


San Antonio to San Marcos, TX and back

Thursday May 1, 2003

Email with Prop1

                   Wow! Today was kind of weird. I haven't been typing up my days lately, I've just been logging 'em in my pocket-calendar, so they won't be as detailed. But, today has been good enough to get me typing again.

                   It's four twenty seven right now. Let me tell you what's happened so far.

                   It was weird, I went to bed kind of late last night even though I knew today was my court date. I crashed out around midnight. Surprisingly, I woke up at five thirty this morning all by myself. Weird, huh? I got up and checked my email. No one had written me so I started getting ready. I had told my mom I wanted to be in San Marcos around seven. I had misplaced the piece of paper that told me what time court was so I assumed being there at seven would be good enough.
                   We both got ready and left. I called the jail(memorized the number by now, 512-393-7896) and they told me to get off on highway 123 from I35N. I arrived at the court at seven fifty. Turned out court didn't open until eight, so cool. When it opened everyone walked in, emptied our pockets and went through the metal detector. Then we went and sat down to wait. While I was waiting, I struck up a conversation with this guy Adrian. Adrian was there for an assault charge on his ex-girlfriend. He says he just pushed her aside and she flipped. I don't know. I asked him how much his bail had been and he told me like six thousand dollars. I asked him why he didn't go through a bail bondsman and he said because he didn't need to, that his family had lots of money. Must be nice. Anyway, I jotted down his number just in case I was in the San Marcos area again.
                   Finally, at nine forty I got called. I stood up and talked to this guy. He looked over my file and told me that I pretty much admitted to having the marijuana. He said someone had put a recommendation for me to be on a year-long probation with lots of fines. He asked me if I had a lawyer and I told him I didn't think I needed one, that I planned on defending myself. He said I should at least go talk to one and I agreed. He ended up resetting my court date to May twenty second. I told him that I planned on traveling soon and he said I needed to talk to my attorney about that. Oh well.
                   He gave me a piece of paper and told me to go talk to another guy to reset my court date. So my mom and I had to wait some more. Adrian was there, so I talked to him. I asked a cop if he thought I would have enough time to smoke a cigarette and he said yes. Adrian and I walked outside. Adrian asked me if I had an extra cigarette and I told him I didn't have any, that I was going to go outside and bum one. I went and sure enough the first guy I asked for one hooked me up. Cool. After I finished my cigarette we walked back inside and ten minutes later I was called. They reset my date and I said bye to Adrian. My mom and I split after that.

                   I still needed to go get all my belonging the cops kept so I borrowed my mom's cellphone and called the jail. They told me my stuff was in the building right next to the jail. As we were driving towards the jail my mom passed A1 Bail Bonds(the people who bailed me out) just to tell them my court date had been reset. I'm not sure why. I think my mom just wanted to go say hi to the nice lady since she spoke Spanish too. We drove over next to the jail, went inside and had to wait again. Finally, my stuff was brought out. Guess what. It was all there! My rucksack with my hard drive, all my clothes, my tape recorders with all my cassettes and my CD player with all my CDs. They even gave me back all the floppy disks I had with all my important documents on them. I thought for sure they weren't going to give me everything back. I was so happy.
                   My mom and I left back home. As we passed 1604 and Blanco my mom spotted a Tom's Ribs and asked me if I wanted to eat there. I told her sure. So she took the turnaround and we went to eat. Before we got there, I asked her if giving me money for a pack of cigarettes was within the realm of possibility. She said yeah, so we stopped at a gas station and I bought me a back of Marlboro Blend 27's. Then we went to eat ribs. Mmm, the ribs were good. She had some baby-back ribs and I had some spare ribs. After I ate I went to the smoking section, sat down and sparked up. As I was smoking, I noticed a Cerveza Pacifico advertisement that read, "Civilization is overrated." No shit, right?
                   When we finally got home around twelve fifty I grabbed all my stuff out of the car and immediately hooked up my hard drive up. After I installed my drive, I reset the computer and chose Windows XP from the dual-boot menu. I was sitting there crossing my fingers hoping it would work. Tada! It did! I was almost positive if I got my hard drive back it would all be deleted or something. I don't think they even looked through my files. Awesome. Oh yeah, I got my CD player back! I was listening to all my cool CDs that I had burnt before I took off with Tobin to Wimberley. Man, I sure missed them.

                   Anyway, my mom went to go take a nap and I assumed the helm on the computer. I got the idea to look for a lawyer on AOL. I pulled up the member directory and specified "attorney" and "Texas". I got a big list of people currently online, so I messaged each with, "What's your stance on marijuana?" A lot just ignored me, but I got one that might seem promising, if not only for counsel. Here, let me show you the conversation:

LIVE lN PEACE: what's your stance on marijuana?
Cooklaw2: It's a gateway drug that leads to the potential for the use of devastating substances
LIVE lN PEACE: how do you know?
Cooklaw2: I'm a criminal defense lawyer and I see first hand what it does. That's all the knowledge I have, and that is what my opinion is based on, right or wrong. Also, I respect everyone's opinion.
LIVE lN PEACE: is it just a coincidence that two naturally-occurring things in this world..humans and marijuana, have a certain reaction when you put them together?
LIVE lN PEACE: is it just a coincidence we are born with THC receptors in our brains?
LIVE lN PEACE: what do you think would happen if all the world leaders got together and smoked some weed?
LIVE lN PEACE: hey, they didn't call them peace pipes for nothing..
Cooklaw2: I respect ur opinion
LIVE lN PEACE: thank you..i really appreciate that..
Cooklaw2: enjoy it .... but, NEVER use any meth or crack ...take it from the voice of experience ONLY from dealing with the criminal justice system ...
LIVE lN PEACE: i don't do drugs..
LIVE lN PEACE: i smoke weed
Cooklaw2: NEVER use those two ...they are bigger than the human will to resist
LIVE lN PEACE: how can alcohol be legal and not marijuana?
LIVE lN PEACE: marijuana will always be readily available..
LIVE lN PEACE: you know why?
Cooklaw2: u got me ..... alcohol does 1,000,000 times the damage from my experience
LIVE lN PEACE: so they try and make it a money-making "drug"
LIVE lN PEACE: yeah, and everybody knows how well prohibition works
LIVE lN PEACE: mark twain once said, "Prohibition only drives drunkeness behind closed
doors and dark places, and does not cure or diminish it at all."
LIVE lN PEACE: the government makes way too much money from pot being illegal to legalize it..
Cooklaw2: u could very well be correct
LIVE lN PEACE: in the back of everyone's mind..everyone knows the truth..
LIVE lN PEACE: they're just too scared of the system to do anything about it..
LIVE lN PEACE: and make things right
LIVE lN PEACE: may i send you my true story about how i left walking from san antonio to the west coast with no money?
LIVE lN PEACE: it's great reading
Cooklaw2: I would love to read it
LIVE lN PEACE: excellent, one moment
LIVE lN PEACE: there you go, if you like let me know..i got tons more good free non-fiction
LIVE lN PEACE: nothing but the truth...
LIVE lN PEACE: email me at:
LIVE lN PEACE: this sn could die any day
LIVE lN PEACE: You shouldn't rely on the government to educate you. If it doesn't make money they won't tell you the truth.
- Victor
Cooklaw2: Victor ....feel free to send it to this address ..... add me to your address book and let's chat on aol .... gotta run ....client
LIVE lN PEACE: peace, brother
Cooklaw2: peace brother

                   So, I have some laundry in the wash and I just took a shower. Oh yeah, I got my cool t-shirt back. The one that has this picture of a dude with a goatee and glasses(just like me) sitting on a lawn chair holding an American flag. The caption says, "It's about independence, dude." Man, that has been one of the best thrift store scores ever. I got it for free, too. After my laundry is done, I'm going to call Andrea and see if she wants to hang out.

                   Okay, it's May second and I'm going to finish up typing up the first.

     8:45pm  Okay, around eight fifteen I got bored and decided to walk the five miles to Carlos'. It took me half an hour to get to Bandera by the entrance to OP Schnabel Park. It was weird. I was walking down this trail and I saw some lights through the trees. I assumed there were people there with flashlights, but then I noticed them flickering. I turned a corner of the trail and bam, there were tons of fireflies everywhere! It was so beautiful. I haven't seen fireflies in a long time. They were concentrated there for some reason.

     9:03pm  I kept walking and reached my hideout(you know, the little platform up in the tree at the top of the cliff). I smoked a cigarette and just sat there enjoying the view.

     9:45pm  I finally walked all the way to Bob and Carlos'. I ended up walking on the road all the way to their house. I could have gone under Prue and stayed on trails all the way there, but I always do that. And getting there earlier wouldn't hurt.                    

     10:09pm  I was chilling out at Carlos' and he asked me if I could get Microsoft Word for him. I told him sure, as soon as my mom's cable modem got turned on again. For some reason the connection was messed up. I did everything they have told me to do when this happens in the past. I unplugged the power from the modem, waited a minute then plugged it back in. Didn't work. I restarted in Windows 98, Start>Run>winipcfg>Release>Refresh and that didn't work either. So, I had given up and took off walking to Carlos'. Later that night I called my mom and she said the Time Warner people told her that she might have a virus(bullshit). A virus on the computer wouldn't effect the internet connection.
                     Anyway, I told Carlos I would get him Word and he got all concerned, "Is the way you're going to get it illegal??" I told him yeah, but there was no way I would get caught. He got all nervous and said, "You better not." Then later that night when I was talking to Bob, Bob told me he had the Microsoft Office CD(which contains Word). Cool, I don't have to download it. Wow, I jumped around a lot in this entry.

                     I stayed up pretty late washing their dishes, just because I wasn't tired. I ended up crashing at Carlos' on the couch in the living room. For some stupid reason they are willingly leaving the air off(and it's really humid today). They say they are conserving so their bill won't be high. But yet, they're wasteful people. I don't get it. Anyway, I crashed on their couch.

Next day..

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