


Gulfport, FL

Monday April 28, 2008

     7:11am  I got seven and a half hours of sleep. I woke up about fifteen minutes ago. I only have three hours to wait until the library opens. I'm going to go and type a lot of stuff.

     9:32am  Mike Stanley just dropped me off at the beach. He gave me a ride so I won't have to walk to the library. There's still half an hour before it opens. I'm going to go walk around the beach.

     9:45am  I came to the library and hit up these two guys for my story waiting for it to open. This one guy in a tie-dye wearing a crucifix. They didn't want to listen, but accepted my website.

                   Crane by library

     1:30pm  I am leaving the library. From ten to one thirty. A good little three and a half hour chunk. I got a lot typed up. I've ony got like eighteen more days to be caught up. The senior citizen librarian gave me some grief about typing on the catalog computer, even though there's one that's barely even being used right next to it. Maybe this isn't as pristine a resource as I thought it to be. She told me that I could type on the internet computer and if there was nobody waiting I could get an extension. I don't know. I'm hungry. I bought two Ramens this morning and I have one left at home. In my room. That's awesome how I have a room.

     2:18pm  I came to the bus stop. I'm going to try and get a courtesy ride to Tyrone Mall to go spread the word. On the walk home from the library I found me a little baggie of Honey Nut Cheerios. I ate them. Hopefully I'll get some donations today. I'm hungry. I've got a Ramen in my pocket for my lunch break.

     2:26pm  The greedy ass bus driver wouldn't give me a ride. Good little slave. I'm going to wait for the next one.

     2:51pm  Haha, I am sitting at the bus stop right across from Echo's house. She just came outside and saw me and motioned for me to get out of here. I yelled, "Call the cops! You don't own shit!"

     2:56pm  Ha, she's on the phone most likely calling the cops to report me.

     2:58pm  The other driver wouldn't give me a ride either. I'm going to stay here and wait to see if the cops actually come and try the next bus. He who knocks persistently ends by entering.
     3:26pm  Otto Cosmo stopped and listened to my story. I took his picture. What did you think, Otto? Otto: "I think it's great. I think you're a form of genius." I don't know nothing, man. Anything is possible.

                    Otto just told me I made his day. Hell yeah. He told me, "Man, I'm proud of you." That's music to my ears, man.

     3:39pm  The third driver told me no too. Alright. I'm walking back to The Patch now. I'll ask someone for a dollar fifty. 4:10 should be the next bus.

     4:12pm  I'm going to walk to Tyrone. I've got a full stomach. Brian hooked me up with a big plate of food.

     4:18pm  Damnit, I forgot my sign.

     4:23pm  I went back and got my sign. I'm walking down 49th Street. Brian told me to walk 49th to 5th and take a left. Oh, did I tell you that my mom agreed to pay my website for another year?

     4:27pm  The bus driver wouldn't stop for me. They know me already, hehe.

     4:43pm  I passed 5th a little, so I'm going to double back and turn right. I'm going to keep walking. I don't know how close it is.

     4:50pm  I went down 5th Avenue and it dead-ends at this big cemetery. I'm going to walk straight through it. Hopefully 5th will continue on the other side.

     4:54pm  I'm walking through the cemetery. Turning right on 58th Street. I see some gas stations. I'm going to go ask for directions.

     5:00pm  I walked to 1 Avenue South and got directions from this cool kid gassing up with his girlfriend. I gave him my website and everything.

     5:15pm  Turning right on 66th. Coming up on Central Avenue.

     5:17pm  I came in The Finest Skate Shop and asked for directions to Tyrone. This dude told me to keep walking straight past Central.

     5:25pm  Crossing 5th Avenue N. By SPC, the college. There's somebody waiting for the bus up here. Maybe I can get a courtesy ride.

     5:29pm  Some kids just drove by right now and this kid in the back seat told me, "I know you."

                    I hate to say it, but I kind of miss Echo. I love Echo and I always will. She won a piece of my heart. Especially after giving me such a great chapter.

     5:42pm  I forgot to tell you. I am already at my shaded signing strip at 66nd/22nd. I walked all the way here. I can't believe it. It wasn't that long at all.

                    I got a handful of quarters, hell yeah.

     5:49pm  Showtime.

     5:51pm  Haha, those cops were all mad at me. One was all, "Oh, you're not asking for money?"

     6:29pm  I had some more police contact. In the end he just let me go. He was all, "Be careful, Victor. Be careful."

     7:13pm  The 79 driver is hooking me up with a ride back home. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                    How can something of anything be the root of that thing?

                    Check out my sign

     7:36pm  I forgot to tell you about the only donation I got today. Right when I walked to my corner this guy yelled at me and I ran up to his car. I thought he was giving me some weed because he just held out his hand. He hooked me up with five dollars worth of quarters. I also got a dollar from this girl afterwards. I made six bucks today. That's not bad. Cigarette money. I'll see if I can go get me a nickel sack, hehe.

     7:37pm  Oh yeah, I made up a new sign before I left The Patch earlier. Remember, I had left it on the bus yesterday? This morning when I woke up I made a new one. I'll take a picture of it.

     7:44pm  I just got off the bus by Echo's house. At the bus stop in front of McDonald's. That last bus driver loved me. In the end he told me, "Good luck on what you're doing. You're going to make a lot of money." I told him I would just give it away. Hell yeah, he believes in me. He shook my hand and everything.

     7:47pm  Hell yeah! I was walking through the McDonald's parking heading towards The Blueberry Patch. All of a sudden Mike pulls up on his scooter. He asked me what was going on and I told him how I walked all the way to Tyrone today because nobody gave me a courtesy ride. He told me that on the table in his house was a little bit of weed! Hell yeah! He blessed me for all the good work I've been doing today. I could do this forever. I kind of don't want to leave Gulfport now. I need to get my stuff typed up. I have been on task all day. I went to the library earlier then I walked to Tyrone and passed out my website like crazy. I've been working it nonstop today. It's my job. What a great day.

     9:19pm  Oh yeah, earlier I came home and smoked some of that weed Mike told me about. I was sitting outside with Brian and Demi. What's Dallas' friend's name? Duffy came outside and relayed a message from Dallas. Dallas is scared that I'm going to bring the cops to The Blueberry Patch. I am sure this has everything to do with Echo, too. Brian totally had my back. He told Duffy exactly what I was thinking. Let's see what happens. Brian pretty much told him that Dallas needs to come talk to us himself. We don't need an intermediary or laison. If there's a problem he should deal with it. I told him that Dallas should just read my website, that it would make him feel better. Duffy told me, "Well, if you could print it out for him..." I cut him off and said, "I can't afford to print it out. That was be an awesome project to do if Dallas wanted to pay for it." It would be a hell of a lot of pages. It'd be kind of fun, but I can't afford that. My job doesn't pay me money. I work for free. I'm a volunteer.

                    Oh yeah, and the icing on the cake is that someone brought a vaporizer here for us to use. Mike and I have been taking vapor hits. We're all stoned. Mike: "Hey-yo."

Next day..

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