


Gulfport, FL

Thursday April 3, 2008

     9:14am  Let's see, I woke up around nine this morning. I forgot to set my watch before I went to bed. This drunk annoying guy named was here last night. I don't remember his name, but he wouldn't listen to my story at all. He wouldn't shut the hell up. Even after people were trying to get to sleep he stayed up talking to himself. He got on all of our nerves. Hmm, I'm going to get out of here today. I'm going to go talk to a lawyer. That's what I'm going to do. Let me get motavated and go talk to a lawyer about trademarking my shirt. I got a couple addresses off the Internet.

                     I'm walking down 49th Street aiming for Central. 535 Central. The lawyer's office.

     10:09am  I am walking down 49th and at the stop sign this black guy told me, "Hey man, I like your shirt." I offered him my website. "Check it out, it's free. It's not religious, I promise. They didn't call them peace pipes for nothing." He said, "For sho."

     10:18am  I walked down 49th and turned right on 6th Street.

     10:37am  I stopped at the bus stop right before 34th. I'm waiting to see if the bus will give me a courtesy ride. I'm smoking a cigarette. If the bus doesn't come before I finish smoking then I'll keep walking.

     10:41am  I am done smoking and the bus hasn't come. I'm going to keep walking.

     10:48am  I walked 34th all the way to Central. I'm going to walk to the bus terminal. Maybe I can get hooked up at the Roman Gardens for breakfast. I haven't eaten today.

     10:51am  I'm going to go hit up Popeye's.

                     Forget it. The line is too long.

     10:52am  What do you know, I'm already over here by the bus terminal. I'm going to try and score a courtesy ride to the 500 block.

     10:56am  The greedy ass driver wouldn't give me a ride.

                     I'm going to go hit up Roman Gardens and see if Chef Paege is there.

                     Chef Paege is hooking me up again, awesome! Spaghetti and meatballs again.


                     I went to this other address about a lawyer and left a note with my email address.

     12:27pm  Wendy is out here giving samples in front Old School Bakeshop. She listened to my story and gave me a cigarette in the end. I appreciate it, Wendy. You'll be on there when I update it.

     1:21pm  I have to make an update. I was standing in front of the Blimpies smoking and what was your name again, bro? Brad came by and I offered him my website. He liked my shirt. He walked back up to me and offered to get me some food! I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   The greedy ass bus driver wouldn't give me a ride.

                   Screw that place. They want a hundred and fifty dollars for just a consultation.

     2:13pm  I never told you. I walked around downtown. I saw some water so I went over to this lake. Now I'm on Martin Luther King, Jr. Street. I don't know where I am. I'm waiting for a bus, I guess. The first guy told me no already.

     2:21pm  Here comes the bus. I'm going to try my luck.

                   Man, nobody wants world peace.

                   I walked all the way back to Central. That sucks, I hate doubling back. I'm going to keep walking now, towards The Blueberry Patch. I'm going to skip town tomorrow morning.

     4:27pm  I just walked all the way back to the Central bus terminal. Let me see if I can get a courtesy ride.
                   The greedy ass driving the 76 won't let me on.

                   The next greedy ass wouldn't let me on either.

     5:10pm  The generous driver driving the 15 is giving me a ride to Gulfport. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:12pm  Third time's a charm. I got mobilized on my third try. He who knocks persistently ends by entering.

                   Just got dropped off at 49th Street and 15 Ave S. I'm going to walk to The Patch. It's not that far.

     5:33pm  I went over to Echo's house and she wasn't home again. I'm going to walk to The Patch and take a shower. I'm going to leave in the morning, I think.

     5:37pm  Back at The Patch.

     9:56pm  I should make an update already. I think I just made a really big mistake. I searched Google for how to trademark or something. Stupid me, I clicked on this and it walks you through all these steps and I had to put in all my information. At first it said it was free, so I went through all the steps and it ended up being like five hundred dollars. Screw that. So I think I just got scammed. I talked to beautiful Demi and she said I should do a poor-man's patent and just mail it to myself. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. I need to round up some spare change to get a picture of me wearing my shirt printed out at Walgreen's. Then just mail that to myself. First thing tomorrow. I can't believe I did that shit. I'm stupid.

                   Oh yeah, I might have a ride to Miami in a couple days. Mike Stanley's friend Mike, he lives in Miami and is going to be driving there pretty soon. I'm getting a ride to Miami, hell yeah.

     2:14pm  I just got dropped off downtown. Mike dropped me off. I'm going to get a ride to Miami soon! I can't wait. I just got dropped off downtown and there's all these noisy race cars. Hopefully there's a big crowd. I need to make an appearance. I am wearing my backup World Peace Through Marijuana shirt, the one with no space between world and peace.

     2:35pm  I had a great time walking around downtown passing out my website. Right now some guy Josh saw me and asked me if I was still walking around. He shook my hand. Recognized, hell yeah. I'm everywhere.

     2:54pm  I was walking down Central and I walked by Patrick and Lilly, they liked my shirt and I told them my story at the table they're sitting at. I took their picture. You guys will be on there when I update it. What did you guys think? Patrick: "Bro, you have the greatest story ever. Your cause is so righteous. Don't you ever stop."

     3:07pm  I talked to Brett on 4th and Central Avenue. I gave him my website. I took his picture. You'll be on there when I update it.

                   I just talked to this beautiful girl. She was just standing there at the stoplight waiting for it to turn green. I hit her up for my story but she said she had to go. I offered her my website and she said, "Perfect." That got her attention and she stayed and listened. I took her picture. Her name is Brenda(I think). Good presentation. When I hit her up I said, "It's not religious, I promise." She said as long as it's not religious.

     3:09pm  Joe just hooked me up with a cigarette at the bus stop at Third Street and Central. I appreciate it, Joe. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:11pm  I just tried to give this couple my website. The guy was wearing a REVOLUTION shirt. I walked up to them and told the guy, "Since you're wearing that shirt, check out my website." He got scared and said, "No thanks, no thanks." I yelled, "Man, nobody wants world peace!" He was all, "It'll never happen." People don't see the world as it is, but as they are.

     3:34pm  I was walking up Central again and I walked by that garden I stopped at that one time when I had forgotten to take a picture. It's right next to the Agnis Godfrey and Tony's Auto Service. In between those two.

                   A Serenity Garden. I'm going to take a picture of it.

     3:46pm  I took a picture of some sidewalk chalk art. It says Become Your Dream Love is the Light of Life. It's in front of Interior Motives Incorporated.

     3:59pm  I walked all the way to Roman Gardens about ten minutes ago. It's closed. It opens at five. I wanted to go in there and say bye to Paege since I'm leaving. Maybe she'll hook me up. I don't know. I'll get my water bottle refilled at least. I came up close to the Cigar Box. I'm going to see if I can tell somebody my story in there.

     4:07pm  I'm just hanging out. The Roman Gardens isn't open yet. Allan, he's seen me walking around town. I came to the skateshop here and started telling all these girls inside my story. I cut it short and gave them my website. Allan just volunteered me a drink. I appreciate it.

     4:26pm  I am still standing out here waiting for the Roman Gardens to open. Mike walked out of one of these offices and I hit him up for my story and he listened to a lot of it. He said he wants to give me something. He gave me a silver dollar.

     4:36pm  Kim was nice enough to give me a cigarette in front of CafĂ© Dolce. I appreciate it, Kim. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     4:41pm  I'm going to go hit up Grillie's BBQ.

                   This black dude inside told me, "I would if it was my store, but the manager is not here. I told him thanks anyway, check out my website though. He gladly accepted it. I told him they didn't call them peace pipes for nothing. He laughed.

     4:57pm  I had a good time right there on that strip in front of the stores. I talked with Allan, the guy with longass dreadlocks. I took his picture. Then I had a great presentation with Mike. He was an older dude. He liked my story a lot. They told me Paege doesn't come in for about an hour. I don't know if I'm going to wait that or not.

     5:13pm  I walked to the bus terminal about ten minutes ago.

     5:16pm  Some girl gave me a cigarette but she didn't want to tell my her name.

     5:35pm  The nice #15 driver is hooking me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                   Ask and thou shall receive. Some rules never change.

     5:45pm  That bus driver liked me a lot! He was saying, "Good journeys, take care of yourself."

                   I would've walked it, but I didn't get hooked up at the Roman Gardens.

     12:40am  I am spending my last night here at The Blueberry Patch. I am leaving tomorrow morning going to Miami. I have had such a magical time here. Billy Beck was great and everybody else. I felt so accepted. It was perfect.

                     Cool hat Brian painted

Next day..


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