


San Antonio to San Marcos and back, TX

Thursday May 22, 2003

                   Hmm, the time is now nine thirty two at night. Let me think what's happened today. I had yet another kickass day. Today was my court date. Last night I told my mom, "I feel like I'm going to have fun tomorrow." Boy, was I right.
                   I had to be at court in San Marcos(haha, I just weaseled the cable modem out of my mom) at eight thirty. I don't remember what time my mom woke me up. She gave me ten one dollar bills so I could get something to eat. My mom told me that she was just going to take me up there and drop me off. That she had to work. I told her okay, that I would probably walk/hitchhike back home to San Antonio. Before we got on 1604 she stopped and got gas and I asked her if she would be offended if I bought a pack of cigarettes. She told me no, but that I couldn't smoke in the car. I got some cigarettes for my court date. I paid and had six dollars and change left.
                   We got to the court place in San Marcos an hour early. It sucked, I had to wear slacks and a nice polo shirt. I brought with me, in an HEB bag, my cargo shorts and blue shirt with stripes that I wear(and wash) every day. My uniform. I brought my walking staff, too. Oh, and I almost forgot. I had three of those liquid nutrition drinks from the hospital. One of them was four hundred and seventy five calories and the other two two fifty. I had decided I was going to save the big on for my walk home.
                   When I got out of her car I remembered I had my metal one-hitter in my water bottle pouch. I also had my pocket knife on me. I had to stash 'em. I walked around the back of the building, crossed over these railroad tracks, and guess what I stumble onto. The Greyhound bus station. I went inside men's bathroom and took a shit. I scanned the stall for stashing places. I ended up putting my Swiss army knife behind the toilet roll in this metal case. And, I put my one-hitter up on a tall window sill. Perfect. I walked back to court. It was like eight and there was all these people waiting there for the court to open. I smoked a cigarette and around eight twenty five they let everybody in. I walked up to the front desk where they have the metal detector. When I walked in the door one oinker yelled at me about my stick, telling me I couldn't bring it in the Justice Center. I asked him if he could hold it behind the desk and he said no, to just set it there in front. I did and took off my water bottle and set it on the table. I emptied out my pockets and put it all in a little bowl. Then, I walked through the metal detector. The pigs told me to get my stuff and I suited up. They didn't even open my water bottle pouch or run a metal detector over it. I could've totally gotten in with my one-hitter. If I had some weed I could've smuggled that in, too. Fuck the system.
                   I walked around the hall and signed my name on the list. There was another bunch of stapled papers with names on it, too. It had everybody's name that had their court date today, including mine. All the other names had PLEA in the last category, but mine said ANN. I asked the cop what ANN meant and he told me announcement. That I was there to talk to the prosecutor. He pointed me down the hall to courtroom number three and I sat down in a chair in the front by the left wall. There were all these liars..err lawyers standing around calling people's names out and telling them what was going to happen to them. I waited for like an hour before they called my name. I struck up a conversation with this hip-lookin' dude sitting behind me. He was there for a possession charge, too. He was there with his parents and his mom overheard me talking to him. She interrupted saying, "Yeah, but it's still illegal. Work on that problem." I told her I was.
                   I sat there overhearing this lady prosecutor lecturing this nineteen year old kid. She was acting like his mom and calling him immature and shit. Fuck that. Anyway, she turned out to be the one to call my name. She was pleasant with me. Oh yeah, while I had been waiting to speak to the prosecutor I walked up to the front twice to check on my stick. I was all paranoid.
                   See, my original court date had been May first. When I showed up May first I told them that I wanted to get a lawyer, so they reset my court date to the twenty second. I told the prosecutor, "Please keep in mind that I am twenty five and up until this I've had a clear criminal record. She asked me if I had ever been arrested and I told her no, not as far as the system was concerned. She asked, "What about this burglary arrest in Alpine, TX?" I'm not sure how she found out about that, but I told her that it had all been dismissed. It had. I also told her that I had been kidnapped at gunpoint right before I got arrested this time, and that I had like less than two grams, not ounces on me. Not to mention, I told her I had already been in jail for six days over this and should get some time-served credited.
                   She told me okay, that I could use the time served on the three hundred dollar fine, but that I still had two hundred and thirty six in court costs. I asked her if I could make payments and she told me no. I told her I didn't have any money, but if she could reset my court date again I could try and borrow it. I also contemplated just going to jail to pay off that money. It would be like three days. I decided to just tell her that I was going to try to borrow it and she reset my court date to the thirtieth. Haha, I got another week. I wonder how long I'll be able to keep this up. Now, if by some reason I don't have that money by the thirtieth, I'm still going to California on the second of next month. They can come and get me. I have work to do.
                   After I talked with the prosecutor I went to this desk and handed the reset form to this cop. He told me to have a seat and I sat on the bench next to this pretty Asian girl with a tight dress on. Just to strike up conversation I asked her what she was in here for. She told me possession of a controlled substance. I asked, "Marijuana?" and she told me no. She seemed nice so I went into my scripts with her. I even got her to say, "Hmm, interesting." Before I knew it they called me. I told the girl, "To be continued," and walked into an office. Some guy in the office confirmed my reset and I asked him if he was a judge. He said he was one of them and I told him how I had been kidnapped at gunpoint. He told me I had to talk to a DA. So that's what I'm going to do. I had been told that before. I've just been procrastinating since I can never get a ride to San Marcos. I'll try and call them tomorrow.
                   Afterwards, I went in the bathroom, unlaced my army boots and changed out of my slacks and into my cargo shorts. I put on my slick one hundred percent polyester shirt and walked out to the front. I had stuffed my slacks and other shirt in the HEB bag and crammed it into my Adidas bag. I walked out of the bathroom and to the front. I was happy to see my stick still there and I grabbed it. I walked outside and lit up a cigarette and walked to the Greyhound station to go retrieve my stashed items. I went in the bathroom and both my knife and one-hitter were right where I left them, whew. I walked out of the restroom and went up to the lady behind the counter. Just joking around I said, "Hello ma'am. I don't suppose I could get a courtesy ride to San Antonio?" She laughed and I told her I was going to walk it, that it was only thirty miles. She told me, "Nu-uh, It's forty nine miles to San Antonio." Shit. I said, "How much is a bus ticket to San Antonio, anyway?" She told me it was only ten bucks. Whoa. I pulled out my wallet and pulled out the dollar bills. I knew how much I had, but pulling out the money was part of the trick. When she saw the stack of ones she went, "Oh, you got it?" I pulled out the bills and counted them in front of her. I said, "Damn, I only have six. I don't suppose you could let it slide?" She thought for a minute and then asked me, "Do you have any CDs or anything?" I told her, "Yeah! I even got movies. Do you have a computer?" She said yeah and I pulled out my CDs. I only had Triple X(that I got from Sam yesterday), The Princess Bride, Spiderman and Final Fantasy. She picked out Spiderman and The Princess Bride. I handed her the six dollars thinking the movies were just in lieu of the four I needed to make ten. She told me, "Don't worry about it. You just gave me two movies," and printed me out a bus ticket.
                   Badass! All this time I thought I was walking home from San Marcos(because my mom can't miss any more time at her precious job). I couldn't believe my luck! I knew having those movies in my CD case would pay off some day. Hell, I still have Triple X to watch. I got a short hour bus ride back to San Antonio!

                   The Greyhound station in San Antonio is right next to Travis Park where all the buses go. How convenient for me, eh? I walked over to the park and then got the idea to go by Pair of Dice Tattoo parlor where they hooked me up with my peace sign tattoo(for the cause). As I was walking towards the rear of the park I see Fuzzy. Fuzzy is this dude who is always in the park playing his guitar. He's got fuzzy long black hair. That just might be why they call him Fuzzy. I don't know. Anyway, I walked up to him and said what's up. I pulled out my box of cigarettes and Fuzzy said, "How did you know I wanted a cigarette?" I told him, "I'm psychic," and handed him one. I walked off to the tattoo parlor after that, but it didn't open until two and it was only twelve thirty.
                   I walked back towards the buses and as I was walking by the canons I hear some dude yelling, "Hey Osama!" Keep in mind I walk around with a walking staff and all the social people tell me something. This guy was just joking around. I walked up to him and slapped him some skin and told him Bin Laden wouldn't be wearing a rainbow beanie and have a peace sign tattooed on his neck. He told me, "No, it was your goatee." I talk to this dude for a little bit and then get the idea to walk to the library to check my email. I start walking towards it. It's like three blocks away from Travis Park. I walked like two blocks and right when I passed a bus stop the bus stopped and dropped somebody off. I heard the speaker on the bus say, "91 Babcok North". Shit, that's the bus to Carlos' neighborhood. It doesn't go to his neighborhood all day. I better get on it. I boarded the bus and paid the fare with a dollar bill. Got a transfer, too. I rode the 91 to West Avenue by this cool neighborhood that I think is called Woodland Hills. They have these badass old Hansel and Gretel looking houses. Tons of hippies live in this neighborhood. My friend Zai, who is taking me to California lives in this neighborhood with his mom. I wasn't too sure exactly where he lived even though I had crashed there before. I sort of thought he lived on W Summit street. I didn't know where W Summit was so I just taking random turns in the neighborhood. I didn't care. I was getting good exercise and making myself known in the hippie neighborhood.
                   I walked around for like forty five minutes. I kind of remember Zai's mom's house having a decorated entrance so as I was walking through the neighborhood I was seeing if I recognized the entrance. I was also looking in back yards since I spent some time back there before and would recognize it immediately. I never found his house so I walked back to Fredericksburg. I went inside this gas station and the cashier let me borrow the phone. She was all, "Local?" I called Zai's number and it rang like four times before someone picked up. It was this dude, Tony. I tell him, "This is Victor. Have I met you? Do you remember me?" He told me, "Umm, It doesn't matter." I ask him if Zai or Lauren were home and he said no. A couple times I repeated stuff he said and he was all, "What? Is there an echo?" What a bitch, eh? I hung up and walked to the bus stop.
                   I sat down and sparked another cigarette. After I finished it the 92 came and I got on with my transfer. I rode it all the way to University Hospital. At the hospital I went inside and refilled my water bottle at the water fountain. I wasn't sure where I was going to go from there. When I got back outside, I saw the 603 pull up. The 603 goes to UTSA eventually, but it crosses Fredericksburg/Huebner, so I decided I would ride it there and walk to West Telemarketing which is like a block away. I got off the bus and crossed the street in front of the Jack in the Box. I had drank the last drink I had like an hour ago. I was still hungry though. I needed some substance in my stomach. I walked up to Jack, thought about it a little and pulled out my wallet. I pulled out a dollar just to have it handy for the Jumbo Jack I wanted. No one was in line so I assumed the first position. The cashier tells me to hold on while he helps people in the drive through. He finally comes back and I tell him, "Dude, all I have is a buck. Could I get a Jumbo Jack? He goes, "It's $1.07." I told him I didn't have any change and he said sorry, that he couldn't come out short on his till. What a prick, eh? If this moron thinks he's going to get fired for letting seven cents fly he needs a major reality-check. Anyway, I ate and I wasn't hungry anymore.
                   I leave the Jack in the Box and walk all the way to West. I stopped in at the Inbound department, because they have the bus schedules posted there. Just when I got to the door these people were going out. Since the doors there are magnetic you need a special badge to get the doors open. Anyway, I walked in and the two guys at the security desk immediately began giving me shit. One asks me, "Do you work here?" I told him no, that I just wanted to check the schedule like I've done before with no problem. I give him the finger and walk off. I walk up the hill and go to the smoking cabana. It's West, weed-central(even though it's right by a police substation). I ask all the hip-lookin' people if they want to smoke a brother out. No one told me yes. I was really surprised. Man, like six or seven people I didn't recognize came up to me and started talking to me saying I had talked to them before. Shit, I've been diagnosed with short term memory loss. I forgot. I smoked and gave away a couple cigarettes and walked to the bus stop. At the bus stop, I see that girl Katie that I met that one day(5-2-03, 7:54pm) who seemed pretty interested in my stuff. She had even wanted to go traveling. Anyway, I see her at the bus stop and she tells me hello. I tell her hi and give her an update of my status, the latest story about how I got my rucksack stolen in LA. She's waiting for the same bus I am, the Babcock North 91 due at four thirty six. When it comes we both get on it and talk on the bus. Katie ends up having a little weed at her house. She lives with her boyfriend in his mother's house. We walk over the ditch and into her neighborhood. When she gets to the house she enters and tells her boyfriend she brought a friend with her. I meet her boyfriend Johnny. Johnny is 51. He's really hip though. He's a big talker and didn't let me finish my scripts, but he didn't disagree with anything I said. The like-minded come together.
                   Katie rolled a joint and her and I smoked it on the back porch. After a while, this other guy came home(forgot his name). He had this little kid with him. The little kid was a little scared of me because I was a new big person. I asked Johnny if he could get my rainbow beanie from inside and he did. All kids love my rainbow beanie. I put it on my head and started making faces at the kid. He was standing on the other side of the sliding door and laughing his ass off at me. I don't know what it is about this rainbow beanie, but kids just adore it. Sometimes while I'm walking down the street and cars are stopped at a red light, I see a little kid wave at me from a car. Kids are cool. Other people's.
                   Anyway, I eventually leave Johnny and Katie's. Oh yeah, before I left Katie hooked me up with the roach and a little bud. Shweet. Freedom. I needed some more. Remember, no one hooked me up at Planet K yesterday. I gave Katie a big hug and left for Bob's. She gave me simple directions to get back to the ditch. Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right at the ditch. I got to Bob and Carlos' and they were both home. I had called Carlos earlier and asked him if I could stop by and hang out and he had said yeah. When he opened his door he told me, "Damn, what took you so long?" I told him I was too busy out having fun. He tells me, "You have fun everyday." I told him I knew, hehe. I asked Carlos if I could check my email and he said okay. We went back to his room and he signed on HAHA I MADE IT, which he still uses(that I made on his account for me). He pulled down the drop down list from the keyword field and manually selected for me so I wouldn't have to put it in. When the page loaded up he went through the trouble of typing in my hotmail address for me, writeprotect. I don't know why. I didn't have any new mail in that address and I was going to check rightprotect first. Oh well, I cleared the junk mail and checked rightprotect.
                   Dude, I got an email back from my deadbeat dad, Franklin. See, lately we have been having a war of the words. He broke his word to me and didn't send me this money he promised to because he thought I was going to use it to buy weed. Well, I sent him some emails telling him off real good. I thought he wasn't going to reply. I owned him good. He wrote me this long email with a totally humbled tone. He might as well have just come out and apologized. He even said he was going to send me twenty five dollars. Big whoop. He had agreed to send me three hundred before and didn't. So, I am going to take this opportunity to try and get him to fix my current problems.
                   You see, at court yesterday I told them I was going to try and borrow/make the two hundred and thirty six for the court costs. Also, I have until the second of next month to come up with fifty bucks to chip in for gas for my ride to California. Therefore, I will tell Frank that those three hundred that he had already agreed to send me would hit the spot perfectly. He's probably already spent it, but let's see what bullshit excuse he comes up with. Or, let's see him truly be a man of his word and hook it up. It's his decision. It always has been.
                   Anyway, Carlos stayed in the room with me while I was on his computer. He phears me, hehe. His dumb ignorant girlfriend Anna came over. She came inside and started bitching and gossiping asking Carlos something about someone else being jealous of her. They were having the most retarded conversation. I was going to reply to my father, but I quickly changed my mind. Just then, Bob and his girlfriend Gaby come out of their room. Bob was all, "When did this fool get here?" I signed off the computer and went to talk to Bob in the living room. I told him I had a badass update for him, but that I would do it some other time since he was with his girl and I didn't want to interrupt. I asked him for a cigarette though. He was all, "Tell me now," and I agreed to give him a condensed version. I told him about my adventure when I ended up at the river jumping from rope swings. He knows the Medina Lake area pretty well so he was getting me to give him landmarks. He couldn't believe they had a place with rope swings that was free. He hooked me up with a cigarette and since he was talking to me I decided I would wait for the next bus in an hour. I soon changed my mind, told Bob and Gaby goodbye and took off walking for the bus stop. I walked through the big ditch and through the woods and got to the bus stop with like three minutes to spare. I lit the cigarette Bob had given me and waited. I was almost finished with my cigarette when the bus pulls up. That fat dude I gave a donut to that one time(4-2-03) was driving. He pulls up and tells me to get in, smiling. I told him, "You are the deciding factor whether I walk home or not. Can I get a courtesy ride to the store?" He told me he couldn't. That his supervisor had told him something about giving me free rides. He told me that there had been a report made on me and everything. I told him, "That's okay, these boots are made for walking."
                   Haha, yes! That's so awesome. I am totally impregnating the bus company with my presence. This is my town, damnit. Some time ago I had even shown up at one of their monthly meetings and spoken with the CEO of the company. I had typed up a big dissertation about one time when this driver told me to sit down and I didn't. The cops were called and everything. Really interesting story. In the end, I got let go and VIA printed out in the newsletter, "Patron was told to sit down by driver and patron refused. The driver has been talked to by management to avoid recurrence."

                   Ding, Ding, Ding! I won, hehe.

                   Anyway, I took a badass nature hike home through OP Schnabel park. I walked to the Exxon and borrowed the phone. I called my mom and she told me I had her worried sick, that why didn't I call her before. It was like eight. I told her how I rode the Greyhound home and got to San Antonio like around noon thirty. She started whining and I told her, "Mom, how many times have I told you I can take care of myself?" Then I felt dumb. Because I was calling her to ask her for a ride, hehe. I told her, "Well, I feel stupid now, Mom. I was going to see if you could come pick me up from the Exxon. You don't have to, it's only like a mile walk home." She told me she would, but that I would have to wait. Cool.
                   This guy who was working there asked me how my book was coming. I kind of didn't recognize him because I talk to so many people about what I'm doing. I told him it was going great, that every day is a new chapter. I had already smoked/given away all my cigarettes so I bought another pack of Marlboro Lights. That leaves me with one dollar, bus fare for tomorrow. Cool.

                   I went outside the Exxon and looked for a place to sit down on the floor to smoke a cigarette. There was a cop car outside. I ended up jumping up on top of the big thing that has all the party ice and sitting up there Indian style smoking. The cop got out of his car and walked towards the door. He gave me a smile and I told him, "What's up, brother?" He went inside. Hehe, guess what I'm going to do. I'm going to load up my one-hitter and smoke some weed, right when the cop is right there. Watch me get away with it. The cop was inside getting a refill and reading the paper. I could see him through the window where I was sitting. I slyfuly removed the bottle and loaded a hit into the pipe. I took it and ahh, ready to wait.
                   My mom showed up like twenty minutes later. I got in the car and she told me she was taking me to eat. I told her that would hit the spot and thanked her. We went to Sonic and she asked me what I wanted. I told her the usual if that's okay. She ordered me a double-meat Supersonic Cheeseburger with fries and a vanilla malt instead of a soda. Mmm. Thanks mom. We drove home and I pigged out on the burger. Man, I was hungry, too. Afterwards, I went up to my mom and told her, "Mom, can I please just check my email? That's all I'll do." She was all, "Only if all you do is check it and not send anything." Geez, she's still all paranoid that the feds are watching her computer. That's why she hid the cable modem. She thinks I'm some hacker or something.
                   She went and got the cable modem from where she hid it and brought it to the computer room. She told me, "You're not going to do any spamming, are you?" Ugh. I told her, "Mom, I never spammed before." Anyway, when I get on I download MIRC and connected to Undernet. I go into the San Antonio channel and say, "What's up, putos?" I tell those losers some shit and they end up gagging me. I leave the room and enter #san-antonio. Whoa, there was someone else in there. Anyway, I message BuDderF|y:

dammit> care to join me?
BuDderF|y> ? at what?
dammit> in #san-antonio
dammit> those idiots gagged me
BuDderF|y> i wanna talk to you
dammit> can i call you, my moms being a stupid bitch
BuDderF|y> i wanna talk to you i would like to do the interview
dammit> sure thing
BuDderF|y> certainly
dammit> when/where
dammit> Okay, hold up
BuDderF|y> actually. give me a moment
dammit> ok
BuDderF|y> 'hold up?'
BuDderF|y> what does hold up mean?
dammit> nothing bad
dammit> i was arguing with my dumb mom
BuDderF|y> lol
BuDderF|y> oh.
BuDderF|y> treat your mother well.
dammit> why? you dont know how dumb she is
dammit> what? just because she's my mom?
dammit> people don't deserve automatic respect for just their title in life
dammit> respect is earned
dammit> she deserves my disrespect..
dammit> she's ignorant and lazy just like the rest of her generation
dammit> she's threatening to take the cable modem to bed with her
dammit> the clocks ticking, i'm going to lose web access soon
dammit> booted by my mom
dammit> how petty of her
dammit> psst
BuDderF|y> hm?
BuDderF|y> i am doing an interview ..gimme a sec
dammit> ok
dammit> how do these interviews take place?
dammit> hey you got my number, right?
dammit> just call me when you're not busy anymore
dammit> peace, sister

Another MSG with BuDderF|y

                   Anyway, my mom comes in while I'm talking to Amy(that's BuDderF|y's name) and tells me, "You said you were just going to check your email. You always say you are a man of your word. I'm going to take the cable modem back." I tell her, "Damnit, mom. Grow up. You are acting like a little kid. How can you be so damn wasteful. You are paying for the damn cable modem, aren't you? Why the hell wouldn't you let me use it while you sleep? What a spiteful mother I have. What a childish mother." She's just all paranoid. I told her that I should be the one paranoid and scared. They're not going to do shit to her, she is ignorant like they want her to be. She's on their team. I am the one who should be all stressed out, but I don't let myself be. All the stress she puts on herself is going to end up killing her one day. And it will be all her fault. There won't be anyone to point fingers at six feet under. My mom needs a serious reality-check. Everyone does.
                   Well, I called Amy later on tonight. She's twenty six and has three kids. While I was talking to her it seemed like she was reading off my scripts. We think exactly alike. She writes for a living. She tells me she hates working and she's figured out how to make writing pay the bills. I tell her, "Wow, it seems you might have some resources I can tap." She goes, "What do you mean?" I tell her, "Just that you could probably show me some resources that could help me help everybody." She totally agreed. Amy told me that she wanted to meet me and interview me. I told her sure, at her discretion. She told me to give her a call tomorrow in the late morning. I'm going to call her at ten tomorrow. She lives on the Southside of town, so I'll ride the bus out there with my dollar I have left.
                   I am all smiles. This might be a big break for me. I told Amy that I wanted to give it away on the Internet and practice what I preached. I had just gotten the idea today to maybe only charge like a dollar for it. Or, just at first, charge like ten dollars for it and on the last page of the book say, "If you paid money for this book, gotcha sucker." I'd sell it like that for like a month, then I would just give it away. I don't know. I need to do some more brainstorming. It's an idea.
                   At first when I mentioned the idea to Amy, she was all, "Charge just a little? Everyone does that. You have to do something different." Then when I told her about the last page she said, "Wow, just for the effect. Good idea." So tomorrow might be a really good day. Here's hoping.

Next day..

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