

Laytonville to Arcata, CA

Tuesday May 22, 2007

     5:57am  Let's see, I woke up around five fifteen. In Cyndie's truck, this trailer she's got on the back of her truck. I woke up and took a shit at the Chevron this morning.

     7:41am  I forgot to tell you. I was standing in front of the Chevron asking people for rides. Flying my WPTMJ sign. This brother David who just hangs out at the Garden Spout across the street, he saw my sign and offered to smoke me out with some badass hash. Honey oil. I'm telling him my story. Thanks for smoking me out, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     8:23am  I didn't tell you. I am still here in front of the Chevron. Guess who just pulled up to me in a car. Scott. The guy who let me crash at his house that night with me and Airi. Where I left my backpack rain cover. He told me he worked at some place down the street called Bailey's. He said he would leave it there at his work. So I can come back down from Arcata and get it back.

     9:21am  I am standing here in front of the Chevron trying to get a ride to Eureka. Bill and Cathy pulled up and hooked me up with a nugget. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:46am  I cannot believe it's taking me so long to get out of Laytonville. I got my big WPTMJ sign strapped to my pack and I'm holding my sign.

     12:54pm  Me and Amanda, she sat down and listened to my story, and Carl walked by and said, "You want some grub?" I appreciate it.

     2:24pm  I am still here. I've been standing here all freakin' day. Curtis just walked by and hooked me up with a sandwich. Peso and Provolone. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks. Thanks for feeding the peace machine.

     2:28pm  Man, the coolest shit just happened. I've been here all morning trying to hitchhike back to Arcata. I made some friends and smoked a lot. All of a sudden the Greyhound bus pulls up. I told the kids I was hanging out with, "I'm going to hit the driver up for a courtesy ride." Sure enough, he told me yeah! I am on my way back Arcata already. That was so awesome. Courtesy ride on a Greyhound, once again.

     2:31pm  Free ride back to Arcata! I hit this one girl up for my story on the bus. She stopped me and said, "I think I have already heard your story. Like years ago. You were wearing that same hat." I apologized and just handed her my website. I told her, "After all these years my contribution is finally ready." Think things through....then follow through.

     5:05pm  I am in Arcata! Just got dropped off at the bus station by the Endeavor. I'm going to layer up. It's a little chilly here.

     5:23pm  James hooked me up with some change for a donut. I appreciate it, bro.

     6:47pm  I didn't tell you. Like half an hour ago I decided to walk to the college and see if I could find me some tennis balls. I had so much fun in Laytonville today. All these friends I made. I was telling my story like crazy. Great presentations all day long. Blowing people's minds. Giving people hope. It's the greatest feeling in the world.

     7:00pm  I'm almost to the college. I am going to stop here at the decorated bridge before you get to the campus and eat my donut.

                   When I first got to Arcata I was hungry. This other bum had my spanging alley already. All of a sudden this guy recognized me on the sidewalk in front of the bars. I asked him if he could spare any change for a donut. He asked me if I had any weed for sale and I told him no, but I smoked him out. He gave me three bucks. So I got lots of donuts.

     7:29pm  Damnit, this sucks. They're doing construction here at HSU, so they don't have tennis courts here either.

     10:02pm  I sat down for like over an hour in Don's Donuts. I had ran out of little papers with my webpage to give people, so I cut a lot of little squares out of a donut bag. I had just run out from my Laytonville quest. Now I have a shitload of them again. I'm going to walk to the highway by Samoa, where I usually crash, and camp out.

Next day..

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