretiri19:     i dont care
Nefretiri19:     i can take pain
HAHA I MADE IT:     you will
Cflilcutie:     press567
HAHA I MADE IT:     trust me
Nefretiri19:     you should see my battle scars
Nefretiri19:     i have alot
HAHA I MADE IT:     no, you should see mine
Nefretiri19:     how many you got
Nefretiri19:     i have
Cflilcutie:     there aint no hot mexicans in here or what
Nefretiri19:     26
Joeybear4yall:     Playin DMX - Hows It Going Down
Nefretiri19:     short and long slashes
HAHA I MADE IT:     that's not so important, it's how big the ones i have are
Nefretiri19:     i should also tell you for your own safety
Cflilcutie:     lol
Joeybear4yall:     nef you m or f?
Nefretiri19:     that in high school they called me the destoyer
Nefretiri19:     no too many wierdos like haha
HAHA I MADE IT:     i don't give a shit
HAHA I MADE IT:     well, looks like i'm going to sink your destroyer..
Cflilcutie:     i kno no guys r in here cause they aint answerin us
HAHA I MADE IT:     i'll kick your ass anyway
Nefretiri19:     what ever they also called me xean
Cflilcutie:     im outs
Nefretiri19:     xean
Nefretiri19:     xena
Nefretiri19:     dam this
HAHA I MADE IT:     i don't give a figgity fuck
Nefretiri19:     what ever you talk
Nefretiri19:     but i fight
HAHA I MADE IT:     they're gonna call you in the hospital when i get through with you
Nefretiri19:     i like pain
Joeybear4yall:     catfight
Nitrojon16:     u dont fight
HAHA I MADE IT:     oh, dont worry
HAHA I MADE IT:     i'll make it hurt REAL good
Nefretiri19:     i mostly tear flesh
Nitrojon16:     lol
Kristyna2003K:     hey 21/f with pics
Kristyna2003K:     click here to see my pics
Nefretiri19:     then to make it worse pack it with salt
Kristyna2003K:     ok bye  :(
Nefretiri19:     for that extra burning sensation
Nefretiri19:     ha ha ha
HAHA I MADE IT:     you could only do that to me
HAHA I MADE IT:     if i let you
TECNOFUNK20003:     hey 21/female !!
TECNOFUNK20003:     click here to see my pics
Nefretiri19:     oh i hope that you will still be awake to feel it though
TECNOFUNK20003:     :)   {S ygp
HAHA I MADE IT:     now shut up and get back to cleaning
Nefretiri19:     what
Nefretiri19:     i dont really need to i dont make much of a mess
HAHA I MADE IT:     d-d-d-did i stutter?
Nefretiri19:     its ok most idiots do
Nefretiri19:     ha ha ha
HAHA I MADE IT:     then go clean your neighbor's house, you're still on the clock
Nefretiri19:     what ever
Joeybear4yall:     gotta love people that are wasted online
HAHA I MADE IT:     hehehe
Nefretiri19:     i never get wasted
HAHA I MADE IT:     you are a waste
Chopnheds4u:     18/f  and 19/m   both bi anyone wanna 3 sum
Joeybear4yall:     i do
Nefretiri19:     whatever crack baby

i check her profile:

Name:     Jessica J. Nite
Location:    San Antonio, Texas
Sex:    Female
Marital Status:    Single
Hobbies & Interests:    Fighting, playing video games, fishing swiming and body boarding and boogie boarding. Watching horror movies and drawing anime and any regular art
Favorite Gadgets:    The remote control
Occupation:    Finding out who I will become in the world and if it would make and impact on it.
Personal Quote:     "Everyone must follow the path of their own   destiny, for I know that I have my own."
in the room i tell her that i'm living up to her personal quote and i tell her im going to send her my stuff.  i go outside and smoke a cigarette, come back and accidentally sent her a mail twice:

 HAHA I MADE IT:  my bad, sent it twice
 Nefretiri19:  its ok hey you wanna become a writer   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm a liver
 HAHA I MADE IT:  all my stuff is true
 Nefretiri19:  ok l   
 Nefretiri19:  let me read some more   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i have tons more, if you like
 Nefretiri19:  cool   
 Nefretiri19:  yeah i like   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm going to go smoke a cigarette
 Nefretiri19:  ok   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  brbin10minorless
 Nefretiri19:  ok   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  what do you think so far?
 Nefretiri19:  well what did you do to get stuck in jail   
 Nefretiri19:  i mean whoa   
 Nefretiri19:  and plan your suicide   
 Nefretiri19:  whats up with that   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you asked me if i wanted to become a writer.  do you have any resources you can offer me?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  read the story
 Nefretiri19:  well your missing the whole after affect of whats the reason that you are behind bars   
 Nefretiri19:  what cause you to get aressted   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  wups, your absolutely right
 HAHA I MADE IT:  let me fix that..
 Nefretiri19:  and put you into that whole puts you in the whole scenario   
 Nefretiri19:  i mean places you into that scenario   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  wait, no i had it right the first time
 HAHA I MADE IT:  read the very last paragraphs, starting with YEAH!!
 Nefretiri19:  ok i have finished but i am near the end hold on   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it's all in chronological-order..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm an open book
 Nefretiri19:  i think that you should have started with the whole plan first    
 HAHA I MADE IT:  patience, my dear jessica..
 Nefretiri19:  you see most stories do start in the with the scenario in which has the problem and is currently trying to fix  it   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i am current up till yesterday
 Nefretiri19:  well there are many ways to write this story you just have to find the one that suits you    
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there is only one way to write this story
 HAHA I MADE IT:  the truth
 Nefretiri19:  yeah   
 Nefretiri19:  sound very much like it   
 Nefretiri19:  but wheres the adjectives   
 Nefretiri19:  you need more detail   
 Nefretiri19:  what did you friends look like    
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i revise them every so often
 Nefretiri19:  how did it make you feel when your mother did not aswer the phone   
 Nefretiri19:  etc..............   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it's all in there
 Nefretiri19:  i am currently working on a novel and a sreen play   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i describe plenty
 HAHA I MADE IT:  do you burn?
 Nefretiri19:  burn what   
 Nefretiri19:  i dont have a cd burner   
 Nefretiri19:  if thats what you mean   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ok, let me be politically-correct
 Nefretiri19:  ok   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  do you smoke marijuana?
 Nefretiri19:  no   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  darn
 Nefretiri19:  did you attend high school in san antonio   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  have you/would you ever again?
 Nefretiri19:  never have i   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i graduated from marshall in 96
 Nefretiri19:  i went to the most ghetto school in sa   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  sunset high school to be specific
 Nefretiri19:  burbank   
 Nefretiri19:  where the girls and whores and people smoke everyday   
 Nefretiri19:  so i have always wanted more   
 Nefretiri19:  in this life   
 Nefretiri19:  than to be stuck in a situation   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i have so much other stuff, let me send as much as can..the pigs still have my hard drive
 Nefretiri19:  of pregnant and bare foot   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i feel it's imperative that we meet..
 Nefretiri19:  why   
 Nefretiri19:  i dont really know you yet   
 Nefretiri19:  come on   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you might just be able to help me save the world..
 Nefretiri19:  for all i know you could be the guy who follows me when i jog   
 Nefretiri19:  save the world   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'll send you all my stuff
 HAHA I MADE IT:  get to know me
 Nefretiri19:  ok   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  like i said, i'm an open book
 Nefretiri19:  when i finish writing stuff   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  at your discretion, of course
 Nefretiri19:  the world will look at life in a whole different point of view   
 Nefretiri19:  of course   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i've got some big plans..
 Nefretiri19:  such as   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it's simple evolution
 Nefretiri19:  like    
 Nefretiri19:  evolution that must be big   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and it's my generation and younger that agree with me and dont think i'm crazy
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm 25
 Nefretiri19:  youre not some pyschotic zealot right   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  the way i see it, there's more of us than there are of them..
 Nefretiri19:  of who   
 Nefretiri19:  may i ask   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  more young people.  i say let's kill the ignorance in this world and make our planet better for the next generations
 HAHA I MADE IT:  that will be here after we die..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  how far have you read about my west coast trip?
 Nefretiri19:  come on then it would just be as syboite circle    
 Nefretiri19:  one generation killing another   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  say what?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  nobody needs to die..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and my daily logs will be proof, in black and white
 Nefretiri19:  thats what you said   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  do you like to walk?
 Nefretiri19:  ok   
 Nefretiri19:  i like to walk   
 Nefretiri19:  yeah   
 Nefretiri19:  but the thing is that ingorance is every where   
 Nefretiri19:  you cant fight it   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  do you like to hike?  outdoors?
 Nefretiri19:  yeah   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  kickass
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i can fight it
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i've figured out a way
 Nefretiri19:  i think that what makes intelligent people superior    
 Nefretiri19:  compared to well ignorant people   
 Nefretiri19:  what if the next future generation    
 Nefretiri19:  wants to kill you for smoking weed   
 Nefretiri19:  and then you become a wanted man   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  listen, it's been made obvious to me, give me the chance to convince you
 Nefretiri19:  ok   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  read my stuff
 Nefretiri19:  but i dont easily sway away from my beliefs   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  about how i took off walking to california from san antonio
 Nefretiri19:  well that just mainly is symbolism of injustice and irony   
 Nefretiri19:  and on how the world can be sometimes cruel   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it's not that i want to make everyone like me, i want to give people the ultimate freedom, the chance to be like themselves
 Nefretiri19:  i am myself   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and you have every right to be
 Nefretiri19:  i would change for no one   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  everyone does
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i guess you can call me the Liberator
 Nefretiri19:  the thing is no one is truely patriotic   
 Nefretiri19:  something always influences   
 Nefretiri19:  such as parents    
 Nefretiri19:  the schools   
 Nefretiri19:  and etc.........   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  because with the internet, i'm going to eliminate money, make everything free and bring world peace, as well as stop this way
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm going to get rid of cars in big cities and save the ozone layer...
 Nefretiri19:  that would be a very hard battle to win   
 Nefretiri19:  this city was once good   
 Nefretiri19:  and pure    
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm going to get marijuana legalized and chill everybody out
 Nefretiri19:  now its disgusting and evil   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  san antonio is my hometown.  i will always return here
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it's my town
 HAHA I MADE IT:  antonio is my middle name
 Nefretiri19:  and how do you know it the weed does not affect your judgement   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  because my thc-induced mind is giving me the best judgement in the world
 HAHA I MADE IT:  so you see, it does effect my judgement
 HAHA I MADE IT:  but in a good way
 Nefretiri19:  i had a friend who like to smoke   
 Nefretiri19:  her father   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you'll like to smoke when everyone else is happy
 Nefretiri19:  an architect and commissoner of texas   
 Nefretiri19:  she is a wreck   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i worked for an architect in bulverde for 5 months, until my car broke down
 Nefretiri19:  really   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  man, i have so many stories to tell you
 Nefretiri19:  did he detect anything   
 Nefretiri19:  i have many stories and adventures   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  he was smoking it with me
 Nefretiri19:  like the time i almost ran over my sisters teacher mine as well   
 Nefretiri19:  with a go cart   
 Nefretiri19:  with no wheels   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  we really should have a little mind-melding session
 Nefretiri19:  sparks flew   
 Nefretiri19:  people screamed   
 Nefretiri19:  i crashed   
 Nefretiri19:  i left the scene   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  what side of town do you live on?
 Nefretiri19:  in high school i was like the only person who was never caught skipping   
 Nefretiri19:  i live near down town   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  where about downtown?
 Nefretiri19:  i was like solid snake   
 Nefretiri19:  by bill millers on probanty   
 Nefretiri19:  probant   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  do you ever ride the bus?
 Nefretiri19:  no   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  would you?
 Nefretiri19:  i dont know   
 Nefretiri19:  dont know the routes   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  would you with me?
 Nefretiri19:  for what   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i want to show you around
 Nefretiri19:  i live in san antonio   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  so do i
 Nefretiri19:  i am from here as well   
 Nefretiri19:  born and raised   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you've never been to these places
 Nefretiri19:  man i wanna go to a movie   
 Nefretiri19:  what places   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  really cool places
 Nefretiri19:  like   
 Nefretiri19:  tell me   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  everywhere
 Nefretiri19:  i bet i have been there   
 Nefretiri19:  everywhere thats me   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  care to put your money where your mouth is?
 Nefretiri19:  huh   
 Nefretiri19:  like   
 Nefretiri19:  come on   
 Nefretiri19:  try me   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i find cool places all the time
 Nefretiri19:  like grave yards and ha
 Nefretiri19:  haunted stuff   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  if i ever take you somewhere where i think you haven't been and it turns out you have, i will give you $100
 Nefretiri19:  $ 100 bucks sounds like bait   
 Nefretiri19:  to me   
 Nefretiri19:  hmmmmmmm   
 Nefretiri19:  hey   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you've got a great sense of humor
 Nefretiri19:  there are alot mojos who follow me   
 Nefretiri19:  thats not funny   
 Nefretiri19:  i get harassed alot when i walk two miles   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it's not like i'm trying to bust a mack or anything
 Nefretiri19:  every day   
 Nefretiri19:  i know but    
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i just have some really cool shit to show someone
 Nefretiri19:  come on a 100 bucks   
 Nefretiri19:  like   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i was totally kidding
 Nefretiri19:  right   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i don't have $100 bucks
 Nefretiri19:  well that sounds alot more truthful   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm trying to get rid of money here..
 Nefretiri19:  just kidding   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i don't need $100  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  just joking
 Nefretiri19:  i could always use money   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it's not necessary for a good life
 Nefretiri19:  i know   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it is human-nature to be generous
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and money is the root of all evil
 HAHA I MADE IT:  just think, if things didn't possess a monetary-value, would people steal?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and if they do it would happen so much less
 Nefretiri19:  man i guess i am either going to river center or mccrelless   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and the things stolen could be easily replaced if everything was free
 Nefretiri19:  i wanna see a movie   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hey, what kind of internet connection do you have?
 Nefretiri19:  dial up   
 Nefretiri19:  i think   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  damn
 Nefretiri19:  yeah   
 Nefretiri19:  it is   
 Nefretiri19:  why   
 Nefretiri19:  i dont chat much   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  if you had a cable modem or dsl, i could just download movies
 Nefretiri19:  too many wierdo   
 Nefretiri19:  online   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  like new movies still in theaters
 HAHA I MADE IT:  sometimes before they're even released
 Nefretiri19:  man for some odd reason i wanna see chicago   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  let's go traveling
 Nefretiri19:  to where   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  where the wind takes us..
 Nefretiri19:  i like the song i am the wind   
 Nefretiri19:  thats a nice song   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  never heard it
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hey, can i send you a song?
 Nefretiri19:  its from a game   
 Nefretiri19:  sure   
 Nefretiri19:  so are you a guy   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  yeah
 HAHA I MADE IT:  25mnw
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there, sent you my pic
 Nefretiri19:  ok let me see   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i look different now, it's like a year old
 Nefretiri19:  nice   
 Nefretiri19:  i like pets too   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i miss my stuart
 HAHA I MADE IT:  my bitch exgirlfriend stole him away to florida
 Nefretiri19:  what thats sick   
 Nefretiri19:  i would sue her   
 Nefretiri19:  and get on the tv show animal court well i have to go now   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  no, no..i let her, she's just a thief and so i always says she steals stuff
 Nefretiri19:  listen i add to my buddy list   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'll get him back someday, when after i save the world and have my own place
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ok, you too
 Nefretiri19:  and i gotta go now ok bye   
 Nefretiri19:  chat with you laters   
 Nefretiri19:  bye   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  peace sister
 Nefretiri19:  ok peace   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  in the middle east

remember to join the tw

 SidharthaOwnsYou:  ffffffrrrraaaud  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm busy talking to two chicks getting my friend laid
 SidharthaOwnsYou:  lol

 SEXi Chels 17:  a/s/l/p   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  are you iming me because of my profile?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  because i'm the pal that made the screen name
 HAHA I MADE IT:  if you want to fuck, i'll tell carlos..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  so, whatta ya say?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  carlos works out and he's all buff
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and what the girls tell me, he'll fuck your brains out
 HAHA I MADE IT:  just some nice safe, responsible fun
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hey, we're only human, right?
 SEXi Chels 17:  lol what lol sorry i was talkin to sister   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and it would be the coolest shit in the world if i got my friend carlos laid through aol..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  actually, he just called me right now to tell me to get off his account
 SEXi Chels 17:  ok   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i told him, "dude, i'm going to get you laid.  let me stay on as long as i want."
 HAHA I MADE IT:   he told me, "you can't get me laid.  you can't talk to girls."
 Auto response from SEXi Chels 17:  WENT TO GO SEE MY NEW NIECE AT HOSPITAL :)
 HAHA I MADE IT:  he told me to give him 30 minutes
 HAHA I MADE IT: would be awesome if i got carlos a 17 year old to fuck off aol..

HoityToity Diana:     victor!
HoityToity Diana:     guess what... I saw you walking again!
HoityToity Diana:     i saw this guy with a rainbow hat and a vest
HoityToity Diana:     we were driving by... and i was like... hey that victor again...
HoityToity Diana:     neat
HAHA I MADE IT:     yeah, i was wearing my "me" shirt
HAHA I MADE IT:     one of the best thrift store scores i've ever made..
HoityToity Diana:     haha
HoityToity Diana:     i was like... hmm should i give him a ride...
HAHA I MADE IT:     and when i got back from the west coast..i went back to that thrift store and found me
HAHA I MADE IT:     get this
HoityToity Diana:     then ... was like... i dunnoo.... looks kinda scary with that lil hat
HAHA I MADE IT:     ANOTHER independance shirt..
LaidBackJack:     Bowling for Soup
Sweetnhotgurl20:     anyone wanna chat 18/f press 3434
HoityToity Diana:     neat
HAHA I MADE IT:     that has this picture of this dude with glasses and a goatee sitting on a lawn chair
HoityToity Diana:     what thrift store do you go to?
XDestinedgtrstX:     your a freak you know this andrew
HoityToity Diana:     i like the one by ingram
LaidBackJack:     why's that?
HAHA I MADE IT:     and the caption says, "it's about independance, dude."
HoityToity Diana:     neat
XDestinedgtrstX:     bowling for soup'
XDestinedgtrstX:     freak
HAHA I MADE IT:     and he's holding an american flag
LaidBackJack:     independence
MS803:     sup room 24  f  ss
LaidBackJack:     *shrugs*
HoityToity Diana:     its crazy that ive seen you two times!!!!
HAHA I MADE IT:     thats the second shirt i've gotten at the same thrift store..
HAHA I MADE IT:     fo' free
HoityToity Diana:     neat
Rmartinez376:     hello
XDestinedgtrstX:     damn i wish i was seen twice
LaidBackJack:     why does everyone bitch about independence?
XDestinedgtrstX:     im never seen by anyone
HAHA I MADE IT:     i made friends with the manager olivia
HoityToity Diana:     i dont know what you look like dan
XDestinedgtrstX:     and i see everyone
HAHA I MADE IT:     and she gives me free shit all the time
HoityToity Diana:     which one victor?!
XDestinedgtrstX:     im like " hey there is my dream girl !!!!!"
HAHA I MADE IT:     before, she gave me a badass antique couch
XDestinedgtrstX:     and she leaves
LaidBackJack:     awwww, poor Dan
XDestinedgtrstX:     yeah
HAHA I MADE IT:     texas thrift store
XDestinedgtrstX:     its kewl
HoityToity Diana:     on ingram?
XDestinedgtrstX:     cause i follow her home
HoityToity Diana:     or the one on fredricksburg?
XDestinedgtrstX:     to her bf's 3 story house
HAHA I MADE IT:     on gardina, close to vj
XDestinedgtrstX:     damnit !!!!!!!!!1
HAHA I MADE IT:     and fred
HoityToity Diana:     yeah!
HoityToity Diana:     i like that one
HAHA I MADE IT:     it's the best
XDestinedgtrstX:     :: fixes hair ::
LaidBackJack:     i dont think i've ever been to a thrift store
XDestinedgtrstX:     im kewl
HAHA I MADE IT:     yeah, that's cool you saw me yesterday..
HAHA I MADE IT:     what a coinkidink
HoityToity Diana:     ive found some old shirts that i used to have
HoityToity Diana:     and i was thinking... whatever happen to this shirt
HAHA I MADE IT:     here, lemme send you my log for yesterday
MS803:     any  guys in ss  wanna  chat
HoityToity Diana:     and contemplate about buying it back
HoityToity Diana:     ok
HoityToity Diana:     i doubt you notice our car
Humanpowertool21:     whats up room?
HoityToity Diana:     it was a tan el camino
LaidBackJack:     lmao @ the road
XDestinedgtrstX:     ive seen a tan el camino
XILLBURPLAYGURLX:     16 f ne pix
HoityToity Diana:     neat
XDestinedgtrstX:     but it wasnt you
HoityToity Diana:     are you sure?
XDestinedgtrstX:     unless your a man and jon is gay
HoityToity Diana:     hmmm,
HAHA I MADE IT:     nope
HoityToity Diana:     well i dont drive
HAHA I MADE IT:     don't remember
HoityToity Diana:     so it would have to be jon
HAHA I MADE IT:     where did you see me?
XDestinedgtrstX:     saw too guys in a tan el camino
HoityToity Diana:     sitting at the bus stop
XDestinedgtrstX:     all hugged up freaky like
HAHA I MADE IT:     which one
HoityToity Diana:     hahahhaa no no dan
HAHA I MADE IT:     fredericksburg?
XDestinedgtrstX:     thats what im saying
HoityToity Diana:     umm near
XDestinedgtrstX:     unless .......
HoityToity Diana:     on fredricksburg
XDestinedgtrstX:     jon has a gay lover !!!!!!
HoityToity Diana:     but
HAHA I MADE IT:     over on fred close to callaghan?
XDestinedgtrstX:     :: runs to bathroom to throw up ::
HoityToity Diana:     like near....yeah!
HoityToity Diana:     exactly
HAHA I MADE IT:     teehee
HoityToity Diana:     jon does not have a gay lover!
HoityToity Diana:     and if he did...
HAHA I MADE IT:     i was all stoned waiting for the bus
HoityToity Diana:     it would be ok
HAHA I MADE IT:     and traffic was all backed up
HoityToity Diana:     yeah you look like youre were in deep thought
HoityToity Diana:     yup!
HAHA I MADE IT:     i bet a lot of people saw hippie-vic at the bus stop that day
HAHA I MADE IT:     as people were driving by, i would give them the peace sign
HoityToity Diana:     its just crazy that i saw you again
HoityToity Diana:     havent seen you in like 5 years
HAHA I MADE IT:     i got the weirdest looks
HAHA I MADE IT:     hehe
HoityToity Diana:     and then BAM!
HoityToity Diana:     three weeks seen you 2 times
HAHA I MADE IT:     yeah, weird, wacky stuff
HoityToity Diana:     were you coming from west?
XDestinedgtrstX:     man i wanna see that dude that said houston was gonna take it this year
XDestinedgtrstX:     ima slap him for being stupid
HoityToity Diana:     dan.. you and bitch slapping people
HAHA I MADE IT:     no, i had been hiking in medical center from wurzbach/i10
XDestinedgtrstX:     yeah
XDestinedgtrstX:     i know
HAHA I MADE IT:     i had so much fun yesterday
HoityToity Diana:     what for?
HAHA I MADE IT:     why not?
HoityToity Diana:     true
XDestinedgtrstX:     damnit im hungry and its only 925
HAHA I MADE IT:     i was going to school, that's how i learn
HAHA I MADE IT:     the coolest shit happens to me everyday, just because i walk around
HoityToity Diana:     well eat breakfast dan
HoityToity Diana:     go to IHOP

HoityToity Diana:     victor!
HoityToity Diana:     guess what... I saw you walking again!
HoityToity Diana:     i saw this guy with a rainbow hat and a vest
HoityToity Diana:     we were driving by... and i was like... hey that victor again...
HoityToity Diana:     neat
HAHA I MADE IT:     one of the best thrift store scores i've ever made..
HoityToity Diana:     haha
HoityToity Diana:     i was like... hmm should i give him a ride...
HAHA I MADE IT:     and when i got back from the west coast..i went back to that thrift store and found me
HAHA I MADE IT:     get this
HoityToity Diana:     then ... was like... i dunnoo.... looks kinda scary with that lil hat
HAHA I MADE IT:     ANOTHER independance shirt..
LaidBackJack:     Bowling for Soup
Sweetnhotgurl20:     anyone wanna chat 18/f press 3434
HoityToity Diana:     neat
HAHA I MADE IT:     that has this picture of this dude with glasses and a goatee sitting on a lawn chair
HoityToity Diana:     what thrift store do you go to?
XDestinedgtrstX:     your a freak you know this andrew
HoityToity Diana:     i like the one by ingram
LaidBackJack:     why's that?
HAHA I MADE IT:     and the caption says, "it's about independance, man"
HoityToity Diana:     neat
XDestinedgtrstX:     bowling for soup'
XDestinedgtrstX:     freak
HAHA I MADE IT:     and he's holding an american flag
LaidBackJack:     independence
MS803:     sup room 24  f  ss
LaidBackJack:     *shrugs*
HoityToity Diana:     its crazy that ive seen you two times!!!!
HAHA I MADE IT:     thats the second shirt i've gotten at the same thrift store..
HAHA I MADE IT:     fo' free
HoityToity Diana:     neat
Rmartinez376:     hello
XDestinedgtrstX:     damn i wish i was seen twice
LaidBackJack:     why does everyone bitch about independence?
XDestinedgtrstX:     im never seen by anyone
HAHA I MADE IT:     i made friends with the manager olivia
HoityToity Diana:     i dont know what you look like dan
XDestinedgtrstX:     and i see everyone
HAHA I MADE IT:     and she gives me free shit all the time
HoityToity Diana:     which one victor?!
XDestinedgtrstX:     im like " hey there is my dream girl !!!!!"
HAHA I MADE IT:     before, she gave me a badass antique couch
XDestinedgtrstX:     and she leaves
LaidBackJack:     awwww, poor Dan
XDestinedgtrstX:     yeah
HAHA I MADE IT:     texas thrift store
XDestinedgtrstX:     its kewl
HoityToity Diana:     on ingram?
XDestinedgtrstX:     cause i follow her home
HoityToity Diana:     or the one on fredricksburg?
XDestinedgtrstX:     to her bf's 3 story house
HAHA I MADE IT:     on gardina, close to vj
XDestinedgtrstX:     damnit !!!!!!!!!1
HAHA I MADE IT:     and fred
HoityToity Diana:     yeah!
HoityToity Diana:     i like that one
HAHA I MADE IT:     it's the best
XDestinedgtrstX:     :: fixes hair ::
LaidBackJack:     i dont think i've ever been to a thrift store
XDestinedgtrstX:     im kewl
HAHA I MADE IT:     yeah, that's cool you saw me yesterday..
HAHA I MADE IT:     what a coinkidink
HoityToity Diana:     ive found some old shirts that i used to have
HoityToity Diana:     and i was thinking... whatever happen to this shirt
HAHA I MADE IT:     here, lemme send you my log for yesterday
MS803:     any  guys in ss  wanna  chat
HoityToity Diana:     and contemplate about buying it back
HoityToity Diana:     ok
HoityToity Diana:     i doubt you notice our car
Humanpowertool21:     whats up room?
HoityToity Diana:     it was a tan el camino
LaidBackJack:     lmao @ the road
XDestinedgtrstX:     ive seen a tan el camino
XILLBURPLAYGURLX:     16 f ne pix
HoityToity Diana:     neat
XDestinedgtrstX:     but it wasnt you
HoityToity Diana:     are you sure?
XDestinedgtrstX:     unless your a man and jon is gay
HoityToity Diana:     hmmm,
HAHA I MADE IT:     nope
HoityToity Diana:     well i dont drive
HAHA I MADE IT:     don't remember
HoityToity Diana:     so it would have to be jon
HAHA I MADE IT:     where did you see me?
XDestinedgtrstX:     saw too guys in a tan el camino
HoityToity Diana:     sitting at the bus stop
XDestinedgtrstX:     all hugged up freaky like
HAHA I MADE IT:     which one
HoityToity Diana:     hahahhaa no no dan
HAHA I MADE IT:     fredericksburg?
XDestinedgtrstX:     thats what im saying
HoityToity Diana:     umm near
XDestinedgtrstX:     unless .......
HoityToity Diana:     on fredricksburg
XDestinedgtrstX:     jon has a gay lover !!!!!!
HoityToity Diana:     but
HAHA I MADE IT:     over on fred close to callaghan?
XDestinedgtrstX:     :: runs to bathroom to throw up ::
HoityToity Diana:     like near....yeah!
HoityToity Diana:     exactly
HAHA I MADE IT:     teehee
HoityToity Diana:     jon does not have a gay lover!
HoityToity Diana:     and if he did...
HAHA I MADE IT:     i was all stoned waiting for the bus
HoityToity Diana:     it would be ok
HAHA I MADE IT:     and traffic was all backed up
HoityToity Diana:     yeah you look like youre were in deep thought
HoityToity Diana:     yup!
HAHA I MADE IT:     i bet a lot of people saw hippie-vic at the bus stop that day
HAHA I MADE IT:     as people were driving by, i would give them the peace sign
HoityToity Diana:     its just crazy that i saw you again
HoityToity Diana:     havent seen you in like 5 years
HAHA I MADE IT:     i got the weirdest looks
HAHA I MADE IT:     hehe
HoityToity Diana:     and then BAM!
HoityToity Diana:     three weeks seen you 2 times
HAHA I MADE IT:     yeah, weird, wacky stuff

* Now talking in #sanantonio
* Topic is ',,30000-12275571,00.html <- d0pe'
* Set by fryz on Wed Mar 26 00:19:02
<dammit> top of the mornin'
<dammit> whoa cool, i haven't seen an op in this room for a couple days now..
<dammit> the victor-effect is being felt already
<dammit> i'm going to make everyone equal
<dammit> hehe, i'm all stoned
<dammit> :P


Next day..

Back to March

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