

                                                                                                                    San Antonio, TX

Saturday April 5, 2003

Email with Becky Ann

Talking shit #sanantonio

                     What a great morning I am having all by myself. I crashed out early last night because I was tired from so much walking, around eleven thirty. I woke up at six. I realized I didn't have any clean clothes and that I had been wearing the same jeans(only ones that I own) ever since I got out of jail. I threw all my clothes(which isn't much right now) in the washer. The dryer broke a couple weeks ago.
                      I set my clothes to wash and this morning when I got up, I went to the garage and found this long coaxial cable(that I used to display my whole wardrobe when I was giving it away before I left West). I took it to the back jungle and strung it up between two trees. I then got my wet clothes out of the dryer and hung them up to dry. I felt very independent this morning. I was making do without. Resourceful.

                     I jumped on IRC. I used that my nick was darnit, my backup for when dammit is in use. Since someone was on dammit, I /whois'ed dammit and saw that it was someone in the #metal channel. I entered it and msged the guy, "say brother, can you let me on my nick please?" He got off immediately like he always does when I ask him. Doesn't hurt to ask right. His name is Matt.
                     In #metal, I was bored so I started singing that Piss Up A Rope song again. Just then I get kicked by an op. I msg the op telling him, "ALL OPS WILL DIE! The existence of ops goes against the freedom IRC is based on." He msg's me back telling me not to impersonate Matt. Here, I'll show you the conversation:

* You were kicked from #metal by Guinness (impostor)
#metal unable to join channel (address is banned)
-> *Guinness* ignorance is bliss, i guess

<Guinness> don't Masquerade
<Guinness> who are you?
<dammit> i am an open book, ask me something
<dammit> i am victor the liberator
<Guinness> why are you posing as matt?
<dammit> i had secured this nick way before matt had it
<dammit> any time i get on and he's on it, i politely ask him to let me on my nick
<dammit> and he does
<Guinness> not in here
<dammit> each time
<dammit> what? you think your puny channel is the whole undernet?
<dammit> please
<Guinness> why would you imply that?
<Guinness> please
<dammit> because you said i hadn't secured it in your channel
<Guinness> I said you've never come to my channel
<Guinness> don't twist my words
<dammit> obviously i didn't need your permission, or else i would have never entered it
<dammit> duh
<dammit> i don't have to twist your words
<dammit> you're doing it for me
<Guinness> permission?
<dammit> that's right
<dammit> what? you think because of that big @
<Guinness> nobody mentioned that concept until you
<dammit> that you're better than me?
<Guinness> I think you are talking to someone in your head
<Guinness> obviously not to me
<dammit> i think i'm talking to the guy who just banned me from an irc channel
<dammit> too bad, so there's not a zillion other channels to be in/make
<Guinness> you are replying to things I did not say
<dammit> you are pretending to not have said them now
<dammit> seems like you might be ashamed
<Guinness> you have the bufer
<dammit> of something
<Guinness> f
<dammit> what do you mean?
<Guinness> paste me my lies
<dammit> <Guinness> you are replying to things I did not say
<dammit> <dammit> you are pretending to not have said them now
<dammit> i replied to something you said there, didnt i?
<Guinness> paste me my lies
<dammit> paste me mine
<Guinness> I never called you a liar
<Guinness> you called me one... now show me a lie
<dammit> nor did i you
<Guinness> you certainly did
<dammit> paste me my lies
<Guinness> you just pasted the accusation yourself
<Guinness> [07:59] <dammit> <dammit> you are pretending to not have said them now
<dammit> that was in reply to your last statement
<dammit> which makes your statement null
<Guinness> that was your accusation
<Guinness> now back it up
<dammit> an oxymoron, if you'd like
<Guinness> back it up
<dammit> i just did, figure it out numbnuts
<Guinness> or are you to weak?
<Guinness> mental midget
<dammit> you will see soon how weak i am..
<Guinness> haha
<dammit> make sure to mark august 8th, 2003 in your calender
<Guinness> oh, and why that?
<dammit> it's going to be the most beautiful day
<Guinness> you're going to blow people up?
<dammit> it'll be a surprise, unless you're not ignorant enough to refuse my text files
<dammit> no, just the opposite
<dammit> i am going to save lives
<Guinness> refuse what text files?
<dammit> hold on
<dammit> harmless text file, please accept
<dammit> guess you are ignorant enough
<Guinness> DCC Get of odyssey_1.txt from dammit incomplete (unable to connect)
<Guinness> I was away
<Guinness> resend it
<dammit> can i send you an mp3?
<Guinness> ok

I then message Matt and send him the conversation. Matt is dammit- and I am dammit.

<dammit-> dude?
<dammit-> wats this
<dammit> just an interesting convo
<dammit> harmless text file dude
<dammit-> ah right
<dammit-> when
<dammit> just right now
<dammit-> lemme scan itr first
<dammit> sheesh, ok man
<dammit-> ah right
<dammit-> i was in #metal anyway
<dammit-> i saw everything
<dammit> not our msg
<dammit-> ah ok
<dammit-> interesting
<dammit-> august 8th?
<dammit> can i send you an mp3?
<dammit-> sure
<dammit-> hey man nice
<dammit-> Oddesey
<dammit-> im reading the first one
<dammit-> and its realy cool
<dammit> take your time brother
<dammit> i got tons more good, free reading
<dammit-> :) thanx
<dammit-> i like reading this kindda stuff
<dammit-> ultra fun
<dammit> gimme your email, ill send you the bulk of my stuff
<dammit> cool
<dammit-> :P
* dammit- hits NOFX_-_August_8th
* dammit- has quit IRC (Quit: Everything Sucks)
* dammit- has joined #everythingsucks
<dammit-> nofx is cool
<dammit> the coolest
<dammit-> is everything explain in this txt files?
<dammit-> about augfust 8
<dammit-> how can i help
<dammit> forward my stuff out as much as you can
<dammit-> sure
<dammit-> i wish u big luck dude
<dammit> thanks brother, do it for the cause

                     I emailed Matt all my important documents. I even sent him the NOFX song, August 8th. It's a beautiful song about the day money disappears. Download it on Kazaa: NOFX - August 8th and check it out.

                     Ok, the time is now 8:22am. I'm still bored and waiting for my clothes to dry. I went in #sanantonio on IRC and sung august 8th in the chat room. Here, lemme copy and paste. It's a beautiful song.

* Now talking in #sanantonio
* Topic is ',,30000-12275571,00.html <- d0pe'
* Set by fryz on Wed Mar 26 00:01:58
* darnit is now known as dammit
* aCory has joined #sanantonio
* aCory has quit IRC (Quit: i was spinning free.. **)SK8 SIK(** ..with a little sweet and simple numbing me.)
<dammit> birds sing
<dammit> there's not a cloud in the sky
<dammit> august 8th is a beautiful day
<dammit> i see
<dammit> a bunch of hippies crying
<dammit> and august 8th is a beautiful day
<dammit> like waking up from a real bad dream
<dammit> suddenly everything is ok
<dammit> the storm has passed
<dammit> the sun is shining
<dammit> yeah, august 8th is a beautiful day
<dammit> what's going on?
<dammit> is something bothering your scene?
<dammit> is something wrong?
<dammit> i'm not trying to be mean
<dammit> the air is clean
<dammit> the summer flowers are blooming
<dammit> nowhere in sight is there anything grey
<dammit> the joy, i feel on the street
<dammit> yeah august 8th is a beautiful day
<dammit> like waking up from a fucked up dream
<dammit> suddenly everything's looking good
<dammit> there's been no permanent damage done
<dammit> august 8th came right when it should
<dammit> poor jeff
<dammit> poor little timmy turtle
<dammit> stayin' home on such a beautiful day
<dammit> NOFX's August 8th
<dammit> download it off Kazaa

                     Isn't that the most fitting song for my mission? It was written years ago. I don't even know which August 8th they're talking about. It is because of this song that I am going to try my hardest to make August 8, 2003 the day of mass-forgivance that I envision. I've got a lot of work to do. My father is supposed to wire me three hundred dollars April 17. I think I am going to hang out until then before I leave San Antonio again. I had originally thought of heading East, but something is calling me West again. I can just feel it. I am going to go back to Berkeley and make contact with NOFX somehow. El Jefe, Fat Mike and the rest of the guys must know about my mission, if they don't already. Maybe I'll ride the Greyhound there this time. Time is of the essence.

                     Ok, it's eight forty five in the morning. My friend becky-ann(Sk8terchiklet) just signed on and I am going to send her what I've typed up so far today. Let's see what she says, hehe. :]

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hi becky-ann, i am going to send you what i have typed up so far for today
Sk8terchiklet: just on to say somethin to my bf really qwik i promise to read it later today tho
Sk8terchiklet: i have a stalker type boy after me i will tell u about it when i get home later in a bit

                     I'm gonna go dig around for something to eat, smoke a cigarette and check too see if my laundry is dry. PEACE

                     Ok, the time is now nine thirteen. I just went out to the back porch to smoke a cigarette. I've got a good chunk of weed left, so I broke some up and loaded my smokeless pipe real good. It has a cap with a little hole(put the fire in the hole) and I loaded it too. Double stuffed. Hits realll goooood. I was just sitting there stoned looking at my laundry hanging up to dry. It's like all the clothes I own. My jeans that I wore to California, my mom bought me three pairs of quality socks and they're up there, my green "Me" shirt that says " Declare Your Indpendance(thrift store score for free), a white undershirt I stole from my brother, a thermal shirt, shit I can't remember the rest, let me go look. Okay, two thermal shirts, my cool Kelly Golf Course polo-type shirt, and my one pair of boxers. All my other clothes were in my rucksack that the cops still have in San Marcos.
                     Oh shit, it's past eight. I'm going to call that detective. I'm all stoned. I'll let you know what happens. I know my rights, damnit.
                     Fuck. This lady answered and I asked for Detective Hornsby. She told me he was only available Monday through Friday, eight to five. I told her I was told that he would be available after eight today. She just told me he was only available Monday through Friday, eight to five again. I just hung up. FUCK THE POLICE.

                      Boom shackalacka. Haha, that's a funny word to say at random in a chat room. 

                     It's nine thirty now and adela30 joins the San Antonio channel:

* adela30 has joined #sanantonio
<adela30> hello
<dammit> boom shackalacka
<adela30> hey what you doing?
<dammit> logging my life
<adela30> oh kool
<adela30> hey you never sent me that thing youwere going to send what happened?
<dammit> what thing?
<dammit> here, i'll show you my today so far
<adela30> ok

                     Ok, the time is now ten forty one. I am still waiting for my clothes to dry. On IRC, I went into #geekwarez. now #geekwarez is the new #geex. I used to go to #geex all the time because you could always get on the sites advertised in that channel. You see, it didn't have the string "warez" in the channel name, so it wouldn't show up when someone listed channels for "warez." but now, they sold out just like the rest of the world. I was telling my whole West Coast story and hauling ass because I was excited more people would know about it. I got to Arcata and this stupid loser op bitch who didn't like me to begin with kicks me out of the channel. I message her with:

* You were kicked from #geekwarez by Skyzyx (stfu)
-> *skyzyx* ignorance is bliss, i suppose
-> *skyzyx* just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does
-> *skyzyx* you ignorant loser bitch

She messages me back:

<Skyzyx> ppl are bitching about it now
<Skyzyx> nobody wants to hear it in a warez channel
<Skyzyx> and fine, ban is now perm
<dammit> good fuck your shitty channel
<dammit> there's other phish in the sea
<Skyzyx> its much cleaner now :D
<Skyzyx> good go find them
<Skyzyx> then go fuck yourself
<Skyzyx> your story sucks
<Skyzyx> over and over
<Skyzyx> it still sucks
<Skyzyx> the spelling is atrocious
<dammit> keep in mind that i am writing a book on generosity that the entire world will soon read
<dammit> and you're making yourself look like a fucking idiot
<Skyzyx> i wont
<Skyzyx> gaaarrrroooooonteeeeed
<dammit> just wait and see
<Skyzyx> i'm pasting everything you say in the channel
<Skyzyx> you are the idiot sir
<dammit> good, do what i want you to
<Skyzyx> ignore
<dammit> get on your knees bitch
<dammit> what took you so long to ignore me fatass?
<dammit> common sense will tell you if you don't give someone the reaction they're looking for, which in my case is any reaction, that they will eventually get bored and stop
<dammit> fucking duh
<dammit> it's not rocket science

                At the same time, her husband, who is also in the channel messages me:

<ToR\L> yer fucking gei dude
<ToR\L> don't call my wife a bitch, yer perm banned
<ToR\L> if you want to help the world go out and do it
<ToR\L> do sit like a loser on irc
<dammit> dont you fucking get it, man?
<dammit> THIS AIN'T REAL
<ToR\L> I've been doing this to close to 10 years
<ToR\L> I know whats real and whats not
<dammit> i am here because it is part of the medium to the mighty power of the internet i plan to harness soon
<ToR\L> yea thats what spammers believe
<dammit> with or without anyone's help
<dammit> yeah, thing is..i'm doing it for free
<dammit> i will educate the idiots first..
<dammit> i'm playing by my rules, i am free to
<dammit> you've been doing this so fucking long, but yet you don't see what the existence of pirated software means?
<dammit> WORLD PEACE
<dammit> it's simple evolution..
<ToR\L> you can influence people in a positive way in different ways
<ToR\L> yer preaching to the choir
<ToR\L> you should be on the phone with your congressman or joe normal
<dammit> now, i am going to make one IRC channel famous..i've been kicked out of #wareznorth, #oldmemphis and now your shitty channel
<ToR\L> yer annoying
<dammit> so when i stumble upon a non-ignorant one, i will have more support
<ToR\L> on ignore

                     I was just outside smoking another cigarette. I was thinking about all the domain addresses I want to have donated to me. I was thinking,,, and finally,
                     I figured those all were already taken, so I go get online and Alt+Tab to Internet Explorer, hit Alt+D to put the focus on the address field and typed in "me" and hit Crl+Enter to wrap http://www and .com around Me. I see this thing telling me the website is under construction and to wait ten seconds. I am then re-routed to

                     My jaw just drops. I see a picture of a little seedling growing with dew sliding down it, and it says, "Plant the seed." I click on the About Brainstorm button and have all my prayers answered. Check it out:


BrainStorm Ventures was founded by Keith Cox, Eduardo Rallo, and Zev Zaidman in July 1999 with a mission to fund emerging technology companies and actively assist them in their development. The principals manage BrainStorm Ventures, L.P., a seed and early stage venture fund with 22 portfolio companies. Most of BrainStorm Ventures investments are in the Silicon Valley and San Francisco Bay Area. BrainStorm Ventures also targets a select number of international opportunities leveraging its portfolio companies’ technologies.

BrainStorm Ventures was founded based on the following core values:

Integrity through fair business dealings
Passion for creating value through innovation and creativity
Entrepreneurship through funding and active involvement with portfolio companies
Growth through company development, problem solving, & diversification
Speed by building companies fast
& efficiently

© 2000, 2001 Brainstorm Ventures International LLC

     Here's what it said after I clicked on the Investment Focus:


BrainStorm Ventures focuses its investments in the following areas:

Enabling Technologies
Enterprise Software/Private Networks
Broadband/Networking Infrastructure

In addition, in its first fund, BrainStorm Ventures made a few ecommerce investments.

Click here to view snapshot of the portfolio companies

© 2000, 2001 Brainstorm Ventures International LLC


BrainStorm Ventures

Tel: 415 265.4336

Send investment proposals to:

© 2000, 2001 Brainstorm Ventures International LLC

                     My dream is going to come true.

- Victor

                     The time is eleven fifty three. I am writing with the following:

                     Hi, my name is Victor Gruber. I just thought you guys would like to read the entry I am making today in my journal. I have been documenting every day of my life for some time now. Easiest book in the world to write. I just have to let things happen.

                     Here, let me share with you what I have so far for today,

                     Ok, I sent the email with my daily log. At the end I put:

                     "An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come."
- Victor Hugo

                     Patience is Virtue, guys.

                     Okay, it's twelve twenty and I just got back from smoking another cigarette. I came back and wondered if I had saved a draft of it for my records so I checked my Sent Folder. Turns out, I hadn't even sent it. Good thing I logged it on here because it was too late to go back and get it. Okay, so I'm going to send the mail now. I'm making the subject: "you guys are going to make my dream come true.."

                     Time is now twelve thirty nine. My cousin Judith called from Puerto Rico. I haven't seen her in years. First thing I asked her was, "Tienes email?" She said no, damn. I talked to her for a little bit then my brother picked up and I told her bye and hung up.

                     Cool, it's twelve forty three and I just discovered that with the shit that remembers all the addresses, I can email anyone I have in the past. Awesome. So that's what I'm doing now.

                      Damn, my Hotmail is almost full. I had gone through and logged my writeprotect address, but it was a bitch. I should really log this one too, but I clicked on the Get More Storage button, the gimmick hotmail has because when people's use up their 2mb's they offer them to have some more for some money. So I logged all 2mb in text files like this one and now I have a clean hotmail again. For free.
                     Hmm, let me go outside and smoke a cigarette and see if I feel like doing that. What a typical Sunday it's been. It's all sunny. I'm hanging up my clothes in the hot sun to dry. I had a tremendous breakthrough(keeping fingers crossed) in my mission. I am just at peace.

- Victor

                     Okay, the time is two oh seven. I'm bored and no one has emailed me. I borrowed these khaki cargo shorts from my little brother. My little brother is pissed that I borrow his clothes. It's not like I steal them, he just doesn't like me doing it. Now maybe it's just me but if he doesn't want me to borrow his clothes then maybe he shouldn't let me, hehe.
                     I had asked him earlier if I could borrow these cargo shorts(I was already wearing a pair of his other shorts) and he got all mad and told me I was never going to wear them. I said okay, but like two hours later when I got the impulse to walk to O.P. Schnabel, I told him, "Hey man, would it be in the realm of possibility, since I'm going to go walking in the park now, to borrow those cargo shorts. I mean, I can always just wear my jeans when they finish drying, but the sun's out today and shorts would be more comfortable." He got all pissed and stood up from the papasán chair and said, "You're not wearing those shorts, but let me see if I have a pair you can use." He grunted and walked away.
                      So now I'm wearing some bitchin' cargo shorts and I'm going to go to the park to see what conversations I can have. I have some great news for people. Everybody. Oh yeah, it's two fourteen now.

- Victor

                     Come on, get happy!

                     Time is now two forty one. Dude, I'm pissed. I went in the kitchen to see if there was anything I could fuel up with for my walk. My mom was in there doing the dishes finally. I knew she was going to bitch. She didn't hesitate to start right when I walked in the kitchen. See, I had agreed to do them the other day, but changed my mind. I told my mom I wasn't going to do them. They just kept staying unwashed. So today she goes off on me telling me about how she has to wash everyone's dish. I said, "You know what you can do to prevent that? Wash your own dish right after you use it."
                     In that huge pile of dishes, I had three bowls and some spoons. No cups because I always drink from my water bottle. I hate pointing out to my mom how little a consumer I am. She hates it too. She tells me, "You told me you were going to do them." I told her, "Yeah, and then I changed my mind and told you. I refuse to clean up after your laziness. Barely any of that mess is mine. Why should have to clean it? From now on, everybody washes their own dish right after they eat, okay?" She tells me, "I washed your dishes too." I told her, "And how many of those dishes were mine compared to yours and Luis'?" She kept insisting that didn't matter. I tell her, "I expect equal treatment. If I had done your dishes, you would think I would do them again and again. If I choose to help you, don't look like you expect it(Ween lyric), mom. I think every person, every country, every being should take responsibility for themselves and stop pointing fingers."

                     She starts going into her How Disprespectful I Am lecture. I just let her talk and finally tell her, "Mom, you always have the option of kicking me out. Even though if she does I'll split to California and she'll be charged fifteen hundred for me not me showing up in court. Small price to pay to stop a war.

                     Oh yeah, the time is two fifty six. I walked out the door to walk to the park. Then I realized I didn't have my pipe and stash. I remembered I had been in one of the pockets of the shorts I borrowed from Luis originally. I remember the shorts being black and white. I go into the computer room and I can't find them. I ask Luis where those shorts were and he says he didn't know. I tell him that I had my pipe and stash in a pocket of them. He looks down and points to these black shorts. Turns out they're reversible and white on the other side. Hmm, I don't remember turning those inside out when I took them off. Oh wait, yes I did, I had my boots on.
                     Anyway, I check the pockets and I don't find my pipe, fuck. I distinctly knew it had been in the shorts. Now, I look out on the back porch and through the house with no luck. I would have remembered taking them out of the pockets. It wasn't just my pipe. It was a little baggy with the last of my bud in it. I know I would remember that.
                     So I walk towards Luis' room and say, "Hey man, I really need my stuff back. I'm going to go for a nature hike." He insists that he doesn't have it over and over again. So I back off and think some more. Now, I get up and try my mom's door. She's taking a nap. Strange thing is that she locked the door. She doesn't usually. So it occurs to me that maybe my little brother found my weed and told my mom, and now she's locked up in her room with my weed.
                     Earlier when I made her read my whole entry for the day, she told me, "You smoke outside?" I told her yes, very discreetly and I have a smokeless pipe. She was all, "I don't care. I told you never to bring it inside." I tell her that I've had that pipe for years and that it always stays in my pocket. She got exasperated and left.
                     So now I'm thinking my mom and my little brother are plotting against me. I'm going to keep looking. Shit, I have to wait until my mom wakes up to walk to the park. It's already three oh five. I hate wasting time..

                     Ok, the time is four twenty seven. Oh man, I goofed big time. I was all paranoid about my brother and mother taking my weed. So I started my accusation out with a disclaimer: "If you didn't take it, then don't get offended." I told her how all signs pointed to my little brother. I even told her about the plot I thought they were conspiring against me. I guess when everyone thinks your crazy and you smoke weed, you're going to get paranoid about everything. My mom flipped out telling me to leave, just leave. I told her to make me, that talk was cheap. I told her how I knew she never would because of the guilt.
                     In the end, I found my stash, hehe. I was wrong, they were right. I reminded her about the disclaimer, but she was too pissed off. I tried apologizing to them and my little brother accepted, but not my mom. She was too busy bitching about me. I went in her room and told her, "Doesn't your god teach you that forgiveness is divine? I made a mistake and I am truly sorry. I had told you if I found it I wouldn't think that you took it. So bam, I was proved wrong. You win that battle. Accept my apology already. Don't be so mad at me for telling you the truth."
                     Okay, now that I have my medicine I'm going to go walk to the woods. Hehe, earlier when I was arguing with my mom, I told her, "See, you'll get peace when you give anyone weed." Time is four thirty four. Peace.

                     Okay, the time is now eleven oh two. Ahh yes, let me tell you about the little adventure I had tonight. I wrote down the bullet-points in my new pocket-calendar to help remember them.
                     Okay, I just left home and started wandering about. I walked over by the elementary school and down Guilbeau to Tezel. My mom was being a bitch and hid my new Superman water bottle. Well, it's not really mine. It's my nephew's who is my sister Laura's son and she lives in Houston. I had been using it and really digging the whole Superman thing. That cup just fit me good. My mom's trivial ass hid it, like I'm not going to give it back to my nephew. She just knew that since I showed interest in it, that hiding it from me would get me back.
                     Shit, you should know better by now, mom. I checked my pockets and had a little bit over a dollar in change so I walked to the gas station on Guilbeau and Tezel and bought me an Ozarka water bottle for a dollar. I then walked all the way down Guilbeau to the HEB. At the Goodwill Donation Station I see my friend Marko. I stand around just talking to him. I tell him that I want his job. That it must be great to just accept things all day. I asked him if there was any way I could fill in for him for like a week, for my book. Thing is, I'll do it for free. He says I should talk to the company, but there shouldn't be a problem. While I was standing around talking, this British guy and girl pulled up in a truck full of junk. They were about to move to England and they were just getting rid of stuff. Some good shit like snow skis and stuff. I was just standing there, so I helped them out as much as I could. I then overheard the guy say that the washer and dryer are on the next trip. I asked him if he would mind giving me the dryer since my mom's was broken. I even told him how I hung up my clothes to dry earlier today. I tell him that I only live like a mile away and he offers to take it to my house. I go and use the courtesy phone inside to call my mom. She was still all mad at me. I ask her if she would want a new dryer. She says, "Not now, I can't afford it." I told her she could, that it was free and told her about the English dude. She tells me, "Oh, but you'll say it's yours someday and take it back." I promise her I won't and hang up with her. The guy was coming back after seven he said so I just walked around and waited. It was like five forty five.
                     I walked over to the shopping center across the street. I was just walking keeping my eye out for smokers. I got a cigarette off this one dude and just picked a random spot on the sidewalk to sit down. I smoked my cigarette and hit my pipe. Afterwards, I got up and walked to the gas station, Coastal. I spotted this black dude packing a pack of cigarettes in the driver seat of a car. He was on his cellphone so I paced around until he was off. I hit him up for a cigarette and he gives me one. Cool.
                     After that I went and walked the dirtbike trails that were behind the grocery store. That killed time great. I did a lot of thinking. Walking these trails will be a great way to kill time until the bus comes, in the future. Hell, I can even walk around with Jamie when I show her my town(if she agrees to come).

                     I wasn't really waiting for a bus so I came back to the Donation Station. They were getting ready to close. I saw some other dude unloading shit and I helped him. I saw him taking a lawnmower off his truck and I asked him if he was donating that too. He said yes, but assured me it was broken and needed a tune-up. Oil well.

                     Marko and everyone left soon after and I bummed another cigarette and smoked it. At around seven fifteen I saw this old man emptying a shopping cart into his car. There are four spaces on each side up at front for handicap or old people. When he was finished unloading I offered to put his cart back, since I was already standing. He smiled and thanked me a lot.
                     Just then, I got the impulse to walk over to the closed Donation Station. It was after seven and the British dude should have come by now. I walk over to the Station and I see like four cars and trucks behind it. There were people there taking all the shit that other people had just dropped off to donate. Scavengers.
                     As I was walking into the store I see this cute girl standing behind the car and calling the person she's waiting for a slowass. I was walking at about the same speed and when I got to the car where she was at I saw some lady walking. I said, "Yeah, hurry slow-ass," and smile. They both crack up laughing. The older lady said, "You see the way she talks to her mother?" I laugh and tell her she should hear the way I talk to mine. Hehe, that was cool.

                     After that I decided to give up on the British dude and head home. As I was about to go behind the HEB I saw these kids sitting at the table where I usually sit and smoke. I walk up to them and ask them for a spare cigarette. This one cute girl says, "We don't have any. Well, not cigarettes." I ask them if they want to smoke a bowl and all four refuse. I tell them, "Come on, everybody else is doing it. Don't you want to be cool?" The girl cracked up and even clapped. The other two guys were laughing at me too. I went, "Hey, you said not cigarettes. That was my cue," and told them peace. They all laughed some more and bid me farewell.

                     I cut across the field and walked for a long ass time for miles and miles. I was hoping I could cut through Braun Station to Braun Heights and walk around that rich neighborhood. Maybe I could find someone to give me another cigarette. I was walking down Wickersham and I couldn't remember what street didn't dead-end and connected to Braun Heights. I never found it because I just walked Wickersham all the way to my mom's. I got home and now I am typing this up.

                     Oh yeah, I got busy logging my rightprotect address into text files. It's such a bitch but will pay off in the end. It's eleven thirty four and I am bored. I think I'm going to walk to the Texaco and go bum some cigarettes. Peace in the middle east, yo.

                     Okay,  It's one oh one in the morning. I just got back from the Texaco on 1604. When I got there my friend Gary was working. He's this black dude trying to support a family. He knows about my plan and is all for me. Last time I walked up there, he went out to his car and got me a pack of cigarettes. Today when I walked in I asked him if he had a cigarette and he hooked me up. I smoked it outside at a table and took some hits of weed. After a while I started craving some more nicotine. I pulled out a long butt out of the ashtray and lit it up. When I finished it, I was still niccin'. I checked my pockets and I had seventeen cents. I walked inside and asked Gary is seventeen cents could get me a cigarette. He said he thought so. Nice 'ol Gary gave me three cigarettes.
                     I smoked two and asked a couple cool-looking guys if they wanted to smoke a bowl. They said no and I just took off walking home. It was lightly drizzling on the walk home. Okay, I'm calling it a night. Peace.

Next day..

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