

                                                                                                                                     Upper Lake, CA

Saturday May 26, 2007

     8:41am  I am talking to Lyle. He told to get a geology book. Wait a minute. What if the Earth has always been here? We only know things to have starts and finishes. But what if it just hasn't always been here?

                   Lyle: "Read your geology book. On the macroscale of the universe the earth has always been here as you observe, but in terms of this earth, of it's uniqueness, in terms as its relation to the rest of the universe, this earth has a certain life that its had, that it will have into the future. We don't know so much about the future, although we can project. We don't know so much about the past, although we can look at what's been written in stone to see the records and that tells us something about it."

                   But nothing is written in stone. Anything is possible. Well, except for the past, hehe.

     10:22am  The new word for terrorist is amerrorist. It's a more accurate description.

                   Lyle again: "You know, the best way to save this place is to limit its exposure to humans and the safest way to do that in the long run, is to get us out of here and let us own space, where there's lots more room to expand and pollute and all that stuff. Because we gotta do that, you know. But there's lots more room out there and less of that out there is going to come here, I mean back to earth, behind us, because of the physics of the thing. At any rate, by owning space we can save the planet by getting all industrial processes out of here, where it's expensive to do, and out there in space where it's fucking free because the sun shines all day! So, if we wanna make a car, everybody wants to have a car, well, everybody needs a car, this is earth and we don't want to walk anymore, so everybody needs a car. But, we need a car that we can live with. That's what we don't have yet. But, if we made the cars in space and they didn't have to have the kinds of power that we use to run them now, then we could just make them up there. Make them in the shape of a space shuttle, and they can just fall down to earth. It'd rain cars. Fuck, who cares. As long as they could run in an environmentally neutral way, or as close to that as possible. But the less of us, the less cars. So we need to all get the fuck out of here.
                   We have to trick them into paying for it, though. That's the bottom line. The bottom line is that we have to trick these "normal" people into paying for this adventure(which is ultimately designed to get rid of them). So we have to pull a trick on them, and I figured out what trick. I call this The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Are Gonna Go, okay. Some of us are going to go just because. Some of us are going to go just because we deserve to. Some of are just going to go. But this is what we do. We get them to pass a law that says if you are convicted of a felony, you are going to a prison colony that we're going to build on the moon. That's it. If you ever get convicted of a felony of any kind period, you're going to the moon."

                   To the moon, Alice!

                   Lyle: "That's right. To the moon, Alice! Exactly right. Bottom line is that if we do that the redneck, conservative group will immediately vote for that. Oh yeah, all felons off to the moon. Oh, hell yeah. We'll build a prison! We'll pay for that! That's the trick. Because, it's Australia. The moon is Australia. The moon is The New World. The moon is America, okay. As soon as we ship all the felons there, they'll take over the place! And do what we did in America, which is capitalize like a motherfucker, conquer and own it. Pretty soon, their economy, they can make posters, they can make cards, they can make all the stuff that we want without polluting the earth. They'll have free energy, the sun, we'll have to figure out how to deal with that. Bottom line is if we put people there, whatever the environment is, given our history, once we get there we're going to own it. I don't care if it's a vaccuum. Whatever kind of rat they've got living in the corner, it's going to be move-over mammal, a new boy's in town. And we'll take it over. And them someday, we'll be able to pass a law that says the earth, in it's entirety, is a park. And may not have any of that shit. It would just be so obvious that we'd have to preserve this as it is, and remove the biggest problem, which is us. You know,       
                   I want a condo up there in the sky. Bottom line. I can't wait until I can have my own condo. Private industry and the government is all working towards this right now, so I figured out how to pay for my cemetery in orbit, which would get us up there. Of course we'll be in a different form at that point, but the cemetery in orbit.
                   Actually, it's called a La Grange Point, which is a calculated point of orbital balance between the earth and the moon such that it's stationary and it will always be there, because of the orbital relationships involved. So there's certain physical points in orbit, that if you put something there it's permanent. It will always be there. It is there. Those are called LaGrange points, I believe. Or the name of some physicist who calculated where they were, or whatever. Simple Newtonian physics which they teach seventh graders and nobody seems to understand. Anyway, if I do the cemetery, it's just a way to make money because people are going to spend a lot of money to get buried in the ground. And we don't need any more people buried in the ground, god damnit. The ground is a park. I'm trying to stop people from getting there. In any form. Including our wheat, and our corn, and our soybean, all of it. Dead or alive. Except to walk this path and enjoy the park. Go for a walk. A walkabout. That's what it needs to be preserved for. For all of us and our descendants. A place that we know is there, but it's mythical. We don't really go there. We're stuck in the ghetto. Which is on the moon. Or Mars.
                   There's only us. Wherever we are. Like when I go to jail I tell the other guys, "Quit fucking with the guard, that guys gotta do twenty and you'll be out next week. The guy's gotta come here everyday and have lunch with these guys for twenty years. That's practically a life sentence. Have mercy. No wonder he's such an asshole. I would be too." And that always makes everybody laugh. Including the guards. I own the jail from that moment forward."

                   Lyle: "Look up Von Neumann's theorem. Umm, paraphrasing and just shooting from the hip, off the top of the head, bottom line, Von Neumann theorized that if life evolved anywhere else in the universe at any point in time, that there would be a period of time while that life achieved a technical state of some sort. Bees, for instance. Or whatever. But a technical one. Technological, industrial state such that they would own their environment and the environment of space and be able to move about and all that stuff. And any society or culture or group that achieved such state should seek to expand in whatever territory was available to the limits of their ability to expand. And, they were given the industrial technological business, administrative structure that were required, and necessarily-evolved, they would eventually learn to explore space, not by actually going there, but by sending out robots. And the robots would such that where they got to where they were going, they would be able to replicate themselves and send out the next wave. Given the time and the age of the universe, blah, blah, blah, everything we know if such a culture ever existed at any time, previous to now, at any point in the universe, they would have already taken over the entire universe and we would know about it. And since that hasn't happened, and they're not here, that's proof that we are alone."

                   That's an assumption. It's not proof.

                   Lyle: "Well, it's the best proof there is. There is actually no theoretical way to explain our isolation. None. By every measure the universe should be full of life and we shouldn't have to look too hard to find it. But, we look and you know what we see. There's no sound. I think we are alone. We tend to think we are alone, and the best evidence is we are alone. Actually, I believe that Von Neumann overlooked one thing. Which is all the evidence that we have. Is absolute refute of Von Neumann's theorem, which is we are the proof. We are the Von Neumann probes. That's what Von Neumann missed. Was that we are the probes. Life came here in it's own process, but life has it's way of evolving. We tend to think of ourselves as the peak of evolution, in many senses. It may be true, but not in the way we can think of it. It may be true that we are the peak of it because we are the ones capable of carrying it to the next place. We are the Von Neumann Probes, dude. We are the bees. We are the workers. The bees are going to go with us. Everything in evolution says that we're it. No whale is going to build a rocket and take itself to the moon. No other thing. But we are going to take the whales to the moon. You can bet on it. We are going to take a whale to the moon. Because we need whales. We can't be without whales. We can't understand a thing they say, but we can't be without them, I'll tell you that. We know they're talking. We're having a hard time listening."

                   What can you tell me about the Illuminati?

                   Lyle: "There's nothing that isn't written or talked about. The bottom line is, they're here. They are people. They look like us. They've always been here. They have always been here. They live hundreds of thousands of years long. Other life spans come and go."

                   Are they shape-shifters?

                   Lyle: "No! They look just like us. They don't have to hide. They hide in plain sight. They are not shape-shifters. That is misinformation designed to confuse the ignorant. They look just like us. They're bad people laying under the bridge, dude. You wouldn't know they were of the others because they blend in. We are them. But, there's some of us that live really long. Most of us don't. That's all. Like I said, they're just right here waiting. They live so long. They have long memories. I believe they were abandoned here on purpose. Bottom line is that there is a mythology that we have evidence for that says that they look like us, fought amongst themselves, they were jealous, fucked each others brains out, they had kids they shouldn't have, even with us. There's records of that. But, people want to believe in shape shifters. Read the book.
                   People who read the bible read the bible and they don't read what's written there, they read what they believe. Read and believe. Jesus said, "If you believe, you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free." That's what he meant. Read the book and believe it. When god said, "Let there be light," that's what happened. There's good evidence for that, physical, scientific evidence that one day the light came on, just like it says in the bible. The only difference is that in the bible it says god did that. As far as we can tell the universe did that. So what's the difference between God and The Universe? I can't understand that. In those days in the bible it said, in Genesis, I think, it says, "In those days there were giants in the earth and the Nephilim also, and they came to earth and visited the daughters of man and had children and the children of those unions were in days of old men of renown." That's what the book says.

     12:19pm  I got dropped off at Eddy Lepp's birthday party. I've never been to this entrance. This big green house on top of this hill. I wonder how I'll get in. There's a twenty dollar cover charge, I think. Maybe my story will get me in.

     12:20pm  I just got a ride to Eddy's party by John. I appreciate it, John. John the Woodpecker.

     12:59pm  Samer hooked me up with a cigarette at Eddy's party. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:31pm  Not only did Gabriel listen to my presentation, he gave me a cigarette too. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:06pm  I'm out here at the party. I'm talking to Tiege. He just manifested us a cigarette. Welcome Winter Harvest Anthony Thankful is here too. I'll type that up.

     4:11pm  I was just standing here on the back deck holding my webpage up and I ran into Spike, this dude who I talked to on IRC. He used to voluntarily mirror my site for me. I remember he saw me spamming it on IRC once and criticized my site, saying it sucked because it didn't have any ads or anything. He's not mirroring my site anymore, but it's really cool that I ran into him. What a small world. At least he knows I am really doing this. 

     4:18pm  I'm over at Eddy's party and Jessica hooked me up with a cigarette on the back patio.

     5:06pm  Kurt hooked me up with a cigarette at the party. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:05pm  I'm hanging out telling Randy my story. He up and volunteered me some cookies. I'm hungry. Thank you so much.

     6:34pm  Randy also volunteered me a fatty hash nugget. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit.

     7:05pm  Man, I have had such a spectacular time today. Fuck yeah. This is the exactly the spot I was meant to come to. All these people. Marijuana everywhere. High Times magazine was even here taking pictures. I didn't get to tell my story that much, nor have I eaten much either. I'm hungry. I have had some great presentations. There's lots of beautiful girls here. I told this fifteen year old kid my story and he's been hanging out with me all day. His dad is a dude around my age, I think, with dreadlocks and he's going to let me crash at their place tonight. I told him I lived on an organic farm in Paonia, Colorado and he told me that's where he was from. That he knew Wayne from the White Buffalo Farm. I am so digging this adventure I am on. I cannot wait to type it up.

     7:17pm  Steve saw my WPTMJ sign and said, "You want a free ice cream?" Ganja ice cream! He's selling it, but hooked me up for the cause.

     7:20pm  What kind of ice cream is this? Give yourself a plug. Steve: "Alright. We're Nice Creams. Medicated ice cream. Best Ganja ice cream in the world. We won the cannabis cup in Sacramento. Make real ice cream with just milk and cream. There's no butter or oil or any fucking crap. It's all organic.

                   Whoa, there's shrooms in the ice cream. Hell yeah.

     8:05pm  I'm just hanging out. I just bummed a cigarette off of Reverend Steve Scott, here at the Multidenominational Church of Rastafari. As seen on the sign. He just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:22pm  Mi-shi-kae and Daniel hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Don't suppose I could get another one for my friend? I appreciate it.

     9:31pm  Dude, I just fuckin' met Jack Herer. The guy who wrote The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Which I need to read already. I for sure gave him my website. My shit's going to be everywhere pretty soon. I wonder if I'll get to tell him my story.

     1:27am  I am having such an awesome time. I met this girl who I am having some feelings of attraction for. I feel like they are being reciprocated a bit, or it may just be my wishful thinking. Bobbie showed up again, and she's a friend of hers. She's beautiful. I wish I knew where she disappeared to. I'm so tired. I am ready to crash out already. Oh yeah, I opted not to crash out with my fifteen year old friend, because I had more experiences to experience at this party. Today was such an awesome day. I am so glad I ended up here. I can't wait to tell this Eddy guy my story.

Next day..

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