


Fort Lauderdale, FL

Wednesday April 9, 2008

     9:17am  I just woke up with six hours of sleep.

     2:50pm  I have to make an update already. Jim woke up around twelve thirty or so. I was getting worried about him. I didn't want to see another dead body today. He did wake up eventually. Oh yeah, I cleaned up his whole house basically. The living room was all trashed. I organized all of the mess into one corner. I even swept the carpet for him. I did the dishes and cleaned the counter. He woke up and he was pleased. He was impressed. He asked me to help him empty out a storage unit, because he's wasting sixty bucks a month for nothing. We just came back and I'm unloading the U-Haul. I am doing it all. He's grateful. I'll take a picture. Well, after I finish unloading it. I'm kind of busy.

                   Random paintings that Jim had in storage.  Lots of valuable stuff.

     3:58pm  Jim and I took the U-Haul back. We're on Dixie and we're walking. We'll catch the bus eventually.

     4:22pm  I am two minutes late. I forgot to tell you that I got on the bus and the nice driver gave me a courtesy ride. It was weird that the bus does it's announcements in Creole too.

     4:31pm  I got off the bus at the central terminal. I'm going to walk to the library and check my email. I want to try and get some weed somehow. I'm wearing my backup WPTMJ shirt. I don't have my stick either. I feel naked. Later I'll catch the 30 bus back to the mobile home park where Jim lives.

     4:56pm  I forgot to tell you. I got off the bus and right across the street from the terminal there's a McDonald's. Everybody eyes are glued to my shirt. It's such a magic shirt. These two kids Amber and Billy came up to me. Amber saw my pet monkey in my pocket, which I use to spank the monkey, hehe. They smoked me out because I gave it to her.

     5:38pm  I just had an awesome presentation with those kids. Amber's eyes were locked on me the whole time. Billy is like twenty six and she's fifteen. I told them they should take off traveling. They're all brainwashed needing money and panhandling. They smoked me out rowdy with two joints.

     5:56pm  I just had an awesome presentation in the park in front of the library. I told my stuff to these two black dudes and a Puertorican guy. They listened to me like crazy. I'm going to go check my email now. I'll do a little short session and then I'll ride the bus back to the house where the guy died last night. I am still in shock I went through that. I can't believe I feel comfortable staying there. Like, this morning I was taking a shit and just hours before there was a dead guy in front of the toilet.

     6:37pm  I just got out of the library. I'm going to go back to the terminal and score a courtesy ride. Davie and Highway 95 is what I am aiming for. Bus number thirty.

     6:48pm  The greedy ass driving the bus wouldn't give me a courtesy ride. I told him I would walk it if I had to...and I will.

     6:56pm  Duchon, he loved my story here at the terminal. See, I didn't get a courtesy ride so I turned around and asked this guy to point me to Davie and 95. He told me it was a good hour walk. I told him I didn't care. I am up for it. I don't have my walking stick today. I am free. I just remembered I had these coupons Jim gave me to Dunkin' Donuts.
                   Oh yeah, I ran into Jim at the bus terminal. He got on the bus before I did. See, I always wait to be the last person when I'm trying to get a courtesy ride. The driver was all scared telling me, "We've got cameras. I am on tape right now." I told him, "Good, hopefully my shirt comes out on tape." When I stepped off the bus I told him, "That's right, be afraid. Be afraid." It was funny. Then I turned around and bam, I had a marvelous presentation with Duchon. I didn't get the country he was from, but he loved my story. His bus came so I gave him my website.

     7:00pm  Umm, I almost got hit by a bus! I was asking this one girl directions and I was walking and this guy almost ran my ass over. I'm going to walk to Andrew and keep going all the way to 95. These two girls, as soon as I said eliminate money one said, "Oh no! That'd be like Communism!" In the park in front of the library everyone was saying that too.

                   It was cool, right when I said, "And you're going to think I'm crazy...." She cut me off and said, "I don't care. I'll still check out your website though."

     7:04pm  Right now at this stoplight at Andrews and SE 2nd Street, these kids at the stoplight honked at me about my shirt. I yelled my website to them. "It's not religious, I promise!" I was totally meant to be on this walk, hell yeah.

                   I was able to score a shower in the dead guy's bathroom yesterday.

                   A guy riding his bike just went by and yelled, "Nice t-shirt!"

     7:20pm  I walked up to Davie Boulevard and Andrews Avenue. I'm going to go hang out in front of the gas station here and smoke a cigarette. I wonder where there's a Dunkin' Donuts. I have coupons for there. I've got one for a free personal pizza.

     7:31pm  I stopped at Federal Highway. I see a Pizza Hut. I'm going to hit them up for mistakes.

                   I have been waving the peace sign to every single car that passes. Man, it's so awesome how I have a headquarters in Fort Lauderdale where I can keep my bags and walk around with my shirt exposed. Even though I had to see a dead guy for it. Today I am totally free. I don't even have my stick. I didn't get a courtesy ride, so I'm having a glorious walk. I'm going to go get hooked up with food hopefully.

     7:34pm  They told me no real quick. I gave them my website though. I don't know where the Dunkin' Donuts is. I got directed to Federal Highway.

     7:39pm  I talked to this Irie brother right now. He wouldn't listen to me. He kept telling me, "You've got one minute." I said forget it then, just check out the website. I asked him to do me the two favors and everything. He was all, "I love you, brother."

                   Jim hangs out at the Dunkin' Donuts a lot. Oh, did I tell you he was sixty four? He hangs out there with other old guys.

                   It was awesome. I saw a peacock at a gas station. I pulled my camera out and it came on. See, earlier I emailed Jenn, who I had met at The Blueberry Patch. I told her about what happened yesterday. Dude, I was going to email her the picture of the dead body. When I hooked the camera up to the computer to send her the picture, it didn't come on. I thought the batteries might be dead or something. I even wrote her a P.S. saying how weird it was that the camera didn't come on. The batteries weren't that old. And now when I saw the peacock the camera came on just fine. I even took three pictures of it. I guess I am not meant to share that picture. But screw it, it's going to be on my website. Right now I am walking to the Dunkin' Donuts.

     7:44pm  I walked down Federal/Highway 1. I see a Papa John's Pizza. I'm going to go hit them up for mistakes.

                   They didn't have any mistakes so I asked them directions to Dunkin' Donuts. They told me I had already passed it. Weird.

     7:52pm  Found the Dunkin' Donuts right here in the Rio Vista Plaza. I'll take a picture if I can.

     8:07pm  Marvin is hooking me up with a drink for the cause. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     8:08pm  That was awesome the presentation I just had. I went in the Dunkin' Donuts and Marvin was working there. His wife was visiting too. I had two coupons. One for three donuts and the other for a personal pizza. I ate all the food. I am full as hell. Afterwards I wanted a cigarette, but I wanted a drink too. I walked over to the drink cooler and told him, "Hey Marvin, will you hook me up with a drink for the cause?" He said, "What?" I asked him like three times. He said, "I've got my own cause, but I'll tell you what. I'll turn around and you take it out of there." I'm going to keep walking to Jim's. I've had such a good walk. I am all full.

     8:26pm  Walked to Davie Boulevard and turning left.

     8:35pm  Right now I am walking down Davie Boulevard. These two cute girls saw my shirt. This one girl said, "Hell yeah, that's what I'm about." I gave her my website. "It's not religious, I promise." I am totally saturating this town with my presence.

                   On my website, at the top have it say, "Under constant construction(evolution)."

     8:50pm  I am getting close. I just crossed over the canal they have here. I am almost to the RV park.

                   Hmm, I've already walked over the bridge but I can't seem to find it. I need to find where the railroad tracks are because I remember his trailer being right next to some. I turned after the bridge and walked around. I double backed and tried the other side too.

                   Ohh, I know what happened. I mistook the drawbridge signals for railroad track markers, so I assumed it was up ahead. Duh, I wasn't at 95 yet and I just have to keep on walking. Like a half a mile more past the drawbridge. I'm all stoned, hehe.

     9:10pm  I'm stupid. 95 is like the next light up. I'm coming up to it now.

     9:16pm  Crossing over I95.

     9:26pm  Coming up on the RV park.

     9:32pm  I found Jim's trailer.

     9:40pm  Jim was home and he let me in the house. At first I knocked on the door and he wouldn't answer. I was like, "Did he kill himself too?" I saw his light was on in his room so I yelled and got his attention. He let me in and we had a nice little talk. I told him about my magical day. I even told him about the picture and how the camera wouldn't turn on. He told me that I am welcome to anything in the fridge. His house looks good after I cleaned it. I should've really taken before and after pictures this morning.

     10:16pm  I am crashing out on the floor in the living room again. I'm going to set my watch and see how much sleep I get tonight.

Next day..

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