


San Antonio, TX

Monday April 14, 2003

                   Wowee Zing Zowee! Man, the past couple of days have been absolutely great. Everything is going my way. Let's see, I have a shitty pen and that makes me not want to write in my calendar that much. Let's see how much I can remember. Okay, I'm going to try to type up what happened two days ago and yesterday.

                   Okay, let me try and remember what I did. Today was an especially badass day. Hmm, it seems I didn't type up yesterday yet. I thought I had. Let me think.

                   I woke up yesterday, waked-n-baked and my mind flew off thinking about creative stuff. I totally didn't feel like pulling weeds today. That's going to have to wait, mom. I spent all morning on the computer and guess what I did. I got this weird urge so I went to go to #oldmemphis on Undernet. I said in the channel, "Can someone zap over any ftp server program. Autoget is on. Thanks in advance." Bam, in less than ten seconds someone was sending it to me. How much more proof do you need that it's human-nature to be generous?
                   Anyway, I installed G6 FTP Server and started organizing my shit. See, the last time I tried putting my FTP up to show people it wouldn't browse more than one directory's depth. I don't know why, it just didn't work. Well, when I tried it today it did! I have all my new stuff from when I got back from California up on my site. Every email I send. Every conversation I have. Every idea and report I've written. I am literally an open book. My server will be evidence, in black and white, that I'm right about everything. There is no stopping it now. I'm going to back my shit up. Check it out:


                   Then I had another brilliant idea and started a new project. I looked up NOFX lyrics on Google. I went through all of their albums and pulled the lyrics from certain songs. It's a big condensed and magnified force field of energy. You need to read it all. You will understand.

                   Hmm, when my mom got home she pointed out that I didn't do anything in the yard. I told her to have patience, but she didn't seem too upset. She still had the audacity to ask me to do the dishes again.
                   Let's see. I just had a very productive day on the computer. At night, my friend Andrea called and asked me if I could help her out. I told her of course, anything. She told me her back hurt really bad and if I would give her enough for a couple joints. I immediately agreed. Andrea has smoked me out on numerous occasions and always gives me cigarettes when I ask. Damn-straight I'm going to give her weed. Right when Andrea came over my mom opened the sliding door to the balcony and told me, "Buscame unas bolsas del carro(Get me some bags from the car.)" I got up a little inconvenienced and did what she ordered. I didn't mind the activity, just that she didn't even ask, she told me to. When I returned from the car with her bag I mentioned to her that next time she wants me to do something, I would be more willing to do it if I was at least asked. She immediately got on the defense and swore that she had asked me, that I misunderstood her. Yeah right, mom. You do that shit every time I catch you messing up. She is so ashamed of everything.
                   Anyway, afterwards my mom was in the living room just wearing a T-shirt and I told her that Andrea was on her way over. She immediately took advantage of this opportunity to tell me, "See, it's the same thing there. You should ask me if Andrea can come over or not." I told her, "Mom, I don't need your permission for Andrea to come over. Me telling you right now would be your cue to tell me if her coming over was a problem or not. If you told me it was, I would be sure to hang out with Andrea outside and not enter your house, but you can't say she can't come over." She got all mad.

                   Okay, well anyway I got on AOL and was immediately bombarded with IMs from people. Guess what. I talked to this chick I met on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley. She asked me if I would tree-sit with her. I told her sure, when I go back over there. I've never tree-sat, but I want to. It'll be a great chapter. Just watch me do it someday(9-14-03, 1:37pm).

                   Well, that's all I'll have for today. Maybe if I remember stuff I will update it.

Peace, Brothers and Sisters.

- Victor

Next day..

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