

                                                                Arcata to Crescent City, CA to O'Brien, OR

Sunday May 31, 2009

     6:18am  I've had a relaxing time chilling in the field by the highway. I'll take pictures.

     7:00am  I am up and at 'em. I have some projects for today. I have to go do laundry. I also need to go to the thrift store and replace my grey pants that I lost. I don't know. I'm doing my old routine, walking to the Safeway to take a shit.

     8:58am  I have to make an update. I was walking around the plaza all bored because it's Sunday. I ran into John and I offered to tell him my story. We came to the Community Garden and smoked and now he's listening to my story.
     9:14am  John is telling me the story of the Phoenicians. John: "Yeah, we speak a phonetic language. There are a few old tongues that still exist. I believe they are in Columbia and Congo, two places where white man, United States has waged war with to this day one way or another. So, yeah, there's just a little bit left of the old matriarchal cultures who said as their major credence, "If you tell stories, just tell it, but don't write it down." That's how they lived. They lived with no written language. Just this oral language that they told around their fires at night. From person to person, handed down through generations from generations. Supposedly, in some way or another these people, while we are on the matriarchal cultures, because we are soon to get on the patriarchal cultures. One came first and then the other came. It was a shift in paradigm throughout the ages. But, these matriarchal cultures still exist today. It's amazing. They don't write anything down. They do create an army, but they do so not to create empire, to take away wealth from others, but they choose to take on their enemies weakest with their strongest so they can compete another day and build each other up to be stronger individuals. This thing called war, which isn't necessarily viewed as war to them. It's more like a form of formal play in which to strengthen one another."

                     Pretty girl

                     Got a ride!

                     I ran into Jay again!  Crazy.


                     Vacant house I found

                     Cool quote inside

                     I got laid in here!


                     Weed wolf

                     Enter at own risk

                     "I fucked Kayla in here!  She's a dirty little slut!"

                     Arcata Punks

                     Holes in wall

                     Weed wolf


                     Truck ramp, hmm






                     Ramp from top

***Today is Wednesday 6-10 and I am typing this up in Ashland at the public library. Well, I just went out for a smokebreak and it's raining. I ate a pastry and went back upstairs where I had left my stuff out in front of the catalog computer. Well, I go to keep typing only to find I had accidentally left it recording! I lost like half of a side of a 60 minute tape. I detest losing history like that. Let's see how much history I lost. I hope I can remember key details and am able to add them in.***

                   I don't remember the details, but I scored a ride the next day after thumbing it in front of the Fairwinds Motel in Arcata. I eventually got to Crescent City, where 199 starts. I walked/got a ride all the way to O'Brien, OR. When I first got there I hung out at this picnic table and smoked and ate. While I was sitting there good 'ol Shadow pulls up in his truck. I told him hi and asked him if Fawn was still around. He said she's not at his place anymore. She's in a trailer in the RV park right behind us! He told me which one it was, but I forgot. After I was done eating and smoking I decided to go walk around the trailer park and maybe Fawn would see me and come out. I walked through it and this old lady told me hello. I asked her if she knew where Fawn lived and she pointed out the trailer to me. I walked up to it and saw this overweight old lady sitting inside through a screen window. I walked up and said, "Mother Journeyhawk?" The lady tells me that she's not there. But then I hear her whisper to somebody else, "He's asking for you." The lady tells me that Fawn wasn't there. I asked if she knew when I could come back and she didn't. So I just walked off and back to the store.
                   It was about to get dark. I hung out at the store on Lone Muntain Road then all of a sudden this dude offers me a ride to Cave Junction, not that far away. He drops me off in CV and I asked some homebum where there was any free food and he directed me to some church. I hiked all the way to the church and there were all these people in line waiting for food boxes. I went through their process and paperwork and got in line myself. As we were waiting it started thundering and drizzling. Then bam! Monsoon! That was my cue to whip out my big tarp. I unfolded it and offered cover for the girl next to me who was waiting for food too. She gladly accepted and there we stood staying dry while everyone else in line got wet or left. The girl's boyfriend came by and he got under the tarp too.
                   When it was my turn this lady wheeled out this big grocery cart full of food. I mean tons of food. Random groceries that I could never or would want to haul away. I told my tarpmates that there was no possible way I was going to take all this food. It just kept raining. I asked my new friends if they had a dry vehicle I could put my groceries in and they said yes. Keeping everything as dry and covered as possible we transferred all of the groceries and ourselves into their car. Luckily for me my new friends invited me over to their house for the night! Guess where they live. O'Brien! So back to O'Brien I go.
                   We drove to their place and unloaded all of the groceries. I went through it and grabbed some stuff. I grabbed a loaf of Texas Toast and some rolls, I got two big bottles of Nestle Quik and some other stuff. The rest of it I gave to my new friends. I wish I could remember their names. They had met on the internet and were getting married soon. They let me take a shower, but the shower head was way low, like around my waist. I never had a kneeling shower before, but there's a first time for everything.
Anyway, since I had magically been transported back to O'Brien I took that as a sign to try and see Fawn again. The dude who let me crash at his house, he told me he was going to go to Medford. I was tempted to go with him, but I told me to just leave my in O'Brien at Lone Mountain Road. Damnit, I'm walking all the way around the country and won't be in this area again for a long time. I want to talk to Fawn. He who knocks persistently ends by entering!
                   After I got dropped off I walked Lone Mountain Road all the way to Shadow's place. He was home. Jason was there too, this computer dude who I had met before[link]. He told me to come up and I went in the barn and up the stairs. Shadow's den is exactly as I remember it and Jason had a laptop. Cool! 56k modem though. Anyway, Jason collects computer stuff and has a lot of cool gadgets. He was showing off all his trinkets and he tells me, "I got a universal card reader that can read MSDUO too. That's the exact kind of memory card my digital camera uses! Last time to get my pictures off my camera I had to go to a computer shop since I don't have the card reader. Talk about luck, Jason burned a copy of all my pictures for me to a DVD! That is one of the most critical steps in the birth of my updates. As the mission evolves. Jason also gave me twelve bucks too, for the cause. I appreciate it, bro.


Next day..

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