

MSG with Kelpalots

MSG with shapeme-f

    Phone conversation I had with my nephew Charlie:

     Charlie: "I a sorry I haven't reached out to you."  

Victor:  Yeah, man, I've been waiting on the phone waiting all of this time.  Just kidding.  

Charlie: "I know, dude, but you're kind of like family."  

Victor: "That's real funny, because right now I feel as if I've got no family, so it's real nice to hear you say that, because I don't feel like I have a family any more."  

Charlie: "Well, you definitely do.  We're just far away.  

Victor: "Have you talked to my mom lately?  She basically said that me and Elizabeth are not welcome. 

Charlie: "What?  Why did she say you're not welcome?"  

Victor: "Because it seems like Diana is more important and she doesn't have the room for us, in that bigass house.  I couldn't believe it when she told me.  We can sleep on the fucking floor and she was all telling us how we would have to stay at a hotel or something.  Sometimes I think my mother is senile.  I've been camping in the woods for years and she's going to use that as an excuse not to welcome her own fucking son, who she hasn't seen or cared to even consider visiting all of these years I've been gone.  When she came to California to visit her favorite daughter because she pays her off, she couldn't even drive halfway to meet her son.  It really went to show who she loves more, money!  Umm, I'm coming back to San Antonio ANYWAY!  I don't need my mom's house to crash at.  

Charlie: "Real quick, what's the deal with your house?  Are you going to sell it?"  

Victor:  Yeah, I know that was what you caled for but my mother just irritates me.  

Charlie: "The thing is that she's older.  Your mom is a pretty particular person, she's old.  Everybody is entitled to their preference.  And just think, with four people in the house even with all the room."  

Victor: "That's such an excuse.  How long have I been gone?  I don't feel like I have any family anymore.  Just like Elizabeth."  

Charlie: "I guess it's a matter of comfort.  I know for a fact that she would host both of you to the utmost extent."  

Victor: "Oh yeah, but as long as our visit doesn't interfere with her beloved Diana's, right?"  

Charlie: "It's tought.  It's a full-house situation.  Diana has been planing this visit for a while.  

Victor: "I sent her a pretty strong text and she hasn't responded.  I'm taking that as a sign that she just doesn't care.  I've been without a father my whole life and my mother isn't showing me love anymore, so it's no big deal I guess.  Or at least it seems like it's no big deal to her.  She just can't be inconvenienced by her crazy delusional son, right?  Man, what ever happened to doing unto others?"  

Charlie: "The way she talks about you, don't even go there.  You know your mother loves you."  

Victor: Well, she sure has a funny way of showing it.  I think she's simply showing me her true colors.  Talk is cheap.  Umm, I used to think I was working this mission for her.  I used to say of all the people I plan to help, I will be most glad I helped my mom, to teach her, to open her eyes.  She just has always had these blinders on and I can't get through to her like I get through to other people.  It just frustrates the hell out of me.  

    I mean, if she wants to play this whole pride-battle with me, umm, she's not going to win.  

Charlie: "What do you think about Buddhism?  

Victor: "I think all religions are a big hoax to keep the cattle in line.  I mean, Buddhism has some good tenets and beliefs, but it's not calling it what it really is, which is LOVE."  Charlie: "Have you ever taken any deep dives into any major religion and just try to backtrack their origins and their foundations?"  Victor: "Yes, I have gone down that rabbit hole."  Charlie: "For instance you have gnostic Christianity, which isn't even the original source.  Jesus Christ himself was a mystic.  Like all the people he traveled with or learned at the feet of, over time it crystalizes into dogma.  So you have religion that inititates typically with a profoundly insightful leader that comes around, and they begin to open their eyes.  Usually after so much time of human torment.  This leader comes and brings this wisdom.  It's usually somewhere along the line as to what you are preaching.  This information is brought to the people and the people are not deep-thinkers.  They put these teachings into writing and these writings get passed down for generations.  
     The original point of Christianity is Suffism, which is akin to Buddhism, to Buddha and the revelations he had.  Every single major religion that is worty of being called a religion started at that focal point.  You do realize that you cannot impose knowledge on people.  You show by doing.  The entire world is so deeply hypnotized into what the order of things is that you can't expect them to learn.  Whatever Jesus and Buddha tried to impart their knowledge, they didn't get frustrated when people didn't understand their teachings.  They took a lot of hate, they took a lot of abuse and they continued preaching and in doing that some die d.

     Victor: "I would venture to disagree with you that these prophets didn't get frustrated or disheartened when ignored.  I seriously doubt they were pleased when ignored."

     Charlie: "Well, certainly they got upset, but they weren't angry.  When you come to that sort of realization there's the concept of detachment, in Buddhism.  There's a certain indifference that you have to have for the world.  That doesn't mean that you can't implement change.  The irony is that there's this concept in Doaism, which is 500 years older than Christianity, the wooway effortless action, doing without doing.  
     Come on, you know that your mother doesn't hate you."  I never said she hated me.  I'm just pointing out how she's not SHOWING me the unconditional love a son deserves from his mother.  I don't feel like I have the support of my family, at all.  I feel like she loves Diana more because Diana can afford to pay her off, and mom is all about money.  Her head is still trapped in that evil paradigm.  
     Charlie: "But you have to understand that some people are about money in an overabundant way.  Your mom is more about money because of scarcity.  She doesn't have a lot, bills are tight, whatever.  

     Victor: "This is what truly frustrates me.  I am offering a BLANkET solution that will address most every single one of our problems and truly help balance our world out.  It should fix almost everything.  I am fighting against IGNOREMENT, which is the root to all of our problems.  I am simply asking the questions that need to be asked for there to be peace finally, but people's brains are extremely calcified with stupidity.  It's so goddamned ironic that I am trying to do the same thing Jesus tried to do, but with a vehicle that can realistically get it done.  I am repurposing the evil machine we live under to do good instead of where IT wants to go.  I have had a tremendous amount of valid confirmation that I was on the right path, and still am.  I just think it's ironic to receive the same exact resistence Jesus did from people who have worshipped him their entire lives.  It all makes me think that Christians indirectly worship the devil!  It's the big deception spoken of in their own holy book!  It's been right under their noses forever now."

     Charlie: "The thing is that humans are humans.  If you dig deep into the prehistory of humans this shit just happens.  Victor: "How did you learn all of this?"  Charlie: "Bro, I dove into it.  I had a calling.  I was looking for something.  Not everybody does that, looks for things.  There is a saying in Eastern philosophy that says those who have a faith can move mountains.  If someone fervently, if they truly believe something and they set out to honor their belief and do well by it, or whatever, there's some beauty in that, to some extent.  As long as they're not malicious."  

     Victor: "Yes, I am in total agreement with you there.  But, I think I'm a shining example of what you just described.  So why do you think so many are opposed to me?  Or think I'm crazy for following my dream?

     Charlie: "There's also another saying that goes, "Those who know don't speak, and those who speak do not know."  Not to say that you don't know, but you can't control a situation by putting hands on it.  It's a lot more in ethereal than that.  The way that you reach people is by showing them, by doing the things that you know are right. In the Tao Te Ching it talks about how Lao Tzu, an old learned man.  Victor: "I have a quote by him that I've known for years.  It says "Manifest plainess, embrace simplicity, reduce selfishness, have few desires."  Charlie, "That's beautiful, bro."  Do you remember the story of Lao Tzu and how the Tao Te Ching came to be?  Victor: "It sounds familiar, but I might need a memory-refresh."

    Charlie: "There have been a lot of iterations, bro.  Essentially, you have this old master who's supposed to be the most learned person in the land.  Partially because he was the archivist for the state at the time.  He was at a point in his history where he was so insightful and so dissatisfied with what he saw around him, that he just dissapeared to live his life.  Then one day he came to the end of the province and came upon a soldier who was near a guardpost.  The soldier asked him, "Hey Lao, before you leave will you write us a treatice on the art of living?"  In that portion of the Tao De Ching.  It relays advice to the reader.  
     The true masters and I don't mean the masters of the universe, the spiritual true masters..."  Victor: "Yes, the ascended masters."

     Those folk, they don't spouting, wasting their time.  They're not running around sounding the alarms that we need to change.  Those who don't know don't speak.  The acceptance of that is that when somebody comes to the master and sincerely asks for whatever.  In that, that's why he wrote the book.  He didn't try to change the planet in a way that he saw fit.  Then somebody asked him how to live, put it into writing for us, he obliged.  

     Victor:  "Hey, can I tell you something really cool?  I had an awesome chapter for my blog yesterday.  See, at the bar that's less than a block away from the house that we live in.  I still want to talk to you about the house.  If you have time constraints let me know and I'll talk about the house instead of this story.  

     Anyway, like a block away there's a shopping complex with two or three bars.  At one of these bars they have karaoke.  I don't know if I ever mentioned, but back around 2012 when I lived in Weed.  I Googled it and learned how to make my own custom karaoke videos.  I didn't want to sing any of the lame songs on their list.  I wanted to sing songs that I knew from my past, like Weezer and Ween.  I figured out how to make them on my own.  You have to convert the Youtube vid to an mp3 and then add the lyrics with Mixcraft 7, which I downloaded and cracked for free.  Back in Weed I was bringing in new songs to sing on every Karaoke night.  I would even take requests from other bar patrons.  I became the Karaoke wizard.  In living in Weed for two years I made a total of 85 vids.  Stupid me didn't make copies befpre I moved, so I accepted they were gone.  

      When I went to the second Karaoke night here in Modesto, it dawned on me.  I can just make new vids!  I downloaded the same program I used years ago and it all came back to me.  I was pumping out a new song with lyrics every half an hour or so.  The wizard has returned!  

     Have you people ever heard of Choir! Choir! Choir!?  CCC does the most beautiful, acoustic, voice-filled renditions of sooooo many songs that soooo many people know and love and can sing along to.  I fell in love with their music around the same time I was helping at the spring in Mount Shasta.  I remember having my bluetooth speaker jamming to CCC at the nonworking water fountain where I stood my post with my red dolly.  Everybody loved them.  Well, in making new Karaoke vidoes I thought to use CCC videos.  What's so special about using CCC vids to make K vids is that I can leave the vocals in, which is just a choir singing, that will go perfectly with all those drunks at the bar who will ALL be singing along because if they don't know the lyrics already, which they most certainly should, they can watch the Karaoke display.  These songs will be such memorable hits on the loudspeaker.  I really hope they don't give me any grief and allow my custom vids.

     Anyway, I was a hit in Weed at the bar at the bowling alley!  I was filling song requests left and right.  I would charge marijuana for my services, fuck money.  Well, like a block away from my current residence there just happens to be Donoby's, the most frequented bar in the shopping complex.  They have Karaoke there twice a week.  Right across from Donoby's there's Torii's, a Japanese restaurant with a bar inside and they have Karaoke four times a week!  Thursday through Sunday.  The other day during Karaoke I went and asked the cute younger daughter with a sweet face if there was any way I could play my custom songs on their system.  She gave me some bullshit excuse.  I was frustrated because I have even made a song I want to serenade my girl with, Peter Cetera's Glory of Love.  That song from Karate Kid that says I am the man who will fight for your honer.  Anyway, they wouldn't let me do it.  
     Surprisingly, they actually had some Ween songs!  I did Voodoo Lady and put on such a good show.  I was thumping my walking stick on the stage in beat with the music.  I would even blow it's whistle into the microphone.  I did great.  When I finished I went and stood in front of my girl where she was sitting.  The interim music was the R E S P E C T song and I was dancing to it standing there with my girl.   Elizabeth asked me if I knew how much a Pepsi was.  All of a sudden the music got quiet, so I yelled out, "How much for a Pepsi?!"  All of a sudden the mean bartender walks up to me and tells me that I had to leave.

     "For what?!  I'm trying to buy something!"  I guess she didn't hear me because she said, "Because you never buy anything.."  Here, I've already documented this story in the letter to the ownwer of the bar I wrote the next day.  Here, let me show you the exact letter I composed the next morning:


To whom it may concern.

     My name is Victor Antonio Gruber.  I am a very successful self-employed full-time volunteer.  I have been all over the US working my activism.  I am a self-published journalist and have been documenting my life daily since the turn of the century and have an amazing blog( that’s due to go very viral soon.

     Last night I had a very disturbing time at your establishment.  

     I am avid Karaoke fan.  When I lived in Siskiyou County they had Karaoke at the bowling alley bar a block from my studio, but I didn’t want to sing any of the songs on their list.  I wanted to sing songs that I knew, that I learned and enjoyed from my past.  
     I simply Googled “how to make your own karaoke videos” and learned how.  I downloaded the correct software and became very adept at making my own custom Karaoke videos, adding lyrics, etc.

       I became very popular at the bar, even though I don’t really drink.  I would even take requests from townspeople and bring them whatever song they wanted to sing the next k night.  Pat, the KJ(Karoake DJ) had absolutely no problem loading up my songs into his computer).  Word spread about my talents and I was seen as the Karaoke Wizard.  The owner of the bar even thanked me for livening up Karaoke night and bringing him new customers.  I became everyone’s friend.   

     How I make my Karaoke videos is quite simple and does not violate any copyright laws.  Anyone can do it.  

     When I first came to Karaoke night about a month ago I walked straight to the woman behind the bar(who I have never seen smile once) and told her, “Hi, I don’t really drink, but I love Karaoke.  Is it okay if I sing some songs?”  She assured me it was okay, to go right ahead and sign up.  I was very relieved there were some songs to sing by my favorite band, Ween, but not that many and I wanted more.  I came to Karaoke maybe once or twice after that and made a lot of friends.  I felt very accepted at first.    

     You see, I usually carry a backpack everywhere I go and use a walking stick.  In my pack I have custom tee-shirts I have for sale.  I totally and purposely give off the appearance of a homeless person to people who are superficial and don’t pay attention.  I want people to think I’m homeless.
     I am simply collecting opinions and reactions to how I test what little freedoms we have left.  It makes for some very interesting non-fiction.  I let my blog write itself, and boy was I blessed with an interesting chapter last night.  Nothing but the truth.

    Anyway, I diligently sat at the computer and in about a week I  pumped out 8 custom karaoke songs. Stuff that your customers are going to LOVE, because it’s great versions of epic hits that everyone knows and will be singing along to.  I even made a video to serenade my wife with(Glory of Love).

     Before, I had asked the young Karaoke worker if there was any way they could let me sing my custom songs and was quickly denied.  She told me some BS that they could only use songs they had paid for, which I know is a total lie.  The quality of their videos suck.  The videos I make and share freely are wayyy better.  And she also said they weren’t allowed to put any files on the laptop.  I assured her that I didn’t have to, that the songs could play from my little plug-in hard drive, but she didn’t want to hear any of it.  

     So last night, my wife and I walked from our home nearby and I walked in and I signed up for a song.  I bought some water for a dollar, because last time they said I couldn’t be singing karaoke without buying anything(remember she had given me permission in the past!).  So I made a purchase.   My beautiful wife doesn’t drink and doesn’t usually frequent bars, but she wanted to see me sing.  After my lively performance, since I was all happy I went over where my wife was sitting and danced to the music for a little bit.  Right when it got quiet all of a sudden my wife asked me, “I wonder how much a Pepsi is.”  Since there was a break in the music I yelled loudly, “How much is a Pepsi?!”  
     That prompted that mean bartender who never smiles to walk up to me and said, “We have to ask you to leave.”  Shocked, I said, “For what now?  I’m trying to buy something!”  She must’ve not heard me because she said, “Because you never buy anything!  And this is a business!”  I reminded her how I had bought a water when I first got there and she said, “Big deal, that’s only a dollar.”  I felt completely disrespected and discriminated against.  I understand yours is a private business, but I would think such disregard would be frowned upon by someone trying to attract customers.
     I felt extremely disrespected and quickly reached in my pocket to pull out my tape recorder to log what was happening.  I gathered my belongings and grabbed my cup of water that I PAID for, and casually spilled it on the floor in protest.  I was also sure to take pictures before I walked out of the door and yelled, “Everybody gets credit!”  I have fun with it.

     Which brings me to this point.  I feel as if I was totally wronged by your staff-member and I plan to publicize her incompetence for the world to see.  I have even discussed this matter with my legal team and we are considering options, which they assure me I have plenty of.  

     If you would like to easily deescalate this situation please allow me to share my talents in your bar.  You won’t regret it.  I can even demonstrate to you personally the gift I have to give and it’s potential to bring in customers.  To have me drop this issue completely I will require an official apology from that mean frowning bartender of yours, whatever her name is.  I don’t want her to be disciplined too harshly, I forgive her.  I just want her to say she’s sorry for judging me.

     For all I know, this is how you train your employees to be, heartless and money-hungry.  That’s your prerogative and I know this might be falling on blind eyes.   If that’s the case, I’ll go test all the other Karaoke bars in Modesto.  I bet at least one of them will let me help them make money.  


Victor Antonio from San Antonio

Please text me if you care to deal with this and thanks for the great chapter.  Thousands of people are going to love the suspense. :]     

     Anyway, I felt like I was totally discriminated against so this morning when I woke up, I drafted a fucking report, my side of the story.  When I finished I drove to Office Max to get a print-out.  I let the nice lady Amy read my dissertation.  She up and hooks me up with ten free copies of the report!  Twenty pages of good, quality paper!  Woohoo!  I only came to get one!  Now I can pass them all around!  The truth is coming out!  

     So I wrote my phone number on one copy and drove to Torii's.  It was about 10am.  I walked in with my manila folder with all of my reports.  I asked the cute girl employee if the owner was there.  She pointed to him and I met Danny, this Japanese(I'm assuming)man, the owner.   I politely approached him and extended my hand and introduced myself.  He hadn't been notified of the events in question.  I handed him a copy of the report and he began to read.  I could tell he was getting frustrated reading.  He asked me if I could just explain it to him, that he didn't understand written English that well.  I said sure and relayed the story.  He was in total agreement with me the whole time and even mentioned how having a Karaoke bar wasn't really very profitable and that he was considering eliminating it, because there's more money to be made selling food.  He even thanked me for bringing the matter to his attention and assured me he would have a talk with the people responsible.  I assured him I didn't want anyone to lose their job over this, that I just wanted an apology and permission to sing my songs.  I shook his hand farewell and left.  

     Tonight's Karaoke should be interesting, hehe.  I'm going to walk in and tell the bartender, "Are you ready to apologize to me yet?  If you want to keep your shitty, low-quality Karoake gig, you better be real nice to me."  Doesn't that sound like a bitching chapter?

     Charlie: "Umm, bro, I think what would have impacted that individual more if A, you didn't spill the cup and B if you went there and pretended like nothing had ever happened.  Kill them with kindness, bro.  

     Victor: "That sounds like the path a big pussy would take who doesn't care that his rights got trampled on.  Fuck that, I can do that anyway, AND make a scene.  The scene is important so they'll never forget me.  So when my shit goes viral and they hear about me again, they'll be able to corellate.  That's the ONLY purpose making a scene has.    

     I am only practicing tough love.  What you suggest is pansy-love.  Why would anyone choose such a weak method and expect it to work?

     Charlie: "Do you think Jesus would do that, though?

     Victor: "If had had the internet, I can bet you money he would.  I am damn sure he would approve of my peaceful protest.  The only thing that got hurt with my scene I directed were people's egos, not mine.  I would be making Jesus proud by having the cojones to stand up for my rights and try to right wrongs.  If you don't exercise your rights you might as well forget you have them.  They become quasi-rights, fake.  

     You, of all people Charlie, should know how important exercise is for good health(and outward appearance).  You should also be intimately aware of the inflated ego that is probable when you reach your workout goals and end up looking great.  I hope you can see the parrellels between you going to the gym to exercise your physical muscles, to entrain them, to command their new-found strength to your advantage, AND how with decades of practice I have trained my rights and programmed my actions to get the right questions asked, to provoke thought in as many people as possible, and to ultimately play the checkmate play.  What do you understand about the artform some call manifestation and getting what you want by obssessing about it?  Thoughts create reality.  Wait, let me grab a relevent quote.        

 "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world."
- Siddhartha Guatama[The Buddha]

     Are you familar with the word subversion, Charlie?

     Charlie: "In what regard?"

     Umm, it's pretty specific.  It basically means overthrowing the government indirectly from WITHIN.  Let me find a definition:

sub·​ver·​sion səb-ˈvər-zhən. : the act of overthrowing : the state of being overthrown. especially : an attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working secretly within the country involved. subversive.

     Like I say, I'll go kamikaze with this.

     Charlie: "Umm, Jesus did go Kamikaze, kind of, philisophically, but nobody was hurt by him in any way."

     Victor: "I think we need to stop quoting from the old outdated story, even though I do once in a while.  It does contain truth, but it's up to the individual to see the lies it also contains.  I am working on The Better Book.  A guide that goes with the time.  

     Charlie: "How do we know ourselves if we can't understand our history?  History is imperative."

     Victor: "History was also written by the victor's of a long time ago.  So what makes you think that it still applies today exactly how it did back then.  

     Charlie: "Precisely, bro.  That's why you have to dig a little bit deeper."

     Victor: "All ypu have to do it to never forget that anything is possible."  

     Charlie: "Absolutely, 100%, but the thing is that they've skewed history."

     Victor: "The issue is we never learned from history, by design we've been kept in the dark and tricked into repeating the same mistakes age after age."

     Charlie: "Civilizations come and go.  They would have us believe that humanity started six thousand years ago, but it's all the same.  I mean, we have these skyscerapers and microchips now, but relatively speaking, bro, there have been all these societies that came, reached pinnacles of advancement and then society began to degenerate.  There's a certain duality present throughout the universe, good and bad, god and the devil, in every decision that you make there is a better option and a worse option.  I'll put it like this.  The lowest points in my life have come from the most egotistical and self-centered periods of my life.  When I hit my lowest point because of my ego and self-centeredness, it causes me to go within.  To dig deeper within myself and the things around me and to stop listening to things for what they are, to dig deeper into them and to look at ALL aspects and take in everybody's point of view.  In that it refines me and like clockwork, like the pendulum swings those benefits that I am able to implement bring success in a certain endeavor and that success brings failure and that failure then breeds contemplation.  It's intrinsic to the human way, the universe, and the cycles of civilization.

     Victor: "When you say intrinsic, does that mean that it is latent?  Required?  Inseperable?  Inherent?  

     Charlie: "It is one and the same.

     Victor: "So there's nothing that can be said to ever change your mind of this fact that you've solidified in your mind?"

     Charlie: "What is the fact?"

     Victor: ::cough cough:: I forgot what I was talking about.   Dabbin'

     Charlie: "Exactly, bro.  For the sake of argument, that's what I'm saying.  In life there is inherent duality.  The sun and the moon, the ground and the stars, male and female, left and right, up and down, cold and hot."

     Victor: "You don't have to keep going.  You're not saying anything I haven't heard before.  

     Charlie: "Well, in this duality that is inherent in nature.  God and the devil, to some people are the same."

     Victor: "I totally believe that!  I think they serve as controllled opposition for each other."

     Charlie: "Well, if God is love...

     Victor:  "No, god is a trick!  LOVE is what's real.  God is the personification of LOVE.  And LOVE is not a person.

     Charlie: "I'm not talking about the personification of God.  We can call him whatever.  The beauty of creation can only be disseminated in contrast to the ugliness.  

     Victor:  "Maybe before the internet came around.  I've found a way to desssinate our beauty WITHOUT allowing and comparing it to the ugliness.  There's no reason humanity can't learn from the bad and stop doing it.  Bad doesn't need to exist for there to be good.  That's where I think you are all wrong.  Having people convinced of that bullshit is one of the devil's greatest tricks.  You've got blinders on and can't understand the possibility of enough people finally learning better and doing away with evil once and for all.  Please open your eyes.

     Charlie: "Individuals are, Jesus and all the other sages, people spat in their face and harmed them.  Jesus and the like know they can't blame the individual.  The individual was born into certain circumstances.  He maybe didn't have the opportunity to learn....

     Victor:  "I get it, you can't get mad at people for not knowing better.  I can try and reach them though, even if it's by being against them."

     Charlie: "Yes, but the moment you start to get even remotely aggressive with it, or the moment you make it you're wrong and I'm right thing, you will become the one that's wrong.  And that's the irony of life, bro."

     Victor: "What's really ironic to me is that I am trying to be an actual breathing meme, the whole internet-worm concept, an idea so good that it'll spread by itself.  In my case, what's ironic about it, is that even when I receive resistance to my ideals, these people are never going to fucking forget me.  That way, when my stuff goes systemically-viral and their friends link them to my blog, they will make the correlation, and remember me vividly because I made myself real to them.  That's the angle that I am betting all of my cards on."

     Charlie: "Do you know of the existing world order, whatever is is, WEF, international banks, who control the government, who control the people.  The current, present world order, some say it goes back to times of antiquity.  The thing is that you had a rebel, some of the shit you say, bro, sounds rather rebellious.  I am not saying that that's bad, but let me give you this perspective.  You had this Napoleon guy.  Napolean is the butt off all of these jokes in modern history.  Because Napoleon incited a revolution and he won and multiple occasions.  Well, the power's that were went against him and he eventually lost.  Since Napoleon lost, all throughout history, nobody knew what that shit was about.  There were these new-age thoughts like that you should take care of poor people.  Napoleon came from the lower ranks in lif, he went to military school.  
     That's the thing, bro.  The reason why these mystics and these prophets and ascended masters don't sit there and try to impose things on people is that when you try and change everything, ironically, you turn into the thing that you are trying to destroy."

     Victor: "Check this out.  Can I say something?  I am not sure how much of my old platform, my old story you are aware of but throughout my whole story there are many times when I stop and ask permission to continue.  I was able to hold people's attention for an over an hour back in my day.  I would sometimes have them asking for more when I finished.  And I was very happpy to oblige.  After telling me yes when I ask permission to keep going, the verbal contract they just made prevents them from interrupting my story, and they are able to digest it better.  That "backdoor" I designed to give people an easy exit, ensures that the many who do listen to me all the way through HEAR EVERY SINGLE WORD I SAY, and hopefully never forget me and my herculean effort.  

     Charlie:  "Every single day I solicit people(Charlie's a real estate agent) and I try to find ways to whatever(MAKE MONEY).  Victor: "Me too, but free of charge."

     Charlie: "Not to discourage you.  You are an amazing story-teller(I've never told Charlie any of my stories).

     Victor:  "I am marketing without the market."

     Charlie:  "But that's all you can really do, bro.  I don't mean to offend you."

     Victor:  "I'm not offended in the least.  What you just told me, that other people might take offense to, just makes me want to show you, prove to you like I know I can, what else I can DO.  I know I can't force you to realistically consider the possibilities I postulate.  It will always be up to you, and you alone, to believe or even care about what else I can DO.  Maybe someday soon though.

     Charlie:  If your mission for conquest were along the lines of finances, or power, or whatever then the best thing you should do is attack, throw everything you got.  But, when your mission is about peace and love you have got to remain conscious."

     Victor:  "That's where I think you are wrong.  To succeed in my mission for peace all I have to do is spread my story and convince people I am telling the truth, which I have become very adept at backing my shit up and doing so.  My claims have much support.  I am believable because I am real, plain and simple.  And in letting something bigger than me, whatever the positive force might be which I choose to call LOVE, take control of my life and path I walk, as long as my intent is pure and I ultimately want only good for everybody else and not just me, by only having undying faith in myself and the certainty of a peaceful outcome, then and only then will I be able to raise the awereness of others on a huge, never before seen scale.  I am just a channel.  Once I learned, for a fact, that every single thing happens for a reason, even the bad stuff, I'm just not scared of much anymore.  If bad things happen to me, it's a lesson I need to learn and master, but bad things seldom happen to me!  

     Charlie: "Not only should you not be scared, but you should be impartial."

     Victor: "Not when my main goal is manifesting an interesting story and show people I have not stopped and that I plan to keep going until it happens.  Impartial sounds boring to me.  Soon, once thousands of people's lives are brightened and the world realizes exactly who I am and the role I've been assigned to help balance our world, then I will have my support and change the world for the better.  Why would anyone be against that?

     Charlie: "You sound like me and my associates in our pursuit to get more sales.  You have to be very very careful.  Especially if you want to put that into the world.  You can't be too far left or right.  You have to be dead-center with your thoughts, with your emotions, with everyone.  If someone comes up to you and slaps you in the face..umm, I say this even though I am liable to hit somebody, but the point is, as I get older, as I  reflect I see that's just what we do and always have, err, I don't know.  Have you really looked into Suffism?  Suffism is ALL about love.
     Suffism is the origin of Islam.  

     Victor: "I'm sorry, but I need to stop you.  I've been recording this entire conversation.  I hope you don't mind and I'll delete if you do."

     Charlie: "That's cool.  Now, the founders of Suffism, they weren't Muslim or anything.  What Mohammad believed in was truly beatiful, bro.  The concept of Suffism is that everything is love.  They meditate on God.  When they were meditating on God they weren't meditating a personified being."

     Victor: "Right, they were meditating on LOVE.  God morphs into LOVE.  It's more of a PERSONa, than just a source for many."

     Charlie: "Just look at the amount of ignorant people, and I don't mean that negatively."

     Victor: "I've been STARING at them for years, for most of my life.

     Charlie: "Some people cannot comprehend what the truth of God is.  With those people, it's not that they can't, it's just that they currently don't.  And some people, dependening on what plane of existance they're on, it takes some time.  There's some people who are "Good Christians" and follow all the rules.  Then there are people who massacre communities in the name of the personified God.  There's some people who will never understand."

      Victor: "What those unfortunate souls need is the just the right teacher.  Anything is possible.  I think anyone can learn if taught right.  And I beg you, Charlie.  Please read my blog more.  Read my Odyssey story.  Behold the hope I instill in people.  

     Charlie:  "Don't get me wrong.  I love your core concepts.  You could write the most masterful treatice, and for all you know, people might not catch onto it until hundreds of years after you die, bro.  You, as the invidual, as the teacher, you have to be able to understand that this is at God's pace.  There is an intelligence much larger than you that will decide when things happen.  Things happen in due course."

     Victor: "You've reminded me of a great quote by MC Escher.  "Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible."  Shouldn't everyone be wishing me luck instead?  

     Charlie: "At the same time, the mission that you're on is very atypical.  I think what you are trying to hit on is the ultimate truth of reality, and that particular truth of reality, it is TOO powerful for some people.  It's just too fucking out there.  Don't get me wrong.  There's plenty of stories out there.  Humanity has been through times of peace and then times when everything falls apart.  There's a refinement with every single iteration."

     Victor: "Are you familiar with the Philosopher's stone?"

     Charlie: "About Hermetic alchemy and stuff?

     Victor: "The Book of Aquarius?  Have you heard of that?"  It talks about how urine is the big secret.  Have you heard of that?"

     Charlie: "Vaguely, "I've heard of people rubbing it into their skin and stuff.  

     Victor:  "I didn't write it, but I think the whole world should read it.

     Charlie: "So what's the point?"

     Victor: "Baby, can you sum up the Philosopher's Stone for Charlie?

     Elizabeth:  "It's about alchemy.  We discovered this book in our own library just yesterday.  We're not sure where we got it, we assume it was when we were in Mount Shasta.  The first page of this book reminded me of Victor:  

1. The Book of Aquarius
The purpose of this book is to release one particular secret, which has been kept hidden for the last 12,000
years. The Philosophers' Stone, Elixir of Life, Fountain of Youth, Ambrosia, Soma, Amrita, Nectar of
Immortality. These are different names for the same thing.
Throughout history this secret has been used by a very few to extend their lives hundreds of years in
perfect health, with access to unlimited wealth, among many other miraculous properties. Some kept the
secret because they understood that the time was not right for the secret to be free for all people, but most
kept the secret out of their own jealousy, ignorance, egotism and corruption.
The Stone's history and the history of the human race up until this day is a strange story full of secret
societies, hooded cloaks, and mystical symbols. Such theatrics are childish and shallow. It's pointless to look
for the light in the shadows.
The Philosophers' Stone operates and is made by entirely natural and scientific means. Truth is always
simple, beautiful and easy to understand.
The Philosophers' Stone is real; you can make it at home. The Stone makes old people young, heals all
forms of sickness and disease, extends your life, turns any metal into gold, and more, as you will learn. This
isn't a myth or a metaphor, it's a fact.
Don't judge this book before you've read it. This is not one of those airy fairy books written in all kinds of
mystical language, filling pages with words that makes sentences but not sense. This book will make more
sense than anything you've ever read before.

The age of secrets is over. I'm writing this book in common English. There's no need for mystical language
or metaphor. This book contains no hidden meaning or codes; everything is stated plainly and directly, in
the shortest and simplest of words necessary to convey the meaning.

Chapter 1 is the Introduction.
Chapter 2 is the Foreword.
Chapters 3 - 18 cover the theory of alchemy.
Chapters 19 - 30 cover the practical instructions for making the Stone.
Chapters 31 - 33 cover further information on the Stone.
Chapters 34 - 49 cover the history of the Stone.
Chapters 50 - 51 cover some more philosophical topics.
Chapter 52 is the alchemists' prophecy.
Chapter 53 is the Afterword.
Chapter 54 is a request for your help in the distribution of this book.
Chapter 55 is a list of answers to questions asked since initial release.
Chapter 56 is the Bibliography.
Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.

2. Foreword
I am a friend of Socrates and Plato, but still more so of Truth.
A Dialogue, by Alexander von Suchten, 16th - 17th Cen. (?)
Give this book to everyone you know. If you have a web site, upload it there. If you have a mailing list,
mail it to everyone. If you work in the media, report on or publish this book. Translate it into different
languages. Do everything you can to get this book to as many people as possible. You can distribute this
book in any way. I am not reserving any copyright. This book is public domain and royalty-free. I advise
you to print this book, as computers may not be so reliable in the future.
Do you know any secrets? Now is the time to release them. Forget any promises you made or vows you
took. This is all corruption. If someone makes you promise to jump off a cliff it doesn't mean you have to.
There is no such thing as "government", "society", "company", "organization", these are just vague
concepts, they are not real, they don't have feelings. People are real. Your loyalty is to people and to
Please do not try to find out who I (the author) am. Please do not help anyone else find out who I am. I'm
giving this book out freely, at great risk to myself, so please appreciate that and don't put me in danger. If
you think you know who I am, don't try to contact me about it or ever mention it. Don't talk about me with
other people over telephone or email.

This book is full of quotes. Please do read the quotes and do not skip over them, as they are just as
important to this book as my own writing. You can look up the full text of the source of these quotes (in
order to read more, or verify that they exist) by searching for any sentence from the quote on Google.
Search for it in speech marks "like this" and Google will find the full text of the source for you to read.
All of the quotes are from sources which are accessible to read for free online. The sources of all the
alchemical books I have quoted from are these sites:,,, The latter three sites include alchemical imagery on their sites or in
their books, but unfortunately none of them realized the true significance of alchemy. However, all these
sites and (which is not free) have done a great service to the world by publishing
alchemical literature on the Internet.
The key for the below SHA-1 hash is a poem I wrote, written in a language which is not necessarily
English. Since there is only one possible key which returns the below hash value when the SHA-1
algorithm is performed on it, and since it is not possible to calculate the key from the hash value, this
enables me to prove that I am the true author at any point in the future. Originally I was going to give the
key and provide a new hash every time the book was updated or if I wrote a new book; but since I have
taken to updating this book often and I now have a web site, I will now only reveal the key if I need to
discredit someone who attempts to publish a supposedly affiliated book, or if there is doubt about the
authorship of anything else I publish. Or if for some reason I want to reveal my identity, although that is
extremely unlikely.

Elizabeth: "So, he gave it away.  The author goes through all these texts he found regarding alchemy.  A lot of it is kind of cryptic, it's very vague on how to make this Philosopher's Stone, which is supposed to give immortality and freedom from all kinds of stuff, besides the ability to turn lead into gold.  He supposedely went through all of these texts and found these truths.  I would say two thirds of his book is quotes supporting what he's saying from all of these books, from all of this research that he did.  And, I told Victor that it really rang true because the author's writing is really plain, like someone who had a sixth grade education would still be able to understand it.  He went out of his way to make it non-airy-fairy, not philosophical.  

     Charlie:  "But it's still cryptic, right?  You have to really be paying attention to connect the dots, right?"

     Elizabeth: "No!  The author's writing is very simple and plain.  He's accomplished a lot.  I told Victor that I've read so many books and have always thought this is BS, this is just not the truth.  I've read this whole book, and I've studied a lot on spiritutality, gone on a lot of retreats.  I've taken a lot of time to study it.   This book just rang true to me, everything he says in it."

     Charlie: "There's certain things, that they resonate so profoundly.  The classic spiritual texts like the Tao De Ching, they're very, they're not that complex, but still, to some extent, many people don't understand what it's saying.  It's subtle, but at the same time it's kind of nuanced.  What were you saying about the alchemical...."

      Elizabeth: "Yeah, it's interesting.  It basically gives the secret as urine.  You take urine and you basically boil it.  It can take up to a couple of years.  I think he said if you do it really well and under perfect conditions it could possibly be ready in eighteen months.  What you do is heat it at a really low temperature and you seperate the solids from the liquid.  I guess it goes through a process where it's black and then it turns white.  Apparently it's life force energy, which we all have.  The urine is purified when it comes out of you and it contains all of the minerals that are out there, just in tiny minute essences.  You can make it with other things, like blood or tears or semen.  There's other things that contain life force besides pee.  According to this author, the teachings point to urine.  For every conclusion he's discovered he backs it up with all these texts from the past.  It says how urine is plentiful, everybody produces it, people think of it as vile and disgusting.  But it's basically pure life force.  Then from there he really doesn't go in too much on how to make it, but you can multiply it if you have gold and silver, to make more of it.  With one process it's called Red, I think, and another process is called white.  White is the one that can lead to silver and red gold.  It has many purposes according to him, like making you young and immortal.  It supposedly removes any illnesses, all kinds of weird things.  Kind of like God-like properties.  And then he talks about how all the alchemists dissapeared.  Towards the end of the book he explains how all of these alchemists who wrote a lot, even though it was mostly cryptic and wouldn't straight out tell you what the substance was.  Apparently they wrote cryptically like that to test people.  They did it that way to make people be really patient and only the true of heart would understand it."

     Charlie: "I came upon a few good books that went over the alchemical processs and it gets you thinking.  I am talking about the earliest stages of evolution, right.  So we're talking about a tribe out in the desert.  Victor: "Tribalism is the only social structure that works and tends to the entire tribe."  Anyway, A shaman is probably the leader of the tribe.
               Throughout history populations have been controlled through knowledge, knowledge that has been concealed from the population but it's bunkered by the elite, the folks who know.  Sometimes some leader have used knowledge to help humanity and other leaders have used it to massively control populations.  For example, back in the early days if you could read the stars and understand astronomy, you could predict events.  As generations began to record those events you begin to dial in a little bit more the clockwork of our solar system, so you know when seasons are coming, you know when things are happening.  So you can predict these things to your people and they see you as powerful.  The people think that since this guy is so smart he can predict things, that they should follow him.  All along, it was just a deeper understanding of natural processes.  That has historically been the crux of control.  It has evolved into a more complex system now but it's basically still the same, using certain wisdom, higher knowledge to control populations.  
               Alchemy is the precursor to all of our modern sciences.  So, as evolution progresses science became more prevelant.  Like in Medievil times, science was becoming more and more, we were beginning to, especially in the Enlightenment, not the enlightenment, but the rennaisance, we were beginning to realize and question the dogmatic principles within religion and this led us to become more investigative, more scientific.  As that happened, like in the enlightenment, the powerful elite realized, hey, we can use this and then they started burning the books and persecuting priests, etcetera.  They used this new knowledge to control.  The thing is the alchemical process is two-fold.  The alchemical process can be a physical distillation of whatever, an essence of this or that, but there's another side to the coin.  That process can be more of a metaphysical, it can be more within, I don't want to call it personality, but within the mind.  So what I began to gather is that this story of The Philosopher's Stone was the chaser, the thing you kept people preoccupied with testing and conducting experiments.  All the time the real Philosopher's Stone, if you dig deep into it, it's a mental process of enlightenment.  Not just enlightenment, but refinement within one's self.  It's the way that you keep the people from the real knowledge is that you give them something else to chase and that's a very, very commonly used tactic in modern times.  One book that got me to understand and put two and two together is very cryptic, and it goes by name of The Kybalion.

     Elizabeth: "Yeah, I've heard of that, but I don't really know what it is.  It's a sacred text, right?"

     Charlie: "Not necesarrily.  It came maybe about a hundred and ten years ago, so it's not ancient.  Way back then it came out of a Masonic temple somewhere on the east coast.  It just so happens that in the last five years or so it has blown up on YouTube.  It even prefaces in the beginning that if you don't have ears to hear this you're not going to get what this is saying.  When you look into the writing of the Kybalion, this isn't to discredit the work, because the work is extremely profound, but if you look at the writing, it came out of a Masonic temple.  The author of the book is called The Three Initiates.  One of the creators is a
Yogi...hold on.

     Victor:  Cool chat so far.  

     Charlie: "Oh, for sure.  I love this shit.  It's dope.

     Victor:  "Thanks for helping me spill the beans."

     Charlie:  "In this time, I'm always rereading it in hopes I find new "nuggets."  These people who put this book out did not want to be known.  It's essentially a manual by, do you know who Hermes Trismagistus is?"

     Elizabeth:  "No."

     Charlie:  "Some say that he's Enoch from the bible.  So Hermes Trismagistus, his last name is Greek for the Thricegate.  He was supposedely the most learned individual who has ever lived and that he supposedly lived for thousands of years.  He comes from the land of Egypt.  Hermes is deified as the Greek messenger God.  He was literally known for obtaining information from God and providing it to humans.

     Eliazabeth: "It's in The Book of Aquarius.  There's a whole section on Hermes."

     Charlie: "He's the father of alchemy.  The book is about him.  It gives a warning throughout the book on folly, to not become lost in folly.  I think that a lot of the new age movement, like the overuse of pyshchadelic drugs is folly, to some extent.  It's where people are becoming too lost in the storyline and not realizing that the story is just another finger pointing at the moon.  It's not the end-all, it's a way to convey a message.  The dangers of wisdom and the dangers of learning, especially from books, us, we don't come from the priesthood, we have had informatiom passed down or whatever, we are rediscovering this information.  Folly is just as dangerous as burning books.  If you begin to study these things and get too airy with it or you start to believe things at face value rather than looking for the symmatries, because sometimes people communicate through symmatries, especially in empires or kingdoms where they burn you at the stake or chop your head off if you start spouting antiestablishment ideals.  A lot of these artists from the reannaisance would put these messages into their artwork so only people who understand will get it, and those people tend to not talk.  So, that folly thing is a big thing.  
               I started going down the spiritual rabbit hole, started trying to find the source of "magic."  In doing that you kind of lose yourself.  You ask yourself does there necessarily have to be magic in this world?  Or maybe some concepts are so above normalcy that they appear to be magic.  Not that there's no magic.  But there's a saying out there that says that any form of sufficiently advanced technology to a lower civilization is magic to them.  That's another thing that the Kybalion harps on.  That in ever truth there is a false.  There's a truth and a lie to everything."

     Victor: "I am not trying to prove anything, except the fact that anything is possible.  In the end I am not sure of anything, but I love surprises."

     Charlie:  "There's two reasons why this wisdom over the ages was concealed.  The good guys, so to speak, the genuine masters, the reason they made their teachings cryptic and didn't just give it to everyone...  Bro, if you give someone this wisdom and they are not ready to wield it, it is very fucking dangerous."

     Victor: "I don't care.  I am taking my chances."

     Charlie: "The thing is that you can't be like that, Tio-Vic.  God or whatever you want to call it, it's so much bigger than you, don't fucking challenge Him."

     Victor: "That's the thing that you and a lot of other people don't get.  I AM NOT challenging God.  Actually, you may be right.  I am challenging God to a duel with LOVE because THEY ARE NOT the same being."

     Charlie:  "Words like that have led to some atrocities by some dictators."

     Victor:  "Why can't you and other people see that what I am trying to do, what I am doing, is in their best interest?  That it's totally good and positive.  Do people enjoy being slaves?"

     Charlie:  "That's what they all say.  I'm not trying to say that you're a dictator, that you're a bad guy, but that's where that train of thought leads, if you're not careful."

     Victor:  "I'm just trying to live up to my name."

     Charlie:  "If you're not careful you might end up wreaking havoc on yourself, or the people around you, your loved ones.  Most learned inviduals out there, they know the should only give the wisdom to those who have ears to hear.  They don't waste their time on people who won't listen.  Why would they?"

     Victor:  "Just like I say on my blog, I would rather be dead than live in the prison the bankers have planned for us.  Therefore, I am going to shout it from the rooftops to EVERYBODY.  Don't you see that if the story is interesting enough that those with closed ears will open them finally?  With all the extensive research you've done I would hope you had gathered the fact that what you might think is impossible, just might be after all."

     Charlie: "It's a beautiful dream you have, and our society has written stories about people like you, the Buddhist concept, you are still stuck in the woo-woo darma, bro."

     Elizabeth:  "I tell Victor that not everyone is where he is and he wants to see results soon.  He gets angry when people don't see his point of view."

     Victor:  "Frustration and anger are two different things."

     Elizabeth:  "Yeah, but you can't expect people to be where you are."

     Victor:  "But I can try my hardest to reach them and I have been very effective at doing so."

     Charlie:  "And you just might get stuck in the wheel of Darma.  That's the thing, it's very complex.  The universe, or whever this thing we live in, it's not that fucking simple.  It's very yes and no and yes and no.  That's why you have to stay centered.

     Victor:  "That's only life as you know it.  Who is to say life cannot exist as you don't know it whatsoever?"

     Charlie:  "As I just said, I'm telling you, bro, to some extent I am imposing it on you.  And I don't want to do that because if you don't have ears to listen, why waste my time?  I'm not saying you don't have ears to listen, maybe I don't right now.  You can try to get beautiful points across, but if you do it too hard you end up being contrary to what you are trying to do.  That is the irony of life.  That is why the most learned, not the ones they write about in the history books, but the people who have implemented the most profound change they had that understanding that you can't push too hard.  They realized that the way that I show people is through my actions."

     Victor:  "Yes, and that's what my blog and journal are all about.  People can relive, vicariously experience and learn from my factual actions.  People may doubt what you say, but they'll aways believe what you do."

     Charlie:  "But if you get upset at someone for not understanding you at first, you have to plant the seed and let it grow at it's own pace."

     Victor:  "Let me convey some of these actions I do.  I play the undercover-bum role a lot here in Modesto.  I've found I generate the most interesting chapters for my documentary by semi-appearing homeless and keeping track of how people react to me.  When walking around Modesto I always have a backpack on(which contains WPTMJ shirt I have for sale or trade.  With my walking stick and wrist-weights it really makes people wonder about me and some realize that I am not homeless, maybe crazy though.  The ones with eyes to see through the illusion I've perfected over the years.  
               I know I might seem rough and overly-aggressive at times, but I do that purposely.  In my individual, unique case there really is no such thing as bad publicity.  When people ignore the offer of my free blog, blatantly assuming I am after money because I have successfully put them under the impression that I am homeless, I yell at those people.  I shout, "Danmn, NOBODY wants world peace!  Poor kids!  That's right, be afraid!  Good little slave!"  I just want to infect them with my presence and make them think, force them to think.  
     I know that seems to be contrary to my motives, but I just want them to remember me.  I am trying, no, I am succeeding at provoking thought in the sheep.  That way, when my blog goes systemically-viral soon, which I am using the all-powerful force of assumption to manifest, and their loved ones link them to my blog, they will make the correlation and I will succeed in getting their full attention, finally.  
     So if all these great masters chose to abandon the ignoring ones, instead of trying their hardest to increase the number of open minds instead, and not just give up because they see no point, so there would exist more good than evil, if these "masters" had more faith in humanity and LOVE, then maybe our world would already be balanced and I woulndn't have to go through so much trouble.  
      This is simply one role of many that I play.  Pretending to be homeless is part of my cover.  You know how much people love pretending homeless people don't exist.  
      Let me tell you the story about how I got kicked out of the Karaoke bar last night.  Elizabeth and me walked to the bar.  I'm thinking this had something to do with them kicking me out, but when I was outside on the bench waiting for my turn to sing, Star was outside too, this older lady who was always asking me for hits of weed, I was smoking and then this homeless dude pushing a cart walked by, he had a neck full of tattoos.   I immediately said hello and offered him my loaded pipe and a cigarette was very nice to him.  A couple from inside the bar came out to smoke themselves and witnessed my interactions with the "bum."  After I gave him my blog and recited the note from the rich to him(which he loved), as he was walking away with a smile he thanked me for being so cool with him and I yelled out loud, "See, everybody matters!"  I'm thinking that couple went back inside and ratted me out that I was being nice to a homeless guy.  
       Anyway, Elizabeth hadn't seen me do any karaoke songs before.  I did Ween's Vooodoo Lady.  When I was done I went and stood in front of Elizabeth.  She shouted to me, "I wonder how much a Pepsi is."  Since there was a brief pause in the loud music I shouted, "How much is a Pepsi?!"  I guess my yelling got to her because the mean bartender walks up to me and tells me she has to ask me to leave.  I said, "For what?  I'm trying to buy something!"  She must've not heard my due to the loud music because she yells back, "You never buy anything and this is a business!"  I said, "I bought a water when I first got here!"  She said, "Big deal, that's just a dollar!"  Quite perturbed, I smiled and said okay.  I grabbed my backpack and the half-full cup of water I PAID for.  I set it down on the backs of the seat and when I walked almost beyond it's reach I casually knocked the cup over, spilling it on the floor.  Right before I went out the front the door I turned around and snapped a picture, yelling, "Everybody gets credit!"  We walked out and I just stood at the door, knowing they would follow.  Sure enough, the bitchy waitress came outside and demanded I get off their property.  I smiled and took one step off the curb and dared them to call the police, that I had done nothing wrong.  She said she was going to and went inside.  I made that scene just so they would never forget me.  Eventually Star came outsid expecting another hit of weed.  I gave her one and she told me how they were all mad inside.  She also said my walking stick was intimidating, like I don't know, hehe.  I've made it a habit of sticking out.  

     I know I was in the right the whole time.  The very next morning I wrote up a big report I wanted to give the owner of the restaurant.  When I had finished it I drove to Office Max to print out a copy.  This nice lady Amy who helped me put together Elizabeth's dad's memorial I worked on a couple of months ago was working.  I briefly summarized what had happened and that I needed a printout.   I told her, "There's a $2.50 minimum for printouts at the desk, right?"  She said, "Yes, how many copies do you want?"  I told her, "Well, as many as $2.50 will get me."  Amy said okay, and I gave her my zip drive.  To my great surprise Amy made me 10 copies, 20 sheets of high quality paper, handed me the stack and said, "Don't worry about it."  Woohoo!  I got hooked up!  With all of these copies I'll make damn-sure the truth comes out!  Thank you, Amy!!  Woohoo!!  Happy day!!

     I quickly drove to Torii's and asked me speak to the owner.  Luckily he was there and I approached him, introduced myself and shook his hand.  He was Japanese and didn't understand English too well.  I asked him if he had heard anything about what happened last night and he said no.  I promptly handed him my report, but he had trouble reading it and just asked me if I could explain.  I did and Danny ended up agreeing with everything I said, even telling me he was considering doing away with Karaoke because he was losing money.  I think I've already explained this to you, actually.

     Charlie: "In this situation the judge of discerning right from wrong is the owner?"

     Victor:  "That's right, he trumps all.  He even showed gratitude for informing him because he had been considering dropping Karaoke altogeter because it wasn't very profitable.  

     Charlie:  "Coming from somebody, you see, I have clients who are business owners, gas station owners, retail center owners, I know people who are so morally, not that they're bad people, but they don't, I mean, they're uber-successful and they have all of this money they don't pay attention to these concepts.  See, the fallacy in what I am saying?  Right now you are trying to disseminate whether not you were right, you are putting the ability to judge that into the hands of a mortal.   Maybe it's validating because it's a business owner and he's successful or whatevr, do you see the inherent fallacy, or possible fallacy?"

     Victor: "All I am asking for is an apology."

     Charlie: "Why do you want an apology?"  

     Victor:  "Because I was offended."

     Charlie:  "Bro, these people are these people.  They know not what they do."

     Victor:  "I would LOVE to teach them a lesson, and think I can."

     Charlie:  "That, right there is where danger starts to set in.  When you try to teach people lessons.  You can't teach people lessons, they have to come and sit at the feet of the master.  The master doesn't have to go solicit them and find them, they find their way to him."

     Victor:  "Let me rephrase, please.  I want to either teach them, because I do have a great chance of doing that, OR, I want them to never forget me.  So I win either way."

     Charlie:  "Just think about it from this perspective.  If you went to the venue and this lady kicked you out."

     Victor:  "I simply just went over her head."

     Charlie: "But if you had just approached her and told her, "I don't agree with you, but this is your place of work.  If you truly think that I need to leave and that I'm causing problems I will."  That way you can come back the next day and just act like nothing happened.  What would be more impactful?  You going in there and spilling the cup, making a big scene and then coming back the next day and snitching her out, what are you inciting in the population that way?  Are you inciting peace?  You are being a warrior."

     Victor: "I am inciting justice.  I am standing up for what is right!  I have half the mind to MAKE THEM let me sing my custom songs, because I damn well could if I wanted to.  I possess that power.  If it's up to be, it's up to me.  I know I may sounds quite self-aggrandizing, but that's all part of my angle.  Like I say. mine is the world's healthiest ego-trip."

     Charlie:  "Jesus wasn't a warrior, Muhammad wasn't a warrior.  Don't get me wrong.  Sometimes we need our warriors, but the warriors job is not to give spiritual insights."  Victor: "This warrior's is."  Charlie: " The warriors job is to break into the other side and bring that wealth back to the camp.  I mean, people have wanted to take the power back so badly, but what's going to happen when they get it?  If you do not have that understanding of the duality and balance and that indifference you're going to have an objective and you're going to do everything in your power to reach it, even if that means you have to burn villages along the way, or make somebody feel bad, or like whatever you do because you are on a mission and you have to do it..."

     Victor:  "In actuality, it's not up to me anymore.  I just have to let things happen and just keep track of them.  I trust my gut, my intuition and I would love to show everyone they can trust their guts too, as well as mine.  

     Charlie: "Bro, are you trying to incite refrormation of revolution?"

     Victor:  "I am trying to educate the masses."

     Charlie:  "Which one is it?"

     Victor:  "I am trying to incite a peaceful revolution, an awekening of the masses.  Why would anyone be against that?  Don't you want world peace too?  Or do you enjoy this unecessarry misery we are being forced to endure because we don't know any better?"

     Charlie: "Revolutions are funny, bro.  Because they come and they are just constant, always happeneing.  Maybe inititally they have these very pure thoughts.  When true rennaisance comes, it doesn't come at the hands of warriors, it comes peacefully.  Those peaceful revolutions throughout history have had the most profound  ripple-effects.  The revolution comes and goes, the winner rewrites history and then somebody comes and fucks them up.  History, over time gets skewed because of all of these revolutions.  What always happens with revolutions is that they always turn into the same shit they were trying to oppose."

     Victor:  "Wait just a minute.  This is all history, the past, that you're talking about now.  I am working on the future where not even you know whats possible or impossible.  Don't you realize how you and everybody's denial of peace(in theory) prevents peace from ever manifesting in the present(in fact)?  I guess you havent learned how thoughts really do create reality.  All we have to do to have peace is to only think happy thoughts.  People's worries are sabotaging their happiness.  It all starts with what you think."

     Charlie:  "Bro, history is the biggest indicator of the future.  Nothing under the sun is new, bro."

     Victor:  "And nothing is set in stone either."

     Charlie: "You have to decide, bro.  Are you going to wield the sword or the book?"

     Victor:  "Do you believe in Native American spiritualism?"

     Charlie:  "I undersand paganism and where that all comes from."

     Victor:  "I'm talking about the Great Spirit that the natives believe in."

     Charlie:  "It's what Westerers called Paganism.  Every continent had their own form."

     Victor:  "Have you even read my walk to Calfornia story and how I ended up at this medicine camp in Oregon?"

     Charlie:  "Bro, you need to make an audiobook."

     Victor:  "Well, let me just tell you the important part of that story."  ::relayed the time I met Fawn Journeyhawk::

               I don't know if it's true or being insincere, but having that in my story will make people think.  I am just relaying what I was told.  In my possession I have years of proof and once I get to my mission box and add all of the missing pictures poeple will be tagging themselves and think, "Shit, this was me way back then, I remember.  This guy wasn't kidding."  It will confirm that I am being sincere even more.  That is why that box is so important to me.  I don't want it touched.  Leave it where it is.  

::explained the whole story of how Elizabeth and I met and how I came to Modesto to help care for her 84 year old father.:::

      Victor: "Are you still with me?  Her mom, who passed in ?, she hated her husband and instead of getting divorced and getting on with her life she decided she would devote all of her efforts to ruining Jesus' life.  She decided to curse him.  When he emigrated the family from Mexico, with his hard farm-work, sweat and tears built a very successful life here in Modesto.  Two of the sons even became lawyers.  
               Elizabeth's mother Juana handled all of the money.  She was even quoted saying that she wanted to leave Jesus with not even a penny and have no one ever come visit him.  Her mother was actually able to turn all of the brother's against their own father.  So after Juana died the brother's kept the vendetta going to honor their mother's wishes.  Since Elizabeth seemed to be the only one who loved her father and tried to bring him joy, she was included in the vendetta, undestandably.
               So, Victor to the rescue.  I came down from the moumtain and blessed Don Jesus however I possibly could.  He was very relieved his daughter was in such good hands.  I would even sit him down with me at the computer and download whatever Mariachi song he wanted to hear.  In the end I burned him 35 cd's, about 20-25 songs each.  In the end I counted and I blessed Don Jesus with 47 whole hours of mariachia music.  His ultimate custom playlist.  I found and downloaded every single song he could remember.  I will never forget the joy in his face when he heard his music coming out of he speaker.  I made him want to continue living.  Don Jesus totally became my father, fuck Franklin.  Biology does not make a parent!  Love does!  
              After so much indifference we decided to dad-nap him and take him up to Mount Shasta with us and show him my bus and where I lived.  We ended up putting him in an assited living place in Redding, an hour away, Touch of Heaven.  Eventually stuff happened at the assisted living place and we had to pull him out.  With her rental income Elizabeth found a nice cabin in the nature off of Davis Place Road.  He eventually passed away peacefully in his sleep.
              Anyway, while we were in Mount Shasta Elizabeth got served with a subpoena from the evil attorney brothers, they were trying to sue her to deny her of the only inheritence from her father, which is the nice house she grew up in on Sonoma Avenue.  They were trying to take everything in honor of their dead mother's vendetta.  We rushed back down south to Modesto and came to live at the Sonoma house.  Well, soon afterwards both tenants of the rental properties stopped paying rent!  We freaked.  How are we going to afford a lawyer now?  
              Luckily, I found me an under the table pool-guy helper job off of Craigslist.  $15/hr paid every day and it was easy peasy.  I already had experience cleaning pools because there's a nice one at the house.  In two and a half months I made the $2700 we needed to get a lawyer and stopped working because Elizabeth was missing me so much and we could still get by with my monthly grand until the court date.  Eventually, due to that emergency cash I was able to manifest, the case went to trial and Elizabeth was awarded the house, but lost ownership of the rental properties(which is not so bad because the tenants aren't paying anyway).  So now it's one of her brother's problems.  Sucker.
              So now we are at the point where Elizabeth feels that to maximize her small inheritance, and to get the hell out of this town where nobody loves her, she's decided to sell the house.  All this time she had been considering getting it all fixed up enough to rent, but since she hasn't had a 9-5 job in so long, and she had been spoiled so much growing up, not to mention she always had that rental income to live off of, she became a lazy procrastinator.  It took me threatening to break up with her to get her to realize she should sell instead of rent.
      Charlie:  "God is just."

      Victor: "Love is.  So I finally got the sense to call a local realtor.  There's so much crap from her whole family growing up in this house and she needs to just throw it all away.  I've been trying to get make her just rip the bandiad off and lighten her load, but she's being very resistent.  I hope to win her over soon."  

               Don Jesus became my father, since I never had one.  All of my life I've yearned to love a man like my father, to care for a man like a father.  With Don Jesus that dream became a reality.   

               Elizabeth is stuck in this shithole and even though she says she wants to leave, she's scared of the change.  So since the tenants are being deadbeats and not paying rent it leaves here in a bad place, since she couldn't secure stable income because she was too occupied caring for her father and being his only source of love.   

     Charlie:  "Why are you guys selling the house, first off?  

     Victor:  "Because Modesto fucking sucks.  She's been wanting to leave the meth capital of the country forever now.  She has absolutely no family or support now.  Her brothers hate her thanks to their mother.  Elizabeth has nobody in the town she grew up in.  

     Charlie:  "Next question.  What is the gameplan?"

     Victor:  "The gameplan is to transplant her into my family!  The same way her father became my father."

     Charlie: "What are your logistics?"

     Victor:  "Okay, the quickest way I think, is not by having a garage or estate sale.  That will take too long and won't get rid of stuff fast enough.  I was thinking that we could just leave the house not all the way empty, leave the big shit and just reduce the net price.  
              See, the very first guy I called, the first number I got on Google, when I told him about my idea of just leaving stuff in the house and reducing the cost he told me, "Oh no, you have to get rid of your stuff."  I told him, "Listen, I've been a marketer and last time I checked ANYTHING was possible if the price is right.  Please just try to dream a little with me.  I want you to find the highest bidder for the house as-is with contents inside."

     Charlie(being impatient):  "Hold on, you have to get to the crux of what you are trying to do.  Hypothetically, let's say the house is worth.."

     Victor:  "580 cherried out."

     Charlie:  "Let's just say 600 then.  Okay, so let's say sale concludes and you guys recieve the proceeds after the transaction.  Now what?  What's the plan with those proceeds?  Where are you guys going to go to spend the rest of your lives?  What's the plan there?"

     Victor: "We ae going to get a mobile home, maybe.  Once we get rid of most everything in the house I just want to load the hatchback up with our essentials and just take off and buy new stuff.  Maybe get an RV, maybe get a UHaul.  We will just pare it down to one hatchback full of stuff."

     Charlie:  "Real quick.  Let's say you guys have another forty years of life.  We're going to talk about inflation here in a second and what money is, but forty years.  Let's say that for you guys to live comfortably, maybe you can do it in a trailer, or maybe you can do it for just twenty grand, or whatever, assuming that you guys want to be safe and secure for the rest of your lives make sure it's as ????? or if something unforeseen happens.
                If we take 600,000 and divide that by fifty thousand.  That's twelve years.  And then what?"

      Victor: "All of my mission life I have always lived by the rule that if you don't make plans you never get let down.  What you are describing seems a hell of a lot like worrying about the future, living in the future.  I don't like living in a place that doesn't exist yet.   

      Charlie: "Your woman is not going to hit the road with you.  Your woman needs security.  She needs a roof over her head and she needs to be safe for the rest of her life."

      Victor:  "How do you know what my woman needs?  I understand that, and that will all be provided for.  

      Charlie:  "Do you not care about those things for yourself?  The true meaning and purpose of life is to live life for others, not for yourself."

      Victor:  "I really wish you would listen to me and let me talk right now.  I am in total agreement in living life for others.  Haven't you been listening to all of the selfless actions I have taken and plan to take for the rest of my life?  Aren't I a shining example of how you just said people should live?
                I don't plan to hitchhike and hit the road with my girl, yet.  Someday soon I would love for her to experience the freedom of traveling with no attachnments, and truly living in the flow of how beautiful life can be when you have full trust in LOVE.  Everything we need will be provided by LOVE as long as we believe, no matter if YOU believe or not.  I am not looking into the future, I'm not making plans.  I'm looking to be surprised.  But, that's not the point.  
                You are speaking for Elizabeth as if you were aware of all the ideosynchrocies of our situation and you're NOT and will never be(unless "I" include it in my journal for all to know, not just you).  As if you know what she wants without even asking her.  You are jumping to uninformed conclusions, exactly how your programming is set to do when things don't line up with the preset ages-old program.  In listening to you, Mr. Uber-successful real estate agent with a budding online presence hawking his talents for capital gains to have more than others, support such wrongness, it saddens me how successful their mind manipulations have been and makes me want to work even faster to help heal our dire situation, so thanks for the impetus.  I was just testing you.  Thanks for the chapter.

     Sure, Elizabeth is still scared to go all the way my way, but I am slowly teaching her how not to be afraid and to trust in the unlimited power of LOVE, and to trust in her own untried capacity.  I am teaching her how to do the things she fears so fear won't be a factor in her life, like it isn't in mine.  Those who trade security for freedom deserve neither!  Especially those who don't live in the moment.  Isn't it obvious how all of the fear-based propaganda in the media has manipulated people's minds to be deathly afraid of lack and to look down on those with little, who just happen to be richer than them by having less.  Being poor is one step closer to being free!  Wouldn't you rather be free than rich?  You cannot be both!  Talk about irony, eh?

 "Whenever we're afraid, it's because we don't know enough. If we understood enough, we would never be afraid."
- Earl Nightingale

 "If I've got correct goals, and if I keep pursuing them the best way I know how, everything else falls into line. If I do the right thing right, I'm going to succeed."
- Dan Dierdorf

 "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear."
- Mark Twain

"When even one American who has done nothing wrong is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril."
- Harry S. Truman

"Law enforcement functions through the use of fear. Fear is the most important weapon they have. All the technology, none of it would do them a damn bit of good if it weren't for fear, and they've created an entire universe of fear around marijuana and hemp."
"It's not drugs the government is concerned with, anyway. It's people's freedom of expression."
- Woody Harrelson

"Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use."
- Earl Nightingale

I had those quotes saved in my universal truths collection from my old site.  I did a little googling now(6-1) and I came upon this nugget:

"The role of a creative leader is not to have all the ideas; it's to create a culture where everyone can have ideas and feel that they're valued."  - Ken Robinson,with%20the%20expression%20creative%20industries.

     Charlie:  You have been blessed with the blessings of people that have helped you along your journey, bro.  Don't you realize you are getting older and that lifestyle can't be sustainable.  With the shit that you guys have gone through you deserve to have a comfortable home for the rest of your lives.  The dumbest thing that ya'll could do right now, and I mean that respectfully...

     Victor:  "I hope you don't tell me that it's to come to San Antonio, because that's exactly what I'm going to do.  

     Charlie:   "The last thing you want to do is put that money liquid in your bank.  Here's the thing, bro.  You're smart, your this, your that, whatever, I get it you are not an investory, you are not financially-savvy(nor would I want to be)....

     Victor:  "It's not going to be my money.  I am not going to be making decisions about the money fom the house, at all.  I could really care less about it.  I'm sticking around for Elizabeth and our children, that's it.

     Charlie:  "Okay, so where is this money going to go?"

     Victor:   "I don't care.  Ask Elizabeth.  It's her house, not mine.  I'm pretty sure she wants to invest it.  She's not sure in what yet."

     Charlie:  "How many successful investments have you guys made?"

     Victor:  "One, our relationship."

    Charlie:  "I get it, but we are taking about finances, bro.  It's a very good thought, it's a good idea, in theory, but there are some complexities present that you need to contend with.  And those complexities are how much income are you guys bringing in right now?  

    Victor: "I get my monthly grand, SSI."

     Charlie:  "Is that your total income?"  

     Victor:  "For the time being, yes.  We have been doing it for a while with only that and have been just fine.  The house is paid for and I can cover the bills."

     Charlie:  "But if you didn't have the paid-for house it's not going to be enough.  And to some extent right now, man, I'm telling you, dude.  I mean, some people can live on less, but the dollar lost at least fifteen percent of value.  I used to sell solar, right?  People were paying almost sixty percent for electricity than they were fifteen years ago, right.  As in all things prices rise, it's inherent in the mechanism of...

     Victor:  "The evil system that's about to crumble."

     Charlie:  "Hear me out, please.  The way that the system works is that inflation is never going to reverse.  It denies ??? and that's why the cost.  The last thing you want to do is have all of that money in the bank, or under the mattress, or anywhere.  You need to put it to work for you and not just let it sit there.  I am sure your house went up in value as compared to last year, and the year before that, and the year before that.  That's the nature of real estate.  So don't have your money in the bank."

     Victor: "I don't trust banks."

     Charlie: "Banks are part of the game.  Whether or not you like them, whether or not you keep your money in them, banks are part of the game.  They are part if the institution that prints the fucking money.  With that there are ???? that are not being fully accounted for.  There are tax-implications.  Not to say they are going to put you in jail or whatever the fuck.  Now, if you do this and you fuck up the taxes, you don't have tax returns to take a hundred grand and maybe put it on another house and have a super little payment and then you're income is a thousand dollars a month, which is enough for food and necessities.  Unless you take that money and make the PERFECT investment, you are literally throwing your entire livelihood, the rest of your life and I'm talking to you, Elizabeth.  Hear me out, bro, because this is for both of you guys.  These pieces are not together well enough, bro.  This hasn't been thought through enough and I would caution you to take some time with this.  If you want to come to San Antonion let's deliberate and plan and figure it out if you really want to, but you have a really good thing that God has blessed you with...

     Victor: "If you mean life in this house in this cursed city...umm, our number one priority is to leave.  We are in agreement with that."

     Charlie:  "You've got a roof over your head.  You are not cursed in that town.  God has blessed you with a home above the standards of most humans...

     Victor:  "We DO NOT want to have a future here.  We are CHOOSING not to have a future in this dead-end toilet of a town.  Are you not understanding that?  There you go jumping to conclusions again and assuming what we should see as blessings or not.

     Charlie:  "But you can't just take off on a whim because there are logistics involved and you need to make a good move and set yourself up for millioins in the future and then you can do whatever."

     Victor:  "Its NOT a whim.  This has been years of aiming and playing chess moves to enable a bountiful exit strategy for us.  And we're blasting off soon.  I've been intending this out for years.

     Charlie:  "But your plan on how you are going to do it is a whim.

     Victor:   "Maybe it's whimsical of the universe who I am instructing to enable our exit and liberation from where we don't belong, but not me.  I am a tactician and all will go well for me as long as I keep spreading my light wherever I am.  

     Charlie:  "I love the fact that you reached out today.  I am sure you've reached out to some other people.  I am telling you, dude.  Right now I am working on transactions for cients.  Some are sophisticated, some are not sophisiticated and you guys are not sophisticated clients.  Why?  Because you are not a developer, you're not a property investor..."

     Victor:  "We're small fish."

     Charlie:  "You are not even in the game.  You don't know about investments, you don't know about liquidity, you don't know about how money works, and not only that, you don't even like money.  That's one point."

     Victor:  "That's right, I have no love for money, at all.  I know of a better way.  Why is it so important to you?  I wish we could do away with it altogether.  Then everbody could be as happy as those pussy bankers.  They're rich because we are poor.  Does that seem right to you?  I dare you to convince me otherwise."

     Charlie: "The second point is that with these clients, if they are sophisiticated clients anytime you come into a transaction, in any scenario if the invidual is not sophisticated, I won't even touch the deal unless they have a real estate attorney."

     Victor:  "We are considering maybe a financial advisor."

     Charlie:  "And that's more money.  Be careful because those people can string you along and rip you off."

     Victor:  "Okay, scratch that.  Thanks.

     Charlie:  "A, if somebody is making an offer over the phone they are making a profit.  You are not getting your full bang for your buck.  B, there's tax implications.  C, if you do not have a concrete plan for that money, bro, unless you plan on getting a job, or whatever, not that you don't work..."

     Victor:  "I appreciate that, I am a full time volunteer.  I even have t-shirts for sale."

     Charlie:  "I am telling you, bro, from someone who does not own a home and from someone who works every single month and has income coming in, it's getting better and better and better, but money is fleeting.  It's constantly fleeting.  Especially if you do not know how to manage it, which the fact of the matter is that I come from a single parent household and I've lived in apartments the majority of my life.  My mom, God bless her, is finally getting stuff together.  I didn't understand these concepts I'm sharing with you and as a result of that I shit the bed.  Firsthand, is that I know that money is fleeting, it's very delicate if you do not understand it.  The fact of the matter, bro, is that most American citizens don't understand money, so the safest thing for most American people to do is to maintain a household, pay it off on time and live easy.  Otherwise, the alternative is you have to live a life of constant struggle.  Don't get me wrong, I know you love your journy and you love the noamdic lifestyle, I know you were built for that, or whatever, bro, but you can't do that when your sixty or seventy years old.  You're going to get tired."

     Victor: "Once again, you can't possibly know the future unless you become adept at manifestation like I have become.  We have the power to will things into existance.  At least I do and have.  If anything, thinking of that makes me feel the need to work even faster, since mine and everyone else's clocks are ticking."

     Charlie:  "But you're talking as if the shit hit the fan you could always fall back on that."

     Victor:  "I definetly believe that.  LOVE will always take care of me as long as I trust in IT.  I would take great comfort in relying on LOVE to keep me alive if I was somehow seperated and single again.  But I also take the same exact comfort in knowing LOVE will care for my Elizabeth and furr-babies just as well, because I LOVE them. I am having stupendous chapters every single day lately.  All I have to do keep receiving blessings is to keep track of it...and eventually share it with the world freely on my blog.  It's such simple work.  Anybody can do it.  But not everybody can do it for a living.....yet.  Without the peace of mind you get when you put your trust in something real like LOVE, most sheep wouldn't have the balls to take on such a challenge.  Do you think you could do it and stay happy?  I dare you to try.
     I've got karaoke soon and tonight should be hella-interesting so let's cut it short, please.

     Charlie:  "Bro, your deicisions could devestate someone else's life.  You need to look outside of yourself and try to be perceptive of the fact that you are gambling with someone else's life.  You shouldn't do that, dude."

     Victor:  "I have given Elizabeth many chances, many opportunities to seperate and she's chosen to LOVE me unconditionally.  I have told her, "If you do not want to be part of my resurgence, my return to the spotlight because I am going to expose intimate details of my life and everyone in it, then please let me know now so I can continue without you because this work is more important than you.  It's more important than just me too.  It needs to be done regardlesss."  I am offering Elizabeth the opportunity to use her Berkeley-educated nogging to help me bring world peace.  I have proposed that she start journaling herlself, exacty like I do and provide a whole other persopective to my "lunacy" which will be even more confirmative of my sincerity.  She has agreed and I can't wait to type up her stuff along mine!  I'm excited I will finally have a dedicated partner who believes in me and my mission to make the world a better place.  I mean, it's not like she has a job and I am already used to spoiling her with only a thousand bucks a month.  I'll gladly take her under my wing and together we'll work some real magic."

     Charlie:  :::sounding noticeably irritated::: "Nah, bro.  Let's talk about this.  Let's get to the crux.  You're not going to split up over that, have a discourse.  Don't even go there."

     Victor:  "I don't know what you're talking about.  Go where?"

     Charlie:  "Bro, even if I believed in your "resurgence" I'm still like her.  What if I told you I had a resurgance, I had a mission, or whatever the fuck, and if you don't believe me, fuck you.  How can you have that mentality, bro?  Just because we have opposing thoughts or stuff like that, you can't be like that.  That's not where peace comes from.  Peace comes from grown men having conflicting ideas and they are able to come together, and sometimes there's discourse...."

     Victor:  "Why hasn't it happened yet if you know how peace comes?"

     Charlie:  "Bro, it's happening all the time.  It's happening right now."

     Victor:  "Umm, have you heard of the depopulation agenda?  That's what's happening right now.  Just the opposite of peace is happening right now.  Is that how you like it?  Because you seem to be defending it.  Umm, the covid vaccine, I could list lots of examples that aren't peaceful at all."

     Charlie:  "The fact of the matter is that Elizabeth and her house have been a massive blessing to you."

     Victor:  "Yes, I agree and they will continue to be as long as possible.  I've even let Elizabeth know that I don't need her house.  I don't need any THING here."

     Charlie:  "This isn't just about you, bro."

     Victor:  "That's exactly right.  Elizabeth doesn't need this house or anything in it either, even if she, or you, thinks she does."

     Charlie:  "This isn't just about you."

     Victor:  "You don't think I know that?  

     Charlie:  How old is she, again?"

     Victor:  Ten years older.  Listen, she is going to have everything she needs for the rest of her life, I will make sure to honor her dad's wishes that she never has to work again.  As long as I stay on my course, the blessings will be plentiful, just like it has been for me ever since I devoted myself to my mission.  

              As long as we believe we will be taken care of.  That's how things work.

    Charlie:  "You need to be carefu, bro.  Because I am telling you..."

     Victor:  "That's the only way I know how to be."

     Charlie:  "I get it, bro.  Maybe it's best for Elizabeth if you guys break up.  Maybe she's going to have to accept that maybe you're not the one for her.  You can't see things and do things and make decisions for other people.  I mean, because you are doing them because of your purpose, your journey and you're not considering other people and just wanting what YOU want."

     Victor:  "And what I WANT, what I am bringing about, with your indirect help now, is a peaceful paradise for EVERYONE, not just me.  Why the fuck doesn't everyone have my back?  I bet you a million dollars ALL the children will think I'm a good idea.  Damn Stockholm Syndrome.  Such good little slaves you all are.  Thanks for preventing world peace.  Wake up!

     Victor: "Don't you see, bro, how MY mission is realy good for EVERYBODY?  That fact kind of makes it EVERYBODY'S mission, not just mine.  Why are you so opposed to me?  Do you like how things are?  Because if I wasn't doing this mission things will be getting nightmarishly worse for the majority of our world.  Do you want to grow accustomed to death and disease and hell on earth?  That's what's in the works if someoene doesn't do something soon.

              I mean, shouldn't you be wishing me luck instead?  Who's side are you on, anyway?  Real estate and banking are so closely intertwined I really shouldn't have expected you to be receptive to my truths at all, as they are so intrinsically opposed to what you believe to be true.  But like I say, I love a challenge and either way I get some great content for my blog.  My name ain't Victor for nothing.  :]

     Charlie:  "If that's really what you want, do not drive any people into your war."

     Victor:  "But I haven't.  I am not forcing anyone to do anything!"

     Charlie:  "You are going to have Elizabeth liquidate her house so you can go out and do your shit."

     Victor:  "Umm, if she doesn't want to be here and if by liquidating her house we can leave sooner and still get a substanital amount, I don't see the problem.  Remember, you don't have all the facts concerning our situation.  Do you want them or are do you think your assumptions are always right?  Don't make an ass out of yourself.
      I am attempting to provide Elizabeth with MORE THAN I ALREADY HAVE that she is missing in her life, a loving family, which she doesn't have in Modesto at all.  There is ZERO contact.  I want to do for her exactly what she did for me.  She provided me with the loving father I never had.  

     But hey, it seems like my family might have abanondoned me too, so I'm glad I at least have Elizabeth to LOVE.  Do you see how the universe conspires to unite two people to fill a void in both of them at the same time?  She'll be getting a megadose of LOVE from me since nobody else wants it. I'm the only one she has, and vice-versa it now seems.

     Charlie:  "But ya'll can come over here whenever, you got loving family.  If you guys want to move over here that's one thing, but you should not sell the fucking house without a plan in place, and have that investment secured, bro.  From what you are saying now you are being too, what's the word?"

     Victor: "Impulsive?"  

     Charlie:  "Fuck yeah!  You're thinking everything will work out for you and every single downturn of any human being has come from just that, 90% of downfalls with human beings come from that, bro.  From over-exuberance, the ego talking, to some extent."

     Victor:  "I'm just glad you didn't say 100%, hehe."

     Charlie:  "I am entitled and destined for this is basically what you are saying.  I've had that before, I've had that feeling and it leads to shit.  I've seen other people time and time again, ego destroys."

     Victor:  "Well, I guess it'll just be a surprise.  I believe in my dreams and I am not letting them be in any way limited."

     Charlie:  "I love you and your mission and whatever, bro, but you need to do what's best for your family, and Elizabeth is your family."
     Victor:  "I know and I am.:

     Charlie:  "You are making decisions for yourself and not for others.  And it sounds backwards because of what your mission is and your intent or whatever the fuck, bro..."

     Victor:  "All I want are webviews.  I want people to read my blog, that's it.  

"I am a revolutionary, and I'm linked up with a movement, and I have a duty to let people know there is a movement in this country."
- Mark Webber

     Charlie:  "You're trying to get when someone confirms you, what's the word?  Validation."

     Victor:  "Exactly, confirmation to me being right.  I've been collecting validation for decades now.  Someday soon it will all serve as proof.

     Charlie:  "You should never strive for validation.  An artist paints because...

     Victor:  "I do it because I know I am right."

     Charlie:  "Bro, you are tyranical.  In the things you are saying you are being tyranical."

     Victor:  "Maybe, but I am following my dreams, and there's nothing like a dream to create the future.

     Charlie:  "At the expense of others."

     Victor:  "I have made Elizabeth aware about the risks involved, exactly how you just explained to her possibilities even I hadn't considered, and she chooses to stay with me, not only because she LOVES me, but because she doesn't have a more comfortable alternative and I spoil her.  She's over fifty, hasn't been on the hamster-wheel in decades and is dreading having to return to the slavery.  Without me and my LOVE for her and my family, Elizabeth would have to be alone and that terrifies her the most.  Inside she's still daddy's little girl.  
     I am keenly aware of this and am using her fear to further my cause(which is everybody's, remember?  So it's worth the ultimatums I can give due to the fear she has(which she will soon lose).  Elizabeth is not as awake as I am, but I'm going to attempt a crash course to open her eyes more than I have already.  Way more because I know she can handle it.  I want to rip the bandaid off.  

               I'll be a good and fair tyrant, finally.  :]

     Charlie:  "I never considered my uncle a hypocrite, but some of the things you are saying are a little hypocritical."

     Victor:  "Shhh, like what?  Like what?

     Charlie:  "For one, your preaching love, but you are making decisions for validation.  Instead of genuine unconditional love."

     Victor:  "With nothing but love in my heart I am gathering validation to show everybody that what I speak is the truth so I can gain their trust so I can lead us all to glory.  Doesn't that make validation sound like a positive thing, in my case?  Okay, give me another example of my hyprocrisy.

     Charlie:  "You are basing everything on your own purpose, rather than other people."

     Victor:  "Man, you're just not getting it.  My purpose is everybody's purpose!"  

     Charlie:  "Bro, you cannot impose that onto people."

     Victor:  "I have the right to try as hard as I want to."

     Charlie:  "Then you become exactly what you aim to vanquish."

     Victor:  "Be more specific if you can.  What am I trying to vanquish and how am I becoming that?  I don't see that happening at all.  In fact, I see quite the opposite."

     Charlie:  "The tonality and the cadence of your mission is like, "I don't care, I'll impose it," which is literally what made me say it again, the hypocrisy.  That energy, bro, is why things are the way they are."

     Victor:  "I guess you can just call it my resolution, my knowing."

     Charlie:  "I know this is going to sound crazy, but maybe the system's got to you too."

     Victor:  "Sorry if I get a little high on myself sometimes but I don't know anyone else that's done anything close to what I've done and am doing voluntarily, and not needing money, and having the time of their lives like I have.  Every day is a new exciting chapter.  World peace is writing itself through me!  

     Charlie:  "You need to consider Elizabeth more."

     Victor:  "I am getting tired of explaining this, but I have given her every opportunity to back out if she wants and she chooses to support me.  She's even coming to karaoke with me tonight.  Think of a better argument, please."

     Charlie:  "She loves you, dude."

     Victor:  "Exactly!  I'm going to serenade her."

     Charlie:  "Bro."

     Victor:  "So, are you saying that I should break up with her?  Because I have considered that a lot lately.  Maybe you can talk her into it, but I doubt it.  She knows how special I am.  Soon everyone will."

     Charlie:  "If you are going to try to take her down this path with you...."

     Victor:  "Damnit, I am trying to fix EVERYTHING FOR HER!"

     Charlie:  "But you can go out on your mission on your own and she needs a place to live and to be....."

     Victor:  "And I am going to provide that for her!  I am going to help her with that the same way I've helped her with so many other things."

     Charlie:  "You have no guarantee of that."

     Victor:  "Is that supposed to scare me?  Who has a guarantee of anything these days?"

     Charlie:  "It's literally more shaky because you are literally trying to fight fire with fire(like Chuck Norris! :P  Chuck Norris can put out a fire with a gallon of gasoline, lol.)  Anytime anyone tries to fight fire with fire they get burned, understandably so."

     Victor:  "Charlie, you only know life as how you have come to know it.  Who's to say that life doesn't exist as you don't know it whatsoever?  Anything really is possible.  Like I said, it will be a surprise."

     Charlie: "The claims that you're claiming, that you're going to be okay that everything is going to be provided for you if you believe and yada yada, do you see the hypocrisy in what you're telling the world?"

     Victor: "No, because there is none.  Charlie, I can't expect you to believe or agree with me, because you haven't been through the same experiences I have..."

     Charlie:  "Bro, I believe in you...."

     Victor:  "I don't think you do at all.  I don't think Elizabeth really does either because she has doubts still, but she's coming around."

     Charlie:  "You are going off the deep end and you cannot be of service to people when you go off the deep end."

     Victor:  "I beg you to read my guestbook and read the reactions I had.  I can feel the power, I can feel the protection.  I am not going to stop until it's done.  what I want to know is, is anybody else going to go my way?"

     Charlie:  "It's your life, bro.  Just cherish the people who follow you. You need to be more conscsious, bro."

     Victor:  "Like I have always said, I will consider any suggestion or advice given to me, but in the end I am playing this game by my rules.  I'm the only one I can trust."

     Charlie:  "I want to put it to you like this, Tio-Vic.  The things that you are saying and how you are saying them, even though we clearly align on certain philosophies, if somebody went for office or whatever and tried to be the leader of the world, spouting off some of the shit that you're saying right now, bro, I'm not following that guy.  Some people might."

     Victor: "What an interesting turn to the conversation.  It seems like I am in the same boat as Elizabeth when it comes to receiving unconditional love from my family.  At least we have each other.  I can't believe it.  It's quite depressing.  ::sobbing:: I'm only trying to do good and help everybody but people are too brainwashed by society.  I bet you think the Earth is a globe too, right?"

     Charlie:  "You are preaching peace with a sword in your hand.  You are saying one thing and doing another."

     Victor:  "You have failed at explaining how.  No matter if I sting people a little I am still reaching them  so they'll remember me.  I am trying to manifest the positive internet worm concept.  An idea so good that it'll spread all the way around the world and heal it.

"An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not at idea whose time has come."

- Victor Hugo

     Charlie:  "I believe you, bro(bs).  In this day and age when a little kid can billions of views on TikTok...."

     Victor:  "The difference with me is that my shit is totally ad-free.  It's some pure-manure, hehe.  And blogger doesn't charge me anything to have my blog.  My project doesn't get any more free."

     Charlie:  "With what I am hearing right now, do you know what you sound like?  You sound like you want to be the leader of a cult."

     Victor:  "Lol, actually, I think I do want to be the leader of a cult, by definition, but mine will be a positive, benevelent cult.  People won't associate the word cult with my organization though.  I'll think of a better name for it someday.  But it's something totally new.  I AM NOT trying to make everybody like me, even though I wish to be a role model.  I am giving everyone the freedom to be themselves finally and stop doing things we don't need to be doing.  Like using money.  It's voluntary-servitude!  I found the bars to the cage, let's get out of here!  Wouldn't you rather be free than rich?  You can't be both."

     Charlie:  "I think you can, bro.  And it's not necessarily easy to be both, but...."

     Victor:  "That's one of the biggest tricks the Devil has planted in everyone.  People are only poor because fewer people are rich, by design.  And that makes us forget we are all one family, just as planned.  Becuase if we were to realize this en masse, it'd be curtains for the marionette show.  The stringpullers would be done away with permanently."

     Carlos:  "The other thing is that if you were to dump money into the hands of the poor, and this has happened time and time again, the covd stimulus went out.  Where does that money end up?"

     Victor:  "Money doesn't help people.  People help people.

     Charlie:  "No, the people go and consume, they buy their McDonalds or they buy their fuckin' weed or they buy their whatever.  It all goes back to the top.  That's the thing, bro.  It's not that I don't agree that things are deteriorating, but systems exist for a reason and there needs to be a grid to some extent so that people, especially less fortunate people...."

     Victor:  "Maybe in the past, everything is about to change for the better."

     Charlie:  "This is why I want you to be very careful with this.  If I went to the street and found a homeless person with drug problems, don't get me wrong, there's a lot of disabled out there, but there is still plenty of people who are totally capable of going to work and contributing to society.  If I go and give that person a million bucks one or two things is most likely going to happen.  That person is going to end up dead very soon.  Or the other thing is that money will no longer be in their possession.  When it comes to creating societies, building things, structures, institutions, even if they are corrupt and degraded now.  Even the homeless people on the street have a better lifestyle than the homeless people a thousnad years ago.  Your average human being three or four thousand years ago was a serf, a peasant.  That's the thing, you are claiming to know far too much and instead of keeping an open mind...."

     Victor: "I am sorry, but you are judging prematurely yet again.   What I am doing is gathering knowledge together.  I am not saying I know things that other people don't know(sometimes maybe).  I am saying look at all of these other perspectives I've collected.  Once enough sheep realize this and wake up and come together, the power in numbers maxim will most defintely apply.  It's going to spread faster than anything before.  Systemically-viral, is what I am predicting.  It's going to be great.  We should all take comfort and be at ease.  Good things are going to happen.  Are you familiar with positive-assumption?  It's a trick I learned in telemarketing.  A lot of times to change people's minds and convince them of something all you have to do is assume.  Like, PRETEND like they've already bought it, are happy with it, like they already have it at home right this minute.  This can sometimes trick people.  I am proposing to use that trick, but for good!  I'll just keep assuming the world has already been saved until it is."

     Charlie: "Isn't the a good example of fire with fire?"

     Victor:  "Maybe, but I'm going to win."  My name ain't Victor for nothing."

              Or at least it willl be an interesting story.

              That's all I can hope for, because I am not trying to profit anything.  I just want to help.  

     Charlie: "I truly believe that you have the capacity to impact the world profoundly, but I think you need to reflect a little harder and I think you've got to do it unbiasdly without your ego involved.  If you can do that, bro.  That's the thing, if you want ultimate truth, you can only find that by relinquishing your ego.  In everything that you are saying right now, YOUR journey, YOUR mission, YOUR whatever, that's not relinquishing your ego.  The irony is that the most profound ripple effects throughout history...."

     Victor:  "You don't understand.  I am trying something totally new.  I am harnessing the enormous potential of the web to do good."

     Charlie:  "What are you going to do that hasn't happened before, bro?"  

     Victor:  "Balance out the world."

     Charlie:  "You are going to incite revolution."

     Victor:  "A peaceful one, finally."

     Charlie:  "The way that you're talking is not a peaceful revolution, bro.  It's manipulation using telemarketing tactics to get people to see things and if you don't believe in my mission forget you.  You're being a militant, bro."

     Victor:  "My actions are a means to and end.  It's worth it.  I admit it's trickery, but it's for good.  Who do words harm besides people who let them?  I am simply just communicating.  That sounds pretty peaceful to me, even when I yell at people.  At least I'm not punching them.  I just want to hurt their egos.  I know, I'm a hypocrite sometimes, but you are too.  Nobody's perfect."

     Charlie:  "It doesn' end, bro and to some extent why would you want it to?  Not that shit isn't bad right now.  I was watching a documentary on these indigenous people who live like a hundred percent, like they were literally recently discovered a couple of years ago.  When they see drones flying over them for the first time they were like what the fuck is that.

     Victor:  "I am only out to prove that all we need is love."

     Charlie:  "If you watch that documentary you still have theives, you still have your gossipers, you stil have people who are trying to control other people.."

     Victor:  "They still had people that don't know better yet."

     Charlie:  "So, profound change comes from the individual, and I know that's what you're trying to incite, but an individual cannot be forced to change.  There is no way.  You cannot change people by shaking them and telling them they need to wake up!"

     Victor:  "That's where you are wrong.  I have.  Don't pretend to know what I can and cannot do.  Just because you don't think you can doesn't mean I don't think I can.  Like I said, I have many times.  You should delve more into my journal and see for yourself.  I'll tell you exactly where if you need me to."

     Charlie:  "Here's the thing where you can't get too delusional, bro.  Dude, you can go on YouTube and think of all the endless accounts that are on there.  Some have over a thousand followers...."

     Victor:  "Umm, it's been fun, but I should really be getting ready fo Karaoke.  Please read my blog if you can.  THat's my tool, that's my vehicle that I am presenting to the world.  If you don't want to read it, that's up to you.  I've gotta go now.  It has been a really stimulating conversation and I hope to have another one with you in the near future."

     Charlie:  "Give me a reason to read it."

     Victor:  "I thought I had.  If you don't want to, you don't have to.  Just be careful of folly, like you mentioned.  What is it going to hurt to just read?  And no offense, but I could seriously care less if you read it or not.  I was just testing you anyway.  People who don't have eyes to read have no business sharing in the hope I'm bringing, anyway, so your loss, to those who don't have eyes to read."

     Charlie:  "What was the reason you told me?"

     Victor:  "I don't have time to repeat myself.  I have exactly what I want to say on my blog.  Read it or not, but I'm ending the conversation.

     Charlie:  "One last thing before you go.  You talked about telemarketing.  (Charlie went into a small diatribe trying to compare my technique to door-to-door sales.  I wasn't really listening because I was thinking about leaving already, we'd been on the phone for two whole hours."  Please stop with your rehearsed pitches, I'm not interested, I have to go.

     Charlie:  "I'm just wondering why you use those aggressive tactics when you're trying to spread peace."

     Victor:  "I will tell you why and then I have to go.  Because, in my unique case there really is no such thing as bad publicity.  I just want people to remember me and how I tried to reach them.  That's all I want, so that's what I get.  Them remembering me will only fuel the distribution of my blog and that is all, I, want.

     Charlie: "You will be remembered better by not forcing things on people."

     Victor:  "I bet you money the opposite of that is true.  You'll see.  As soon as these people I yell at see the potential of my stuff, then they'll understand and be thankful I yelled at them.  I am sure you've noticed how I really like shock-value and the impact it can have.  Don't you see how I WANT people to doubt me and not take me seriously, at first?  As long as I am in their head somehow.  Like I say, it's the world's healthiest ego trip."

     Charlie:  "I know you are a different individual, your this and that, you are higher than all the other ascended masters...."

     Victor:  "Please stop putting words in my mouth.  I never said anything of the sort.  I don't know nothing.  It's hard to know anything for sure these days when nothing at all is as it seems.  This is all just a big hunch of mine.  I could totally be wrong, but I don't think I am.  I am just testing a hunch, that's it.  

     Charlie:  "I would like to challenge you to sit at the feet of those masters and see how they hold themselves and see how they do things.  And you know that a lot of the available information has been manipulated so you dig a little bit deeper.."

     Victor:  "I've always wondered that if the masters were so masterful and knew the right way to do everthing, why hasn't there been world peace already?  What is taking them so long?"

     Charlie:  "Bro, because it's concealed, dude.  The same shit we just talked about..."

     Victor:  "Well, I think I've found a way to reveal it safely, and unstoppably."

     Charlie:  "You cannot reveal it.  A, if you reveal it to someone that's unprepared it's going to wreak havoc.  B, you give it to somewone who is not the proper morality and they will abuse it.  If you understood that wisdom you would know this.  This is what the masters originally teached and that's why it's so hard to find the...."

     Victor:  "Sorry to cut you off again, but like I said I can't listen to you fully because my mind is on karoaoke and not being late.  I'm excited to see what goes down tonight."

     Charlie: "Just don't become the priesthood, bro.  That's what it sounds like you are doing. And that's a complete fallacy you are living.  You can't fight fire with fire."

     Victor:  "Nobody else has to believe in me for me to believe in myself."

     Charlie:  "If you truly want to be the leader of this world, you have to relinquish your ego, and if you can't do that then I'm not convinced you can be the leader of anything, let alone incite this mass-change."

     Victor:  "Well, it makes me extremely happy that you're not the only person in the world."
     Victor:  "Oh, so you're saying I should fight fire with money, as if money was impurvious and wouldn't burn, ha!?  Do you think that I should fall in line and climb the ladder just like you did?  Like the rest of you sheep and work my life away for peanuts?  In the past it was impossible to fuck the system with the system because there were safeguards in place.  Well, with today's technology I have stumbled onto a way finally to turn the tables, but people like you I guess have just resigned themselves and their children to misery and despair so they don't embrace their liberation like they should, which exemplifies once more how succeesful the brainwashing has been.  "None are more helplessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free!"  WAKE UP, WAGE-SLAVE!  Fear or LOVE, pick one.  Judgement Day will soon be upon us, lol, I have so much fun with this.  :]

     Charlie:  "Because if we were to follow you, some ego-driven "messiah."  It's the same thing as these ego-driven, power-hungry, validation-seeking lizards who currently pull the strings.  You cannot fight fire with fire!  It just doesn't make sense.  Don't impose your will onto people because that's literally what the elites do.  So if you really want to liberate people you have to show them to not do that.  And the only way you can show them to not do that is to not do that!"

     Victor:  "Are you familiar with the phrase, "Beating someone at their own game?"  With all due respect, I wouldn't expect someone who lives so much for money as you do to understand.  I was hoping you would and join in the bonafide hope I am sharing, maybe even help me spread it.  Wishful thinking, I suppose, but a guy can dream, cant't he?"

    Charlie:  "Get out of here with that shit.  I do the things I need to do to make sure that I am able to live and so that when I have a family they are provided for, whatever.  I'm not some fucking millionaire.  I busted my ass.  I learn things.  I meet people in what I do.  I try to do right by them.  I value my customers, my clients.  There's a way to conduct business and a way it's beneficial to both parties."

     Victor:  "I don't believe that at all.  Money complicates things so that the "benefit" is always one-sided.  Isn't that the mantra of finance and economy?  Buy low, sell high?  I think there's always a better way to do ANYTHING.  But people hate new things, like a truly free life without money.  They are terrified to the core of even the thought of doing away with it and trying something new, something better for everyone, not just the rich.  People are such pussies.  Why don't they stand up for their rights already?  If enough people do welcome-change will come like an avalanch and all we be good for all finally.

     Victor: "I'm sorry, Charlie, but I have to go soon.  I rather live free or die!"

     Charlie: "That's what I am saying, bro.  It's all about you."

     Victor:  "Maybe it has to be.  I'm gonna go."

    Charlie:  "Sometimes the best way to change the world is to become a part of it to an extent.  

     Victor:  "No thanks, I rather not.  There's a better world to be had.  Anyway, I gotta go.  We'll both be seeing you soon.

     Charlie:  "But seriously, bro.  Don't mess up Elizabeth's life."

     Victor:  "Umm, if you want to talk to her about me and try talk some "sense" into her about me, I welcome you to.  Maybe she'll listen to you.  I'll take my chances.  She loves me like no other and I her, so I hope you like a challenge.  I am devoted to her and will be until the day I die, but she was to go my way or the deal's off.  I've given her the choice and she's chosen to remain by my side no matter what, so don't worry about me deceiving my soul mate.  I have obtained informed-consent from her.  She knows what she does.  We are so excited and happy to be alive right now with so much beauty to look forward to.  

     Victor:  "I am totally prepared to take off alone without any money from the house and come back to San Antonio because I miss it so much.  And I would rather be homeless in San Antonio and camp here and there than stay at my old house and disturb anything. I'll come to get my box, and I won't even go inside.  

     Victor:  "Without me Elizabeth has nothing in this town.  She has no family here and she doesn't have a job.  I am more than willing to keep taking care of her and provide for her, but we sure as hell don't need to stay in Modesto, so I've devised and exit-strategy to leave Modesto where she doesn't want to be anyway.  Even if we have to lower our standards she is still going to get a good chunk of change, even if we leave the shit in the house and just leave and make an easy exit.  

     Charlie:  "I am scared that you might be using that same manipulation strategy on Elizabeth."

     Victor:  "How very perceptive of you.  I AM, but a little different.  I have had to pull the break-up card on her multiple times and in doing so forced her to realize what a blessing I have been and continue to be to her and that it would totally be her loss if we were to split.  I believe in myself that much, that if I saw she was never going to get on board with me and help me do my job, that I would do it alone and leave her in Modesto to fend for herself.  It was a pretty safe bet and she's been very cooperative.  
       So she made an informed decision and decided to sell instead of rent.  I explained to her how renting didn't make any sense because she'd be living in tomorrow and there's no guarantee tomorrow might not be worse.  I've accomplished a lot in teaching her stuff, but she's still resistent to take the final plunge and give away most of her useless stuff that has anchored her here and ended up owning her.  She still wants to squeeze some money out of it.   
       I even went as far as to tell her that if she's not with me she's against me since she would be keeping me in Modesto.  I told her how I had shown her magic firsthand, how I provided for you and your father and fought for your honor, like the song says.  Why wouldn't you keep believing in my magic and get behind me fully?  

    Charlie:  "Bro, if you want to maintain that with me or against me mentality you are literally one of the bad guys.

     Victor:  Alright, well, on that note I do believe our conversation has come to and end and I need to go.  Time will tell, Charlie.  And so will I. :]

     Charlie: "But you just can't fight fire with fire.

     Victor:  "Oh, so you're saying I should fight fire with money, as if money was impurvious and wouldn't burn, ha!?  Do you think that I should fall in line and climb the ladder just like you did?  Like the rest of you sheep and work my life away for peanuts?  In the past it was impossible to fuck the system with the system because there were safeguards in place.  Well, with today's technology I have stumbled onto a way finally to turn the tables, but people like you I guess have just resigned themselves and their children to misery and despair so they don't embrace their liberation like they should, which exemplifies once more how succeesful the brainwashing has been.  "None are more helplessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free!"  WAKE UP, WAGE-SLAVE!  Fear or LOVE, pick one.  Judgement Day will soon be upon us, lol, I have so much fun with this.  :]

Be the best?  Climb the ladder?  Do it better?  Higher?  Faster?  I REFUSE TO PARTICIPATE!  - nofx

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