


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday May 19, 2004

     9:35am  I am leaving my mom's house. I'm surprise, I didn't sleep much, but I'm not tired. I got like five hours. Now, I gotta do all the stuff that I was too lazy to do yesterday. My plan to go hiking got screwed, so I stayed up all night again yesterday. Umm, I'm going to take off.

                   I'm walking towards the Citgo. I might go all the way to the Walmart so I can check what the letter of the day is.

     9:45am  I'm by the Citgo now.

     9:55am  I asked the 610 guy and he's hooking me up with a ride to the Walmart. I appreciate it. He asked me, "What happened to your card?" I told him I didn't get one this month.

                  All the drivers think I have one this month for some reason.

                  Letter of the day is Garfield, G.

     10:02am  I'm at the Walmart already. I've got one Garfield.

     10:05am  I saw this girl reading a book at the Walmart bus stop. I told myself, "When she turns the page I'm going to interrupt her and ask her, "Can I tell you a really interesting story? I'm not asking for anything. I just want you to listen. It's more interesting than what you are reading. I promise." I asked her and she went, "I don't think so. I've already talked to you."

     11:05am  I got off the 88 at Pecan and Main. I got shit to do today. I gotta go check my STD results first. I gotta go get my army pants and then to go Internal Affairs.

     11:15am  I came to the Cowboy Cleaners to get my pants. She told me, "Since it's late, I'm going to give it to you." Awesome.

                     They put a patch on my pants. I'm going to walk to the Health Department.

     11:50am  I'm all clear on everything! I'm clean, I'm clean. Alright.

     12:02pm  Darryl hooked me up with a cigarette at St. Mary's and Travis. Everybody gets credit.

     12:42pm  Peter hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the library. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:37pm  I got my printout at the library. My statement. I'm going to go have justice done.

     1:57pm  The 89 hooked me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Oh yeah, I forgot! I have to go check in at the bail bonds place. I was supposed to do that yesterday.

                    I walked to the jail and from there I found out I had to go to a different building a couple blocks over by the Brady Greene. Vista Verde Towers, or something. I went up there to the third floor. It turns out they change the name of Internal Affairs to Professional Standards Incorporated, or something like that. Nobody was there to talk to me, so I gotta call tomorrow in the morning and get an appointment to talk to somebody.

     2:14pm  I walked all the way to Travis Park. All the way from the jail. I'm hungry. I'm going to get spare change for a hotdog.

     3:20pm  Nobody was hooking me up with change for a hotdog, and Lou gave me a dollar! I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:26pm  Linda hooked me up with a cigarette in the park. My after-meal smoke. I appreciate it, Linda. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:04pm  Shadow hooked me up with a cigarette in Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:08pm  Alma hooked me up with a transfer. The #2 driver. I appreciate it, Alma.

                   She said, "I saw you at the Oyster Bake."

     4:10pm  I got on the 91 with that transfer. Right when she hooked me up the bus came. Awesome. I'm going to go back to Gardendale and get smoked out.

     4:45pm  Just got off the 91 over on Fredericksburg and Medical. I'm going to walk to the Mexican Restaurant where they hooked me up last time. Not Blanco's.

     4:52pm  Renee is hooking me up with some tacos. I appreciate it, Renee. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:17pm  I was just walking down Medical going to see if I could get smoked out and guess who picks me up? Andrea! Andrea from Bob's and stuff. From earlier. She told me, "Oh, I saw you downtown."

                   She took me to the Fountains of San Antonio. Let's see if I can get smoked out.

     5:26pm  I ran into some brothers who saw me at Marleyfest. Daniel and Chalk. Sweet, they smoked me out and hooked me up. I appreciate it, brothers.

                   Oh man, did I call that, or what? Didn't I say I was going to go to Medical Center and get smoked out? Before I even get to Gardendale these kids recognized me from Marleyfest and they hooked me up with some weed.

     5:36pm  Takia hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Habib Mart on Datapoint. I appreciate it, Takia. Thanks.

                   She gave me two!

     6:02pm  Takia not only listened the hell out of my story, but she also gave me a two dollar bill for good luck! That's awesome!

     6:11pm  I had a good presentation with this guy that was trying to pull off in his truck.

     6:42pm  This guy pulled up and this girl asked me, "Hey, where did you get your hat?" Some cute girl. I told her, "This homeless guy gave it to me in California." They were in their car at a light, waiting to turn so I told them, "Hey, next time you guys see me, let me tell you my story. I've got something planned." The girls goes, "Oh, my friend told me about you!"

                    I'm famous. More confirmation right there.

     7:29pm  Valeria gave me some water. I appreciate it, Valeria.

     7:30pm  Jerry drove by and I asked him for a cigarette and he hooked a brother up. I appreciate it, Jerry. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     7:40pm  Man, the coolest shit is happening to me. I walk by these two girls and one goes, "Hey, what's up, Victor?" This girl Rose who got invited to some get-together tonight. It just happened to be at the same apartment I was going to. She asked me, "Hey, are you hungry? Are you thirsty?" I told her, "I walk for a living. I can always eat." She's making me a hamburger!

                    Good shit happens to me. This is my hood, hehe.

     10:54pm  Oscar hooked me up with a cigarette. Man, I'm having a good night. Good shit's happening to me. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Everybody has been hooking me up tonight. I got a burger, I got a cigarette, they rolled a badass joint. I'm just having a ball.

     11:22pm  What were your names? Jason, Oscar and Nix hooked me up with cigarettes. I appreciate it, guys. Nix even offered me a couple bucks. That's cool, man. I don't want any money. The best things in life are free. Thanks anyway, it's the thought that counts.

                      Man, what a magical night I've been having tonight. I ended up at this girl Renell's apartment at Sundance. I've been here all night. Man, this beautiful seventeen year old girl, Rose. She listened to all my stories. We went outside and she heard my stories by herself. Nobody else would listen to me. All the people that were there were all talking about stupid shit. They were all doing crystal meth. I've never been to a big meth party where everybody was doing it. I'm not going to do it. I don't do drugs. I smoke weed.

                      Oh yeah, then there was this time where I think I might've pissed this girl Renell off. I made a bad move. In front of three girls I told my worst female joke in the world. My Why Do Women Have Periods joke. They didn't laugh one bit. They didn't think it was funny at all. One girl was like, "We don't deserve it." From there I noticed Renell maybe getting upset with me. Like she got mad because I didn't knock on the door before I came in. Oh yeah, Renell even hooked me up with a hamburger in the beginning! I got all this attention from beautiful Rose. She even gave me a ride to the front when I left. Rose was all telling me, "It was great talking to you. I really enjoyed your story."

                      Oh man, it's going to happen soon. It's going to happen soon.

                      Oh yeah, I saw South Park tonight. The one where they make fun of The Passion of the Christ. It was hilarious.

     1:22am  Sergio en el taco stand en Wurzbach me esta dando un taco. Te lo agradezco, Sergio. Todo el mundo recibe crédito en mi juego, gracias.

     1:45am  I scored at the little taco stand! Mmmm, they hooked me up with three tacos. Good tacos, too.

                   Monterrey style.

     2:00am  I walked up to the IHOP. I smoked a cigarette there and changed into my thermals. It's getting a little chilly. I see this guy walking by and I go, "Hey, what's up, brother?" He works at IHOP. I told him, "Hey man, can I tell you a really interesting story? I'm not asking for anything. I just want you to listen." He goes, "What?" I say, "I want to tell you what I'm doing." He asked me how long it would take and I told him like five minutes. He looked at his watch and said, "Nah, I've gotta be at work in two minutes." I asked him if he had an email address and he said no.

     2:22am  I walked the I10 access road all the way to Medical. I'm going to turn left on Medical. I'm going to walk to the Diamond Shamrock on Horizon Hill and Medical and get me a cigarette.

                   I love walking.

                   It's these badass shoes.

     2:32am  I got to the gas station on Horizon Hill and Medical. I made an appearance. People were staring at me giving me weird looks. I'm going to keep walking. I'm going to go over to that dudes apartment over by Chacho's. I'll see if they're awake.

                    I walked over to Chacho's on Callaghan. This guy came up to me and said, "Hey, I talked to you downtown, remember?"

                   Hehe, I command my presence.

                   My good friend Angelo, the cop, he's going to get me a taco later on. I'm going to walk over to my friend's apartment and see if they're awake.

     3:14am  I walked up to the apartment and the door was open. He was outside on the phone and he saw me and said, "Hey, man. What's up? Come on up." He told everybody else inside, "The mission-guy is here, the mission-guy is here." That's funny that's what I'm known as.

     3:30am  I'm leaving the apartment. I didn't get his name again, doh. I'm going to go back to Chacho's and the cop's going to get me a taco.

     4:15am  Dude, everybody in Chacho's has been staring at me. I'm making some good friends out here. Angelo and this one dude who wouldn't listen to my story. Everybody else was listening to my story. I am great entertainment. They love me.

     4:20am  I am entering the Songbird Apartments. 7667 Callaghan. I'm going to go out that back to Tupelo Road. It's beautiful out there. I found that route back when I delivered pizza at Papa John's. There's a big house and it's pretty wooded. Wish I had a camera and I could take pictures. I'm going to walk that way to Fredericksburg. I'll have some fun.

     4:25am  They were beautiful. I just saw some deer. Just coming out the back entrance of Songbird. On Mockingbird Lane.

     4:37am  I walked Tupelo all the way to Chambers.

     4:40am  I'm out on Fredericksburg now.

     4:55am  I had sat down to rest at the bus stop on Louis Pasteur. I had seen some black dude sitting there and I thought, "Oh cool, I get to tell someone my story." I don't think he was homeless. He was just sitting there at the bus stop listening to his headphones. The buses aren't running right now. He all told me he wasn't waiting for a bus when I asked him. I guess that's cool that he doesn't mind being by himself and he wants to get out in the fresh air.

                   Oh yeah, I'm at the hospital already. At the buses. I've been here for a while. I picked up some snipes and smoked some weed.

                   The 520 pulled up and I was going to go ask him if he'd hook me up with a transfer. Just to take the chance that he might hook me up, but also to get a look at the letter of the day. He didn't have his transfers punched with today's letter yet. I couldn't look at it. I'll wait for another bus.

                   Okay, when the first 610 pulls up, I'll get on and ask for a transfer. I'll look at the letter. It's the next 610 that I want to catch so I won't have to wait that long for my mom to wake up.

     5:37am  The 610 guy is going to hook me up with a ride. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Man, I had an awesome ride home. Well, to the Walmart. I didn't get his name. He never has his nametag up. He was hauling ass too! I told him, "Wow, I didn't know I'd be getting express service." He said, "Oh yeah." He hauled ass down Eckhert. He was speeding and shit. Like over sixty. He was hauling ass. Man, those new buses are amazing. They can stop on a dime.

                   I'm going to go in the Walmart and take a shit.

                   Oh yeah, I had asked him, "Hey, just between you and me, how fast did you get on Eckhert back there?" He gave me some shit like, "Oh, I never look at the speedometer."

     5:56am  I got out of the restroom and I remembered I can go hit my resource at the smoking cabana here. There were tons of snipes. Two big fat Marlboro Lights. Badass.

     6:29am  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I'm at the Citgo already. I'm going to bum a cigarette and go home.

     6:40am  I'm at my mom's house. Cool, her car's gone. Let me see if the back door is unlocked.

Next day..

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