


Washington to Winchester to Front Royal, VA to Morgantown, WV

Friday May 23, 2008

     1:04pm  Oh yeah, I left everything at camp and we took off earlier. Where did we go, again? That's right. We were at the thrift store all day long. Ahh, maybe like an hour at the most. I tried telling the lady at the thrift store Sandra my story, but she wouldn't take any more after a little bit. I got a lot of badass layers. Laura was nice enough to buy me some layers. I am having such an adventure. Anyway, we came back to our camp. The sun came up and it's hot. I can get ready now to go.

                   Before we left we stopped at this art gallery and I took lots of pictures.

     1:48pm  What have we decided that we're going to do, Laura? She's giving me a ride to Front Royal.

     2:48pm  We left on our way to Front Royal. Laura and I. I haven't had a cigarette all day. I'm having a nicotine-fit. Finally, somebody else is smoking. Steve Houston is being nice enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     3:07pm  It was awesome. We stopped at this gas station. Laura wants me to get her free gas.  This lady saw my shirt and when I asked her for gas she said sure. I gave her my website. Then this guy with these two young kids walked by.

     3:23pm  We are in the town of Front Royal.

                   Pack on top.

     3:31pm  We stopped at Arby's in Front Royal.

     3:32pm  We're not going to stop at Arby's after all.

     3:49pm  Charles, at the Bullet gas station in Front Royal is hooking me up with some gas. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Full load.

     3:56pm  Some other nice guy at the Bullet gas station is helping me out with some gas.

     3:59pm  Hell yeah, that last guy loved my shirt a lot. Some guy in a suit shirt and everything. He gave me all five gallons! He said he wanted to get a picture of my shirt.

     4:37pm  Michelle, on a motorcycle, she hooked me up with a cigarette.

     4:38pm  I just had a long farewell with my mermaid Laura. I'll be back. I've got her number and her card. I'm going to walk to Winchester now. Laura gave me a little weed. I'm going to have a little mealbreak and smoke some weed.

     4:51pm  I tried to thumb it on Winchester Road, but nobody is stopping for me. I'm going to go back to the gas station and wear my shirt and give out my website.

     5:40pm  David was nice enough to give me a cigarette at Bullets. I appreciate it, David. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:47pm  Keith hooked me up with another cigarette outside of Bullets. Thanks a lot, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     6:01pm  I've been hopping back and forth from thumbing it and the gas station. I hope I get a ride pretty soon.

     6:05pm  In no-time Ben was nice enough to pull over for me in a white Ford F150 truck.

     6:25pm  I just sold my first tee-shirt here at the 7-11! What town is this? Steven City. Meegan came up to me and said, "I love your shirt." I smiled and told her I had them for sale. I asked twenty five, but she gave me a twenty and that's okay. I've got twenty bucks, cool. I have to save it now.  Check out her tits, hehe.

     6:39pm  I'm talking to Meegan. What were you saying? Meegan: "I think you're a visionary and I think your mission is beautiful. I just want you to be careful. I'm only worried about your safety."

     6:43pm  Don is being nice enough to mobilize me. He's friends with Meegan.

     6:58pm  I just landed in Winchester. That girl Meegan was awesome. She's crazy as hell, but still awesome. Anyway, I don't know where I am. I'm going to stand at the gas station and show off my shirt some more.

                   I'm going to go 70 to 68.

     7:27pm  I passed by the Exxon and realized I needed to buy some water. I've got twenty bucks. I am sponsored now. I got the money from my shirt. I bought a pack of cigarettes and a water bottle and came to the onramp. Oh yeah, I got to tell Louise my story at the gas station, but she got busy. I'm going to walk to the onramp and thumb it. It's a big onramp. I'm going to get a lot of publicity with my shirt.

     7:32pm  Man, right when I walked up to the onramp at the stoplight Robert just pulled over for me. Hell yeah, thanks for mobilizing me, man. Morgantown, here I come.

                   Robert just dropped me off to drive up the hill and get some weed. He dropped me off at the bottom of the hill and said he'd be right back. I got his license, just in case. I left my walking stick and two bags in his truck. He said the hill was the only way out. I trust him.

                   Whoa, Fawn Drive. I've got a take a picture.

     8:35pm  I just told my whole Odyssey story to Robert. What a glorious, magical ride I got. He smoked a brother out. Anyway, do you have any thoughts, Robert? Robert: "Well, we're on our way from Winchester to Romney. I've lived up here for twenty years. I worked in Marshall. I do underground cable for a living. I don't make much money doing it. I really don't like doing it, but it pays what little bills I have and keeps my life going and going. I smoke weed every day."

     8:54pm  Right now we are driving on 20 North. We are passing The Northwestern Correctional Institution. This bigass prison. There's barb-wire everywhere. I'll take a picture of it. Awesome. I don't want to go there. I wonder if anybody has ever escaped from there. I'll look it up on the internet.

                   Oh, I didn't tell you. See, I got twenty bucks for selling that shirt. I bought some cigarettes and some water, so I told Robert, "Will sixteen dollars get me to Morgantown?" Sure enough, he's giving me a ride all the way there. I'm going to get there tonight. Pretty soon, awesome. I can't wait to see Jayme. I've got a song waiting for her once we hit it off.

                   Earlier we passed by a college, what was it called? Pot State. Potomac State. I have to go back there for sure.

                   We just passed Cumberland City Limits. I'm having so much fun.

                   Coming up on West 68 towards Charleston.

     10:28pm  Just crossed the West Virginia line. Wild and Wonderful. Almost heaven.

     11:00pm  We just got to Morgantown and we stopped for gas. $3.99 a gallon, fuck that. That's crazy.

                     Man, what a sweet ride that was. Hell yeah. Delivered to Morgantown. Dude, earlier right when I walked up to the onramp and set my bag down and exposed my shirt, Robert was at the stoplight and he pulled over for me. He was on his way to go get some weed. He told me all these drug-deal-gone-bad stories, like when he got shot in the leg and dug the bullet out himself and didn't even go to the hospital. What a crazy ride I am having today. I am so happy. I should call Laura and tell her I'm alright and that I got to Morgantown already. She gave me a special treat last night. We made love last night. It was awesome. I am eternally grateful. We had this loving mini-relationship for the twenty three days we were together. We were stuck.

                     She was walking with me, even though we were driving everywhere. She funded my magic shirts and my mission is evolving like never before. I love you, Laura.

     11:03pm  We came to the Ashbrooke Express Mart. I was all stoned in the car and Robert was paying for gas. I got the idea to go inside and ask where High Street is. Jayme told me to meet her on High Street. How fucking perfect is that? That's so awesome. Right now at the gas station I went inside and asked where High Street was and this guy paying for gas told me to follow him, that he was going there right now. I am being totally delivered to High Street to meet Jayme. I've even got a song to dedicate to her. That Weezer song called Jamie.

     11:15pm  I just got dropped off on High Street. Where's Jayme? I need to look for a pitbull.

     11:49pm  I forgot to tell you. I ran into Jayme and Courtney and Sid. They took me to Jimmy John's and Jayme bought me a wrap. On top of this trashcan I found a good sausage thing, but I gave it to Sid since I have a wrap from Jimmy John's. We're walking to some house. I'll take pictures, more.

                     At Bryce's

Next day..

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