


Gulfport, FL

Tuesday May 6, 2008

      4:53pm  Me and my darling Laura, we are preparing for our departure. We're getting everything ready. Actually, we just got back from the beach. We went to DeSoto Beach. It's truly beautiful. We've been going to the beach every single day and taking a swim. I wish I had some goggles so I could swim more. We went to the Gulfport beach today. I think it's dirty. It's got all this seaweed at the bottom. Right now we are packing up. I should probably take a picture of the yard out here. I don't know. I don't know how documented Laura wants to get on this. Nothing but the truth, right? Laura: "I do cute." You are cute. I don't know what else to say. I am all stoned. I haven't been not-stoned since I came back to Gulfport. I stay stoned traveling everywhere too. Marijuana is the key to my mission, remember? Anyway, we're going to get to work packing. I'm going to jump in the shower real quick to rinse the salt water off my body. I'll take a hit of weed first.

                    I am having so much fun here at Laura's. She's one of the best blessings I've had. She's the greatest angel. I mean, she got me some tee shirts so I can take off traveling and distribute them. Hell yeah, as the mission evolves. It's going to happen soon. Thank you, Laura. I love you.

                    This morning I told Laura about my whole being paranoid about having Herpes. Sometime's I think it itches down there, but that might just be placebo. I don't have any sores or anything, so she feels alright. We did have some really nice lovin', hehe. She's just ageless. She's awesome.

                    Laura's reading this Destiny book, about Aquarius':  "Acceptance, artistry. Youth and ease. Aquarius too, placed on the way of artistry may turn out to be a crowd-pleaser of the highest caliber, indeed. It can sometime seem that they have a curious knack of being able to please all the people all of the time. There is little chance that they will stuck or trapped. Will probably look back fondly at the people and places of their youth for most of their lives. Technique and craftsmanship are important to this group. Their principal danger being that having established a certain virtuosity in a given realm of endeavor they will never move from beyond what works for the moment in order to connect with a higher goal. They will never move beyond what works, what works for the moment in order to connect with a higher goal. They are natural performers, self-satisfaction and even a measure of conceit can be problems here as can the challenge to go beyond what is merely popular to that which will endure. Advanced Aquarians too, on the way of artistry are quite uplifting for they have the inevitable knack of making even the most difficult of large endeavors look easy. So, with that knowledge when you are challanged and it comes up you have the foresight to make a choice. Are you going to get hung up on, well, your higher nature will rise to an evaluation of intuitive intelligence..."

     10:34pm  Laura and I are about to take off to The Patch. We're going to give them this tree. We cleaned up a lot here today. We are about ready to take off. We're going to Virginia. I even have contacts already in Virginia. This girl off of MySpace.

Next day..

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