

Wednesday April 3, 2024

 3:08pm  What story were you just telling me?  

Tita:  Victor puts almost every detail and backs up every detail of things that happened twenty years ago.  Since I've met him I have told him that the need to document happened because of your short term memory issues like when you were traveling you couldn't necessarily remember what somebody told you.  Now that you don't travel why document everything?  

        It's because Victor wants that near-perfect memory.  He wants to be able to remember everything and keep remembering everything.  I feel that his needing to verify it and for people to know, oh, this man really did this, I think that is not as important as This man has traveled.  He's had two gnarly accidents that created and imbalance in his body.  Victor was rejected by his family.  

        Check out these cool things that happened to him.  Him being out there homeless relying on the generosity of others and spreading his message only created room for lots of interesting things to happen to him.  Does anyone want to hear one of his stories?  That's what I think Victor is about.  Victor's like, "You're not going to believe what happened to me."  

Victor:  That's going to be on the front page of my blog.

Tita:  Victor is, through his stories wanting to express how wonderful it was to be hooked up through spirit to Love, to fun things, fun people, opportunities that he wouldn't have had if he had stayed at home.  His adventures, mis-adventures, good and bad, all happened because he left.  

        He decided he was going to explore the world on his own.  He thought, "Ah, I don't need money.  I can help people in other ways.  I can earn people's generosity and I can document their generosity."  I think that's his strength.  His stories illustrate, "Look, you can be homeless and still have a kickass time.  And look, I was in Love's hands and nobody elses' and I am still here.  I had some close calls, but I had a blast back then.  And still things have been working for me, all because, regardless of what happened with my head injuries, I feel blessed to still be here.  I have a lot to share."

Victor:  That is so perfect.  Thank you.  Speak your mind.

Tita:  I think your gifts have to do with how willing you have been to give of yourself.  To give everything of yourself.  And follow others.  That's a gift, you've given them...

Victor:  Follow others?  

Tita:  Yeah, be their helper.  Served others.  You had surrendered yourself and were in their service.  Over and over it's in your logs.  

Victor:  Like I have always said.  Feeling welcome at a place where you are not paying rent is priceless.  

Tita:  Like I said, you've had some near-misses and you are still here and you want to share about your cool adventures and how you not only got by, but you were treated very well most everywhere you went.  

Victor:  Like royalty.

Tita:  Since your head injuries, the fact that you've decided not to have a nine-to-five job, that's another factor in your life.  You have been only responsible to yourself.  You've been able to give your time and your energy because you didn't have any commitments.  You were just out there serving others.  

        In essence, you have been a Karma Yogi.  You have been selflessly serving people, I believe.  Including me.  Including all of your past relationships.  You were there because, what did you say?  You said it was because they needed somebody.  You filled their void.(Boy, did I. :P)  You were there.  That's one side of your stories. 

The other side is the faith that you've had.  The absolute faith that the universe would look after you.  Then theres even more sides, like that you've inspired people not only from not killing themselves, but you've inspired them to have hope.  You're showing them how if you can be safe in Love's hands, provided for, that means they don't really have an excuse to not quit their job and do what you have done.  

        Yours sounds like a dream world.  Oh man, I can go wherever I want and do whatever I want as long as I am a good person?   That's inspirational to hear that you met up with good people and had some great luck throughout years of being in the flow.  It gives hope because you are sharing how people did help you.  

Then the whole thing with your family has been uncovered because of me, due to my emphasis on why you guys aren't getting along.  That's kind of a minor note, but when I look at your website I wish it has a lot less weight on your front page, your family's stuff.  I wish it was it's own separate issue.  In my opinion, it detracts from your goals.  Knowing too much about your background and airing the dirty laundry, it's interesting for you and me and it may be fun to poke fun at your sister, but it's a distraction.

Victor:  I am having them help me live up to the name of my website.  Laugh Dispenser.  That is my angle.  My family can kiss my ass if they can't take a joke.  Anyone who can't can too.

Tita:  I understand, but we go back to that they don't need to know.  They already know how you lived your life and how you thought every minute of every day.

Victor:  You can't forget I have the ultimate disclaimer.  Prepare to be shocked to the core if you can't take a motherflippin' joke!

Tita:  I am just saying that when you put stuff about your own family in there...

Victor:  I am making them think twice about how they treated me.  

Tita:  Oh, I see.  

Victor:  They'll need to earn my respect.  For now my disrespect is all they deserve.

Tita:  But it doesn't have to be publicized.  It could be there in a little corner.  It doesn't need to be on the front page.  

Victor:  It does when I want to draw attention to it.  It can only help.

Tita:  Yeah, I think your angle is Wake Up, People.  We don't need to be stuck in the matrix.  

Victor:  We don't even need reputations!

Tita:  You are a living example of how you can live and do well outside of the matrix.  For most people that's going to take humility.  Most people aren't going to be willing to clean up other people's houses to feel better about spending the night there.  They're just not.  Most people are incredibly lazy.  

Victor:  It's all a number's game.  

Tita:  But do you understand?  What you did, other people aren't going to think they would do that.  Like I said, you are an inspiration.  You didn't have a real family, they didn't accept you.  What were you supposed to do?  Find a job like Chasity wanted?  Not even when you did have a job were you truly happy with her.  She wasn't your path.  Your path was to have that freedom to go and prove that you could live by your wits.  You survived when most people might've given up.  Or you could've found a nine to five job and been just another Joe Shmoe.  But you didn't.

Victor:  Now I've got them shaking in their boots, hehe.

3:22pm  Shivrael, energy update for April.  I should make a Shivrael section on my blog.

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