

                                                                                                                                     Portland, OR

Thursday April 12, 2007

     8:32am  I woke up around seven or so. I had a great reception here at Jenny's last night. Aaron is the best cook in the world. He made these awesome chicken with potatoes. He gave me a huge plate. I just showed up and I was all welcome here. They were all complimenting me on how I cleaned last time, so I'm going to get stoned and clean up some more.

     9:38am  I walked up right in front of the taqueria and Stephen hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:26am  The 14 driver, Paul, he's being nice enough to pay my fare this morning. I appreciate it, Paul. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:27am  Hell yeah, I just got on the bus and told the driver, "Hey, can I get a courtesy ride? I'm volunteering at this place called Free Geek." He told me, "You gotta have something." I told him I didn't have anything. He said, "Well, since you're going to Free Geek and I am a Linux enthusiast, I'll pay your fare." Hell yeah! I can't wait to tell this guy my story. When he said I gotta have something I went, "Alright, here," and I handed him one of my little papers. He accepted it and said, "What's this?" I told him, "It's not religious, I promise. I gotta give something back." I got him all primed up for the story. But he had to go to the bathroom real quick a the Porto potties they have for the drivers here.
     11:04am  Just got dropped off on 11th and Madison. I'm walking to Free Geek.

     4:18pm  I didn't work that much today. Maybe like two and a half, three hours. I did a lot of data-entry. Putting in all the orders for the computers their giving away. Grant Boxes, Freak Boxes, the adoption computers that you get for volunteering. I did that for a couple of hours then I got bored and decided to go for a walk. I walked over the Willamette River again. I walked all the way to the waterfront. I just go to the Greyhound station and I realized my tape recorder was fucked up, so I rewound it to where I left off. I'm recording again. I don't know what I'm going to do. I went to the waterfront and nobody was there. I want to tell my story, or something.

     4:23pm  I came to the Greyhound station to smoke a cigarette. Chris just volunteered me two. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:16pm  I had a good presentation. Well, I thought it was good. These kids were all, "Do you eat L?" I went sure, if you can spare it. He was all, "We can't spare it." I snapped back with, "What? You're trying to sell me shit? You know my job doesn't pay me money." I smoked them out. I gave them a hit of weed, but they didn't have anything to spare and actually had the nerve to expect money for it. Oh well, that's all on you.

     5:34pm  Kayla hooked me up with a cigarette at Pioneer Square. I appreciate it, Kayla. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:46pm  Man, that Kayla girl is one beautiful blond girl. She's so hot. I told her, "It's worth catching the next train," but she had to go.

     6:07pm  The 14 driver is letting me ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks. He told me I had to pay twice next time. Haha.

     6:08pm  Oh yeah, at the bus stop I had another great presentation with another beautiful girl. They're everywhere in Portland.

     6:43pm  I just got to the 7-11 at the end of the line by Foster Road. I'm going to walk to Jenny's. I'm going to ask them if I can stay again. They seem to like me there.

                    Even though today I didn't clean that much. Devin smoked me out.

     7:28pm  I went to Jenny's house and nobody was home. I just sat down and read my don Juan book. It's getting cold. It started drizzling, so I walked to the laundromat. I'll sit here and read my book. I'll try back at the house later.

     8:21pm  A couple minutes ago I got the idea to go to the taqueria next door and borrow their phone. I called, see I have Sara's number. Wait, let me get my wallet. On the back of a business card in my wallet I've got Sara's number first. It's 503-875-0234. When Devin gave me his mom's number downtown when I first got to Portland, it happened to be 503-875-9375. Only the last four digits are different. That's a weird coincidence. Both Sara and Jenny are dancers too, hehe. It's just a crazy coincidence. Well, today at the taqueria when I borrowed the phone the girl asked me what phone number and I gave her the 0234 one. I wasn't thinking so when Sara answered the phone I said, "Hey, what's up, Jenny. What's your twenty?" She was all, "What?" I told her, "That's trucker language for what's your location." She was all, "This is Sara." Oh man! I explained to Sara the situation with the phone numbers. All of a sudden Sara asks me, "Hey man, do you want to smoke a bowl? Where are you at?" She's going to come get me and smoke me out. Awesome. I'm at the laundromat here at 102nd and Foster and she's going to come get me and pick me up. Awesome.

     8:42pm  The greedy ass Mexicans in the taqueria won't let me use the phone again. "There's a payphone outside!"

     9:17pm  Holy shit, guess what happened. I got tired of waiting for Sara to show up. I wasn't sure she knew exactly where I was. I told her I am at the laundromat reading my book. Then the bitch wouldn't let me borrow the phone again. Then I decided to walk back to Jenny's house and see if Aaron will let me use his phone. Get my bag at least. When I went over there I saw Chris, Jenny's other roommate washing the dishes with a pissed off look on his face that he had to wash the dishes. Punk ass Devin wouldn't let me borrow his cellphone to call Sara. He was all no, I'm waiting for a call. I said fuck it, I have to go back to the laundromat in case Sara shows up. I don't want her to miss me. I walked out of the apartment then did a double take. Fuck that, I'm going to grab my pack. Maybe I might not have to sleep here tonight. I grabbed my pack and hiked back to the laundromat. I asked these kids in a car if I could borrow their cellphone. I was bummed because she didn't answer it. Then all of a sudden Sara pulls up in her truck! Sara was looking hot, too. She was all dressed up with makeup on and everything. She told me she had to go to work tonight. Dancing. At Tommy's Three. Tommy's Too is over by 102nd. She's going to go dancing. I'm actually going to see her! I even asked her, "You wouldn't feel comfortable with me being in there?" She told me not at all. Wow, this is so awesome. Look how this night is turning out. Just behold the synchronicity. Getting tired of waiting and going back to Jenny's to borrow the phone. And how I went back to get my pack and everything. I just randomly took off out of there and bam, Sara pulls up. She could've shown up so much before. I waited for a long time. I went outside and I was asking people to borrow their phones. I wonder what else will happen tonight.

     12:17am  I forgot to tell you. I walked ten blocks to 82nd from Sara's apartment. She filled me up. I even have food in my pockets. I love Sara so much. She's my sister. She ended up not working tonight, so I didn't get to see her. I'm kind of glad, because she's beautiful. She's real pretty, hehe. Anyway, I'm walking 82nd to 103rd to Jenny's apartment. I hope they don't get pissed off that I'm so late. Damn, I didn't bring a roll of toilet paper. I talked to Jenny from Sara's apartment, she seemed all mad that nobody cleaned. I apologized for not cleaning, but that that I had to go to work. And Devin smoked me out, which took up my time to clean. Distracted me. Anyway, I'm walking right now. I'm sure she'll understand.

                     Oh yeah, I brought a roll of toilet paper too. Sara gave me one, awesome.

     12:21am  Brian hooked me up with a cigarette while I was walking down Foster Road. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

Next day..


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