


Wednesday June 1, 2005

     2:40pm  I just got back with my mom from the dentist. They told me they wouldn't pull my tooth either. Even though I want them to. They told me, "We can save it, but we can't do it before June 14th." I told them, "Well, forget it. I'll get it done somewhere else." That's so much bullshit. I want my tooth pulled. I told them, "I have plenty of teeth." Oh yeah, I've got gum disease too. The dumbass doctor asked me, "Are you going to quit smoking?" I told him, "Ahh, I've quit a million times. I quit until I light up the next one." He didn't think that was funny at all. He was all judging me. I should have told him, "I'll quit smoking when you quit driving, because your car smokes a lot more than I do and will end up giving other people cancer." Argh, they won't pull my tooth. That's bullshit. That's the biggest bullshit in the world. I want it pulled. They were all, "We can save it, but we can't pull it." But you can't do it before June 14th! Screw that.

                   That's so much bullshit. It cost fifteen bucks for them to tell me that bullshit. That's all these "doctors" care about. I bet you ten bucks that they didn't pull it because a simple tooth-extraction costs less than a complicated root canal.

                   Oh, my mom is going on and on about how great her Transfer Factor stuff is. She says it's a miracle. Ugh, I felt like telling her, "Mom, Jesus didn't put a pricetag on the miracles he performed."

     3:10pm  I just started doing my typing, thinking I had a free day. My mom just took off. I just remembered I have to go donate plasma today. I have to be there by six. I'm going to try and catch the bus. Hmm, it's only 3:10. I guess I can eat something and smoke some more weed before I walk to the bus stop.

                   I have a gold dollar in my pocket for busfare.

     3:30pm  I'm walking to catch the bus. The 610. Err, the 606 I mean. No more 610.

                   Hmm, there's a poster on the carwash behind the Citgo that says Help Wanted. Hmm, I might consider that.

     3:39pm  I just got to the Citgo.

     3:50pm  There's the 606.

                   I just randomly got off the 606 at the Walmart. For some reason I wanted to ride the 605 to the hospital. If it's running like it did years ago, it should arrive at the hospital before the 606 gets there. I rather go down Eckhert. I don't like going Prue to Horn and all those turns it used to take. I got off the bus and I'm going to wait for the 605. Even though I have two hours to get there. I should get there on time.

     5:03pm  I gave up. I'm not going to wait for the 605 at all. I'm going to go back home. It seems like I'll donate plasma tomorrow. That sucks.

                   Okay, here's the 606. I guess I made a trip to the Walmart and back today.

     5:15pm  I'm off at the Citgo again. I'm going to walk home.

     5:23pm  Back at my mom's.

     11:28pm  My mom's on the computer right now. I cleaned up the kitchen for her. I swept, but didn't mop. Today I didn't do much else when I got home. I did type up a couple days. I formatted some text files and played some Tetrinet. Other than that I didn't do much else. I was going to stay up until my mom got off the computer. I'm going to go to bed though. I've got a busy day tomorrow. I have to go donate plasma so I have money before tomorrow so I can buy my walking stick from Ruben. That'll be cool. I'll wake up and catch the bus to the Nabi, the ZLB and donate plasma. I'll get thirty dollars.

Next day..

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