

                                                                                                                                     Eugene, OR

Tuesday May 8, 2007

     7:34am  I woke up around six this morning in Skinner's Butte. Aaron and I found a pocket not that far from the overlook. I woke up this morning and walked around looking for a place to take a shit. Aaron did the same thing when I got back. We're about to pack up and go somewhere. Check our email somewhere, hopefully. I was just thinking about how much I love my Homer shirt that says Old School. With him giving the peace sign, back when he had more than three hairs.

     9:20am  We came to this park here with this rain circle plaza. Made possible by the Springfield/Eugene New Car Dealer Association. I hung up my sleeping bag to dry. It got a little dewy last night. Aaron cooked a badass breakfast. Some good ass oatmeal. We used these yogurt covered raisins and put it in the oatmeal. It was badass. Best oatmeal I have ever had in my life. Anyway, some guy walked by earlier and he asked me, "Hey, do you smoke?" I told him yeah, and he told me to hold on, that he had to go take a shit. I told him I hope everything comes out alright. When he came back he asked me if I had a piece. He's hooked us up with a little nugget. Anyway, we have had a wonderful morning in Eugene, Oregon. The sun's out and it's warming up. I layered down. I'm wearing my shorts and I've got my Homer shirt on. We're going to go out and do some stuff. Oh yeah, we're going to go to Sparrow's today. A friend of Aaron's.

     9:46am  We walked this trail along the river. We ran into some little duck park. We're sitting down on some wooden bench and resting. There's tons of ducks here. I want to let Hank loose, hehe.

     11:08am  We found this little place and took a smokebreak. A closed-trail area, which they should have roped off if it's closed. We went in there anyway, sat down and smoked and we're walking again. I'll tell you what happens.

     12:32pm  We just stopped for another good fifteen minute smokebreak. We're walking now.

     12:40pm  I'm talking to Richard and he's giving us directions to Sparrow's house on Beltline. Richard: "Turn left up here on Good Pasture Loop. Go around the corner on it. Right at the second corner you'll see on your left, by the city pumping plant an entrance for the Riverfront Bike Path. Just follow it on up the Delta Oaks and there are onramps there."

     1:09pm  Man, we've been walking all morning. We're walking the bike trail and we're resting under this bridge. We're going to cook a can of chili that some guy gave us the other day. Cool, I'm hungry.

     5:37pm  2883, the house where Sparrow lives. I'm going to go fly my sign in town somewhere. Aaron is a kick-ass traveling partner. I love traveling with Hank. I don't mind waiting for him. But, because of the dog we can't ride the bus. So I'm walking a hell of a lot. We walked like five or six miles this morning. We've been walking all day. Now I'm going to put my pack down and fly my sign.

     5:52pm  I'm over at this big intersection on Irving. There's lots of cars. This is going to be fun.

                   5VQ-64T, a red Impala. This guy just gave me the finger.

     7:28pm  I am back at Sparrow's house.

     11:24pm  I forgot to tell you, earlier when I got to Sparrow's house she was nice enough to give me a little weed. And she let me roll a cigarette. I appreciate it, Sparrow. Everybody gets credit.

Next day..    

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