

Thursday April 18, 2024

Daily Thoughts: 

2:32pm  Quotes found by Tita:  

"The Jews are the chosen people of god.  And this is written in a book that they themselves wrote."  - George Carlin

"Whoever invented marriage was creepy as hell.  Like I love you so much I'm going to get the government involved so you can't leave." - Jim Carrey

5:43pm  Just finished updating my Propagandhi Fuck Religion song.  I colorized it and added/replaced pictures.  Oh, and I dropped the text a bit too.  Check it out.  FUCK RELIGION

Oh, and this morning I polished off my Asylum Street Spankers page!  GO TEXAS!  GET 'R DONE!

11:22pm  Great Lao Tzu quote: "To attain knowledge, add things every day. To attain wisdom, remove things every day."

Here is another great one I have memorized.  "Manifest plainness, embrace simplicity, reduce selfishness, have few desires."


Saturday April 18, 2024

11:36:57am  I got seven hours of seep last night.  I slept in the sunroom so I don't wake Tita up.  I stealthily went in her room to take the dogs out.  This morning I polished up my Asylum Street Spankers page.  I even have the solo releases by some members.  Right now we drove to Authentic 209, the weed store, because I am out of dabs.  They won't accept my ID so as I was waiting for Tita in the parking lot in the back I got an idea.  I already have all of these havethesejokes tagged back there, for a while now, but I went to each one and recovered it with a  

        I am on this leaf-kick and there just happens to be a big wall back there


with ivy growing all over it.  Tons of leaves!  You know what I did.

Oh yeah, last night Tita spent four hours reading my journal!  She had a lot to say.  Can you recap our convsersation?

Tita:  I was suggesting to Victor that I write the story of his life.  It could really use summarizing here and there.  You know, make a story out of his stories.  One story of his life.  The things that I have been kind of prodding Victor about, is because I know I could do it.  

        As Victor has said, it's all documented.  He has every fact.  When I first met Victor and heard him tell his stories he gives so much detail that isn't necessary.  This would help him orally as well because he could look at these stories without to many details.  I told him that the value in recording all of these details was because he would forget these details.  

        Now, twenty years later, it doesn't matter people's last names, it doesn't matter how much money he spent.  It's interesting, it's good for a novel, but sometimes it's a lot of information so that's how the stories get longer, when they are really packed with every fact.  

I am a novelist.  Victor calls himself a journalist.  He's not a journalist.  He's called himself a documentarian.  Yes, he's a documentarian.  

Victor:  How am I not a journalist?  

Tita:  Journalists usually study.  It's a four year degree involved, so you need that background in writing in college.  Usually they have a master's.  

Victor:  In my opinion, you don't have to be on a payroll or be accredited to be a journalist.  All one has to do is journal.  

Tita:  That's like me saying if I can do legal work then I am an attorney.  As if I didn't have to go to law school to be an attorney.  

Victor:  Is attorney an action word?  

Tita:  No.

Victor:  Journalist is, isn't it?

Tita:  I am just saying you are not a journalist.  

Victor:  I am saying I am.

Tita:  It's confusing because in the United States a journalist is somebody who works at a news agency, or a magazine.  Nowadays it would be writing stuff online.   

Victor:  That's a professional journalist.  I am more of a habitual journalist.  I journal even though I don't get paid.  But I am still a journalist regardless.  Do you have the same opinion of writers?  I am one of them too.  More of just a typer though.  Actually, I am more of a liver.  I just let life happen to me.

Tita:  But do you see how it can be misleading?

Victor:  It might be misleading, but that doesn't mean that it's wrong.  It is not incorrect.  It is not a lie.  It is inerrant!  It's all-right!  Just because what I do doesn't fit your definition of journalist, doesn't mean that it's wrong.  

Tita:  No, but most people would assume that you have the aforementioned credentials.  

Victor:  I will let most people assume that.

Tita:  And since you don't do it for money, I wouldn't even say it's your profession.  It's your hobby.  You do it for you.  But you don't do it for money.  It's not a profession.  Long-distance walking isn't a profession either.  I would call you Wandering Prophet. 

Victor:  I want to give the appearance, give the illusion that I am getting paid money for it, by being qualitative!  That's the point I am trying to make.  I am trying to show the world how quality isn't derived from monetary-motivation and how better things could be if we got rid of money altogether!  

And it's not like I can take all the credit for it.  I am a hack.  I am a copying and pasting pirate.  That's why I can't expect to get legitimate royalties from my work.  My entire blog is a mosaic of information, a collaboration of intellect and humor.  

        My blog is proof that LOVE and EVOLUTION exists!  I feel that giving it all away is the thing that should scream the loudest!  I will have the whole world thinking, "Look at what this guy is doing for nothing."  

        That is what's going to make people trust!

Tita:  Many people will wonder, "Why is it free?  Oh, it's because he is wealthy.  He doesn't need to work."  That's what I would think.

Victor:  I am wealthy.  

Tita:  I mean with money.  Money in the bank.  I mean assets, having your own house, having your own car, being so well-equipped that you don't need to have a job.  Most people would think that.  

Victor:  The last thing they are going to assume is that I get a crazy-check.  That I am able to do so much and more with only a thousand bucks a month.  I could do it with nothing.  

Tita:  Yeah, but it could also be seen as your hobby, as your pet-project.  

Victor:  But I do get paid for my work.  Not always in money, but still I get something, even if it's just satisfaction.  Don't you see how my blog has the potential for all of the billions of normies out there to just eat it up?  

        Once it inundates the web there won't be much left to do.  HOW MORE SHAREABLE DOES FREE GET?

Tita:  But again, when things are free people tend not to value them as much.  

Victor:  Just remember the whole number's game theorem that I am working with.  It's like IM-phishing, stealing AOL accounts back then, all you have to do it stay at it and persist, and it happens.  

        I am not saying that I am trying to fool the world, just that it's along those same lines and principles that it might just wake up enough people to start a trend.  Odds prevail, always.  It's total subversion, psyching people out, but for goodness!  My blog does something to people that is unexpected.  It makes people think.  My blog holds the power to inspire people to follow their own path.  In the end all I really want is for people to wish me luck.  

Tita:  I just don't think they would get the full breadth simply from just you being nice.

Victor:  Most people won't, you're right.  I am patiently waiting for the diamonds out there, the gems.  

Tita:  From what I have seen in your journal, from what I have read so far, the people who have valued you the most are people that have met you as you traveled homelessly.  

Victor:  I appeared homeless.

Tita:  You were homeless at that time.  You had left your mom's house.  You didn't have a destination, you didn't have a hotel room.  You were homeless.  


Tita:  I was telling Victor that I want to write his book while he's alive.  I promised I would write Kaenan's story and my mother and my father's.  There's three people ahead of Victor, but Victor's alive.  If I write this book and get it published while he's living than it will be part of our lives' work and our mission.  We love traveling and having adventures.  Imagine we have this book of Victor's, FOR Victor and we go off in our Subaru or whatever SUV we are going to buy and having loads of books and selling them at bookstores and stuff.  Imagine how cool that would be.  Because people value books they will pay for them.

Victor:  Damnit, I don't want to sell my writings and you know it.  You and your money hungry old-world attachments.  I WILL REACH MORE PEOPLE AND BE PRACTICING WHAT I PREACH IF I GIVE IT AWAY.  And give it away only.  

 Tita:  When things are free people raise their eyebrows.  But, if it's a book that costs twenty, thirty dollars they will value it and they will pass it along.  

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