

San Antonio, TX

Wednesday May 25, 2005

     12:59pm  I vegged out on the computer all morning. I was just downloading shit. I just love this 80gb hard drive.

                     I'm getting dressed before I leave. I need to clean up the house so my mom won't bitch.

     10:00pm  I wasted this whole day. I didn't type up any of my stuff. I played Tetrinet and downloaded warez from IRC all day long. Just right now I had this big monumental happening. I was playing Tetrinet and I was talking about my mission, like I always do. All of a sudden this Hiroki kid. See, this one guy Locke on Tetrinet he was all talking shit and bragging that he was all smart. He didn't want to listen. I just kept going on and he repeated himself, "I don't want to listen!" I told him, "Ha, I got you all riled up." Then this other kid Hiroki who was in there, he said, "I want to know. I want to read your stuff." I sent him the link to that webpage from that dude at, that had my story. He read my story and told me he wanted to read more of my stuff. I asked him, "Do you have IRC?" He told me sure. Hiroki is this fourteen year old kid. I told him to hop on any Undernet server and message 'liberator.' He did. He ended up being this fourteen year old kid from Venezuela. I am currently sending him all 650mb's of my whole webpage. 500+ pictures and everything. He has what I am currently up to today.

                     I don't give a damn though, I am taking a risk sending it on the Internet. I am not scared at all that they are watching me anymore. In fact, I want them to watch. Soon, it's going to be everywhere. They can't stop me. I logged the conversation. I'll be sure to include that:

hiroki> where's San Antonio? USA?
liberator> deep in the heart of texas
hiroki> sorry, are you a hippie?
liberator> some people think i am, but i try not to label myself anything
liberator> besides victor
liberator> Okay, i'm packing together my stuff, it'll be like 25 min more
liberator> is that a problem?
hiroki> no, not at all
liberator> cool
liberator> i'm going to go outside and smoke a cigarette
liberator> brbin5minorso
hiroki> ok
hiroki> are you there?
liberator> yeah
liberator> about 5 min
hiroki> ok
liberator> its still creating the archive
hiroki> its a zip
hiroki> ?
liberator> keep in mind that i'm sending you my site as current as today. it won't ever stop evolving so it'll never be finished
liberator> it'll be a self-extracting exe file i make of a .rar
liberator> cuz it needs to be in a specific directory for all the links to work
hiroki> what do you think about Chavez?
liberator> chavez?
hiroki> yeah
hiroki> Venezuela's president
liberator> whos that?
liberator> never heard of him
liberator> i dont watch the news at all
hiroki> ah, ok
liberator> its all bad news
hiroki> do you live alone?
liberator> Okay, it came out to be 688mb big
liberator> in between travels my mother let's me rest my feet at her house at night
liberator> like any mother whos son was bringing world peace should
liberator> but i just sleep here, or use the computer
liberator> i clean up her mess, she loves it
liberator> she
hiroki> oooh
liberator> s
liberator> lazy
liberator> im trying to prove that all we need is love...and my mother is helping me
liberator> :]
hiroki> that's cool
hiroki> do you like anime?
hiroki> sorry about the stupid questions, i'm just curious
liberator> i think it's cool, dont usually look at it though
liberator> dont worry about it, like i said i am an open book
hiroki> cool :)
liberator> that's the only way you learn, you gotta ask questions
hiroki> how old you think i am?
hiroki> just wondering
liberator> i remember you saying you were young
liberator> but forget how
hiroki> it's not like i got angry or something
liberator> didnt think you did
hiroki> ah, cool :)
hiroki> well... by my way of writing, how old you think i am?
liberator> i've learned not to judge ages at all
liberator> there's genius in every child
hiroki> well... that's ok
hiroki> what are you doing?
liberator> getting it ready
liberator> i need to test it real quick
liberator> almost there
liberator> so how old are you?
hiroki> 14 :)
liberator> cool
liberator> i am at your level
liberator> growing up is a choice, you don't have to
liberator> :]
hiroki> i'm trying not to
liberator> i'm going to help
liberator> or die trying
liberator> i'm sending
hiroki> wait a second, please
liberator> take your time
liberator> i'm going to go smoke again
hiroki> ok
hiroki> i'm ready =)
liberator> 7 hours 18min
hiroki> well... i have to sleep
hiroki> 10:50 pm here, and I have to go to sleep, school tomorrow
liberator> i really appreciate you letting me send you my site
hiroki> i won't get disconnected
liberator> it really is of global importance
liberator> sleep well
liberator> and tell your friends
liberator> water my seed
liberator> the kids are taking over soon
liberator> babylon shall fall
liberator> :]
liberator> ¡viva la revolucion!
hiroki> i will
hiroki> que viva!
hiroki> !
hiroki> I was watching TV
hiroki> then a wonder
hiroki> 'does he believes in god?'
hiroki> so, do you believe in god?
hiroki> well, i guess you're smoking
hiroki> well... i'm getting back to bed
hiroki> see you
liberator> remember, all questions will be answered when you get my stuff

Next day..

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