

                                                                                                             San Luis Obispo, CA

Thursday April 9, 2009

                   I woke up around 6:50am or so. I didn't time my sleep. I had a great night last night.

     7:24am  Molly playing guitar

                   I had a good day at Prado. I got a lot of work done on the computer. I named a lot of pictures for like three hours. The black guy who gave me that nugget yesterday told me he would smoke me out, but he disappeared, he stood me up again. He had even gone into the restroom to look for me to smoke me out. I was getting dressed after showering and I was holding my necklaces in my hand. When he walked in he said he liked one of them and I volunteered it, thinking he was going to smoke me out. Afterwards he was nowhere to be found. I wanted to get stoned.
                   Fuck that dude. Talk is cheap. Without your word you are nothing! I came to Higuera. I could've stayed and done more work on the computer, but I came to Higuera to try and manifest some marijuana.

                   Right when I got to Higuera these kids crossed the street and told me they wanted to hear my story. This girl who I told it to yesterday wanted me to tell her friends. I put on my show and they were all about it.

                   I'm going to fly my HOOK A BROTHER UP/SMOKE A BROTHER OUT sign until I get smoked out, then I'll give out FREE HUGS.

                   Maya hooked me up with a dollar. I appreciate it, Maya. Everybody gets credit. Check out the website.

     2:28pm  Listeners

                   Lance came by and hooked me up with some tortilla chips. What kind are they? Taco Works. San Luis Obispo's very own. Those are from here.

                   Jason just hooked a brother up with a dollar. I appreciate it, man. Ivy hooked me up with a dollar too.

                   Beautiful Misty, she listened to my entire odyssey and everything.

                   Nine year old Robert just gave me a dollar for the cause. I appreciate it, little brother. It's your world I'm saving.

     4:43pm  Sean just hooked me up with a cigarette over by the Bubblegum Alley.
                   Sean came up to me and asked me if I had any interesting stories about my travels. Hehe, do I.

     5:53pm  Some awesome magic just happened. People gave me like seven bucks and the random time I went to the mission park to see if I could score a nickel sack anywhere, I walked up to the bathroom and saw these street kids. Right before this guy told me he would smoke me out for five dollars. At first I thought it was a rip-off, but afterwards I had this stupendous presentation with the street kids, all because I got high. They totally listened to me. Right now there is a big event going on. Right now in the middle of me telling my story this lady came up and took my picture because of my shirt. Document me, please.

                   Couple who listened to me

                   Chris is being nice enough to let me roll a cigarette at this event they're having here. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Oh shit, duty calls. I'm walking to Higuera. It's farmer's market tonight and it's packed. I got my clown wig on. I'm going to make a good appearance.

                   This brother came up and smoked a brother out.

     7:46pm  I just ran into Judy!  That beautiful girl who gave me my new digital camera at the Peach House[1-31-09 : 7:25am].

                   I've got some teammates tonight! Bianca, Kyra, Dingo and Caitlyn, they're helping me out holding my free hugs sign and giving my website to whoever hugs them. Everybody takes it. Way to support the cause

     7:58pm  Huggershugging

                   We walked by the Govina Garden stand and the guy working inside yelled, "I want a hug!" We came over and he hugged each of us and then volunteered a yummy calzone! I got the calzone, needless to say, hehe.

     9:07pm  This street kid Detox walked over and hooked me up with some food.

                   I should make an update now. It's awesome having helpers. We had to wait a couple times for me to cut out more strips, we were passing them out like hotcakes along with free hugs. I had to coach them and remind them to assure people it wasn't religious. We walked down Higuera because they wanted to go to some free concert. I thought I would join them but when we got close to it there was really loud music so I said forget it.

                   After I parted from my helpers I walked around asking people for a nickel sack. I asked this one guy Joe Peace and he didn't know, but he ended up giving me some good shake for free. He was friends with the cool guy who hooked me up with the calzone. They smoke too.

     9:35pm  Listeners

                   Maria just handed me a wad of cash. I had given up and was packing up to leave and she walks up and asks me where my sign was. I told her I was about to leave, perfect timing. She hooked a brother up.

     10:43pm  I had a great farmer's market night tonight. I scored some helpers to pass out my website for me. I can't wait to check my email tomorrow. I'm walking to camp now. I just got to the Circle K. I'm going to buy some Buglers.

     10:54pm  I just got to camp.

Next day..

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