

 Tuesday April 2, 2024

1:41pm  Until Today entry for the day.

Tita:  "I am willing to acknowledge I must pay more attention to the messages I receive from my life."

Are you listening to your life?  Are you listening to the subtle messages contained in every condition, situation, and relationship in your life right now?  In which area of your life are you having difficulty?  Do you understand what your difficulties are saying to you and about you?  If you are talking back to the difficulties in your life, are you being offensive or defensive?

Is your life telling you that it will always be this way?  Or do you hear that it is time to let go and move on?  In what areas of your life have you discovered energy leaks?  A scarcity of resources?  Repetitive motions that result in little or no advancement?  Perhaps your life is showing you that you are struggling with all of the wrong things, for all the wrong reasons.  Is your life peaceful?  Fulfilling?  Rewarding?  Or is it strained?  Draining?  

Your life is always talking to you.  Sometimes we listen to our lives and pay very close attention to what they are saying to us and, more important, about us.  Then there are those times when we do not know how to hear what we hear.  We do not know how to do what we know we must to change the dialogue of our lives.

When the conditions of your life are not peaceful and abundant; when the relationships in your life are not harmonious and fulfilling; when you do not feel good about yourself, what you are doing, and where you are headed, it becomes quite obvious to everyone that you are not a good listener!

Until today, you may not have taken the time to listen to your life.  You may be avoiding what your life is saying about the adjustments and improvements you need to make.  Just for today make it a point to sit down and listen to your life.  Listen to every experience, situation, condition in your life and be willing to respond as a good listener would.

Today I am devoted to listening to what my life is saying.  I am committed to making the adjustments that are needed!

5:31pm  Tita is doing her version of Tarot.  Her divination cards.

Tita:  "Victor, shuffle them.  Try to keep them in the same order.  There's a right and wrong way.  Just keep shuffling them.  Start thinking of a question you want to ask.  Okay, now cut it in half."

Victor:  Alright, go.

Tita:  What's your question?  Just close your eyes and think of a question and keep it in mind.

Victor:  Will there be world peace in my lifetime?

Tita:  So this is the answer.  This has to do with your soul's purpose.  

Victor:  The first card is a blue purpose card.  It says Master Teacher.  

Tita:  So that's who is bringing you the lesson.  His message is you are on your purpose, which is bringing peace to the world, to bring balance as we have reviewed.  According to Fawn Journeyhawk that is a role for your life.  You are here to bring balance to the world.  That is part of what you are here to do.  Will there be world peace?  There will be death first.  There has to be death to welcome the new life.


Victor:  The second card is Death.  

Tita:  The people that are sick already will die sooner than before.  It's going to quicken.  It's an in-between time.  It's a cause for celebration.  Some things will have to be destroyed.  Like my dad had to leave.  He was weak and he didn't have power on his own.  We saw what happened when he was left alone.  Just like I feel about you sometimes.  He needed an advocate, he needed somebody else.  He was too nice, too giving, too generous.  Or, he didn't think of the risks.  He wanted to do things because they were fun.  Not considering, hey, am I the right age to be doing this.  Not thinking things through well, right?  

Anyway, countries that are on the brink of collapse are going to be collapsing.  This is the changing of the guard we are seeing.  That's been causing a lot of suffering.  

Tita:  And the last card is Celebration.  My interpretation is that this process has already happened for a lot of people.  This is the ascension.  What is my purpose?  You have to remember how Covid helped define a lot of purposes.  I already knew my purpose was to help my father.  And when I met you, you were living the retired life.  You thought your purpose was to enjoy the end of days.  You thought the end was so close that you might as well go out and enjoy the time you have left.

Victor:  Feeling sooo blessed to be living in that paradisiacal environment in the woods.  

Tita:  Yeah, but as far as life, you had kind of given up on a mission.  You were retired and having fun jetting around on your scooters.  

Victor:  Yes, I had actively stopped working on my mission.  I stopped being as obsessed as I used to be.  

Tita:  It was still part of your life, but you stopped living it.  You stopped dedicating yourself the way you had in the past.  See, at the end of all of this, what is our purpose?  We are here as volunteers, you and I.  What has to happen in this transition?  The death of older people, old ideals, of the old institutions, of the old world.  The Baby Boomers probably are the ones going out.  

Victor:  The materialistic world.  

Tita:  Yes, the 3D world, the status world, the world of illusion.

Victor:  Maya.

Tita:  So there will be suffering and there has been suffering, even since Covid, a lot of people didn't have to die.  We have to clean up.  We are the trash collectors, sort of.  People like you and me are here to envision what the future is going to be like.  

Victor:  Yup, show the way.

Tita:  We will be celebrating at the end of it all.  I was celebrating around new years.  I was all happy I was going to get the house sold and keep it in the family and pay Victor back.  Then this time-lag and zero communication, then the stress, not sleeping.  Then talking to your dad and worried about what he's saying, how's he reacting to you and now you are both upset.  

Victor:  I've got a huge grin on my face.  :]

Tita:  Yeah, but it was heavy duty at first.  You were not happy.  

Victor:  It was a big roller coaster thinking I finally had a father who listened.

Tita:  From the beginning you were intending to trap him.  You were not wanting reconciliation.

Victor:  I was testing him to see if he had or would learn something from his thrown away son, and he HAS NOT.  He has gotten even dumber.  If his dumbass would've passed any of my tests, things would be totally different.  But he failed them all.  He can kiss my ass now.  The motherfucking nerve of that little man.

Tita:  But he's also getting closer to the end.  He may be one of the old guard that leaves within the next couple of years.

Victor:  I will welcome his passing then.  He needs to get the fuck out of the way and leave a decent world for his children.  WE ARE IN CHARGE NOW.

Tita:  You have nothing you want to tell him while he is still on this plane?  You could always tell him after he dies.  

Victor:  Nothing I haven't already told him on my blog.  Basically, thanks for the abasolute nothing he gave me.  Biology doesn't make a man either.  Oh yeah, sit on it and rotate! :P

6:59pm  I just got done flying my sign on my corner.  Just one hookup after like ten minutes and I got hooked up with handfulls, like four eighths worth of homegrown weed by Mikey, this cool Mexican dude who supplies Phenos, the best pot shop in town!  

        Just like that!  I hadn't even flipped my sign yet and he was calling me over.    It's the shirt, of course.  I was just standing there holding all this weed in my hands, some was falling on the curb even.  Mikey gives me a little pouch and I was able to jam it all in there.  Then I crossed the street and walked over to Tita who was watching in front of the Jack in the Box.  In a measly ten minutes I had like a hundred bucks worth of weed!  

Damn, I should've told him to come back around and I would give him a shirt! Damn, hindsight!  Next time!'  I got hooked up so phat!  That's all I need!  Premium, dank, crystally typing fuel!  And a shitload of it!  My blog is going to be flying soon with all this inspiration in a bag I just got!

Oh yeah, and I replaced all my havethesejokes blog tapes with ones!  Like on the bus bench in front of the church there and all the other spots at my corner.  Another ten minutes at the office!

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