


San Antonio, TX

Sunday April 18, 2004

     7:00am  I just woke up. I got some good sleep. Dude, I can't believe that party last night just fell in my lap. I even got a place to crash. Dude, I was outside after the Oyster Bake. These kids who I'd asked for change to get in saw me. I had talked to them a little. I didn't get through most of my stuff. It was a good party last night. I got all drunk off two beers. I didn't tell my story that much. I ran into a lot of ignorance. People wouldn't listen to me. Stupid alcoholics. They had a cool keg. They had a really nice house. I woke up this morning. I left them a note. In big capital letters I wrote, "THANK YOU," with a big peace sign. And I put Victor Antonio. Oh cool, there's a bus. Well, at least I'm somewhere where the bus runs. And I still have all my stuff. My Tri-Force of Wealth is still intact.

                  These kids' house is on Mesquite, going North past Burnett.

     8:03am  I ran into some black guys smoking a cigarette. I asked him if he could spare one and he said, "No, I bummed this one." Then he asked me, "Are you going to the church? They're feeding breakfast." I said, "Umm, okay, where?"

     8:10am  It turns out that I'm not going to go to this church. I'm going to catch the bus.

                   Oh yeah, the bus said Haze on it. I asked the driver, "Isn't there a church nearby?" He told me yeah, right here. He let me off. So I am going to this church after all.

     8:15am  I am at the Childress Memorial Church of God in Christ.

     8:35am  I was at the bus stop at Pine and Haze and Phase from Travis Park showed up. What's up, Phase?

     9:25am  Randall hooked me up with a cigarette here at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. I got a light, thanks anyways.

                   Randall even hooked Robert up. We appreciate it, brother. The universe provides.

                   He even hooked me up with a roach!

     10:05am  Obet le dio un dolar a mi amigo Robert. Te regresera.

                     Claire hooked us up with two cigarettes. And she's bummed out. Somebody stole her cigarettes. She's drunk and hungry.

     10:29am  Holy shit! Guess what just happened right now. My webpage is coming in thirty minutes, man. This dude I just met in the park, Robert who I told my story to. He listened to every word I said. I told him my whole odyssey story. He had been waiting for the bus and I asked him, "Hey, I don't suppose we could go over there to a bench so I can finish my story and not have to talk over the buses." He told me yeah, sure. So we walked around the park looking for a cigarette. He told me he knows webpages and stuff. He knows how to make them. We came to the library. He's going to hook me up today. He told me, "Check your email in about half an hour. I'm going to set you up." Badass, I just got my webpage.

                     See how things happens for a reason?

     10:49am  I did my pushups and stretches at the park in front of everybody, hehe.

     10:50am  The girl who always wants to hit me with my stick, just gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, whatever your name is. Smokahantas, I think.

     11:18am  I am having a magical morning in the park. Everybody knows me. I've been telling my story like crazy. I'm going to go check my email now. It's past eleven. The library is open.

                     I was walking through the park and I saw Elva! Hey, Elva! She's my backup-mom. She told me, "You never called me." I told her, "I called you like two weeks ago. Ahh, I promise I'll call you."

     11:40am  I said I'm writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read . . . and you're in it. It's about 11:40 and Mr. 2877 hooked me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game, thanks.

     12:07pm  Right now this guy just stumbled over on the bus and got off. I looked under his seat and I saw a brand new cigarette and a pack of matches. Oh shit! That's a present for me.

                    There was a pen down there too! I needed a pen.

                     I am meant to get off at Crossroads and smoke to let something happen to me. So I'm going to get off at Crossroads and smoke a cigarette. Something's going to happen to me. Gotta follow the signs.

                     Oh yeah, I'm on the 92. This guy just told me, "Hey, from a distance you kind of look like my brother. He just passed away." I told him, "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, man. It's the next step. He's not really gone."

     12:47pm  I just jumped on the 534. Going to go to Planet K and get a pipe.

     12:54pm  I got off on Wurzbach and Evers. I'm going to walk to Planet K.

                     Maybe I'll get hooked up at Tia Loli's. It's Sunday. They should be open.

                     After I go to Planet K because I might be able to get a cigarette at PK. After-meal smoke.

     1:00pm  Blake hooked me up with some change at Planet K. I didn't have enough change to pay for the pipe. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:02pm  Pat hooked me up with a Nat Sherman. Quality smoke. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                   Ahh. I didn't even bother at Tia Loli's for food. Oh yeah, I had these badass cappuccino cookies I got at the vending machine at Crossroads. They were damn good.

     1:39pm  Jesus, en La Taqueria Jalisco me esta dando dos tacos para gasolina para mi estomago. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

                   Sweet, that's so cool that I scored there. His name was Jesus!

     1:45pm  Those two tacos were damn good. I was hungry. I came outside and the bus is coming right now! Perfect. I'm over on Bandera and Wurzbach waiting for the 88 going to Walmart.

     1:54pm  I forgot, I got on the bus over on Bandera. All these fire ants had gotten on my stick. I was trying to knock them off. When the bus pulls up, I see it's my good friend Renee driving. I say, "Hey, can I get a courtesy ride?" She nodded her head and said, "You know who you're talking to." I told her, "I was just testing you," and showed her my pass.

                    I think I freaked this kid out at the Walmart. When I got there he was playing my game, the skateboard game that I play all the time. Go-go Hypergrind. I told him, "That's my favorite game. I love that game. That's what I'm going to play." He looked at me, got all freaked out and walked away. I told him, "Man, I didn't mean you had to stop playing." He just kept walking.

     2:55pm  This tape recorder is messing up big-time. I just got to the Citgo. My friend Amanda just gave me a cigarette. I told her, "I had the greatest Fiesta. I was just making myself known."

                    I'm going to go into the New Territories Park and look for tennis balls at the tennis courts.

                    Like I say, it hasn't all been proven to me. All I know is that I don't know nothing.

                    I'm just going on a great big hunch.

     3:35pm  I just switched out my batteries. That's why it was messing up. Anyway, I just got to the Citgo by my mom's. I was bummed out because there was nobody to bum a cigarette off of. I walked over by the newspaper stand and there was a cigarette just waiting for me. Thank you, Love. I appreciate it.

     3:56pm  Ah, home sweet home. Nobody's home. That's great. I'm going to check my email and then I'm going to take a shower.

     7:35pm  Let's see, I got home, took a shower. Oh yeah, my mom bought me another box of Total cereal. I ate some cereal and I was actually able to bum five dollars off my mom. I told her, "Hey mom, could I bum five dollars for cigarettes?" She said sure. She hooked me up. Hehe, my mom was all pissed off because I was gone and didn't call her for so long.

     8:36pm  Man, I have had a magical night. This was my day of rest today. Anyway, I'm here at OP Schnabel Park up in my platform looking at the beautiful view. The sun came down. I'm just having a glorious time. I finally got an email back from Jordan. I hadn't checked my email the whole time I was at Fiesta this weekend. She went like a whole eight days without sending me anything. I was really frustrated because I really wanted to talk to this girl. She finally emailed me back. She sent me eleven pictures to look at. She believes in me. She believes in me. She thinks I'm special. She's getting signs herself pointing to Victor. She's tripping me out.

                   There's gotta be a catch somewhere. She even suggested that we go walking during Fiesta. Oh man, that would be a dream come true.

     10:55pm  Dude, my mom just freaks me out, man. I was telling her, "Mom, I love the back yard." She said, "I have to make it real pretty." I told her, "It is real pretty." I had told her, "That was the mimosa tree that you cut down right? The one with the pretty pink flowers on it?" She said, "Yeah, but it's coming back. I'm not going to leave it." Shocked, I told her, "You try to chop it down, it starts growing back and you're going to try and kill it again?! You're going to murder it? You want to kill it? It's life, mother. Why would you kill it unnecessarily? It beautified the yard. It had little pink flowers on it. Why would you cut it down? Look, it's fighting back. It's coming back on its own. You had cut it off at the trunk and now it's coming back. Isn't that a sign? Why do you want to murder it? Mom, have some respect please. It was here first." She goes, "Well, it's my property. I can do what I want with it." I asked her, "Is that the point of owning property? So you can kill the living things on it?" Man, there is just no respect. I told her, "Your whole generation is like that. You just love killing the world. You get off to it."

                     No wonder she is so miserable, man. It's all coming back to her.

Next day..

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