


Kerrville, TX

Saturday June 5, 2004

     6:32am  I just woke up. I just took my pants off. There's people playing guitar. I'm going back to sleep. I went to bed like at four in the morning.

     6:40am  There was a big group of people playing guitar up on Chapel Hill. It kind of woke me up, but that's alright. I got enough sleep. I'm just not doing anything right now. I just did my stretches and I had some Muscleblast 2000. I'm ready to go. I'm going to smoke a cigarette and go.

     6:44am  I just took a picture of the big group of people at the hill. The wind-chimes and where I slept last night.

     7:05am  I just told my story to this girl who didn't react too much while I was talking to her. When I asked her if I could tell her my odyssey story she said, "Well, I actually wanted to do some reading."

                   She didn't react at all while I was talking to her. Hopefully she'll think I'm crazy. Just like I want her to. But she'll be telling her friends I'm sure.

     7:30am  I just had a good presentation with these guys. These older people. We were talking about San Antonio and everything. They wouldn't listen to my odyssey story, but they listened to the rest of it. They didn't really disagree with it.

                   They told me that when the sun is beating down I can go hang out in the shade there.

     8:05am  Andy, who listened to my story hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:04am  I just had a really long stimulating conversation/argument, I guess I can call it. This guy Andy, came down the hill. He was looking me right in the face too. I asked him, "Hey, can I tell you a really interesting story?" At first he was all ignorant. He had all this stuff to say. Right after I asked him what the world's greatest problem was he said apathy. He ended up listening to me a lot. We had a good exchange of ideas. I'm going to walk around now. In walking around yesterday I came to a place where they had tennis balls at the end of these poles. I'm going to go see if those people are awake and if they'll give me one for my stick.

     9:07am  I found me a tennis ball at the Folk Fest! I really needed one. My stick was dying. I appreciate it, Chucky. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:50am  I came over to Camp Odyssey and Don hooked me up with a massage and got all my tender spots out. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, like I said.

     11:32am  I had a really good time over by this one tent by the Staff Central place. I scored a little breakfast. Oh yeah, I talked to this energy-healing guy and asked him if he could heal my lungs with his method. He said yeah, but it would take like thirty times. At 2:30 he said he'd do a healing on me. Awesome. He couldn't explain it how he did it. I asked him, "Well, do you channel spirits?" He said, "Umm, I channel nature." I'm going to try and find the guys who told me yesterday that if I didn't have any money they would pay for my ticket to stay. Let's see what happens.

     12:10pm  My friends are taking off. Let me get their names before they leave. Dean, Nick, Samuel, Elise. You'll see me again, guys. I'm everywhere.

     12:15pm  I'm walking around asking for spare change for my ticket.

     12:24pm   Joey hooked me up with sixty cents for my ticket. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:33pm  Don from Camp Odyssey just gave me a ten dollar bill! Let me go get my ticket and see what happens. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     12:39pm  I went to Staff Central and said, "Hey, I've got ten dollars." The tickets are fifteem for guests. She told me, "And you can't go back inside to panhandle. You have to stay out here."

     12:42pm  Steven walked by and I asked him for some change. I told him I only needed five dollars. He didn't have any money but he gave me this cool lighter with a snap-back lighter reel. He told me to try and sell it for five bucks. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:02pm  Lisa hooked me up with some change for my ticket. I appreciate it, Lisa. Everybody gets credit, thanks. Thanks for proving me right.

     1:25pm  Aletta, with an accent over the E, hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Aletta's friend Stacey hooked me up with a five dollar bill. I really appreciate it.

                   Damnit, I don't know this guy's name so he can't look me up on the guest-list. That sucks. Damnit, I need to remember it.

                   Wait, I recorded it. I didn't get their last names, though.

     1:37pm  John Raines guested me in.

                   I'm back in!

     2:48pm  I went up to Chapel Hill to go smoke a cigarette. Man, I gotta give away this pack. It was cool. I talked to this old lady. Her name is Joan. She actually listened to me. I've been getting better at letting people talk more. Like I say, I take turns. I wasn't adhering so strictly to my scripts either. I was telling chunks of it here and there. She listened to me. She wished me luck. I'm hungry. I want something to eat.

     2:57pm  I saw Dawn again. Some lady who had told me she liked my lighter. I told her, "I'm looking for gasoline for my stomach." She told me to go to some dinner they're having and to tell them that Dawn sent me.

                   I bought a Choco-Taco for $1.50.

     3:45pm  I had a great presentation with this guy Don Pedro now. This guy and a girl came up to listen too. When I had asked Don if they were willing to listen, the guy and girl said, "We are!" They both had to leave in the end so I couldn't finish. The guy and the girl didn't have an email.

                   Haha, there's a Jesus fish on the back of the car and it says, "Fish and chips." Haha.

     3:53pm  I came up to Tongo taking stuff out of his Jeep. I asked him, "Hey, can I trade you these six strong-ass Camels for one of them Lights?" He gave me three of them without trading me. Thanks, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:35pm  I just got out of Camp Chupatequila. I told this guy my story. He had to work or something. He invites me to go over there and smoke. I told him my story. That's who I got the three cigarettes from. That camp was cool. I was told good things about that place. Now, I'm going to go across the way here and talk to this other dude who I don't know his name. I have friends here.

     4:46pm  I'm leaving Camp Chupatequila.

                   I went back to the energy healing guy, but he was working on somebody else. I asked him if he could squeeze me in tomorrow or something. He told me to come buy at like ten or eleven. I really want to go through a healing before I leave back to San Antonio.

     5:15pm  I got some weird calling to Chapel Hill. I wonder who I'll meet up here and tell my story to.

     6:07pm  I just went in the little patch of woods right here. I'm playing with a squirrel. First, I tried hypnotizing it like I do to the ones in Travis Park. He wouldn't fall for it though. He let me get really close and I even popped him with my tennis ball. I snuck up on him while he was opening up a seed or something. I tapped him hard and he ran up a tree. I went up to the tree trying to coax him back down. He leaped way far to another tree and I lost him. Oh, there he is again. I see him.

                   Cool, maybe he'll climb back over to this tree. Come back and play with me.

                   He came back down to play with me again. It's so cool. I made friends with this squirrel.

     6:16pm  I was walking by Camp Fork in the Road. I hear someone saying, "Hot dogs, get your hot dogs!" I know this is the Folk Fest and everything and maybe this is a dumb question, but hey, are they free? She said sure! They hooked me up with some gasoline for my stomach.

     7:18pm  I walked by and this lady said, "Hey, nice stick." I told her, "Thanks, can I tell you what I'm doing?" She wouldn't listen to me at all. When I first said, "With the internet," she cut me off saying, "I don't like the internet. I don't like to read." I told her, "Well then, I'll talk your ear off if you let me." She said, "That's it, I won't let you." I told her, "That's it. You pegged it right there. Nobody listens. Damn the ignorance in this world." She wouldn't listen to me at all.

     7:39pm  I'm doing Brian a favor. I'm going to go fill up his water. He let me have some more trail mix. Oh yeah, and I'm going to get a swig of vodka.

     8:11pm  I just took a picture of this sign at the front that says, "It can be this way always." I have to follow my signs. It sure can.

     8:21pm  I walked by this van license plate RD1-KS, Texas. It's got all these bumper stickers. They're people from Austin. Here's one that says, "If the gods had meant us to vote, they would have given us candidates."

                  "If we quit voting, will they all go away?"

                  "Last time somebody listened to a Bush, folks wandered around the desert for 40 years."

                  "Hate is not a family value."

     10:05pm  I'm having a good time. I'm just hanging out with some friends over by the campsite which I was welcome to the first day I was here. We're not really talking about anything. I got bored. I got a little drink of vodka earlier. I can't tell my story when I'm drinking. I'm just going to walk around and be seen. I'm kind of hungry. Maybe I'll run into some food somewhere.

                     I'm not sure what time it is. It's dark and I can't see my watch. It's about eleven. I just got the weirdest impulse to walk to Chapel Hill. Actually, I was kind of tired and thought I was going to crash on the bench again. I went up there and put my army pants on. It was hot, so I took them off. Eventually these two girls, Rebecca and Amber came and sat down. I hit them up for a story. They said yeah and they're going to hook me up with a cigarette. I'm going to their camp. Cool, cool.

     12:42pm  Holly, Katie and Julia are listening to my story like crazy. Julie just gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, like I said.

                     Sweet! I even got a cookie. I appreciate it, guys.

     3:13am  I met this really cool girl tonight, man. She's just awesome. She just gravitated to me. I went to tell my story to Julia and her friends. This girl Julie had her eyes locked to mine the whole time. This girl is beautiful. She was just hanging out with me afterwards. At first we got separated.

Next day..

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