

Saturday April 20, 2024

10:04am  Today is going to be the sales on the edibles.  Sweet, I should go fly my sign today.  

Tita:  Today's Until Today entry:  "I am willing to acknowledge a little girl needs a father to grow into a woman.  Little girls need a big strong daddy to hold them, protect them, and to let them know they matter to him.  They need a daddy who will talk to them, listen to them, who will speak up for them and teach them how to speak up for themselves.  Little girls need a daddy that they can depend on and put their trust in.  They need a daddy who will discipline them, instruct them and trust them to make decisions on their own.  They need a daddy to tell them they are pretty, to demonstrate that they're valuable, to teach them that they are worthy and acknowledge that they deserve respect.  Little girls need a daddy to teach them what to expect from men. 

Unfortunately, some dads do not know how to give little girls what they need.  They may want to, even try to, but somehow they never seem to get just what it is that little girls need from him.  As a result some litte girls grow up searching for their daddy they believe they never had.  Some little girls grow up full of regret, sadness, fear and sometimes anger believing that they will never get the things they need or want from daddy.  

All little girls have a heavenly father that understands them, loves them, values them and knows their every need.  The heavenly father has always protected, spoken to, listened to and spoken on behalf of his earthly daughters.  The heavenly father has always and will always be there to comfort, protect and provide for his little girls because he knows, sometimes better than they do just how precious they are to him and to the world.

Until today you may have believed that you missed out on a good relationship with your earthly father.  Just for today, be devoted to spending some time and sharing your thoughts with your heavenly father.  If you do you will feel a lot better about the father you have here on Earth.  

Today I am devoted to spending some time and sharing some thoughts with my daddy."

Victor:  It was cool until the third paragraph before it started talking about a "heavenly father."

11:03pm  Tita has accepted our breakup supposedly and is reading my this stuff about Freddy Mercury and Bohemian Rhapsody.  

12:25pm  The random chance of you coming into my life, I loved every second.  Without a doubt, you were my lottery ticket.  I felt like I won first prize with you.  So I had no qualms, no doubts about loving you and jumping into that relationship with you.  Look at how wonderful it was wasn't it?  For a long time it was beautiful.  It has now fallen into disrepair because we neglected it, because we couldn't communicate and because we had stressful issues.  I am not going to regret our relationship at all.

Victor:  I am grateful myself.  

Tita:  We had such amazing times, a lot of fun.  A lot of love and care.  You reintroduced me into the world of love.  You were my first real adult relationship.  That's why it was easy to jump in.  It just felt so right.  I love you and I am grateful for so much that you have done for me.  

        I could write a whole book about how good you've been for me and how much my dad appreciated you.  Caito may be the only one to say it, but I am sure even the grandkids, they may not acknowledge it, but the people that he knew, his close nuclear family, I am sure they all appreciate you for all the love and the time and the care you gave my dad.  I know that they all do.  They are just too proud to acknowledge that you were there for him in a way they refused to be.  

        You've been wonderful honey, that's what I don't want to go out badly.  You are not my enemy.  You'll always have me to count on to back you up.  No matter what.  Okay, honey.  I am going to prepare you your lunch.   


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