


Gulfport to Saint Petersburg and back, FL

Wednesday April 23, 2008

     12:35pm  I have to make an update already. I am taking off from The Patch. Oh yeah, last night was awesome. I met Nikki, who goes to college, she's in school, she let me crash at her house and this morning I got to type a shitload. I am already on March 4th. Like twenty days away from being caught up. I can type it up at the college here. I want to do that. Right now I'm going to go do a little fundraising. Actually, I'm going to walk to Echo's and see what's up with her. I've got some things on my agenda. She's supposed to give me a ride to the Health Department so I can get a blood screening. It's about time I got tested for Herpes already. Oh yeah, this guy Aaron I talked to last night, he's going to help me with my tee-shirts. He knows computers too. He runs this website that I can start a store for free and distribute my shirts. I just have to upload the design and people in Asia print them and ship them. Right now I'm going to go to the bus stop and try my luck with a courtesy ride. I've got eighty five cents. I should go buy some Ramen. That's what I'll do. I'm going to go buy a Ramen and go by Echo's.

                     Today at Nikki's was great. I was all stoned and she even gave me two dollars so I could walk to the store and buy Buglers. I typed my stuff up. I'm still at The Patch in my typing. Haven't taken off to Miami yet.

     12:40pm  I walked to the King's store and they all liked my shirt. I bought me two things of Ramen for thirty five cents each. I am all ready for my sign-flying today.

     12:42pm  I just realized that I needed more pieces of paper. I'm walking back to The Patch. I'm going to cut some more papers and then go see about Echo.

     1:05pm  I left again. I left my clown wig inside in my room. I'm going back for my clown wig.

     1:07pm  I am off again. I've got my wig and my flyers to hand out. I cut like two sheet's worth of them. It's cool how they're doubled now. I have two havethisbook.coms on each little paper. It makes them a little bigger.

     1:28pm  The greedy ass driving the 79 won't let me on. I was just testing you, anyway. You failed. Man, NOBODY wants world peace! I'm going to go in this thrift store and see if they have any cargo shorts.

     1:50pm  Ohio plates 1BBL, this guy hooked me up with gas. Oh yeah, I didn't mention. I went over to the bus stop in front of the McDonald's close to Echo's house and tried to score a courtesy ride. After the driver told me no I thought I saw Echo and her fiancĂ©e. I walked over there and Echo asked me, "Do you have a couple bucks for gas?" I told her, "Nah, but do you have a gas tank? I'll get you some." John was all, "You're going to steal gas?" I told him, "Nah, just give me a gas tank and I'll be right back." Sure enough, I walked to the Sunoco and asked a couple people there. They told me no. This lady got all mad when I asked her saying, "You're like the third person who's asked me for something today. A gallon costs four dollars!" I barked back at her, "Calm down. All you have to say is no. Since when does it hurt to ask??"
                     I walked over to the Marathon across and down the street a little. I saw some old guy pumping gas and I told him, "I just ran out of gas down the street. Could you spare a gallon?" He said sure and filled up my tank for me. He gave me two gallons. Like eight bucks worth. Nice.

                     Presto-manifesto. Ask and thou shall receive. Third time was a charm.

                     I walked back to Echo's and John was outside. I walked up and told him, "No luck." He said, "That's Gulfport for you." Then I handed him the full tank and said, "Psyche!" Him and Echo are giving me a ride to Tyrone so I can fly my sign! I got a courtesy ride anyway! What perfection.

     2:13pm  I just got dropped off by Tyrone Mall. I'm going to go fly my sign at the bus stop like I did last time. I'm not going to stand on the median. There's a lot of traffic right now. Maybe I will go stand in the median.

                     I offered this off-duty cop my website and he got a grimace on his face and showed me his badge. I didn't care and still tried to give him my website. He yelled at me to get off the median. Whatever, I can just go back to the bus stop. At first when he pulled up he asked me, "Are you giving out weed?" I didn't know he was a cop yet so I told him, "Not yet. Eventually though."

     2:48pm  Scott just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

     2:49pm  Hell yeah, I'm giving my website out left and right. This one lady in a car asked me, "Are you writing a book?" I told her, "No, I'm living a book. Check out my website. I'm a journalist." She said, "So am I." I told her, "See you on the other side." Then I was just walking back, letting people read the back of my shirt. All of a sudden this girl hands me a dollar bill. Hell yeah. Sweet.

                     Right now this lady driving by yelled at me, "You're going to jail!" I yelled back, "I'm not scared!"

     3:02pm  Dovile just hooked me up with a dollar. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Beautiful girl. She said, "I'll support your cause." I gave her my website.

                   Bums on median

                   The guy who hooked me up with a roach the other day just drove by in a delivery van and asked me, "Hey, how did you like that joint?"

     3:21pm  Man, it was magic that I scored that ride earlier today. The bus driver told me no and I saw Echo outside. Her and John. She hit me up for money for gas. I said no, but do you have a gas tank. After my third try I got it filled and ended up scoring a ride here.

     4:22pm  These cops are probably going to come talk to me now. Showtime.

                   This bum just walked by and told me the cops just ran everybody off the medians.

                   Man, the cops didn't come talk to me at all. They told everybody else to get off the median. I'm on the sidewalk and just exercising my freedoms. They leave me alone. Hell yeah. I'm undercover man, hell yeah.

     4:29pm  This idiot in a car just yelled at me, "Get a job!" I yelled back, "This is my job!"

                   Check out this lady standing on the corner with a Jesus sign.

                   DT1-6TF, this blue minivan just hooked me up with like two or three dollars. Hell yeah. They called me over. Support the cause. I gave them my website.

                   Pretty girl who accepted my website.

                   I offered this guy my website and he gave me his too.

     4:55pm  This pretty girl walked up to the bus stop and I tried telling her my story. The 79 pulled up and he wouldn't give me a courtesy ride. I pulled out some money and paid the fare, just for the sake of finishing my story with the pretty girl, who ends up living in Gulfport too. Totally worth it. I'm going to go back to The Blueberry Patch and talk to Echo again.

     5:30pm  I had a great presentation with Amber. She listened to me great. She was all smiles the whole way through. Sign my guestbook. Let me know what you think.

                   I got off the bus at 54th Street in Gulfport. I'm going to walk. I had an awesome day today. I was totally free today. Just my walking stick and my water bottle. That's it. No bags at all.

     5:58pm  I'm over here at Echo's and she looked up free in the dictionary.

Main Entry:
1free Listen to the pronunciation of 1free
Inflected Form(s):
fre·er; fre·est
Middle English, from Old English freo; akin to Old High German fri free, Welsh rhydd, Sanskrit priya own, dear
before 12th century

1 a: having the legal and political rights of a citizen b: enjoying civil and political liberty <free citizens> c: enjoying political independence or freedom from outside domination d: enjoying personal freedom : not subject to the control or domination of another2 a: not determined by anything beyond its own nature or being : choosing or capable of choosing for itself b: determined by the choice of the actor or performer <free actions> c: made, done, or given voluntarily or spontaneously3 a: relieved from or lacking something and especially something unpleasant or burdensome <free from pain> <a speech free of political rhetoric> —often used in combination <error-free> b: not bound, confined, or detained by force4 a: having no trade restrictions b: not subject to government regulation cof foreign exchange : not subject to restriction or official control5 a: having no obligations (as to work) or commitments <I'll be free this evening> b: not taken up with commitments or obligations <a free evening>6: having a scope not restricted by qualification <a free variable>7 a: not obstructed, restricted, or impeded <free to leave> b: not being used or occupied <waved with his free hand> c: not hampered or restricted in its normal operation8 a: not fastened <the free end of the rope> b: not confined to a particular position or place <in twelve-tone music, no note is wholly free for it must hold its place in the series — J. L. Stewart> c: capable of moving or turning in any direction <a free particle> d: performed without apparatus <free tumbling> e: done with artificial aids (as pitons) used only for protection against falling and not for support <a free climb>9 a: not parsimonious <free spending> b: outspoken c: availing oneself of something without stint d: frank, open e: overly familiar or forward in action or attitude f: licentious10: not costing or charging anything11 a (1): not united with, attached to, combined with, or mixed with something else : separate <free ores> <a free surface of a bodily part> (2): freestanding <a free column> b: chemically uncombined <free oxygen> <free acids> c: not permanently attached but able to move about <a free electron in a metal> d: capable of being used alone as a meaningful linguistic form <the word hats is a free form> — compare 5bound 712 a: not literal or exact <free translation> b: not restricted by or conforming to conventional forms <free skating>13: favorable —used of a wind blowing from a direction more than six points from dead ahead14: not allowing slavery15: open to all comers
— free·ness Listen to the pronunciation of freeness \-n?s\ noun
— for free
: without charge
synonyms free, independent, sovereign, autonomous mean not subject to the rule or control of another. free stresses the complete absence of external rule and the full right to make all of one's own decisions <you're free to do as you like>. independent implies a standing alone; applied to a state it implies lack of connection with any other having power to interfere with its citizens, laws, or policies <the colony's struggle to become independent>. sovereign stresses the absence of a superior power and implies supremacy within a thing's own domain or sphere <separate and sovereign armed services>. autonomous stresses independence in matters pertaining to self-government <in this denomination each congregation is regarded as autonomous>.

     6:27pm  I got off the bus. I walked not that far from the corner, 49th and Gulfport. I walked by Echo's and she was home and so was John. She's going to feed me again, awesome. We were going to go mow some guy's lawn today, but I guess not. I left my sign in the bushes when I got off and finished my story with the pretty girl. I'm going to double back to the bus stop and retrieve it.

     7:19pm  I got burned for three dollars by the black dudes at Khan's. It's alright, because they let me hit their blunt and smoked me out. It's only three dollars. Justice will be done.

     7:37pm  After I got burned I started walking back to The Patch and I see this girl riding towards me on a bike. I quickly hit her up for my story and she turned around and stop to listen to it. "It's not religious, I promise." Autumn listened to my story. I'm going to cut to the important part since she's in a hurry. I'll take her picture too if she lets me. Oh wait, did I already? Hehe. I'm all stoned.

     7:40pm  Man, that was awesome. I had such a great presentation with Autumn. She's this beautiful girl. I took her picture. She just rode down the sidewalk on her bike and when I hit her up she stopped and turned around. "Okay!" She got a phone call, so I just cut to the important part. I said bye to her and thanks for listening to my story. She said next time she saw me she would tell me hers, thanks for the story. Sweet, I'm going to go back to The Patch now.

     10:46pm  I came home to The Patch and told Brian in his room, "Mission semi-accomplished. I got burned for my three dollars, but I got smoked out." He told me, "There's some pasta in a bowl in the kitchen if you're hungry." It was a huge bowl of pasta. I asked him if I could have it all and he said, "Yeah, that's for you." Sweet, I had food waiting for me.

     11:42pm  I just finished up my sewing project on my cargo shorts. They're going to die pretty soon.

Next day..

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