


San Antonio, TX

Thursday May 13, 2004

     5:21am  I just woke up. I woke up around five. Man, I slept underneath a bridge downtown last night. James and April, they slept on top of my Mexican poncho. I slept on my whatchamacallit, my rain poncho. I woke up like at five in the morning. James said, "Man, you wake up early." I said, "Well, what time are you guys waking up?" He said around seven or something. I said, "Okay, I'll go kill some hours in the park and come back and wake you guys up." I left my bag there. My Adidas bag with my shoes in it. I just came in the park. I want to tell someone my story.

     5:42am  Terry hooked me up with a cigarette out here in the park. My morning cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:22am  I came to the Nix to use the restroom. On the seventeenth floor. The restroom on the sixth floor was locked. I came to the one on the seventeenth. To kill time, I'm waiting for April and James to wake up. On the inside flap of my little composition book with all my email addresses I wrote, "This little book is of global importance. If found please email, I will tell you why. - Victor the Liberator" In case I lose my book. Hehe.

     10:10am  Me and James and April, we walked all the way to The Salvation Army, the woman's shelter.

     10:24am  Rose was nice enough to give me some tacos at Christan's. I appreciate it, Rose. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     Dude, I called that shit. Oh, I gotta tell you about what happened earlier. James went and dropped April off at the shelter. There was a big ordeal there. They finally decided that that's the best place for her to be. See, at first I went inside and asked the lady, "Hey, can she talk to Sheila, at least?" They talked to Sheila and Sheila hooked them up. She's a friend. Anyway, afterwards James and I walked off. We saw this big old abandoned house right next to the Hope Center. I was like, "Hmm, possible squat." We checked it out. Then some black guy starts yelling at us, "Come here, the 5-0's right there." I was like, "Umm, we're going to go find somewhere to eat."

     11:00am  Time for an update. Oh yeah, me and James, we scored at the Christan's Tacos. He was like, "Hey, let's go try at the Jack in the Box and see if they hook us up." I went, "Nah, they never hook it up at Jack or McDonald's. Let's look for a taco place." I saw Christan's tacos right there on San Pedro. I said, "Man, we're going to score there." Sure enough, two tacos. A breakfast taco and a chorizo. Anyways, we got fed. Now we're on our way to West Telemarketing. We should get there around lunchtime. We'll go chill at The Rocks and get smoked out and see if I can buy a sack. 

     11:27am  Me and James got off on Louis Pasteur and walked to the 91 stop on Medical. We saw one coming from University Hospital, going towards West. My good friend Red was driving the bus and he let us on and hooked us up with two transfers. Thanks, Red. 2163 is his number.

     12:10pm  We're at west already. We went to The Rocks, but nobody was back there. I'm thinking they're lunch is at noon. I'm not sure. It might be 11:30. I'm not sure what we're going to do. I was thinking maybe go to the parking lot and get a ride. I don't know what is going on.

                      We caught the 91 back to the hospital.

     1:00pm  Maria is giving me some change for some transfers. I appreciate it, Maria.

     1:04pm  Lindy gave me ten cents for our transfers. I appreciate it, Lindy. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Oh yeah, this girl at the bus stop. She had her tits all exposed. Big tits hanging out of her shirt. I go up to her and tell her, "Hey, you got a nice pair." She said thanks. She got on the 610. On the bus I told her, "It's obvious you love that attention. I am going to make a webpage that the whole world is going to read. Do you mind if I take a picture?" She got all snobby saying, "Oh, the whole world already looks at them." I told her, "Oh well. They literally would, but hey, it's your loss."

     2:42pm  I just walked to my mom's house. She locked the back door and she locked the window. That sucks. Ugh, my mom pisses me off.

                   Oh yeah, we jimmied the back window until the latch was turned and let us open. James assured me he would figure out a way, and sure enough he did. Got in my mom's house.

     4:20pm  Zack is hooking us up with some change for our transfers. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     4:42pm  Joe hooked me up with a cigarette here at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                   My cough is a little better. It's probably the medicine.

     4:57pm  We're downtown already. Over by the Greyhound station. I'm going to walk to Travis Park and buy a dimebag.

     8:30pm  I'm here talking to Bianca here at the Diamond Shamrock. I told her my shpeel and asked for a hotdog. They were out of hotdogs. I walked out and thought, "Hmm, I'm going to go ask her if she would have hooked me up if they did have hotdogs." I asked her and she said, "Well, yeah." I told her, "That's alright then. It's the thought that counts. I'm writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read and you're in it, thanks. Everybody gets credit."

     8:47pm  I was having a discussion with James right now. He was all worried, "How am I going to find you tomorrow?" He was all pissed off saying, "This is going to suck. How am I going to find you?" I told him, "Well, I have to talk to a lawyer at four." I'm going to ask James for a free day. I need a day off from James. See, since his girlfriend is not home for a week, he asked me a favor, "Hey, can you hang out with me for a week?" I told him yeah. I told him I would give him seven days. I told him, "And since I won't hang out with you tomorrow, that won't count. You'll still get seven in the end." We came over and he's going to pay for a taco, some food at La Cocinita de Piknik.

     9:21pm  Chris: "My friend right now just hooked me up with some bud for a bracelet. My friend is going to pay for it. He knew I needed it."

     9:45pm  Alonso gave me two cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:55pm  The coolest shit happened to us. We were over here at the Diamond Shamrock on Dallas and McCullough. I saw this dude talking on the phone and asked him if I could bum a cigarette. He gave me two of them. When I got his attention I told him, "Hey man, it's supposed to be raining real hard tonight. I don't suppose you got a garage we can crash in or something?" He said, "Nah, I don't, but you can try that house right there. There's this dude Bill who usually crashes there. He's crashed there for a long time." Cool. We went and checked it out and on the big front porch was this old hippie dude and some other old dude. We offered to smoke them out and they were all cool. I started telling the old dude my story and he was all captivated. Bill, the guy who manages the squat, I guess. Some black dude. When he first got there he yelled, "What the fuck is this?!" We were all scared, hehe. He was all, "I'm just kiddin', man. Ya'll are cool." This place is awesome. These dude have squatted on this porch for over a year now. The cops don't mess with them. That's cool. And he's cool with everybody, you know. He's real.

                     Look at the little magical spot we found tonight. I had even called Elva and she said, "Oh no, Victor. Not with a friend. If it was you sure, because I trust you." She even offered to come pick me up. I told her, "Don't worry about it. I'll figure something out."

                     Dude, it's supposed to shower, like thunderstorm tonight. Then this little resource fell in my lap right across the street, some random street. We had just walked out here. You see how things happen for me? Praise Love.

Next day..

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