

                                                                                                                           Portland, OR

Wednesday May 2, 2007

     6:42am  I just woke up. Last night I didn't tell you. After I waited on Henry's front step for a while, like an hour or so I said fuck it, I'm gonna go to the bar and check my email. Hopefully the internet would be up at The Know. It was, luckily. Kali wrote me back and said we just missed each other. She didn't tell me what she was doing today. Last night I asked her if she wanted to do anything tomorrow. Luckily, at The Know, the bar, Henry ended up being there! I asked him if I could crash and he said alright. It was raining and shit.

     7:09am  The greedy ass bus driver wouldn't give me a courtesy ride. I should have told him I forgave him.
     7:23am  The next driver driving the 72, a nice driver gave me a courtesy ride. That's very generous of you, thanks. I don't know where I'm going to go though.

                   When the bus pulled up the driver was all, "Are you coming or not?" I got on assuming he was giving me a free ride. We were already by 42nd and he asked, "Do you have your fare?" I told him, "No, I asked you for a courtesy ride." He said, "It's $1.70, courtesy or not." I said, "Look at all the empty seats we're chauffeuring around. How wasteful we've become." He said, "I agree, but what are you going to do about it?" I told him, "Fine then, let me off if you want to." He dropped me off on 42nd. In the end I told him, "I forgive you, brother. Thanks anyway."

                   The next greedy ass won't give me a ride.

     7:38am  Third time's a charm. The driver driving the 72 let me on. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:14am  A couple of minutes ago I got to Powell. I'm going to fly my sign. I have to work in the morning, hehe. I'll wait until eleven when Free Geek opens.

     10:03am  I'm out here flying my sign on my corner. Justin Stillson, who saw me at 4:20 at Mt. Tabor, he came up to me and asked me what I was doing. I'm telling him my story. He gave me a hit of weed. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:42am  I just got off the bus at 11th Avenue and Madison.

     4:28pm I forgot to tell you, I left Free Geek. I had a good session. I wrote my dad a lot. He's still stupid.

     4:34pm  Greedy ass wouldn't give me a ride. I forgive you, brother.

     4:38pm  The nice driver driving the 72 gave me a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:39pm  Sweet, finally got a ride from this Mexican driver. Mexicans got my back. They know the rules. ¡Orale!

     5:09pm  I just got off the bus at 82nd. I'm going to go to Powell and get to work.

     5:24pm  The nice driver driving the 72 is giving me a courtesy ride to Powell. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:31pm  I got off the 72 at Powell and I came to check the ashtray at the 7-11 and Kim saw me from her car and offered me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Kim. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:06pm  I have an update to make. I was standing on my corner for not that long, maybe like five minutes. Coty and Sherry, this couple I smoked out the other night, that I met on the bus, they invited me to go smoke some trim. They invited me to their motel room at the Unicorn. Sherry got a six dollar burger at Carl's Jr, but she couldn't finish it. She offered it to me for later on. Oh wait, it's a double six dollar burger. Did it cost twelve dollars?

     6:47pm  Man, I've been flying this sign in Portland for like a whole month. Just now this police officer walked up to me. He asked me, "Hey, what's your name?" I told him my name was Victor and he asked me how I was doing. I told him I was the happiest man in the world(like I tell everybody) and asked him how he was doing. He asked me if I had any identification. I told him I had a photocopy of an expired out-of-state ID. He didn't even take it from me and said, "I'm sorry. You're probably not the guy we're looking for. You can have that sign, it's alright."

     7:29pm  Russell just came up to me and volunteered me a dollar. I'm on my corner flying my sign. I appreciate it, Russell. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:37pm  Another run-in with the cops. These two officers ran my ID. They just told me to be safe. I tried to tell them my story, but they didn't have time for it. That's what the webpage is for.

     8:34pm  Tracy and Sasha were nice enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:53pm  It was cool, I was outside waiting for my friends Coty and Sherry to show up. In front of the 7-11 I saw this girl handing out flyers about world peace. It was about god and religion and stuff. I hit her up for my story, this girl named Debbie and she told me she was busy doing her thing. She gave me her card and told me to call her back in an hour. If my friends show up we're going to go smoke some weed at their motel room. I'm not sure where I'm going to crash tonight.

Next day..

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