

                                                                                                                                     Arcata, CA

Tuesday May 29, 2007

     6:24am  I woke up around six. I'm packed up and walking into town now.
     8:41am  I came to the coffee shop and I had a big resin scraping session outside. Everybody was scraping their bowls this morning.

                   I'm going to go to the Endeavor at nine thirty to check my mail.

     8:53am  This stupid bitch here at the Prudential office right next to Don's. It got really cold so I started layering up, putting my thermal bottoms on right in front of their door. They don't open until nine. The bitch came outside and told me I had to move. She told me, "That's disgusting." I told her, "Shut up. It's not like I was naked. It got cold." When she walked off I told her, "Good little slave."

                   I just hit these Jehovah's Witness kids up for my story. They wouldn't listen to me. Ignorant asses. Gave them a taste of their own medicine.

     11:56am  I just had a great presentation with this guy Tim. It looked like he was in the military, but he was a civilian. When he walked off I yelled, "Man, nobody wants world peace!" He eventually came back and said, "I'll hear your story."

     12:22pm  Oh yeah, about half an hour ago this dumbass kid with dreadlocks, this hippiecrite, I offered him my webpage and he said, "Your shit's been tried before." Apparently he had heard about me. He yelled, "Why don't you start giving out weed and get off the corner?" That hippiecrite doesn't deserve his dreadlocks. He needs to shave his head. As he was walking away I yelled, "Man, why does everybody gotta fuck with the guy trying to bring world peace!?" Haha, stupid spangers in Arcata are mad because I'm using their spot to give my shit away. I'm not even asking for money, haha. Suckers. Stupid bums.

                   I'm a professional storyteller. I'll add that to my script. I'm a long-distance walker/journalist/professional storyteller.

     12:46pm  oh yeah, I told this real pretty girl in the plaza my story. Elena. She invited me over to hit her bong. She lives at the Pacifica Apartments, close to the Endeavor.

     5:15pm  I had an awesome presentation. Whole Odyssey and everything. With Adam. This guy who walked by in a red shirt. I'm going to go bum a cigarette.

     7:18pm  I forgot to tell you, that hippiecrite walked by again with his girlfriend. He came up to me and asked me, "Did you get a job, yet?" I told him, "Man, this is my job. You don't deserve those dreadlocks. You need to shave your head." He got all mad saying, "What?" I asked him, "Why the hell would you fuck with me? You damned hippiecrite. You should see my website. You're going to be on it. Thanks for making my story so interesting."

     8:02pm  Another badass presentation on the plaza. Hell yeah. This guy and this girl.

                   Download Planet Hood. Ken Kesey.

     10:24pm  I needed a new water bottle. I have an extra nozzle, so I went in the Safeway and looked around. I asked the cashier if she minded if I looked through her trashcans for a new bottle. She volunteered to buy me a new one. I appreciate it, Nicole. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:31pm  I'm trying to tell Nicole my story, and Leah walked up. I had talked to her at Don's Donuts, she came up to me and hooked me up with a couple slices of pizza!

Next day..

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