


Mathews, VA

Saturday May 17, 2008
     7:20am  I got seven hours and twenty one minutes of sleep last night. That's enough. This morning I woke up with morning-wood, hehe. I went to "inspect" and I felt something on my shaft. It was a tick! Oh my lard! I yanked it out. I killed it with a lighter on the table and I left it there to show Laura in the morning, hehehe. That really, really disturbs me. I want to leave already. I want to go where there's not ticks. I hope I don't have Lyme Disease now.

                   Be sure to look up Brackish. Laura says that it's a mixture of salt water and fresh water. Where they meet.

                   I did a ShoeGoo operation on my boots. I have to wait until the 20th to wear them again.

     3:31pm  Oh yeah, Laura and I, we drove to the Gwynn's Island. Laura is looking for this house they had a garage sale at. We found the house, but the sale was over. We came to the library and Laura went next door to the Dollar General to buy some toothpaste. I walked over to the Food Lion. I'm going to fill up my water bottle and go to the restroom. They've got a water cooler in the back and I can fill up my bottles.

                   Random shots outside.

     3:54pm  I forgot to tell you. We came to the Queen's Creek Marina to see about showers. We walked to the pier and I took pictures.

     7:21pm  Oh yeah, I need to make an update. We went back to the trailer and worked around there. We drove around and went to garage sales. Now there's a big event here. The whole town is here. This Relay For Life thing. I'm going to make an appearance. Everybody is going to recognize me from all the walking I've been doing. I'm walking around with my Mermaid of Magic.

                   Walk at your own risk.

     7:39pm  Susan and Alice.

     7:52pm  I forgot to tell you. I forgot their names already. We came to this other event, this big party they're having downtown. I went and stood by the band playing and these two girls walked up and talked to me. The band was playing a good song. Some oldies song. I forgot what it was. I'm all stoned. Anyway, these girls came up to me and asked me what my name was. I asked them if I could take their picture. I didn't tell them my story, but I gave them my website. I totally wanted to, but the I'd have to yell over the music. I asked them what they were doing later on and one said they were going to go to a bar. Forget it, just check out my website.

                   We came back to this Relay For Life thing. We're on the lookout for free food.

     8:30pm  We went back to the downtown party and Eli with Richardsons Mobile Catering is hooking me up with some food. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     8:39pm  Man, I just scored rad. Laura and I were all wondering where there was any free food. At the downtown party they have a big catering bus. I thought what do I have to lose? I hit him up and he smiled and said, "What do you want?" I told him, "Surprise me.  I'm sharing it with my girl so feel free to be generous." He hooked me up with a hamgburger.

                   Whoa, I thought it was a hamburger, it's a crab-burger! I'm going to take a picture of it.

     9:21pm  We had a magical Saturday night. We went into town and got some great publicity. All the town people saw me. They had a band up on stage playing. I took tons of pictures. Oh yeah, I got hooked up at the catering van, with three or four cops standing right behind me! After Eli hooked me up, I gave him my website and he told me, "Give one to him too." His coworker who was just standing there. I did and started telling him my story and stuff. I cut it short because he had to go back to work. They both got my website. Everyone is going to read my shit.

                    Laura Marijuana

Next day..

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