


San Antonio, TX

Sunday May 4, 2003

                     Okay, I'm typing this up on Monday. Umm, I got all stoned so I could type this up. I had a little this guy I met on the bus hooked me up with, and a tiny bit of KB that these dudes I met at my hideout gave me. Now my mind is open and the truth will come out. Okay, let me try and remember what happened. I wrote all the key points of my day down in my pocket calendar.

                     I woke up early. Since today is Sunday the buses run all sucky. None of the buses that go to the grocery store run today and the nearest bus stop is like four miles away. I didn't have anything to do so I mixed me up a cup of Muscle Blast 2000 and gulped it down. Bam, I was full. I then got the idea to get a small Ziploc bag and take some Muscle Blast 2000 with me, so I wouldn't have to ask anyone for food on my adventures today. I grabbed my walking stick and noticed that the tennis ball on the end that I use for grip had worn all the way through. My stick made a big noise with every step I took since it had no padding. Now, last night I had stopped at some tennis courts to look for balls but no luck. And even before then I had jumped the fence to these tennis courts by the elementary school and also had no luck. Last night I was contemplating walking the five miles to Bob's because I think he has a couple in his garage. Turned out he wasn't home. Well anyway, I took off walking around eight ten. Man, I'm all high.

     8:10am  I walked down Old Tezel up to Guilbeau. I was going to keep going on Old Tezel until it hit Tezel. As I crossed Guilbeau, I noticed there was a walking trail built in the woods across the street. I went and checked it out. I was walking in New Territories towards this other elementary school next to this gas station. I wanted to have a fun day today. Maybe someone will smoke me out, who knows?

     8:15am  Where the trail ended there were neighborhood tennis courts. Cool. I scanned the perimeter and checked the trash cans. No balls, damnit. I walked passed the court a little ways and then decided to check the back of it where there were woods. I was sure someone might've hit a ball over the fence and was too lazy to fish it out of the woods. I walked back there and started scanning through the brush. I took like ten steps and bam, there was a ball. Almost right next to the fence. How awesome. I took the ball to a picnic table and with my Swiss army knife I cut a tee in it. I took off the old worn out ball that was on my stick and put the new one on. Perfection. I started walking in the neighborhood after that. I was just going any which way, but still headed towards that elementary school. The way the neighborhood is gridded there were tons of routes to take. I eventually ended up on Dover Ridge.

     8:41am  I came up to this small park with a fitness trail around it. I saw a guy jogging around it. I walked the fitness trail a little and sat down on a bench to smoke a cigarette and listened to my badass CD that I burned yesterday with Operation Ivy, Propagandhi and NOFX. When I finished smoking I got up and kept walking.

     9:00am  As I was nearing the elementary school and gas station I saw someone sitting at the 610 bus stop. I thought, "Cool, it must be coming soon." The 610 goes to Ingram and runs on Sundays. Well, just then I saw the person stand up. Damnit, the bus is coming right now. I started running towards it. If I missed the bus it would be at least an hour for the next one since it was Sunday. As I got closer to the bus I noticed the driver had gone out and into the gas station. Whew, I was going to catch it.
                     I walked up to the 610 and got in it. Now, I had only grabbed like fifty seven cents from my mom's room before I left. There were two other people on the bus and when I got on it I asked them if any of them had a spare quarter. Nobody did. Now, the driver hadn't come back from the store yet, so I went looking for him. I was walking to the gas station and I saw him come out. He was this cool-lookin' overweight young Mexican dude. I asked him, "Hey, will fifty seven cents work for fare today." He said sure. Cool. We got on the bus and I remained standing by the front wheel-well where the schedules are.
                     Now, I needed to somehow get a transfer or risk not getting a courtesy ride at Ingram. I dove right in with my ideas and stories with the driver. I told him, "Hey, guess what I'm going to do," and just went off from there. He seemed very interested and agreed with every point I made, especially the marijuana stuff. In the end I asked him, "Hey, I don't suppose you would care to donate a transfer to the cause?" He tore one off quick and gave it to me. Mission accomplished. I thanked him and sat down. The bus went all the way to the Ingram Park and Ride.

     9:25am  I just hung around the Park and Ride waiting for the 550, the looper that would take me to the Bandera Park and Ride. I had just decided that I was going to go say hi to the people at that Vineyard church since it was Sunday. I had to take a leak so I walked inside the Transfer Center. The men's bathroom was out of order. I was going to grab a 550 schedule to see what time it came, but they were all gone. The security guard guy complimented my walking stick and tried to remember who I reminded him of. I told him, "Moses?" He said yeah! I told him I get that all the time, hehe. Anyway, I asked him if he had seen the 550 recently because there were no more schedules and I couldn't know what time it came. He told me, "Here, I can answer your question." He walked me over to this chart on the wall that had the 550 schedule for Sundays. Cool, it was coming at 9:50am, only 25 minutes away. I thanked him, walked outside and smoked a cigarette.

     9:47am  The 550 finally came and I jumped on it. I asked this lady next to me, her name is Laura, if she had a spare fifteen cents so I could get a transfer. She said she needed to check and sure enough, she hooked me up. I put the change in the farebox and the driver handed me a transfer. Cool.

     10:03am  The 550 got to Bandera Park and Ride and I walked to the Vineyard Church. I walked inside and that dude(shit, I always forget his name) with the white beard told me hello. I told him I was just stopping in to say hello. I get bored at the Vineyard quick. All they have there is the band up on stage singing religious songs. They have a big screen that shows you the lyrics so everyone is singing along. There's a couple people in there always waving their hands around and getting down with the jams. I sat down for maybe like five minutes next to my friend Marko(who works at the Goodwill Donation Station at the grocery store by my mom's). I told him the place didn't seem too crowded today and he told me it was because it was still early. Anyway, I left.

     10:21am  Back at the Bandera Park and Ride I saw the 88 pull up right when I got there. I got on and the driver asked me if I was going downtown or to Huebner. I told him downtown and he said he had to go to Huebner first, then he would come back to the Park and Ride and head downtown. So, I got off the bus and waited for him to come back around. I sat down and smoked a cigarette. Wow, I never noticed the Target right there went out of business. Haha, suckers.

     10:56am  The 88 finally came again. I got on it using the transfer I had. I sat down towards the front like I usually do. This cool-looking overweight Mexican dude commented on my stick and since he was already talking to me I asked him if he had fifteen cents I could get for a transfer. He hooked it up and asked me why I had the stick. His name is Joe. I told him it helped me walk and that I was on a mission. I told him all that I planned to do and when I got to the marijuana part he said, "Oh, I got some on me right now." "Smoke a brother out?" I asked him. He said sure. I asked him where he was going and he said home. I told him I would follow him, that I didn't have shit to do. We rode the bus downtown and both got off to wait for the 34.

     12:05pm  The 34 finally came and we caught it to the Spin Cycle Laundry Mat on New Braunfels and Fair. Joe recognized some dude sitting on the bench in front of the laundromat and started talking to him. He told him, "Yeah, this dude's going to legalize it." He talked to him for a minute or two then told me to come around the corner with him, that he was going to give me a little something. We went around behind the laundromat and Joe spotted a good tarp. He was like, "Man, that tarp looks like it's still good. I'm going to come back for that." Anyway, he pulled out a half ounce of weed that he had and unrolled the baggie. I was thinking what I could use to put a little in and just remembered I had a pack of cigarettes. I took off the cellophane and Joe hooked me up with some good little buds. Awesome.

     12:15pm  I asked Joe if there was a bathroom in the laundromat and he told me yeah. So I went in the bathroom and spiked a cigarette with a hit of weed. I didn't have a pipe or anything. I went outside and sparked it. Joe was gone by then. I got a good buzz off that one hit so I started walking. I was on the Southeast part of town(I think).

     12:55pm  This was virgin territory for me so I just walked the 34 bus route. I was hoping to catch the bus back downtown and go to Travis Park. I was walking through these old neighborhoods other people would consider ghetto, but they're just old. I was having fun learning a new place. Every once in a while I would turn around to see if the bus was coming. I ended up getting off the bus route, just to see what would happen. I saw a pretty tennis court in the distance so I walked towards that. Cool, I ended up back on the 34 route. I stopped at the bus bench at Wharton and Roosevelt, grabbed my Ziploc with Muscle Blast 2000 in it and poured some in my mouth, squirted some water in my mouth and mixed it up in my cheeks and swallowed. Ahh, not hungry anymore and fueled up for some more walking. Cool, the 34 came right after I swallowed.

     1:25pm  It took me downtown and I walked to Travis Park. I walked over to the tattoo parlor to see if they were open. If they were I was going to hang out with Patrick and tell him some more of my stories. They were closed, though. I walked back to the park and spotted my friend Fuzzy who is always in the park. He hooked me up with a cigarette that day I got my tattoo, so I walked up to him and offered him a cigarette. He accepted.

     1:45pm  Just then I remembered I needed to check my email because my mom's Internet wasn't working. I walked to the library and got online. To my surprise, my bastard father had written me. He's a dumbass and is still making excuses for not sending me that money. Like I've said before, he owes me so much more than money. I would include a copy of the emails if I had web access right now. Maybe later. I told him off good.

     3:30pm  I walked back to Travis Park. I looked at the time and my transfer was about ten minutes overdue. I hope the driver's cool and still lets me on. The 92 pulled up and I tried my luck. Yeah, the guy told me not to worry about it and waved me on.

     4:20pm  The 92 took me to University Hospital. I went in the bathroom, spiked another cigarette with weed, and celebrated what time it was. David, the security guard friend of mine, came in the bathroom while I was in the stall. I bet he heard the crinkling of the cellophane and when he saw me come out of the bathroom put two and two together. He's always coming up to me and telling me if I'm going to smoke reefer around there he could lose his job. David is cool, hehe.

     4:56pm  The 91 going to Babcock North finally came. On Sundays the 91 makes the extended trip to Carlos' neighborhood all day almost. I rode the bus all the way to Carlos' house.                 

     5:30pm  I saw Carlos' Miata in the driveway so I hoped he was home. Sometimes his girlfriend Anna comes and picks him up. As I walked to the house I noticed the door was open so I was glad someone was home at least. I opened the door and looked inside. Carlos was watching TV in the living room. I told him what was up and walked inside. I told him, "Hey, you think a ride home would be out of the question?" He said yes, it sure would be. I told him thanks anyway. He asked me, "Victor, do you have some money I can use?" I told him no, that if I did I would give him some.
                   You see, Carlos is one of the people who resents me for being happy not needing money. He's just mad because he has to bust his ass to get his nice things and I get them on my own, or they are just given to me. I wouldn't go as far as to say he is jealous of me. He just has a messed up, complicated way of being happy(like everybody else almost). He hates the fact that I can relax and live a retired lifestyle without having to work. Thing is, he could do it too. Anyone could. It's not rocket science. I think if Carlos didn't like me so much, he shouldn't let me hang out at his house. Duh. But no, I am Carlos' friend.

     5:54pm  I wasn't feeling too welcome at Carlos' so I called Andrea. She was still studying so I didn't bug her for a ride. I just took off on my five mile nature hike to my mom's. As I was walking up to the bridge on Prue Road I saw all these kids shooting their paintball guns under the bridge. I just kept walking under the bridge and got on this trail. The trail cut through this big field and I walked all the way over to the cliffs. I had a good workout going up those steep trails with my walking stick. I was having a blast. I had my badass boots, my walking stick, my Adidas soccer shoe bag. I had everything I needed and nothing I didn't. I felt free.

     6:45pm  I got to my hideout at the top of the cliff and saw all these people coming down from it. Two other guys were about to climb up and I asked them if there was enough room for three up there(like I didn't know). They climbed up and I went up after them. I pointed to the shit I had written with a marker a while back that said, " Email me and I'll blow your mind. - Victor"
                   I told them, "Hmm, I wonder who this fool is." They said they didn't know. I told them it was me, that was Victor. They were like whoa. I busted out with my scripts and these guys agreed with me about everything. I offered them a cigarette and they said they didn't smoke. At least not cigarettes, one guy said. He dug in his pocket and pulled out a fat sack of Kynd Bud. Whoa! KB! Badass! They had a little one-hitter pipe and gave me a couple hits. Man, I was blazed. What an awesome Sunday. I hung out there with them for a while and smoked like three cigarettes. Right before they had to go I asked them if they could donate a couple hits to the cause. The younger kid was all hesitant. I told him not that much, just enough to put into the tip of a cigarette. He said okay and gave me a tiny little bit(which I smoked today to type this up). After they left, I smoked a cigarette and left myself.

     8:00pm  I walked out of the woods and went to the Exxon across the street. I asked to borrow the phone and the girl said she needed it right then. I told her I could wait and went outside to smoke my last cigarette. These kids walked in to pay for gas and when they walked out I asked them if they were going up Braun Road. This girl said no, but asked me where I needed to go. She looked at my stick and asked me what I was doing. I told her I just got through walking in the park and she told me she goes through the park once in a while. I told her I was doing something else too. I said, "You're going to think I'm crazy, just like I want you to." Just then her two guy friends came closer and started paying attention. I continued, "With the Internet I have found a way to fight the world's greatest problem. Ignorance. I'm going to eliminate money, make everything free and bring world peace, I'm going to get rid of cars in big cities and save the ozone layer and I'm going to get marijuana legalized and chill everybody out." They had to go so I didn't get to finish, but they left with smiles. Each one of them.
                   I went back inside and the girl let me use the phone. I called my mom's cellphone and luckily she answered. I asked her if she was at home and she said yes, but that she was on the other line with some family member. I told her that I was at the Exxon on Braun Road and if she could pick me up. She said sure, that she would be there when she got off the phone. Cool. I could've walked home, but a ride is okay.
                   My mom showed up soon afterwards and asked me if I was hungry. I was, so she told me she was taking me to Wendy's. I didn't mind. Food's food. As we were driving towards Wendy's my mom says, "Or would you rather go to Sonic?" I told her yeah, that a Supersonic Cheeseburger would hit the spot. So we went to Sonic instead. Mmm, we brought the food home and I stuffed myself.

                   You see, I'm getting really paranoid. I think I have reason to be. I think the government is watching me. It can't just be a coincidence that our two forms of outside communication, the Internet and phone both got disconnected at once. Why would that ever happen? They have nothing to do with each other. I think the feds are trying to make it harder for me to get the word out. So, while I was walking to the Exxon from the park, all stoned and all, I decided I wasn't going to wait to until the end of the month to head towards California. I wasn't even going to wait until my court date of May twenty second. I had to leave now. What more clearer sign do I need? Something is up.
                   I had even considered not telling my Mom and just leaving, but I concocted a plan. While we were at Sonic, I told my mom, "Listen mom, I'm going to leave before my court date." My mom is petrified they are going to throw her in jail because she assumed the responsibility of bailing me out. Anyway, I told her, "I'm going back to California and I'll be back for my court date on the twenty second. I'm going to have me a good lawyer, too. I know that doesn't give me much time, but I'm going to see what will happen." I explained to her about how weird it was that both forms of communication to the outside world had been cut off simultaneously. She agreed somewhat. Anyway, we drove home after Sonic.

     9:48pm  I just got the idea to talk to Chris, Renee's(Air's) friend who was supposed to drive us both to California.

                   Now, I have changed my mind about making Renee my sidekick. There are some trust issues I just cannot ignore. Since I came in contact with Renee I have lost my sneak-a-toke(which I had in California and was able to hold on to for two months, no problem), my khaki pants, and I got sick from him(I haven't been sick in four years). I just had a bad feeling about Renee. Anyway, I needed to talk to Chris and ask him how far he would mind taking me West. I would tell him that him and Renee could go to California by themselves later on, but I had to go now by myself.
                   I asked my mom if I could borrow her car to go to Medical Center. She was of course hesitant, but told me I could if I was back by eleven. Okay I told her, I just needed to talk to Chris. I drove her car all the way to Medical Center and down Datapoint. I walked up to the apartment Chris and Linda live in. I saw the TV on inside, but when I rapped on the door no one answered. I lifted the knocker on the door and knocked it with that. Just then, the door flung open there was this pissed-off white guy standing there. I didn't recognize him at first, so I told him I must have the wrong apartment. Then I remembered who he was. It was the guy who was renting the apartment, PJ. He had rarely been home the times I had come over but he told Chris and Linda that he didn't like me. He had heard about how I went around getting free food and bumming Marlboro Miles at the Medical Center bars. He immediately said, "Hey, I don't want you coming over to my house ever again, and never call here either." I told him I was looking for Renee(I mean Chris actually). He was all pissed off at me. I apologized(for nothing) and told him he had made himself crystal-clear. "Never again," I told him. Whoa, that was freaky. For a minute there I thought maybe the feds had talked to him and he was scared for me to hang around there.

                   Well, I drove home after that and went to bed. What a terrific, interesting Sunday I had today.

- Victor

                   Oh yeah, I have to get my shit together to leave.

Next day..

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