

                                                                                                                                     Portland, OR

Saturday May 5, 2007

     8:05pm  Dude, I am recording on a brand new tape recorder. So much has happened. I'm not sure where I left off. Umm, I think I stopped recording after I met this kid Nick. I was flying my sign on Powell one day and he pulled up and took me to his apartment and smoked me out. He had a crazy ass roommate, this real intellectual college guy. I got more to say about that, but I'm all stoned right now. Smoked hella. Anyway, I was able to crash there that night and the next morning. Oh yeah, yesterday Nick did me the favor of taking me to Free Geek to get the computer that I'm giving to the coffee shop. He finally did deliver it to the coffee shop for me today. I have to get over there and hook it up. I haven't eaten all day, I'm starving. I'm hoping they will hook me up with something at the coffee shop.

                    Oh yeah, well Aaron, my new traveling partner, we're going to go to Ashland together. He's all ready to depart from Babylon. He's spent all his money on supplies. He's got a hundred and forty dollar pack. He actually spent a whole forty bucks on a little camping stove that you screw on a propane bottle. He's coming with me. I'm going to travel with him. It's going to be a blast. He's all about it. He told me he couldn't wait to walk off his gut. He's got a bad hip too, so I can't push him too hard. We went walking today. Oh yeah, today there was this big scene at Jeni's house. That ungrateful punk Devin, that cocksucking fifteen year old spoiled brat. This kid has had absolutely no discipline his whole life. He has been hand-fed his entire existence. He is so spoiled. He just expects everything from you. See, last night at that college guy's apartment I got hooked up with two little vials of hash oil. Well, as soon as I told Devin he was all, "I want one." Me, since I had two, gave him one. Well, today because of his shitty ungrateful attitude I asked him for the hash oil back, that Aaron and I could really use it on the road. He was all, "That's fucked up, you Indian Giver. I can't believe you asked me that." I went, "Dude, you never give anybody anything. All you are is a taker. You take advantage of every single situation you are in." It was hilarious. I got him all riled up. I made his pussy ass cry. He was all screaming at me, "Get off my property!" It was hilarious. Then his neighbor came over and asked me to leave nicely, so I did. I grabbed all my stuff. Left Jeni's for good. Aaron came with me. We thought we were going to be able to crash at his ex-girlfriend's Cara's house over on 57th and Romona. Over by Woodstock. We couldn't crash in her house, but she's going to let us camp in the back yard. Oh yeah, he bought a one-person tent last night. Aaron's dog Hank will be traveling with us too. I love Hank so much. He's a big black ball of love. I don't think he's ever been angry at all. I love him to death.

                    Right now I went to the bus stop across the street from the Walgreen's on Holgate. Oh yeah, I got me a courtesy ride from over by Ramona and Woodstock. The cool bus driver hooked me up with a transfer at the end. Oh yeah, yesterday I went and flew my sign for a little bit. I got five bucks. When I was walking back to Jenny's, over by Mt. Scott, the store and landromat, I see this black dude, he looked like a homebum. He told me his name was Darrel. At first he asked me if I had a dollar. I told him, "Nah, man. I hate money." He was all, "I was just testing you to see what you'd say. I want to give you a dollar so you can go buy a soda pop." I told him, "That's alright, I've got enough gas." He said, "You can go buy a beer." I told him I didn't drink. He gave me a dollar. I thanked him and walked a little and starting thinking. Hmm, he gave me a dollar "so I could buy a soda pop." So that's what I did. I went and bought me a cream soda for a dollar fifty. I couldn't believe it. I had to put in fifty cents for it. Anyway, he told me, "I'm Darrel. This is my hood." He said he was famous around there. I gave him my webpage, for sure. I am so damn famous in Portland. I love this place. I have a blast every single day. I can't wait to go to Ashland though. I've been here long enough.

                    I can always stay here a little longer, hehe.

                    Yeah, and I'm so psyched. Aaron had some savings and his last paychecks from work. I hit him up for a tape recorder, because my tape recorder just died a couple days ago. He hooked me up with the twenty five bucks I needed. They ended up being thirty bucks at Wal-Mart. Then from all my sign-flying today, well I wasn't out there that long, maybe like half an hour, I got five bucks exactly. So I had enough money to get my new tape recorder. It's a Sony. They don't sell the same ones they used to anymore.

     8:35pm  Just hopped on the 72. It finally came. The driver gave me a courtesy ride, even though I had a transfer, hehe.

                    Oh yeah, I found a crossword puzzle at the bus stop to keep me busy until I get to Alberta.

     9:06pm  Just got off on Alberta Street. I'm going to walk all the way to the coffee shop. I could've ridden the bus all the way to it, but I got off so people could see me.

                    Yeah, then some dude who was at Cara's house, her roommate Milan he traded the little bit of hash oil I had left for some mushrooms! Hell yeah, I'm going to trip. Maybe tonight.

     10:08pm  I just left the Star E. Rose, the coffee shop. I got there and the computer was there and I set it up. But, I forgot the password to get into Ubuntu, the Linux operating system. The only other person who knows that password is Devin, because he had gotten a computer from Free Geek too. I could call Free Geek, but they're not open until Tuesday. I left a note on the computer that said, "Hey, here's the computer I promised you guys. I don't know the password to get into it, but I can email people around and see if I can get it before Monday. I have to call Free Geek on Tuesday. If you guys don't hear from me, call Free Geek yourselves. They're in the phonebook. Thanks and praise for the love we share and check out my website."

                     I came to The Know to check my email.

     10:17pm  I went to The Know bar to check my email, but their computer isn't working. Here comes the bus right now. I'm going to catch it and go to 57th and Woodstock.

     10:59pm  I just got dropped off at 46th and Woodstock. I am walking to 57th and Romona.

     11:11pm  Just got to Cara's house.

Next day..

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