


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday April 9, 2003

Email with Jstluv18

                   Yeehaw! It's exactly ten right now and the phone rang and woke me up. I went and grabbed it and guess who it was. Detective Hornsby from Hays County. He told me I could pick my stuff up whenever I wanted. He said the only thing they were holding onto was my "dope". Oh well, it was only like three grams anyway. So, now I have to figure out how I'm going to get a ride up there to get my things. I better get all my stuff back.

                   Okay, the time is now twelve twenty and the phone rang again. I noticed it said OUT OF AREA on the caller ID so I figured it was a telemarketer. Some guy asked for my mom and I said, "Who is this?" He told me his name and I asked him, "And you are calling on behalf of whom?" He said, "This is just a courtesy call and I would have to tell her that." I said, "No, you would have to tell me that first." He said, "I guess I'll just call back when she answers," and hung up.

                   Okay, the time is now twelve twenty seven and I just finished typing up yesterday's entry. I'm going to take a chower, later. Maybe I'll go downtown today and see if someone will smoke me out.

                   Okay, it's already the thirteenth and I've waited to finish typing up this day. Let me see what I can remember.

                   I walked the thirty minutes to OP Schnabel park. I just remember that I started typing up this day at Carlos'. I just need to go email the file to myself at his house. Maybe tomorrow.

                   Okay, here is what I had typed up:

                   Well, it's already Friday and I am just now getting on a computer at the library downtown. Oh yeah, I don't know if I told you or not, but my mom took the computer away to her school. She must resent me for knowing more than her about it. She is still convinced that the computer is slow because there's something wrong with it and needs to be fixed. The only thing wrong with her computer is that it's old and sucks, that's it. I've already got 128mb ram on it(it's a 500mhz). She's just impatient.

                    Okay, well let my type up today first since it's been so cool. Since the pigs still have my tape recorder I have been logging key events of my days in my DayMinder(tm). Let's see how much I can remember. It's a memory-exercise, remember. Hmm, I have three days logged like this that I haven't typed up. I should really type up the day the most long ago first. So here goes.

Wednesday April 9th, 2003

                   Okay, my day started out with a walk all the way to OP Schnabel. I took my usual nature walk because I had nothing better to do. I was going to see what happened. I'm still waiting for the day when I run into this cute girl out there and blow her mind. That would be cool.

                   In all my cutting through the woods with no trail, at around two fifteen I ran my head ran into a sharp twig and it cut me. Ouch. I ran my fingers through my hair and it was bleeding. That sucked.

     2:27pm  I went to my cool hideout. That platform up in the tree on the top of the cliff close to the radio antenna, you know. I don't remember if I smoked a cigarette or not, but I do remember seeing like four buzzards flying around right in front of me. They were beautiful. Very graceful creatures.

     3:03pm  After about thirty minutes at my hideout I took off walking to see what random trail I'd end up on. I ended up going down the cliff through the creek and out close to the golf course. There's tons of dirt bike trails out here. I was walking through this immense network of them. I wrote "found trail garden" in my pocket calendar with the time stamp. It was cool.

     3:27pm  I kept wandering around until I ended up in Babcock North. Over where Spring Mont ends. I walked down Mont and stopped at my sixteen year old friend Andy's. He was cool and hooked me up with a cigarette.

     3:45pm  After Andy's I walked over to Bob and Carlos'. Bob was home and we went in his garage where I smoked Andy's cigarette. Without my asking Bob gives me a little bit of weed. Awesome. The other day when I had a sack I hooked him up. What goes around comes around.

     3:50pm  Caught the 91 and driver gave me a free ride. He pulled up and I asked him if I could score a ride to West Telemarketing, about two miles away. He was hesitant at first, but I said please and he waved me on. He was in a bad mood. I asked him for his name so I could put it in my book, but he didn't want to give it to me. His operator number is 2798. I pulled out my calendar to make the entry and told him, "I'm writing a book on generosity that the whole world.." He cut me off and said, "I know about your book." Whoa. Weird. I must've told him about my ideas before and forgotten. Either that or another bus driver might have told him about Crazy-Victor since I tell each bus driver I ride with my ideas. Hehe, either way he gave me a ride.

     4:11pm  At West, I walked over to the smoking cabana and this girl Amanda gave me a cigarette. How generous of her, eh?

     4:20pm  I walked over by the bus stops and spotted these black dudes talking over close to the apartment building. I went up to them and told them my ideas. I asked them if they could spare a hit and this one guy said, "I'll sell you some." I told him I didn't believe in money, that I would rather be free than rich. I told them, "Peace out, brothers."

     4:25pm  Now, I didn't have any money so I was going to try and score another courtesy ride. Like three buses came by and none of them let me on for free. Then all of a sudden, this girl Jessica hands me a transfer. Bada boom bada bing.

                   I got on the same 91 bus that I had ridden there using the transfer. I'm sure the driver knew I couldn't have gotten a transfer anywhere, but he took it and let me on.

     4:38pm  I can transfer-hop all day. Another transfer is only fifteen cents and you can buy them at any time in your bus trip. So, what I do is get on and sit down and ask someone, "Hey, do you have a spare fifteen cents I can get for a transfer?" Dude, who doesn't have fifteen cents? Ain't no thang.

     4:45pm  At the intersection of Floyd Curl and Louis Pasteur there was a big tow truck hauling a wrecked car. There had just been a car accident. They happen all the time in Medical Center because of the population-density. Why do people in Medical Center drive cars? The bus goes everywhere in Medical Center. Death-machines.

     4:55pm  I got off at the University Hospital Transfer Center, went up the elevator into the hospital and snagged me two Nutren's out of the nourishment room in the Reeves Rehabilitation Center where everybody likes me, hehe. Gasoline for my stomach.

     5:05pm  I went back down the elevator and out to the transfer center. I scanned the crowd for smokers and walked up to this one guy Pierre. Pierre hooked me up. You 'da man Pierre.

     5:15pm  I caught the 92.

     6:05pm  On the bus I was bored and with the little dull blade on my nail clippers(that I keep on my keychain) I pried off this little plastic strip off the nozzle of my water bottle. I was able to fit this little plastic ring around the ring on my left hand perfectly. It was like a ring-condom, hehe. I left it on for hours too. Better safe than sorry.

     6:17pm  I hadn't scored another transfer yet. We were on San Pedro about to pass the bus office, which is right in front of the Esperanza Center. I got the impulse to go talk to them. I hadn't since I had gotten back from California. They might think I'm crazy too. I decided not too because I hadn't gotten a transfer yet. But, just then I reached for my water bottle and it wasn't there. I asked the guy next to me, "Didn't you see me with a water bottle?" He pointed to the floor and I had dropped it. Right when I bent down to get my bottle guess what I see. A transfer! Shweet. It's good too. The bus was waiting at the stop and I got off now that I had a transfer. See how things work out for me? I went to the Esperanza Center and gave them my email address. I didn't recognize anyone, but this dude complimented my macramé cape.

     6:21pm  After that, I went to the Bill Millers Barbecue across the street and walked inside to the smoking section. I asked this lady Lorette for a cigarette and she gladly hooked me up.

     6:40pm  I walked down San Pedro and Jim hooked it up with a smoke. Nice guy.

     7:30pm  I walked all the way to Travis Park and Summer hooked me up with another smoke.

     8:00pm  Yet another smoke by Reggie and Liz

     8:13pm  The 91 comes to Travis Park and I get on. Driver is Mr. Rivas.

*sorry I'm not being detailed, the library is going to close*

     9:52pm  From West Telemarketing I walked the two miles to Bob's house. It took me fifty minutes

                   Cool perfect timing. The library closed

Next day..

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