


San Antonio, TX

Sunday May 2, 2004

     9:44am  Man, I'm having the greatest morning. My mom is making my story so interesting. Thank you, mom. She's all bitching at me about everything . . . and she just doesn't stop! She was all telling me, "Oh, you're book is in the bathroom. Will you clean it up?" I told her about my garden idea in the backyard and she had already told me I could do it. She was all telling me, "Well, if I don't like it you can't grow it." What the hell? I told her, "You don't go in that back yard at all. You paid all the money to have a new fence put up to beautify the back yard, but you're never back there. You waste it all." She said, "Well, I can waste it if I want to." I said, "What, you think that's good?" Duh. Have you always been this ignorant?

     10:03am  I realized, "Oh, shit. I just lost my mission-bag. I must've left it in Meg's car when she gave me a ride home last night. Let me go send her an email. I went to check it and she had already left me an email, Subject: you left your bag. Check it out:

    From: "Marguerite J" ***check out her righteous email***
    Subject: you left your bag
    Date: Sun, 02 May 2004 05:50:05 +0000

    hey victor, this is meg...
    we met outside of planet k with stephani, and we drove you back home.
    i just wanted to tell you that you had left your bag in our car.
    So assuredly give me a call at 206-679-3762
    please leave Meg a message on her cell if she doesn't pick it up.

    thank you muchly.


     10:38am  My little brother picked me up. He gave me a ride with his friend Sean in Sean's big van. I told him about my sign-flying and everything. He gave me a dollar just like that. At first I told him to take me all the way to the Walmart. I told him to drop me off at the Citgo, so I can bum a cigarette. I can look for a box and make a sign.

     10:57am  Mike hooked me up with a cigarette. He told me no at first, but then he changed his mind. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     11:22am  I just met Pete at the bus stop at the Walmart. We had a really good conversation. Later on, brother. Tell your friends.

                     Pete: "Okay, have a good one."

                     I was meant to meet that guy. His last name is PEASE. 

     11:30am  I'm having fun. Flying my sign here. On Bandera and 410. Ton's of cars looking at me. It's a perfect spot.

     12:02pm  Got the first donation of the day. My sign says, "On my way to save the world." This girl asked me, "Where are you going?" For a minute there I thought she was offering me a ride, so I said, "Anywhere." I think she met where was I going to save the world. It would've been cool if she gave me a ride to another busy intersection.

                      I ran into James Ducet-Peri. This PGA golfer I met.

     12:21pm  This black dude who picked me up, he's a PGA golfer. He was all, "Come to service with me." He brought me over to this church over here. I don't know where I am. A lot of black people. Shit, I really should be flying my sign. I left my sign in his car, because I didn't think I would be leaving soon. But, these people just talk here. I need to go do. Anyway, we went in the church. Everybody was all praying and singing and everything. Then, all of a sudden I overhear the preacher telling everyone to give a donation, asking for money and everything. I asked James, "Did he just ask for money?" He tells me, "Yeah, the church doesn't live off generosity alone." I told him, "Yeah they are. They're asking for donations. And we could all live off generosity alone. They need to practice what they preach. It's just a bit hypocritical." I told him, "Man, I gotta go." He was all, "Nah man, I'll buy you dinner." "I've got more important things to do. I got a world to save," I told him. I got his email address though. Whew, there's my sign.

                     He drives an Isuzu trooper, license plate W94-LFZ.

     12:24pm  This cop pulled up all close to me by the church. He told me, "I was wondering about the sign." I showed it to him and he all laughed. He said, "Oh, I was just wondering." I told him, "Can I tell you a really interesting story?" He said, "No, actually we were wondering if we're going to book somebody." I told him, "Just remember, forgiveness is divine."

                     Oh yeah, I was at the Family Praise Center. Yeah, I told him, "Yeah, I'm going to walk off." I've got a lot of work to do." He told me, "Man, I'll take you where you need to go." I told him, "No, I'll get there on my own. Thanks anyways."

     12:48pm  Raymond here at EZ's is hooking me up with some fries. Gasoline for the stomach. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                     But he wouldn't give me a burger.

     1:11pm  I walked Bandera all the way to Callaghan. I had stopped at a big tree and left my sign. I gotta go back and get it.

     1:16pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. An 88 pulled up right when I got to a stop. I showed the driver my sign and said, "Hey, can I get on?" He hooked me up. I appreciate it, brother.

                   He let me borrow his cellphone and he gave me a transfer. Awesome.

     1:22pm  I left my sign on the bus. Ugh, I'll make another one.

     1:28pm  Genevieve was nice enough to give me and David a cigarette. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Whoa, she pulled out a bottle of Xanex.

                   R14-YKG. I was telling these girls in a Red X-Terra my story and they drove off.

                   I just had a great conversation with these guys who just left Planet K. 

     2:19pm  I went to the bus stop to read my magazine I got at Planet K and the 534 pulled up. I'm on the 534 now.

     2:32pm  The letter of the day is J. Jack

     2:33pm  Debbie hooked me up with a cigarette here at the hospital. I appreciate it, Debbie. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     2:38pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I went to Planet K. At Planet K I saw a High Times Magazine. On the front cover it said, "Abolish schools." I went, "Oh shit, I need to read that." I saw how much it was and it was six dollars. I had like five dollars left from yesterday spanging, flying my sign. And some girl gave me a dollar today. I was like, "Hey, I got six dollars. I am meant to buy this magazine. I am going to transcribe it and type up the good parts."

     3:07pm  Brian hooked me up with a cigarette and he gave me the rest of his tobacco. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:17pm  The 92 let me on for fifty seven cents. I appreciate it.

     4:00pm  I just hit downtown. Reading my High Times magazine. Man, that's a badass article. I was meant to read it.

     4:23pm  Gene hooked me up with a cigarette in the park. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:00pm  Oh yeah, I decided. I didn't tell you. I decided I'm going to go walk out to that guy's trailer who lives over by the river(4-3-04). I think his name is James. I'm going to go give him an update. See if he'll let me crash there. My mom told me that she didn't want me crashing there tonight. Like that's a problem for me.

     5:12pm  Damien hooked me up with a cigarette right over the San Antonio River bridge. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     5:35pm  Howard hooked me up with a cigarette right here at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:02pm  It's been a while since I made an update. I ended up back in the park. I wasn't sure where this guy lived, so I was just thinking I'd walk the San Antonio River until I saw his place. But, I changed my mind. I went back to the park. I'm hungry. I went up to the kids and asked them if they knew where I could get some food right now. They told me, "The Salvation Army." I was like, "Oh yeaaaahhh. I forgot." They feed at 5:30. I don't know about Sundays.

     6:12pm  I'm at Sally's now.

     6:30pm  I walked all the way to The Salvation Army and ate. I had a lot of salad. James who recognized me from West Telemarketing gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:45pm  I turned left on Broadway from McCullough. I just passed a newspaper stand and the front page says, "SAPD: the price of justice can be seen as too high when cops cash in on "overtime." Overtime perks cost taxpayers millions of dollars to reward police for time they don't work, allowing officers to exploit loopholes in supervision and squeeze the city for extra pay."

                   Haha, screw SAPD. I'm going to screw them real good.

     6:57pm  Jason Lent hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:20pm  Got on the 92. Mr. Salas Hou hooked me up with a free ride.

                    I'm going to read my High Times magazine. It's a good article.

     7:52pm  I just got off in front of Eagle's Nest. I'm going to go say hi to Joe.

                   Oh damn. I was looking through my magazine and I stumbled onto a lawyer! Out of the High Times Legal Directory.

     7:55pm  Damnit, Joe wasn't home. I'm going to walk over to Blanco's Mexican Restaurant and see if they hook me up.

     8:21pm  I walked over to the restaurant and they closed twenty one minutes ago.

                   I walked out and saw some other bum. I went, "Hey, what's going on?" I was coming up to the Quizno's to see if they were open and would hook me up." He told me, "The Chinese place hooked me up." They're open? I'm going to go see if I can score over at Sompong's.

                   Thai/Chinese Cuisine

                   No-go at Sompong's. Shit.

                   I'm going to go get some food from the bum.

     8:25pm  I walked back over to Ruben and he hooked me up with the rest of his food. I told him, "Hey, man. They didn't hook me up. Do you have any left?" He even gave me a beer. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                   Man, Ruben even went in and bought me a hotdog. What a surprise. I didn't even ask for one. Thanks, man. He asked me, "Are you still hungry?" I told him, "Yeah, I've been walking all day." It all comes back, brother. It all comes back.

     8:53pm  Gabe's hooking me up with a cigarette here at the Diamond Shamrock on Datapoint. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     9:20pm  I walked all the way to Dove Tree apartments on Gardendale.

                   Dude, Marvin gave me a dollar. Sweet! I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                   The kids are taking over soon!

                   Sweet man, it was awesome what just happened. I was walking in Sundance. And all of a sudden Mario, the security guard I know from West, the one who said, "I'm the only one who hasn't run you off." I told him what happened last time. Anyway, I go, "Hey, can I get a ride?" He asked me, "Where are you going?" I said, "Wherever you are going." He said he was going to I10/Huebner. I told him, "Alright, I'll go there." So here I am at the Jim's. He even gave me two dollars. 

                   Badass. I got some believers.

     9:54pm  Johnny hooked me up with a cigarette here in Jim's. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     10:17pm  Joseph gave me a cigarette at Jim's. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:42pm  Joseph hooked me up with a coffee. I didn't even ask him for it. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     10:48pm  I just walked to the smoking cabana at West. There were all these people there and I asked for a cigarette. This dude pulled up and he recognized me. He tells me, "Man, you might want to get off the property. They're already warned you about that." I told him, "They can call the cops. I don't care. West doesn't want cops here anyway. As long as the bus still stops here West is going to be one of my pit-stops." West Telemarketing is a vortex in San Antonio. Everybody here smokes weed.

     10:56pm  I bummed a cigarette from some guy and I walked over to The Rocks. I'm going to smoke it and take a hit of weed and just enjoy this place.

                     I was reading that High Times magazine and there was an interview with some guy. Some stuff about media. I need a TV show.

                     I forgot. The revolution won't be televised.

     11:05pm  What was your name? Damond hooked me up with a cigarette underneath the seven thousand building. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:11pm  I had a badass presentation with this one kid underneath the seven thousand building. Now I'm going to start my walk to Babcock North.

     11:33pm  Ugh, I just lost my tennis ball. I walked all the way to the stoplight before I noticed it missing. It's somewhere between here and where I lost it.

     11:57pm  I walked all the way to Prue and Babcock. I'm at the Diamond Shamrock now. I'm going to smoke a cigarette that I got from that dude under building seven thousand.

     12:02am  Red alert! Red alert! I lost my wallet. I reached back and it wasn't there. Damnit, that's my wallet. I think maybe I left it at The Rocks.

                     Please Love, let me find my wallet again. It has my grievance form in it.

                     Ugh, I don't have it anymore. Dude, I'm always checking my pockets just to make sure. This sucks. I really, really hope I left it at The Rocks when I went back there to smoke some weed. Please Love. Let it be at The Rocks.

     12:37am  I'm back at The Rocks. I saw some security guard walking around.

                     Whew, my wallet was here. Thank you Love.

                     I can't believe I walked all the way back here. I might just crash out at The Rocks.

Next day..

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