


Pipe Creek to Lake Hills, back to San Antonio, TX

Monday May 19, 2003

     6:20am  It's Monday the next day. I just woke up in Thomas' van. Cool. I'm going to go walking. I got like three hours of sleep.

     6:32am  I'm walking and I stopped to take a hit a hit of weed. Some gasoline for my mind. Now I'm going to walk like eight miles to Lake Hills.

     6:50am  I'm walking out here on a country road. I'm passing all these sheep and I'm yelling baa at them, hehe.

     7:00am  I just realized I left my rain poncho at Thomas' so I'm turning back around. I need that thing.

                   Okay, I changed my mind. I can get my rain poncho another day. I'm still walking.

     7:30am  I got to this big highway. I was on Scenic Pass Lane, I think.

     7:58am  I walked up to the Lake Hills Center. There's a massage parlor and gym here and it's open. People working out early. Badass. I came inside and asked this girl Misty if I could use the restroom. She told me I could use the Men's restroom or the omnisex one they had. I went to the omnisex one, because it was closer and there was all this toilet paper clogged in the toilet. I went outside and told Misty, "Hey Misty, the toilet in that bathroom is clogged with toilet paper. I don't want to clog it with anything else." I asked her where another restroom was and she directed me to it. That's where I am right now. Taking a shit. Later on. I'm going to ask Misty where the lake is.

     8:22am  The road I'm walking down is FM 1283. I'm just passing the sign pointing left to the Bandera County Lake Hills court house annex.

     8:25am  I'm still walking down 1283. I walked passed this daycare center that had all these little kids outside. As I walk in front I see this girl who's in charge. I asked her to point me to the lake. All of a sudden all these kids told me hi over and over. It's weird. Anytime I'm wearing this rainbow beanie kids go nuts over me. The lady told me to turn right at the stop sign. Oh yeah, it says Medina Lake five miles. Oh shit.

     8:26am  I'm over here by the 1283 and 37 intersection.

                   Cool, there's a gas station here and I was able to bum a cigarette. I saw a cop outside and I walked up to his car. I was going to ask him, "Excuse me officer, I don't suppose a courtesy ride to the lake would be within the realm of possibility." He never came out, so I started walking. Lake is about three miles down on 37, I think. Here goes.

     9:07am  I stopped in at Dusti's Supermarket and Hardware store. I asked for a cigarette and they wouldn't give me one. They didn't smoke. Oh well.

                  Well that was really cool. I saw another guy walking. He was walking to the store. I started talking to him and it turns out he has three broken down cars. He gives me a cigarette and I tell him some of my ideas. I ask him, "Hey, what do you think would happen if all the world leaders got together and smoked some weed?" He told me they already do, they just don't do it together. He was cool. He gave me a cigarette, so badass.

                  This guy riding a Harley came into Dusti's and I told him I found a way to fight the world's greatest problem. I asked him what he thought that was and he said, "Money."

                  I'm now passing the Viking Shopping Center. Jesse B. Griphin CPA, Shortcuts hair cutting place, It's Your Turn resale shop, and a satellite service supply store.

                  I walked down a bit and I stopped at DH Automotive. I went inside and these guys were watching TV. They asked me how it was going and I told them I was just walking through. I asked them for a cigarette and one dude gave me one. I asked them how far I was from the lake. They told me the lake was right across the street. Badass. What a great surprise. I walked a little bit and bam, there it is.

                  Okay, I just passed this house on this road and I saw this pretty girl outside. I asked her, "Hey, I'm just walking through. Is there anything interesting nearby?" She told me that if I kept going down that street, it's all residential. She said there was a state park on the other side of the lake, but it would be quicker if I swam to it. I told her if I didn't have my bag that I would. I guess I'll walk all the way around the lake to the state park.

     10:00am  I sat down and smoked a cigarette. I thought, "Shit, I'm going to have to walk to the other side of the lake to see anything interesting. This is a huge ass lake too. I had been walking the opposite direction of the residential area, but I changed my mind. Screw it. I'll walk through the street where the houses are and see what conversations I can have. There's supposed to be hippies here, damnit. I'm going to go meet some. After I smoke a cigarette and a little weed, of course.

                     Okay, I'm back at the DH Automotive. I'm going to go down George's road. Through all the residences.

                     Okay, I'm walking through this beautiful neighborhood and I'm finding Marlboro Miles everywhere! My pockets are going to fill up out here.

     10:29am  Whoa, someone is building a badass house out here. On the corner of Angel Drive and Georges road. It's going to be awesome.

                     Okay, I'm turning on 49th Street. There's a sign here that says CP RV Park - Waterfront, so I'm going to go see the water.

                     Okay, I walked through this RV park and I'm over here at the waterfront. This lake is so huge. I want to go swimming so bad. When I get back home I'm going to put my swim trunks in my Adidas bag just in case something like this happens again. This place is awesome. I want to walk around the lake, but can I get all the way around it? I don't think so.

     10:30am  I'm walking around Medina Lake. I've decided I am going to walk along the bank until I can go no further. Let's see how far I get.

                     Crazy, I'm walking along the lake here and a frog just jumped away. It looked like a toy frog at first.

                     How awesome. I just saw all these big fish in the water. Cool.

                     Okay, I ran into a really rough spot here in these woods along the bank. I had to throw my stick down and it fell in the water. Now I have to find out some way to reach it without falling in the lake.

                     Whew, got the stick.

     11:03am  I can't believe I made that. I just went through this thick brush right on the bank. There was some rock I could step on, but only because my boots are waterproof. I almost fell in. I can't believe I got through the brush.

     11:06am  I just got up to a fence. Am I going to jump it? I think so. It's not barbed wire. Maybe I'll be able to duck under it.

                     Cool, I just got to this part where all these spiny vines were in my way. I grabbed my Swiss army knife and made a couple snips and the problem disappeared. I shall proceed now. Man, I'm glad I always have that knife on me.

     11:29am  I got through a lot of stuff and now I'm at this little clearing in the woods. I'm going to set my stuff down, eat and smoke a cigarette and weed. I'm on my last can of Replete, so I'm going to be knocking on doors asking people for food later on, hehe. Just kidding.

                     Oh my gosh. What an adventure I'm having today. This is so cool. I don't know where I'm going to end up.

     12:08pm  I got to this walkway and climbed up away from the bank. I got to these tennis courts and I really hoped nobody was home in the house. I was, after all, trespassing in their backyard. The tennis courts are locked. I wonder if there's a road nearby. Hmm, I thought for a minute then walked back down to the lake. Maybe I could keep going around the bank. I came down the concrete steps to the lake, where they have a little porch, with steps that go into the water. I got this brilliant idea. I doubted that there were people at the house. It was probably just a condo for rent. Now, since I have been walking so much lately I'm pretty sweated up and dingy. Screw it. I'm going to go skinny-dipping and wash off. This is going to kick ass.

     12:28pm  Guess what I just finished doing. I went skinny-dipping in Medina Lake. I took off all my clothes at this little patio next to the steps. I jumped in the lake all naked. It was a blast. I was all stoned. I needed a shower, too. Nature. Gotta love it.

                     I'm going to smoke some weed.

                     It's the coolest thing. After I went skinny dipping I got out and just sat on one of the lawn chairs naked. The sun dried me off while I smoked my marijuana. I was sitting there baking and I looked at this little scar that I have on my left heel. I've had it since I was small, but I couldn't remember how I had gotten it. I just realized it was in the shape of a heart! I never noticed that before. Hmm, the medicine woman in Oregon told me the spirits told her I was a child of love. Cool, I have a peace-related tattoo on the back of my neck and my left ankle. With a pen, I outlined it and it's almost a perfect heart. Awesome.

                     Okay, I've got my clothes and boots on and I'm ready to go. I'm going to keep walking along the lake.

     12:45pm  I feel so refreshed! It's so great that I just stumbled into a shower right here. Just walking around the lake, that's it.

     12:50pm  I said forget it. I walked up the steps towards the tennis court again. I walked by the house again and nobody was home. I got to this big metal fence. I didn't know how I was going to get through it. There was a really tall brick wall around the property(probably to keep people out, hehe). I was able to push on the fence enough to where I could squeeze through it. That was easy. I don't know where I am.

     12:56pm  Okay, I just got through the fence. Now I'm on some road with some addresses.

                      I'm on Eagles' Point street. I'm passing some member's only park that's for sale by Pioneer Realty.

                      I'm back at the corner of Georges Road and Angel Drive. Wow, what a good day I'm having.

     1:42pm  Some guy at DH Automotive told me he could give me a ride back to Helotes at six. I already got my ride back home. I just have to wait until six. I asked him if there were any restaurants nearby and he told me there were a few. I told him how I was going to try and score some free food and he wished me luck.

     1:52pm  I walked over to the Viking Center. What was your name? Cindy's doing her laundry over here. I asked her if there was a water fountain inside and she said no, but there was a sink. I asked her if she could spare a cigarette and she said sure. She told me it had been sitting on her dashboard for a couple months. I told her it's okay, that it's all the same nicotine.

     2:00pm  I'm leaving the laundromat now. I talked to Cindy about my ideas and stuff.

                   Tadpoles is closed on Sundays.

     2:11pm  I stopped and talked to this guy who was working on the phones and I asked him if he knew of any restaurants close by. He told me that Dusti's was not too far away. I totally didn't remember I had already been to Dusti's earlier. Thomas had told me about a place called Rusty's but maybe he said Dusti's. So that's where I'm going to go. Hopefully I can score some free food. It's less than a mile from here.

     2:29pm  I walked into Dusti's and told one of the cashiers my predicament. I told her how I was a long-distance walker and yada, yada, yada. She told me I should talk to this other lady that didn't have a uniform on or anything. This lady's name was Rita. I asked her for some gasoline for my stomach, something small and inexpensive, whatever they could spare. I even told her to put me to work. She thought for a minute, reached into her purse and handed me a five dollar bill. I pulled out my tape recorder and logged that instance quick. I said into it, "I told Rita at Dusti's how much I walk and she gave me a whole five dollars. That's so very generous of you, Rita." Rita said, "It has nothing to do with you walking, it has to do with my generosity." Amen, sister. She took off after that.

                   That's so cool. I've got five dollars. Now I'm going to go see what I can buy to eat.

     2:35pm  This kicks so much ass. I just went in there and Rita gave me five bucks. I asked the cashiers what they would recommend for the most food for five bucks. They didn't know. I thought maybe some Fig Newton's would be filling. Not to mention, healthy. They're expensive though. Like three forty nin. Just then, I found me some Mrs. Baird's powdered donuts, 19.5 oz for only two oh nine. Badass. It's a big bag of donuts. Hmm, I wonder how much cigarettes are here. I had exactly enough to buy the donuts and the cigarettes. Now I'll have my after-meal smoke. Shweeeeeeeeeet.

     2:48pm  I'm leaving Dusti's. I'm going to clock how long it'll take to get to DH Automotive.

     3:16pm  I'm back at DH Automotive. It took me like thirty minutes to get here, so like a mile and a half. Which means in essence I walked three miles round trip. Cool. I'm going to end up walking like twenty five miles today.

     3:36pm  The dude at DH Automotive backed out of the deal. He told me he couldn't give me a ride. I walked all the way back there for nothing. Well, at least I got some good exercise. I'm walking again.

     4:05pm  I'm back at Dusti's. It took half an hour again.

     4:52pm  Jim Sutton just brought me to this EZ Mart. I asked him for a ride at Dusti's and he said sure. He gave me directions to Highway 16, so I'm going to walk twelve miles. Here I go.
     5:07pm  Holy shit! I'm riding in the truck with Dee now. It was cool, right after Jim dropped me off I saw this dude pulling off in a truck. We made eye contact so I stuck out my thumb at him. He came over and asked me where I needed a ride to. I told him anywhere, I was just out traveling on foot today. Dee said, "Wow, I wish I could just be walking around. I really envy you." Dee didn't have shit planned for today either and was just driving around, so he invited me to hang out. He suggested some swimming hole. Bottle Springs Crossing swimming hole. Badass, just walked into some fun again.

                   Dude, I'm having so much fun. It's so awesome. I ran into this guy Dee who brought me to the Medina River. They got these two rope swings dangling from these tall trees by the riverbank. I was all swinging around like Tarzan. I had a blast. Oh yeah, Dee had let me borrow some swim trunks. All these young kids were hanging out smoking weed and drinking beer by the river. Totally not your typical Monday.

                   Whoa, get this. Dee just agreed me to take me all the way back to my mom's house in San Antonio. Somebody pinch me, hehe.

                   Okay, I'm finally back home at my mom's. Dee dropped me off. What an awesome time I've had. I can't wait to type it all up. It'll be all detailed because I had my recorder. My mom isn't here. When I pulled up with Dee I asked him if he could swing me by Carlos' house but he said he had to go. That's cool. I can wait. I've had more than my share of fun today. Time to relax.

                   I went to the backyard to smoke a cigarette on the porch. I tried the sliding door and it was open! Hooray! Now I am inside. I'm going to wash my uniform.

     8:50pm  Whew, I took a shower and I feel grrrreat! My mom came home while I was in the shower. After I got out of the shower my mom came and asked me if I would be home tomorrow. I asked her, "Will the computer be home tomorrow? If it is I'll be here typing up all my stories." Remember my mom hates me being happy and took the computer away. Not to mention, she's spooked I'm going to hack the planet and the feds are going to knock down her door. At first she told me no, but then she thought about it more and came up and told me she was going to her friend's house to go get the computer. She said it was at her friend's house getting fixed. There's nothing wrong with her computer! It's slow because it's old and she's impatient. I told her fine. My mom is such a bad liar. She told me, "But you can't use the internet." She's all paranoid. I told her I didn't need the stinking internet to type up my stuff. Shouldn't be the one paranoid about the feds? Not her. I have reason to be paranoid, but I don't give a shit. Oh well. Let them come after me.
                   I'm going to watch this Jesus movie that my mom has had for years. She's never seen it. It's still in the plastic wrapper. See how wasteful she is? It's called Jesus - Philosopher, Prophet, God? The true story about the man who changed history." Let's see how many similarities I can find.
                   Oh yeah, I though it would be a good idea if I asked my mom to watch the movie with me. I thought maybe she would open her eyes and realize what I'm trying to do. Like Jesus, who she reveres so much, I am trying to bring peace to this world. I am also encountering the exact same resistance and ignorance as he did. Put two and two together, mom. When will we ever learn?

                   Let me quote some of the movie:

                   "I am writing to you, dear Theopolus, an orderly account of the things that have taken place among us. So that you may know the absolute truth about everything."

                   "Blessed are you Paul. For yours is the Kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now for you shall be served. Blessed are you who weep now because you shall laugh. Blessed are you when men hate you and reject you and exult you. They say you are evil, all because you're the son of man. Be glad when that happens and dance for joy. For the great reward is kept for you in heaven. For the ancestors did the very same thing to the prophets. But I tell you who hear me love your enemies, be good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you and pray for those who mistreat you.
                   If anyone strikes you on the one cheek, let it hit the other one also. And if someone takes away your coat, let him have your shirt as well. Give to everyone who begs from you. And if someone takes what is yours, don't ask for it back again. Do for others what you would have others do for you.
                   If you love only the people who love you, why should you receive a blessing? For even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, why should you receive a blessing? Even sinners do that.
                   Love your enemies, and be good to them. And lend expecting nothing back. Then you will have a great reward. For you will be a son to the most high God. For He is grateful to the ungrateful and to the wicked. Be merciful. Just as your father is merciful.
                   Judge not and you will not be judged. Condemn not, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven."

                   "This is what the parable means. The seed is the Word of God. The seeds that fell along the path stand for those who hear. But, the devil comes and takes the message away from their hearts. In order to keep them from believing and being saved."

                   "The seeds that fell on rocky ground stand for those who hear the message and receive it gladly, but they have no roots. They can pray for a while, and then the time of testing comes. They fall away."

                   "The seeds that fell among thorns stand for those who hear, but the worries and riches and pleasures of this life crowd in and choke them. And that fruit never ripens."

                   "And the seeds that fell in good soil stand for those who hear the message and retain it in a good, obedient heart and they persist until they bear fruit."

                   "Put no thought in your life for what you should eat. Nor for your body what you should wear. For life is more than food and a body more than clothing. Consider the raven. They neither sow nor reap, have neither storehouse nor barn, yet God feeds them. Of how much more worth are you than the birds?"

                   "There is still one more thing you need to do. You must sell all you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven. Follow me."

                   "How hard it is for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God. It is harder for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God than for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle."

                   "What is impossible for man is possible for God."

                   She knows the scriptures by heart and was blabbing them throughout the movie. It's amazing how something that is so ingrained in her head holds no substance in her reality. She doesn't practice more than half the stuff she preaches. She's more worried about how much she owes and how miserable her life is. Pity her, I do. What hypocrisy.

Next day..

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