

                                                                                                             Nevada City, CA

Sunday May 17, 2009

     6:12am  I got eight hours of sleep last night. Me inside. Around ten last night I got woken up by somebody telling me I had to get out. I was half asleep and started gathering my stuff. I thought it was Mark. Then the dude got a look at me and said, "Oh hey, who are you?" I told him I was Victor, that I had met Mark earlier. I got to sleep the rest of the night.  Beer Garden, Mark's truck

     7:36am  I went to the Chevron to take a shit and make oatmeal. The sun is coming up so I'm going to go back to the trailer and layer down.

                   Be sure to add that master teacher conversation I had in Morro Bay to my Conversations on my website. Also, the whole why marijuana became illegal conversation I had with Josh from Morro Bay too.

     8:34am  I should make an update. I walked all the way up the hill by the highway and government center and library. I think the library opens at ten today, in an hour and a half. There's a government center here. I'm going to smoke weed, hehe. Fuck the system.

                   Eric W. Wood Administration Center.

                   I think the library is in there. It's the only other big building around here besides the jail. There's supposed to be a free lunch thing for the homeless at the library around noon. To kill time I sat down in front of the building and am cutting out my havethisbook.coms one by one. I counted and I get 32 havethisbook.coms from each sheet of paper. I cut like four yesterday, so thirty six times four. I'm going to keep cutting them one by one. I'm bored and have time to kill. I'm down to four pages now. I had eighteen sheets not too long ago[5-5-09 : 1:42pm]. I'll get some more at the library when it opens at ten.

     10:09am  I patiently sat in front of the building. I went around the corner to see if the library was in the back or something and I saw a police officer. I asked him where the library was and he pointed to a building up on the hill. Duh, I hadn't seen it. I'm going to go to the library now and throw my trash away and leave no trace.

     10:12am  I'm stupid. I forgot what day it was. The library is closed on Sundays.

     10:58am  I walked a little past the library and I saw where they were feeding lunch at. I am stuffed. I had two burgers and a ham sandwich. I'm still smoking on this trim I found this morning in a tray inside the trailer. I didn't take it all. I'm going to walk into town now.

                     I need to buy a new CD case. Mine broke. I also want to go to the grocery store and get some food. I want to get some more bagels and some oatmeal. I like that stuff. It's cheap and has lots of calories and is good for you.

     12:00pm  I'm talking to(didn't understand name). He's telling me the truth about Princess Diana. "Basically, she was going out with Prince Hyed, or something like that, who's father was from Egypt and he owns Herrod's Department Store in London. After Prince Charles dumped Princess Di she went off with this Egyptian rich guy. They were in Pais and evidently they were doing a lot of alcohol and some cocaine and their chauffer was super ripped out of skull and shouldn't have been driving at all. They went through this tunnel and he swerved, flipped and turned and that's how she died."

                     "Ladies and Jelly Beans, hobos and tramps. Cross-eyed mosquitos and bow-legged ants. I am here to tell you a story I know nothing about. Two dead boys arose to fight. Back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot each other. If you do not believe this lie is true. Ask the blind man. He saw it too."

                     Be sure and download the Babylon Hollywood books.

     12:53pm  I spent all my change on phone calls at the payphone. I called Peg, I called my mom. I called Rene. Oh yeah, Rene has been calling Peg and my mom. He talked to my mom for a long time. Rene is an awesome friend. I love Rene. I love Peg too. Anyway, I'm walking to the grocery store. It's a mile away on Pine. I want to buy me some bagels and some oatmeal. I have ten dollars left.

     1:35pm  I walked all the way to the grocery store. I forget what it's called. SPC or something. I went in and it turns out I only had seven dollars. I grabbed me a thing of blueberry muffins for four bucks and some cream cheese for four bucks too. They didn't have the same kind of oatmeal I had, but I got a different kind of instant oatmeal. After I gathered everything I realized I didn't have enough, so I pocketed the cream cheese. I went to pay and I was still fifty cents short, but the cashier let it slide. Ha, and I stole cream cheese in my pocket.

                    Calanan Parkparty

     4:10pm  "My name is Dawn and my husbands name is Donny. He's the clamper[wikipedia e clampus vitus], I'm a wizzer? We are giving Victor nickname for E. Clampus Vitus. It is now Turtle. On May 17, 2009 he has been named Turtle."

     4:39pm  I should make an update. I am going to Chico tomorrow! I was getting bored here in Nevada City. I wanted to go to Paradise for no reason. They tell me there's a college in Chico and I can maybe do some typing there. My next update is coming along great. I'm sure there's a bus that goes to Paradise from Chico. I just want to go to see if it lives up to its name. Talk is cheap.

     4:51pm  I just took a picture of Dawn and Don and Rosie.

                   Dan O'Neill cartoonist.

                   It's so awesome the magic that happened earlier. Right when I decide to go to the gas station and make some oatmeal I ran into Sean and Roberto. They saw my shirt and are smoking a brother out, for the cause. We came to Pioneer Park and we're going to smoke some weed.

     5:26pm  It's cool how I ended up getting smoked out when I decided to go to the gas station earlier. We came to Pioneer Park and I am making my way back. The streets in this town are way steep. The whole town is up and down. Great walking workout.

                   Earlier Mark told me he appreciated what I was doing. He never listened to my story, but he loved the note from the rich. He thanked me for telling him that. He was telling me all these stories about gold mining.

     6:32pm  I walked Galena. Turning left on Turpentine Road. I hear the highway to the left. I'm walking towards it.

     9:42pm  I am all settled into bed in the trailer again. I'm going to go to sleep. Dawn and Don said they would be here between five thirty and six tomorrow. I'm going to Chico tomorrow. That's so awesome.

Next day..

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