

                                                                                  Gottfried to Orleans to Somes Bar, CA

Thursday May 28, 2009

     5:50am  I just woke up. I got 6.5 hours of sleep.

                   Oh yeah, I never mentioned. Yesterday Travis taught me how to fold up my clothes all military style. It's another thing I didn't have to go to the military to learn. He said that's the most useful thing he learned in the military, I've got every item packed up real tight and very space-conserving.

                   Travis' big dog

                   Viola's dog chewing on cat


                   Viola's house


                   Forgot who's cabin this is


                   Oh yeah, and that rainbow beanie that nice black girl gave me in Sacramento[5-10-09 : 1:55pm] when I went walking that day to do my laundry, at first I thought it was really long for a hat. I was dumb. I just realized I could fold it over. I can't wait to look in the mirror. The return of the rainbow beanie!

     10:05am  I ran into Pete who said he gave me a ride, how long ago? He said he doesn't know. A couple years ago. He walked up and asked me, "You're the generosity guy, right?" I'm still at it. My website has evolved if you haven't seen it.

     12:32pm  Right now I am sitting in front of Carol's house in Orleans. She's not home, but Raven told me hi. She's the second person who's recognized me in the area[5-15-07 : 2:25pm]. She said she had talked to me at the Orleans mining company, the cafe. She said I sat down and told her my story. I'll look it up.

     2:25pm  Like half an hour ago we got a hair up our ass to go take a dip in the river. It was me, Kent(Carol's son), Raven and this other lady Jackie. We were just chilling in the water. Everyone else was drinking beer. Jackie, she quickly grabbed me and curled her legs around me. Cool, I thought. She was straddling me and I liked it.
                   Then stupid-me, I got a hair up my ass to swim to the other side of the bank. First, I went up the bank so I could hit the other side at an angle. I climbed up on this rock and jumped into the fast current head-first. I tried with all my might to swim diagonally with the current, but it swept me away quick. I was frantic and gasping for breath hard. The current was really strong and it was difficult for me to keep my head over the water. For a minute there I thought I was a goner.
                   Right when I felt like I had drained all my power and was going to drown in the current, I got the brilliant idea to float on my back. I turned over real quick and just lay there in the current flowing down the river. I was resting. I could barely move. I eventually got back to the side of the bank I had jumped from.
                   I crawled out of the water and just sat there on these roots, gasping and gasping and trying to catch my breath again. I swear I sat there for like a whole ten minutes panting and gasping. I heard Kent calling for me and I tried to call back. When I finally had enough energy and breath to move I crawled through the tall grass and jumped over a cemetery fence and made my way back to Carol's.
                   When I got there everybody was gone. I started worrying about Kent. I hoped he didn't jump in the current after me and drowned. Eventually everybody showed up. They were desperately worried about me. They had even called in for a rescue team, the authorities. All these people were there. It turns out Kent did jump in after me. He ended up getting out by the cemetery too. Everybody was frantic. I am alright, I guess. At least it made the day a little more interesting.

                   The really interesting thing is that this wasn't the first time I have been carried away by a river and almost drowned. Remember the time in New Mexico[7-14-04 : 1:06pm], in Truth of Consequences, when I thought I would easily be able to ford the river and come back with firewood to cook with. I thought all I would have to do is hold the wood over my head. I never considered the current, stupid me. Well, it's happened again. Some people never learn, hehe.

                   It's not so much that I hadn't learned, just that I was sure I had protection and would be alright.

                   530-469-3208 That's Aaron's phone number at Nat and Loma's.

     5:20pm  I met Brittney in front of the Orleans Market and she just hooked me up with some weed! Lots of weed. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:25pm  I'm here at the Orleans Market talking to Brittney. She volunteered to hitchhike with me to Somes Bar where Aaron lives. They told me that Aaron had just driven by and didn't see me. I need to see Aaron before I leave. Oh yeah, I got money. Travis had given me some money and right now when we drove to the outpost store in Somes Bar Viola handed me a twenty and told me to keep it. So I got food.

                   Oh yeah, and at the river I met this girl Jackie. We were all kissing and making out. I thought I might get laid, but towards the end she just left. She was all drunk and stuff. I tried to tell her my story, but she didn't want to hear it at all.

     5:46pm  I told you I met Britney and she's going to hitchhike with me to Somes Bar. Before you know it Redcat pulled over for us. He came back just go get us. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks a lot.

                    Crystal with roots growing around it

     6:38pm  What a magical adventure I am having today. This pretty girl Britney is going to deliver me to Aaron. It's so awesome how I get to see all of my old friends in the same day.

     7:30pm  Aaron was at this guy's house, who's name I forgot. We pulled up and I saw him come outside and say, "Well, if it isn't Victor Antonio from San Antonio."

                   It's crazy how I get swept away in the river today. I thought I was done for, for a second there.

                   I am really glad I brought Aaron to this place. He so belongs here. He loves it here too.

                   Joke from Aaron: "Do you know what's brown and rhymes with Snoop? People are going to think it's poop, but it's Dr. Dre."

     8:57pm  I have to make an update. I am so happy that I ran into all my friends today in Siskiyou County. Oh, Somes Bar is Humboldt County, technically. I'm going to crash at my good friend Aaron's place. I am so glad to see Hank too. I always wondered if the people at the BBR let Hank stay. Aaron said he was at the ranch for a whole year and a half.

                   Aaron has his house all super-efficient, off the grid, composting toilet and everything. I should email The Venus Project about Aaron, hehe.

     11:03pm  I am all ready for bed on the floor. Aaron sleeps up in the loft. What a great welcome back to this area I have had.

Next day..

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