


San Antonio, TX

Friday April 9, 2004

                   The next day. I got like a whole twelve hours of sleep. I woke up around 6:30am. I'm going to wear my boots today.

     7:34am  I'm walking to the woods. I got my boots on today. I'm taking my usual nature hike to the Walmart.

     7:38am  I stopped and played with these dogs on Pertshire. They're cute little puppies. They're all playing with me.

     7:55am  I got to the Exxon here. I'm going to wait around until somebody gives me a cigarette. Then I'll go to the park.

     8:00am  I am in the park.

                   I'm taking the left trail.

     8:10am  I walked the little paved road all the way from the big pavilion to the little pavilion at the top of the cliffs. By where the lookout point is.

     8:44am  I forgot to tell you I'm at the Walmart already. Lemme check the schedule and see when the next 610 comes.

                   I don't have a 610 schedule.

     9:23am  Dude, I just met Jeff. He's like some hacker guy. I met him at the Walmart. I asked him, "Hey, do you have a cigarette?" He said, "No, but I've got something else." Hehe, he saw my bandana. He said he sells hydro. He said he's a hacker. I started telling him my story and he said, "Man, I really want to hear the rest of this. Meet me here in forty five minutes. I'll have a car and some dro." Sweet, kickass! So let's see. Forty five minutes will be around 9:50. So at 9:50 meet Jeff back at the gas station. The Citgo.

                   Oh yeah, this dude Jeff told me that the DEA was looking at him because his friend ratted on him. I told him I was thinking about going to Planet K to buy a pipe, but I can't do that anymore. He told me, "The DEA is up there too. In the whole state of Texas." I went, "Damn, the guys at PK told me I could buy my pipe in Austin." That sucks. So forget Austin.

     9:37am  What was your name? Hutchins came over and suggested I go see New Zealand someday. He said, "You like hiking?" I told him I loved hiking. He said New Zealand was real pretty. Awesome. I'll look it up.

                   That's cool, that old guy just came up and talked to me. At first he asked me, "Do you like to hike?" I went, "Yeah, do you have a favor you want me to do?" His car was broken down. He told me all about New Zealand and was all happy I was talking to him. He wouldn't let me get my ideas in.

     9:44am  This guy license plate P42-MCG, he just bought a pack of cigarettes and he didn't give me one. I called him a greedy ass.

                   He told me, "Not today."

                   These girls pulled up in a Cougar, M78-TWK, they wouldn't give me a cigarette either. They just bought a pack. She said, "Oh, they're not mine, they're her's," and pointed to the other girl in the car. She said, "Well, can I ask her?" She just got in her car and drove off.

     9:45am  Lynn gave me two cigarettes. I appreciate it, Lynn. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                   Whoo, third time's a charm. Lynn hooked me up. 

     10:31am  For sixty nine cents I bought me eighteen chocolate chip cookies. Stouffers. Serving size is two cookies. Servings per container is about four. 150 calories per serving. 1200 calories.

     10:54am  F5W-ZWW, this girl I tried telling my story to, her boyfriend came out and was all, "We gotta go, we gotta go." The girl was all interested, though. She told him, "We gotta hear this story." He said, "No, we gotta go." I told him, "You have all the time in the world. Why are you in such a hurry?"

     11:02am  I can pretty much assume that this guy isn't coming. Man, that sucks. I got stood up.

     11:06am  Garza hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Citgo. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     11:18am  I thought maybe I should go back to my mom's house and put my shoes on. Screw it, I got my boots on. I'm going to go downtown.

                     I crossed the street and I'm going to wait for the 610. Whichever one comes first. Ingram or Medical Center.

     11:23am  There's the 610 going to Ingram.

     11:52am  I got off over by Timberhill. I need to be walking. I need to be seen. I know for a fact that I'm going to get smoked out somewhere in Timberhill.

     12:00pm  I went across the street to the Diamond Shamrock to take a shit. They're out of toilet paper. I'll use a paper towel.

                     I'm in Timberhill Apartments looking around for a cigarette.

     12:08pm  I had a great presentation with these two girls in a car. License plate X89-LBR.

                      I asked this black dude on Timberhill if he wanted any help. He was doing yard work. I asked him, "Do you need any help? I got my gloves. I'm always up for a project." He told me, "No, thank you. I've got it." I told him, "Just in case."

     12:15pm  Cool, a garage sale. I've got a dollar. Let's see if there is anything I can get.

     12:27pm  I passed by 6506. Some guy just sitting there in his garage. I asked him for a cigarette and he said he didn't have one. I hit him up for my story. "I'm not asking for anything. I just want you to listen." He tells me, "No, I'm kind of busy." He's just sitting on his ass.

     12:45pm  I turned on some random street, Ambling. It cul-de-sac's so I'm walking back now.

                     I'm going to go down Kindlewood.

                     Another cul-de-sac. I'm going to get back on the main road Timberpath. Timberhill I mean.

     12:49pm  I just hit Huebner. Left on Huebner towards Bandera.

     12:52pm  Buddy hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Bandera Bowl. I appreciate it, brother. I got my lighter, thanks anyway.

     1:05pm  I smoked that cigarette I got off of Buddy inside the air-conditioned Bandera Bowl. I just realized that there's a Tuesday Morning right here. A crafts store. I'm going to go see if they have any rainbow beads.

     1:09pm  No rainbow beads at Tuesday Morning. That sucks.

     1:20pm  Rick hooked me up with a cigarette at the carwash. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     1:29pm  I came over here and smoked this cigarette at Poss Road and Bandera. Oh yeah, I went to that carwash and got a cigarette off some guy. "Alright! I'm in a book!" he said.

                   I'm just at the bus stop waiting for the bus. I'm giving everyone going down Bandera Road the peace sign. This truck just pulled up to the light. This Cobblestone Mill truck. They gave me the peace sign before I gave it to them.

                   I saw the 88 coming the other way, towards the Walmart. I crossed the street. I'm going to catch the bus right in front of the Arby's. Go back to Mainland.

     1:55pm  I caught the 88 to Huebner. Like a block away. The other 88, which is turning on Huebner is coming right now. There's a shitload of traffic.

                   I'm going to ride the 88 to the Planet K at Wurzbach and Evers. I want to ask them if I can still go to Austin and buy a pipe.

                   Damnit, that 88 is not turning and going straight. Damnit. Damnit, if I would've waited earlier and not jumped across the street, I could be on my way downtown. So I'm here just waiting.

                   Umm, I'm probably going to get hooked up at Tia Loli's.

                   Whoa, these two skaters pulled up and I asked them if I could tell them a really interesting story. They listened to me and on guy goes, "Oh, I think I've met you before. At the HEB over on Guilbeau. You told me all that stuff then, but now that I am listening to you, it's sinking in."

                    I got one of those kids' email address.

     2:21pm  Those skaters that I talked to a minute ago next to the video place asked me, "Know anywhere we can smoke?" My face lit up. I said, "Do you mean weed? Smoke a brother out?" We just came around the corner and smoked some weed. The universe provides.

                    They just happened to be on skateboards. They're not skaters. They wanted me to clarify that.

                    They were fifteen and fourteen.

                    I'm hiking to the next bus stop with these kids. It was cool. I told them my whole story and they were captivated. They were smiling through the whole thing. I hope I gave them some hope. They were all, "It's so cool. We're going to be able to say we met you!"

                    Oh yeah, I never mentioned that I carved Victor the Liberator in my stick at the bus stop this morning.

     3:12pm  Alex, one of the kids hooked me up with a dollar! I appreciate it, brother.

                    I had hit Alex up for his transfer. They were going to expire before they had time to use them. I've got a bus pass, but I collect transfers, you know. He gave me a dollar!

                    They know it's their world I'm saving.

     3:29pm  At long-last here's the bus. Oh yeah, the donut guy is the driver. The guy I traded a donut for a courtesy ride a long time ago.

     3:44pm  Damnit, Tia Loli's is closed. I'm hungry. That sucks.

     3:46pm  I walked to Planet K. Nobody that's cool is there. The girl didn't give me a cigarette. She got me hungry with all this food out. She told me, "Oh, I don't smoke." I asked her, "Then what the hell are you doing working at Planet K?" Maybe she's a DEA agent, hehe. I got this idea. I've got a dollar. I'm going to go to this place over by the Habib mart and ask them if they'll give me anything to eat for a dollar. I'm a long-distance walker.

     3:51pm  I had to run for the 534 and he waited for me.

     3:57pm  Mr. Maldonado. I just got off the bus. Haha, when I got on the bus I had just stayed standing, like I always do. He asked me, "Oh, you're not going to sit down?" He stopped the bus and everything. I told him, "Nah, I don't have to. You can't make me." He got all pissed off and put the bus in park and told me to sit down again. I told him, "I don't have to sit down. I prefer to stand. I don't have to. You can't make me." I told him, "Do your job and drive the bus. I'm not breaking any rules. I have my bus pass." He got all defensive and shit. He all got up and in my face. I told him, "I am not going to sit down. I don't have to. Listen, do your job already. You've got all these people on here waiting to get somewhere." He had to keep going and when I got off at the hospital I told him, "It's my tax money that pays your salary. I am your boss." I pulled out my tape recorder and said, "Thanks for making my book so interesting." I started recording and I said Mr. Maldonado real loud so he'd hear me.

     4:00pm  John hooked me up with a cigarette here at the hospital. Nobody else would give me one.

                   I jumped on the 92 and asked the driver, "Hey, can I have a courtesy ride?" She told me, "I'm on the phone, hold on." I just got on the bus and guess what I found? A whole pack of Starbursts! There's like one missing. This is awesome. Thank you, Love. I'm always finding treats on the bus.

     4:10pm  The driver finally got off the phone and she asked me, "What did you want?" I told her, "I was asking for a courtesy ride. I'll trade you a Starburst for a courtesy ride." She goes, "I'm not going to give you a free ride." I showed her my pass and said, "I'm just kidding. I was just testing you."

     4:30pm  Mike hooked me up with a cigarette here at Crossroads. I appreciate it, Mike. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     4:37pm  I just took my last hit and I'm stoned. I went up to some guy and asked him if I could tell him a really interesting story. He said, "No man, I'm cool."

                   I'll tell people after I tell them my story, "If I am killed, I bet you all the money in the world I get resurrected." Hehe.

                   I guess it's good that guy never showed back up this morning. He told me he was a hacker and the DEA was looking at him. So, it's cool that he didn't show up.

                   I'm downtown already. I bought a hotdog. I was going to see if he'd hook me up again for just a dollar. I asked him, "Hey, will you hook me up?" He said, "No man, you always do this." I told him I was just kidding. Hmm, I have two dollars for a joint or two dollars for a hotdog. I chose the hotdog.

     5:07pm  I changed my mind. I got off the 92 at Cypress and San Pedro. I was going to ride it to Medical Center and wait around for the 91 and go to West. I'll get smoked out there. Oh yeah, I'm going to walk to SAC and type my stuff up. I've got work to do.

                   Everything is closed today. I thought it was Sunday or something. Nobody's at SAC, so I turned around and jumped on the #4. Going to North Star again. I'll catch the 534 to Medical Center.

     6:10pm  I just realized it was Friday! I thought it was Sunday. I have to get back downtown. Go to The Riverwalk for publicity.

     6:24pm  Mr. 6104 hooked me up with a ride downtown. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:00pm  I had a badass presentation with these kids. These kids had even seen me playing with the squirrels in the park. They ran up to me and said, "Hey man, why were you trying to catch the squirrel?" I told him, "Nah, I was just playing with it." One of them was holding a videocamera. I gave them my presentation and they got me on tape! My whole platform.

                   I don't know if I mentioned it but when I got on the that one bus today, and that dude hooked me up with a courtesy ride and he listened to all my stuff. He had told me, "Man, I see you every day. What are you doing, man? Talk to me." I told him my stuff and blew his mind. Anyway, I'm going down to The Riverwalk.

     7:08pm  I passed by these two dudes on The Riverwalk and I hear some kids say, "Hey, there's that dude who was flying that sign!" They saw me at Marley, cool.

                   I had a damn good presentation with this kid. He listened to me.

     7:28pm  I just asked this guy walking, he was selling flowers, I said, "Hey, can you spare a cigarette?" He goes, "Hey, what's going on, I saw you at Sam's the other day." I told him, "Yeah, I'm everywhere."

                   I had a really good presentation here at the statue. They didn't listen to me, but I told them, "You can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does. Ignorance is bliss, I guess." And I told them, "Welcome to San Antonio. I am San Antonio," and I pointed to the statue. They went, "Oh my God."

     7:35pm  Ruth hooked me up with a cigarette in front of my statue here.

     7:42pm  Gana hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the statue. I appreciate it, Gana. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:52pm  I had the greatest presentation, well not really. Just that people are seeing me. Anytime people walk by I point to my statue and say, "Hey, see the resemblance?" Oh yeah, that guy selling lights came back up to me and said, "Hey, I just want to give you the heads up. The park police might mess with you. They might think you're panhandling. They might think you want to deface the statue." I told him, "Man, that's me. Why would I want to deface my statue?"

                   I had a magical presentation with these three people. I gave them my email address.

     8:18pm  Carlos Sepulveda, over at the Sbarro's in Rivercenter Mall here, is hooking me up, proving me right. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:20pm  I just got hooked up at this Sbarro's. Proving me right. Hell yes! Right here in Rivercenter Mall in downtown San Antonio! He had told me, "I'm Catholic. Everybody eats." I told him my mission-objectives and he agreed with everything. I couldn't tell him my story. He was working. Then I came to sit down to eat and some guy walks up and says, "Hey, nice stick." He was the guy giving samples out.

     8:32pm  This old man Art gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Man, I had a great presentation with these kids on The Riverwalk over by the mall. I had told them, "Yeah, there's a statue of San Antonio right over here. Come look at it."

     9:00pm  Right when I walked to Travis Park the 88 pulled up. It goes to Bandera towards my mom's house. I'm going to go there. I'm not going to get home too late so I can get some sleep and get ready for my sign-flying tomorrow.

     9:36pm  I'm at the Walmart. I'm going to use the courtesy phone and call my mom and see if she'll pick me up.

     9:42pm  Jenna, here at Walmart is giving me a destination. The Folkfest in Kerrville. I gotta check that out. I appreciate it, Jenna.

                   Oh yeah, it's cool. Right when I came out of the Walmart some guy yells, "I see you everywhere! I see you again!" I yelled back, "I am everywhere!" Then Jenna, this girl said, "Yeah, I see him everywhere too." She asked me, "Hey, are you going to the Folkfest?" I went, "What?" She said, "The Folkfest in Kerrville. It's a whole month long after Memorial Day." I have to go there. I told her, "Thanks for the destination, Jenna."

     9:57pm  Man, it's really weird how when I went to Travis Park the 88 pulled up right when I got there. I got on it and now that I came and called my mom at the Walmart, my mom happens to be at the HEB right across the street. It's weird how it worked out.

                    I guess the spirits know I have to go to bed early tonight so I can fly my sign in the morning.

Next day..

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