

                                                                                                             San Luis Obispo, CA

Sunday April 12, 2009

     7:22am  I woke up around seven with about seven hours of sleep.

     8:15am  I just hopped the highway and I'm going to walk to Prado now. I'll have my last day at the day center. I'll be sure to take a shower and do laundry.

                   Ignorance is not the lack of knowledge. The lack of knowledge is caused by ignorance.  Ignorance is the act of ignoring.

                   I'm still a little down. My website is ready to be updated, but the public library is closed. Everything is closed on Easter Sunday, so I have to wait until tomorrow. Wait, the library is closed on Mondays too.

     2:31pm  The mighty Lucifer hooked me up with a cigarette on Higuera. ::Lucifer chuckles in the background:: Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:55pm  Brian hooked me up with some change for world peace. I appreciate it.

     10:00pm  I forgot to tell you. I haven't been in too good a mood lately. It got boring on Higuera. I got a ticket yesterday morning too. I don't have any weed. That's the main problem. This guy who said he was Lucifer, he walked up while I was spare changing for world peace, not so much for money, just to get a chance to yell, "Man, NOBODY wants world peace! Just testing you." I get a couple laughs out of that. Anyway, Lucifer was wearing a rainbow cape and he asked me if I wanted to smoke a salvia joint with him. Okay.

     4:20pm  Danielle hooked me up with a cigarette behind the Frog and Peach Pub. I appreciate it, Danielle. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:12pm  I am bored because nothing is open and there's no people because it's Sunday. Mike Floyd who works at Mother's Tavern just hooked me up with five cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     6:57pm  I was standing in front of the Bubble Gum Alley passing out my website. This drunk guy came up and wouldn't go away. Every time I tried to offer someone my website he would butt in and talk. He was cramping my style hardcore. First he asked me for some money for food. This one lady commented on my shirt and stared talking to us, thinking the drunk guy was with me. She kindly offered her leftovers to him. Tiffany, her name is.

                   I forgot to tell you, I haven't been logging that much. Everything is closed. I'm having a good presentation on the other side of the Frog and Peach Pub, by the creek. See, earlier I told this guy and girl my story on Higuera. Afterwards I asked them if they wanted to smoke a salvia joint with me. Lucifer had given me an extra one he had. They said sure and we came to the creek and smoked it. It was weak, but it gave us a head-change. They told me they lived at some collective and that they got to crash in a tree house. I asked them if I could come hang out one night and they said they would ask their roommates. Their friend showed up and they let me rewind and tell him my story too.  Anyway, today has been boring as hell.

     9:33pm  I walked to the Circle K and I discovered the affordable meal at the Circle K. I can buy a big burrito for only $1.59. It's like 740 calories. I can microwave it and eat some and save some for breakfast in the morning. I'm thinking about leaving. Guess I can't come back with these tickets I have. Well, I can always come back after I murder the government! Haha.

                   I can't believe I never mentioned. At the 7-11 I ran into these gutter punk kids and I followed them out to their camp, which is on the way to mine, but before the Circle K. Their trail starts across the street from The Sub. We went back there and I was surprised to find out they could build a fire. I let them use that fire starting paste I had found on the side of the road a while back. It's like napalm and got it started real quick. I let them have it. I'm walking to my camp now. I have a burrito to munch on.

     9:50pm  I just got to camp.

Next day..

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