

 Boulder, CO

Tuesday May 16, 2006
     10:44pm  I am trying this new recorder I found. A lot of the entries before this one were very incomplete. My old recorder was on it's last leg. I was having some technical difficulties. Man, I've had such a magical time. Hippie-Christmas was true! I didn't believe it until now. The dumpsters are so ripe. These college kids move out and they throw everything away. I scored me so much good shit. I got me a Coleman sleeping bag. The same exact red one I had seen at the thriftstore that I wanted. I found it in the dumpster! We got a computer out of it. All we had to do was reset the password on the BIOS and we were able to format it and reinstall Windows XP on it. We're going to give it to Wayne at the farm in Paonia. I don't know, we might trade it for David's hard drive. A lot of shit has happened.
                     Oh yeah, back to Hippie-Christmas. I was going out there everyday. Like two or three days now. I even went to the King Sooper's and shoplifted me a pair of dishwashing gloves. I mean, we've already moved all our stuff to the storage place in Longmont. It's like we moved back in again with all this stuff we got out of the dumpsters. We don't give a shit if they cease the property because we just found all this stuff in the trash. Man, college kids throw away the craziest shit.
                     Let me tell you about my little depressions I've had recently. It's been off and on. I can't believe I've stayed this long. Carol is really slowing me down. As much as I feel I need to go with the flow, I am not the happiest man in the world anymore. I am always having turmoils here. I need lots of time on a computer. Ugh, I've left so many times already. Tried to leave, you know. Carol has always reeled me back in and made me feel guilty. Now we're making plans to move out? She's already getting evicted. She doesn't care. All of her shit is in storage and we're just having fun in the house. It got refurnished quick. Carol's dropping out of Babylon. It's about time.
                     Once my webpage is up I think I'm going to go. I'm going to split up with Carol and be free again. But, I feel like I would love to stay with Carol if she lost weight and got healthier. I don't know exactly how much she weighs, she's never told me. I'm guessing it's around a hundred pounds more than me. I feel I deserve a traveling partner who is ready to go walking with me now. I shouldn't have to wait. I've been walking my ass for almost five years. I shouldn't have to wait for someone to lose a hundred pounds to be at my level.
                     I'm trying to leave, but she's got this hold on me. We're talking about going and working and living at the farm and not having to pay rent. We've already got a badass campsite there. I've had such a huge gap lately. Since I've been down on my mission I haven't been recording much. I stopped walking. I'm just not getting my exercise. I keep smoking.
                     Uh, I need to leave Babylon again. I need to be walking again. I don't know, I'm going to go try out the farm. If I get enough exercise there I will be happy. Plus, my webpage will go up there and that place is Rainbow. They have the Vision Council there. Carol and I went to the Thanksgiving one and met a lot of people.

     9:34pm  I scored me such a badass micro-cassette recorder in the dumpster. It's a Sony. It's rechargeable! It has these little plugs that come out of it so you can plug it into the wall. It's badass. Quality shit. This recorder was exactly what I needed. The universe provided. Thank you, Love. Once again. I've scored in dumpsters in Boulder before. That's where I got my old Nike shoes. This recorder is so much better than the one from Walmart. It's awesome. I need to take a picture of it.

Next day..

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