

                                                                                                                                     Portland, OR

Monday April 9, 2007

     8:14am  I woke up at Jeni's. It was cool that I was able to crash here last night. It was raining hard. I'm going to go fly my sign on Foster. Over by Highway 205. Like I did when I first started flying my sign.

     9:46am  I woke up this morning at Jeni's and I cleaned up a lot. That place was filthy. Right now I walked down to 205 and Foster. I'm going to fly my sign. I have been for like five minutes already. Actually, people have been hooking me up already. The first two cars gave me some money. I'm not asking for shit, though.

     10:08am  It started raining again so I stopped signing. Since I got hooked up with a couple bucks I am going to do my laundry. I'm walking to the laundromat close to Jeni's house. Foster and 102nd.

     11:11am  Necesitaba veinte centavos para sequar mi ropa en el laundromat y Jose en la taqueria me dio lo que yo necesitaba. Te lo agradezco, senor. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

     1:16pm  I walked all the way to 82nd and the greedy ass driving the 72 won't let me on. Oh well.

     1:20pm  Janelle hooked me up with a cigarette at the bus stop on Foster and 82nd. I appreciate it, Janelle. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:31pm  Damn, four drivers have told me no in a row. That sucks. I've waited a whole hour trying to get a ride. Oh yeah, let me tell you what happened. I did my laundry. I wrote out Karen a long letter at the laundromat. Well, it's not too long. I'll read it to you:

     I'm writing this letter because I feel really bad. The only reason I left my pack at your house was because Yogi kept telling me, "You can leave your pack here if you want." So I did, assuming I would have safe access to it. Well, after a full day of giving my story away, the sun goes down, the chill comes on and I walk over to your house to layer up. Nobody was home. I figured I would walk back to the coffee shop(where it was warm) and hang out there until it closed, walk back and try my luck again. Ten 'o clock rolled around and I tried again, still to no avail. I banged on the door hard thinking somebody might be sleeping. Then I saw the pet door. I stood there in the cold contemplating it.
     I have this little problem of forgetting that not everyone else knows how harmless I know I am. Remember my story of how I went inside the coffee shop in Texas? I severely apologize, Karen. I swear that I came in through the pet door, went straight to my pack, opened the front door, placed it outside, shut and locked the door, then went out the pet door. I didn't even turn the lights on. The only thing I cared about in your house was what was rightfully mine. The only reason I mentioned it to Instigating-Russel, and you for that matter, is because I have absolutely nothing to hide. I really hope you forgive me.


- Victor Antonio

                    I'm going to go deliver this, if I ever get a courtesy ride. Greedy ass bus drivers. I kind of want to leave Portland already. I'm going to email KBOO and see what's going on.

     3:00pm  The greedy asses still aren't giving me a ride. Man, nobody wants world peace.

                    Good things come to those who wait.

     3:09pm  I am still here waiting for a courtesy ride. No drivers are telling me yes. Seven drivers in a row have told me no. Portland is being all greedy today. Are these signs to leave? I think so.

     3:25pm  Seven fucking bus drivers told me no, so I came to my corner by the 205 and spread the word. Jackie and her friend Shari were at the bus stop across the street. They yelled, "Let me see your sign!" I showed them and they ran across and I'm telling them my story. Jackie hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Jackie.

     4:10pm  Yet another turn-down.

     4:27pm  I got on the bus and I didn't have enough change. Mandy was nice enough to give me some change. I appreciate it, Mandy. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:44pm  I was on the bus and some random Mexican dude asks me, "Hey, can I get one of those sheets of paper?" I guess he saw me handing out my little flyers.

                    Be sure to look up the Viridian Manifesto.

     7:10pm  I'm going to go drop off the note. Oh yeah, this guy named Henry who I told my story to at the coffee shop, he invited me over to his apartment to smoke some weed. He's letting me crash here tonight. I left my pack at Henry's and I'm going to walk to Karen's and drop that note off. Hopefully she's there. I really hope she is.

     7:26pm  Man, fuck the Alberta House. I went there and asked them if I could please check my email. Robin copped and attitude and said, "Alright, one last time. It's disrespectful to the people paying rent." I asked him how was it disrespectful. He said everybody else was kicking down. He seems to have forgotten all the stuff and cleaning I kicked down when I lived, err slept there. Screw this place. That's alright, I've got me another place to crash. Screw all these kids. Good little slaves.

     7:46pm  Tomas hooked me up with a cigarette in front of La Sirenita. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

Next day..

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