

                                                                                                             Morgantown, WV

Monday June 2, 2008

    3:02pm  I manifested some more stonedness. I was walking down High Street and I wanted to get high. I didn't have any weed. I was asking random people on High Street. Then I asked this one guy and he told me to follow him upstairs. I walked up to an apartment and he asked his neighbors. One of them asked me how much I wanted and I told him to check out the shirt I was wearing. "Whatever amount you think it's worth." He offered me a blunt for it, but fuck that. At least I got smoked out. They're all about the money up there.

     3:19pm  I am having a great presentation with these two girls who asked me where the headshop was. I walked them over to The Den. I told them, "When you come out if you want to hear the rest of my story I'll tell it to you, but if not just check out my website."

     4:26pm  I just saw this LaTonya girl. This pretty black girl I met when Mike Brown was barbecuing on Kingwood that day(5-26-08). She was meeting Mike Brown at the buffalo wings place so she had to go. I called Stacie and she's home. I'm going to give her a shirt. I'm considering just giving my shirts away and not selling them, but only to people who deserve them, who listen to my story. She's heard them all.

     5:11pm  I am leaving Stacie's apartment. Her roommate Sam the Man doesn't like me. She doesn't trust me. Sam doesn't even have a job.

     5:28pm  I hiked all the way up the Stewart Hill to Steve's house on Wellen Street.

     6:10pm  My website is paid for, I’m glad.  I am here on High Street in Morgantown, West Virginia.  I’ve been here for about a week.  Crazy stuff has happened.  More STD tribulations.  Jayme has Pappiloma, genital warts.  We’ve had sex a couple times and I hope I don’t have it now.  I was thinking that if I do have it, in the future I can just wear a condom and leave my underwear on and stick my peter through the hole.  So there’s no skin-to-skin contact.

                    I am loving this adventure I am on.  I’ve already given away like three shirts.  I gave one to Stacie, Swann and Steve too.  So I have four less now total.  I had sold one when I was hitchhiking to Morgantown.  Ugh, I want a new digital camera really bad.  Right now I called Stacie up.  She always works at six.  She doesn’t like her job.  Anyway, I’ve left my pack and my tee shirts at her house for a couple days. 

                   This morning I borrowed Jayme’s cellphone and called Laura Majorana, my mermaid.  She told me she’s gone to a couple Civil War things.  I love you, Laura.  I woke up this morning and Steve and Swann went and scored some weed and let me hit their gas-mask. 

      6:21pm  We just got to Steve’s house.  I called him to see if he would come get me off High Street so I wouldn’t have to lug my huge pack and tee shirts all the way up the Stewart Street hill.  He picked me up at Walnut and High Street by the buffalo wings place.  Some guy Todd stopped and pulled over to talk to me while I was waiting for Steve. 

      7:22pm  Me, Casey(not Lauren) and Steve, we came up to the school here to play some Frisbee.  We ran into Steve’s friend Allan and he hooked us up with cigarettes. 

      7:37pm  I got bored of playing Frisbee and walked off to High Street.  I’m not wearing my WPTMJ shirt because Steve is wearing his.  I put on my Make It Happen shirt.  I had forty cents in my pocket so I went to The Den to see if they had any cheap snacks.  They had some Sunbelt fudge-dipped snacks for a quarter, 210 calories each.  I grabbed two hoping they would have a give-a-penny, take-a-penny thing.  I told the guy it seems I didn’t have enough and I’d just get one.  He let it slide, though. 

      7:40pm  Adam was cool enough to give me a cigarette on High Street.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit, thanks. 

      8:58pm  I am leaving from Steve's house. I was playing Street Fighter 2 on his Wii.

     10:33pm  I am just hanging out on High Street trying to sell my shirt for some weed. Nobody wants to trade. Everyone wants money.

     11:39pm  I should make an update. I already got back to Steve's house.

     12:36am  Me and Jayme are up just chilling. I was able to scrape some resin since I had my tool with me. I hope Steve doesn't mind that I scraped his bowl because he let me last time. I woke up and I shaved. I might go donate plasma today. I'll let you know what happens.

                     Sell plasma, I'm sorry.

Next day..

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