

                                                                                                                                   Arcata, CA

Friday June 1, 2007

     7:13am  I woke up around six thirty at my squat here. At six forty five. I'm walking into town.

     7:44am  I finished taking my shit at the Safeway. I was walking towards the plaza and some guy saw me asked me if I wanted some coffee. He's going to buy me a cup at Sacred Grounds. Nobody is his name. That guy who read that poem yesterday.

     8:31am  Man, Nobody wouldn't listen to me at all. He uses that same bullshit excuse that there needs to be bad for their to be good. Why can't we learn? I told him that I could learn just fine from other people's mistakes and not make them myself. I told him how I didn't have to make the mistakes myself to learn from them.

     9:00am  I just left the Endeavor. I went there and checked my email.

     11:15am  I am sitting here telling Jenny my story. The cops are hassling the homeless people here, once again. Searching their pockets, busting them for marijuana, making sure they have their 215 cards. I just took a picture of them, hehe.  

                     I am here at the Endeavor and Michelle is helping me out with a bus ticket back to San Antonio. I appreciate it, Michelle. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:49pm  I have to make an update, man. See, when I first came to the Endeavor this time around I noticed a piece of paper on the bathroom door that said, "Do you want to go home?" It says to talk to the case manager. I'm getting a bus ticket in like four or five days! Hell yeah! So, I'm going back to San Antonio! I'm not going to the East Coast just yet. I'm going to stick to my original plan. I'm going back to San Antonio and update my site, get in better walking shape, then take off East.

                     I got to do laundry today at the Endeavor. Clean clothes are awesome.

                     Another kid just told me, "Hey man, I saw your website. Great job."

     1:05pm  I stopped right here on 9th Street and the street that Don's is on. I'm going to set up here. There's not too much foot traffic, so I don't know. I might move. I took a picture of my signs. 

 Everything I own, hehe.

     3:10pm  I came to the plaza and am going to fly my sign on the corner.

     3:27pm  Oh yeah, I was flying my sign on the corner at the plaza. These kids walked up to me smoking weed and saw my sign. What were your names? Brett, Brandon and Denae, they offered to smoke me out. We walked to the decorated bridge right on the other side of 101, by the campus. They hadn't been here before. They think it's pretty cool. We're going to smoke some marijuana.

     6:01pm  I haven't made an update in a while. Let's see, I smoked with those kids and told my story. I had a damn good presentation. I told my story twice. Odyssey and all. After I finished with the guys who smoked me out, this beautiful student girl walked by and I captivated her. It's funny, I offer my website to people so much that people are telling me, "You already gave me one." I walked over by the Smug's Pizza place. Hmm, that's a good little strip right there. Right in front of the old Arcata theater. There's lots of foot traffic there.

     6:05pm  Johnny just hooked Jenny up with a nugget.

     6:30pm  Me and Jenny, this girl I met earlier at the Endeavor today, we came to smoke some weed at the Community Gardens.


I took a picture of it.

     7:33pm  Jenny is telling me a story. What's the story, Jenny? Jenny: "Okay, so I was in Mount Shasta with this guy named Generic. He moved around a week ago, around May 22. It was cool because I was just sitting outside of Ray's trying to get some money and I started singing outside, because that's what I do. I just sing for nothing. Some lady walks up to us and she goes, "You know, I don't usually give people money, but today I felt like I needed to give you guys money. Because I don't usually have money myself. I wanted to give you guys this." She hands us a twenty dollar bill. She goes, "All I want you to do for me is sing one song." She looks at me and I sing her one song. The thing was that not only did she give me that twenty dollar bill, but that compliment meant so much to me. Like, I think it was May 30th, I was trying to hitchhike back from Redding, on the 299. I sat there for maybe ten minutes. I put down my pack. This car had passed by me. I really had hoped they would pick me up. When it didn't I set down my pack, but I guess I looked pretty upset. I was hitchhiking for like a minute longer. I turn around and the car is backing up at me, down the highway. It stopped and the guy goes, "Hey, I wasn't going to pick you up, but you had such a sad look on your face and I just had to come back and pick you up." I told them how it was really cool they came back and how I was like smoking resin for the past two days. He goes, "Good thing you're in my car, because I'm going to get you nice and Irie." He passed a big phatty bowl and he puts all this big phatty bubble hash right on top. We start smoking it. We can't even finish it because we are so stoned. So, then he rolls up like a gram ball of hash and just hands it to me. I told him, "Oh my God, that is such good Karma for you, dude." He ends up dropping me off in Weaverville. In Weaverville I go walking around and I find these two kids and they say hi to me. I end up smoking them out behind the library. Then I go back out to the highway. I go and the kid tells me where to go to get a really good ride. So I go and stand there and stick my thumb out. Maybe in like twenty minutes this Jeep pulls over. This girl gets out and I look at her. All of a sudden I realize I recognize her from four years ago, from this Christian Camp in Camp Casadero. She was the girl who inspired me to start traveling. And she was picking me up in her Jeep. I was all, "Are you Corina?" She said, "Yeah, I am!" We got really stoked about it. She drove me all the way up to Arcata. She gave me a pot brownie and we smoked a bowl together. She has a baby now. It was just so amazing because I had talked about her like three days ago before that. I totally manifested her. So that's the end of my true story."

     7:44pm  The weirdest shit. This pretty nineteen year old girl named Jenny. She's got a huge external-frame pack that she ordered from Cabela's. She's going to come crash with me tonight at my spot. She's cool as hell.

     8:22pm  James hooked me up with some money so I can buy a donut. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:30pm  Plaza on the Public Square, Alma's Mexican Express Food is hooking me up for the cause. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                    Whoa, he even gave me five bucks. I appreciate it so much.

     10:40pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I split up with Jenny. Some guy walked by with some dreadlocks at the benches by the Safeway. He told Jenny, "Hey, I'm going to go make some hash, wanna come?" I guess she rather go make hash than crash with me tonight. Oh well. She had been all saying how she had to find a job. I told her, "Well, I'm hiring. Do you want to put in an application?" She asked me what kind of job was it. I told her the prerequisites and told her, "If you want something really good to do..." Oh yeah, I got us hooked up at the taqueria, the taco stand. She was very impressed and thankful for that. Presto-manifesto. It's cool, I magically ended up with a little nugget in my jar. I don't know where that came from. Maybe she put it there for me. I guess I'll see her tomorrow. Hmm, I want to have one last good presentation for the night before I crash.

     10:53pm  Dan, just walked into Long's Drugs and I offered him my website. He offered me some yummy potatoes. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

Next day..


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