


San Antonio, TX

Thursday May 19, 2005

     6:57am  I woke up and took a shit. I don't have much to do today. It's my day in between plasma donations. I should probably go for a walk. I'm going to go get high in the backyard first.

     7:44am  I am taking off for the day. I'm going to walk through the park again. I don't know. I'm not sure what I'll do.

     7:45am  Fuck, I forgot to grab a spare tennis ball.

     7:57am  Leaving again.

     8:15am  I just walked to the Exxon on Bandera and Braun. I found a snipe in the ashtray. I'm going to sit down and smoke.

     8:41am  I hiked Bandera, I didn't go on the nature hike to the Walmart. I just cut through the carwash here to the little road that goes to the Walmart. All of a sudden, I see a rabbit in the ditch. I took a picture. I hope it comes out.

     8:43am  I went to the smoking cabana and surprisingly, no one was there. I sat down. Then this Asian dude showed up and saw me picking a snipe out of the ashtray and he gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, bro.

                   Yeah, my mom is always lying about money. The other night when she got back from Houston, I showed her how I had gotten a copy of my lost ID made. I told her it was $15 for ID cards at the license plate office and she quickly snapped, "Oh, I don't have any money!" I wasn't even asking her for any. But then, right before she went to bed she goes, "Here," and hands me twenty dollars. Well, I told you what happened yesterday with that money, hehe. Then this morning she woke up and I asked her if she could spare eighty cents for busfare. She yelled, "I gave you a dollar last night!" Umm, she saw me buy a lighter with it. That's all we stopped at the Citgo last night for. So I told her, "That's ok then. I'll just get a courtesy ride or I'll walk." Then, right before she left she said, "I left you eighty cents on your bag." Why does she feel she needs to lie so much?

                   Thanks, mom. I appreciate it. You don't have to lie about it though.

                   Oh yeah, I came over to my makeshift bench by the tall trees they got for sale by the bus stop. I smoked some weed and smoked a cigarette. I'm having a good start to the day. I hope something cool happens today.

                   Thank you, Love. Thank you for letting me experience all these things.

                   Be sure to type up Page 132 The Sun and Beyond.

     9:26am  University Hospital.

     9:38am  92.

     10:22am  Downtown. St. Mary's and Martin. I'm going to go in the Greyhound station and take a piss.

                     Oh yeah, I'm wearing my green Make It Happen t-shirt(2-26-05, 12:35pm). I'm going to find somebody to take a picture of me.

                     Hey, there's Elva, my backup-mom.

     10:37am  I had a good little talk with Elva. I love Elva.

     11:21am  Barbara is hooking me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. She saw my shirt and said, "Make it happen!" I appreciate it, Barbara.

     11:29am  She even gave me these little iced tea powder things. Peach Tea and Raspberry. I can put these in my water bottle.

     11:53am  The van is out feeding the people in the park.

     12:09am  I ran into Loki. Make an entry for me, Loki.

                     Loki: "I've been traveling back and forth between Austin and San Antonio and I ran into Victor again. I'm just telling him about my travels. I told him to keep up the journal because they're priceless, man. I've read a few of his journals and they're priceless. Just keep up the good work. I don't know what else to say."

                     I'm talking to Andrew and Darcy in the park. What was your email?

     1:00pm  Great presentation right now.

                   Liberation is in your legs.

     1:11pm  I ran into my good friend Sylvia at the bus stop.

     2:02pm  I saw this pretty girl in the park. I went up to her and asked her if I could tell her a really interesting story. She told me she had already heard it.

     2:07pm  Some dumbass bible thumper sitting there reading a bible, I went and hit her up for my story, testing her ignorance. She failed hardcore! The minute I said get marijuana legalized she said, "If you want to get marijuana legalized, you shouldn't be talking to me!" Have you always been that ignorant? Thanks for proving me right.

                   Haha, I pissed that bitch off. She was all, "You're the dumbass." The kids are taking over soon, grandma! Babylon shall fall! That was funny.

     2:09pm  I ran into these kids right now. I asked them if I had already told them my story and they said, "Yeah, you have. You never sent me an email." He recommended me to go to to the forums there.

     2:28pm  I'm telling Chris and Maya my story at Travis Park. What was your email?

                   I just had an awesome presentation with these two black kids. Hell yeah.

     2:49pm  This brother right now, right when I was walking by I asked him for a cigarette. He started pulling his pack out, I thought he was going to give me one. He put it back in his pocket and I told him, "Greed shall be your downfall."

     2:50pm  Tigger hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:09pm  I'm talking to Gary right now. He walked up and commented on my walking stick. He was fucking ignorant as hell, dude. I told him the important part, the spirits part. He was all critiquing my shit from the beginning telling me how I needed to work on my presentation. I told him, "In the end I am playing this game by my rules. I'm the only one I can trust." He didn't have anything to say after that. He shook my hand and walked away.

     3:46pm  Jamie hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, Jamie. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:08pm  At Travis Park I hit up these two girls for my story. This older lady that was there shook her head no, that she wasn't willing to listen. Damn, have you always been that ignorant?

     4:22pm  Fernando me dio un cigaro alfrente de Tunsy Motors. Te lo agradezco, Fernando. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     4:36pm  At the park I hit this one pretty girl up for my story. She nodded her head yes that she would listen. Well, since I already had a transfer trimmed and ready for the bus, when her bus came I jumped on that one just for the sake of finishing my story. I finished it with her and I got off the #4 bus by the Uhaul main office on San Pedro. I offered to smoke her out on the bus. At first she said she didn't smoke, but then she realized I was offering and quickly changed her tune. I forgot though when she got off the bus and went in some daycare center called the Study Hall. I crossed the street and sat in the grass and smoked a cigarette and smoked some weed. The beautiful girl in La Cocina Mexicana, err, Casa Blanca Grill hooked me up with some water.

                    I forgot to tell you. I was walking and impulsively took a left turn on some alley behind all these houses. It's running parallel to Thorain.

     5:07pm  I was walking down the alley and I saw some guy working in his backyard smoking a cigarette. I hit him up and Norberto gave me one. I appreciate it.

                   Ha, that guy totally thought I was crazy. Just some guy working in his backyard. He told me he was from Cuba. That he's been to jail in both places. Here and Cuba. He told me Fidel Castro was fucking him in the ass. I told him my story, but he wasn't too receptive. He told me, "If you keep walking down this alley all the dogs will bark at you." I told him, "Exactly how I want them to. Don't you see that I want people to come outside and look at me." Hell yeah, that's great publicity.

     5:20pm  The alley ended up on Blanco.

     5:21pm  Denton hooked me up with a cigarette at the Ebay Experts. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:01pm  Holy shit, I just had a magical fucking experience right now. Remember that random alley I was walking through? Well, I popped out on Blanco. I thought I was going to catch the bus to Medical Center and then try to swing by that Ruben guys' house. The walking stick guy. The bus stop happened to be in front of some Ebay business. I saw some kid smoking a cigarette in front. He let me have a cigarette then I hit him up for my story. After I told him I was going to eliminate money he said, "Hold on, I have to get my friend." He went inside and got his roommate. These 19 and 20 year old kids. They run like an Ebay business here. They have money. They got tons of computer shit. Fuck yeah, they said they might have some work for me.

                   Fuck yeah, look what I just popped out of that alley for. I went down that alley for some reason, right? They're going to have a party tomorrow and I'm invited.

     6:42pm  Mr. Vied hooked me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Oh yeah, right when I walked up to the mall, at the bus circle. I didn't have any busfare. I saw the 534 pulling off and I gave him the peace sign. He stopped the bus and opened the door. I told him, "I don't suppose you could give me a courtesy ride? Nobody gives me rides anymore." He hooked me up. I appreciate it, sir. I'm going to the hospital now.

     7:13pm  University Hospital.

     7:16pm  Oh yeah, at the hospital I ran into Stephanieann.

     7:20pm  5923 hooked me up. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:43pm  I got off at the Citgo. I'm walking with my friend Stephanieann.

     7:57pm  I ran into my friend Stephanieann at the hospital. She's this really cute girl. She lives in the same neighborhood as my mom. She told me she would go hiking with me tomorrow. She told me to call her at 3. Hopefully my mom has the computer back tonight.

                   So tomorrow I'm going to go donate plasma then I'm going to meet Stephanieann and hike to the Walmart with her, then I'll catch the bus to that party at the Ebay place.

     8:43pm  I just washed my mom's dishes for her. I called her earlier and she had some good news. She's getting a new computer basically. I'll tell you when she brings it home, but she said she's getting an 80gb hard drive! Fuck yeah! That sure as hell beats the little 4gb that she's always had.

Next day..

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