

                                        Mossy to Gallagher to Pratt to Montgomery to Nitro, WV

Thursday June 5, 2008

     5:12am  I just woke up. I got plenty of sleep. It didn't rain that hard. I had the tarp over me all night.

     6:10am  I am almost packed up and ready to go. I ate a can of tuna fish that I had discovered I had last night. I had a little bit of baby carrots. The sun is up. I'm going to pack up and leave.

     6:24am  I am up and at 'em walking the road. I got a little damp last night. It didn't rain too hard.

                   I just realized I lost my Knork, that sucks. I left it in Morgantown at that couple's who asked me to roll a blunt for them.

     6:31am  Passing Lick Fork Road.

                   W 612 is the road I am walking.

     6:41am  I just stopped to layer down.

     6:47am  I am up walking.

     6:50am  Passing Long Branch Road.

     7:00am  Passing Goode Creek Road. I'm half a mile away from the highway, some guy told me.

     7:03am  Passing by Mossy Living Word Church on my left. "Where will you spend eternity?"

     7:09am  Coming up on the Midway T&C Motel Lounge and RV Parking. It's closed. I see a highway marker over there.

                   Whoa, I think it's a store. Bathroom. Sweet, it's an Exxon, cool. I'm going to take a shit and put my WPTMJ shirt on.

                   I am nine miles away from Oak Hill. I walked nine miles.

     7:53am  I came to the Midway T&C Exxon. I went and used the restroom and brushed my teeth. I came outside and ate some vitamins. Oh yeah, I rinsed off the rest of my carrots in the sink. I want to go hit up the restaurant here. I tried telling the cashier inside my story. She had a shift-change, so I just gave her my website.

     8:04am  I am leaving the gas station. I'm not that far from the highway.

     8:44am  I went to the onramp and thumbed it for a while. Then this eighteen wheeler pulls up to me and asks me where I'm going. I told him I was on my way to save the world. He told me to walk down this road right here and it runs parallel to the interstate and I think he said there's a trolley. I don't know. Let's see what's up.

                   The turnpike ended up being only fifty yards from the Exxon. Around the corner. I'm walking down the road that runs parallel to the highway that the trucker directed me to.

                   I was actually able to manifest me one other resin hit. Just pulled it out of my ass.

     8:55am  I stopped and layered down some more. The sun is starting to blare. I took off my WPTMJ shirt so it wouldn't get sweated. I'm going to put my Make It Happen shirt back on. I'm just walking now. I don't know where I'm going. Supposedly to the trolley, if I heard him right. I probably didn't.

                   I know my next hitchhiking sign. Three words. DO UNTO OTHERS, real simple.

     9:05am  I'm walking.

     9:21am  I walked all the way to where the road goes over the highway. I don't want to keep going straight, so I climbed down under the road and I'm going to thumb the traffic.

     9:43am  I've been thumbing it here for a while. Nobody is picking me up. I'm going to walk it. I don't have any weed on me and if a cop stops he might give me a courtesy ride.

     9:48am  I'm walking. I had been under the bridge at Mile Marker 60.5.

     9:50am  I changed my mind. I'm walking back to the Exxon. I don't have enough food to be walking. Those carrots aren't doing me any good anymore. I'm going to climb back up the hill and and walk back to the Exxon.

     10:19am  Back at the Exxon.

     10:20am  I walked all the way back to the gas station. I thumbed it for about an hour and nobody picked me up. I came back to the Exxon and right when I got back this one guy asked me where I was going. He's being nice enough to give me a ride closer to Charleston! I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

     10:57am  I'm a little bit closer to Charleston. I saw signs pointing to a college, WVU. I asked him to drop me off at the college or closer to it. WVU probably won't let me type anyway, but it's college town. I'll get food at least.

     11:01am  Passing C.A. Livingston Road.

     11:06am  Passing The Gallagher Church of the Nazarene.

     11:16am  I stopped at the next turnout and I'm going to sit and eat some carrots and rest and smoke a cigarette. I hope somebody drives by and picks me up.

     11:25am  Leaving, walking towards the college now.

     11:26am  Passing sign for Outstack Branch, whatever the hell that is.

     11:37am  Walking in front of the post office. Gallagher West Virginia.

     11:55am  I took another impromptu rest. I'm going to load up and leave again. It's tiring hauling sixty pounds on my back.

     12:12pm  I'm walking down what road is this? State Route 83, and Carl Jenkins gave me some water. A bottle.

                     I asked for food, but got water. Oh well. That's good too.

     12:18pm  Passing Thoroughfare Branch. Passing sign that says that.

     12:28pm  Passing The Town of Pratt Wastewater treatment facility. I'm almost to the highway. Carl told me turn right a quarter mile away to go to the college and then like four miles from there.

     12:38pm  I forgot to tell you, about five minutes ago I got to Highway 61, where the road tees.

                     Go right to Montgomery, left to Marmet.

                     Sweet, there's a bus that comes out here. I'm going to try and score me a courtesy ride.

     12:58pm  I saw the bus coming. It went in this neighborhood across the street. Hopefully, it will come back out. Some guy told me I could stand here and get it. Hopefully I can get me a courtesy ride. I'll tell him/her, "I'm a long-distance walker/journalist. For the past six years I've been walking around America writing a book on generosity that the whole world is going to read on the Internet. I just walked all the way from Oak Hill. I don't suppose I could get a courtesy ride to Montgomery?"

                     "I'll walk it if I have to."

     1:07pm  Connie just pulled over and rescued me. She's taking me to Montgomery. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

                     Seems like I got a courtesy ride to Montgomery after all. Just not from the bus driver.

     1:15pm  Wow, Connie just volunteered me a twenty dollar bill. I'm going to eat! That's awesome. Thanks for feeding the peace machine, Connie. Connie: "Well, you be careful out there." It's the only way I know how to be. Thanks for the blessings and drive carefully. Praise Love.

                    Hmm, there's plenty of restaurants around here. I wonder if there's a headshop so I can buy me another fake cigarette.

                    Welcome to Montgomery, Victor Antonio. Kanawha County.

                    I'm walking in front of the Montgomery City Hall.

                    I can do laundry, hell yeah.

     1:19pm  I'm going to walk into Gino's and ask for mistakes.

                   The guy said, "No, not really."

     1:26pm  Welcome to Montgomery, Victor. I walked by 1015 and John hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:02pm  Jamie-Lynn, this beautiful girl(with great cleavage), she was walking down the sidewalk right when I was about to start telling John my story. I asked her if she wanted to hear a really interesting story to and she stopped and listened.

     2:15pm  What a jip. I walked to the laundromat and they don't have a change machine or soap dispenser. Oh yeah, and that girl, Jamie-Lynn I think her name is, she told me to go to this frat house that I passed by earlier. I passed by a big frat house. Give me an audience, I told her.

                   I walked in the Dollar Store and asked them if they could give me change to do laundry. They couldn't spare quarters, so I went across the street to the Dairy Queen and they gave me change. I had stopped here on the way to the laundromat and bought me a burger and a chili dog. It's still waiting for me at the laundromat with my bags. I wonder if I'll be able to tell anyone my story to kill time for laundry.

                   These two kids walked by and I gave them the joint-smoking hand gesture. They walked up and I asked them if they knew where to get any. One guy said he had a little at home and that he'd come right back. Cool.

     3:36pm  I just finished my laundry. I'm walking back to the frat house. It's like a mile back down the road.

                   I'm so tired. Maybe I can manifest me a shower at this house.

     4:04pm  I went to the frat house, but nobody was home. The front door was wide open. I'm going to walk back to John's, the guy I bummed a cigarette from earlier. Maybe he'll let me shower at his house. I've got my own towel and soap. Let's see what he says.

     4:08pm  Access granted. I'm going to take a shower, awesome.

     4:37pm  I walked back to John's house and he let me score a shower. He just volunteered me ten bucks! I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks. Maybe I can get some more weed, hehe.

                   John said that if I stop back by at nine he'll have a dimebag for me. Hell yeah! Welcome to Montgomery, Victor Antonio.

     5:01pm  I'm walking off towards the public library. I'm going to check my email. John let me stash my pack in his backyard. It's awesome how I have a headquarters already. I'm just walking around wearing my CamelBak and my backpack. I'm going to go tell my story to people. I feel great. I just took a shower and I'm clean. It's ninety degrees out right now. It's not going to rain for a long time.

     5:31pm  I ran into Nicholas Burke. Another stoner in town. He was walking along with a fishing pole and I asked him if he had any weed. He offered to smoke a bowl with me. We walked to the dock by the bridge here. What river is this? Kanawha River. It's really polluted. Don't drink the water. Anyway, Nicholas smoked a brother out. Just like when I was in Oak Hill(6-4-08, 2:59pm).

     5:51pm  Damn, the library closed at five. I'm going to go hang out in front of some gas station with my shirt. In front of the GoMart. Tell my story and show my shirt.

                   There's a Masonic symbol on a building. I wish I had a camera.

                   I'm supposed to go back to John's house at nine. He told me to meet him in the backyard where my pack is. I'm going to get me some weed, hell yeah.

     7:03pm  I just had a marvelous presentation at the GoMart with Christy and Brian, the two girl cashiers at the GoMart. Well, the second one only had a Brian nametag on. Her name is not really Brian. When I first got there her and this guy Dave listened the hell out of my story. Sweet, right behind the GoMart is the building with the Masonic symbol on it. The Southern Public Service Company building. I'm going to CVS and buy some Buglers.

     7:57pm  I never mentioned, I walked up the hill to the darkside. That guy Nick had told me to go up the hill to the black people and that they have weed there. I walked up, but I didn't see anyone outside. I just walked to the Dollar General. I'm going to smoke a cigarette out front. It's all dead, so I'm going to go inside and tell this pretty girl my story.

     8:40pm  I had a great presentation with Sarah. At first I was kind of bummed because she wouldn't stop working. She was fronting the shelves and I followed her orating. I got past the spirits part in my Odyssey and asked her to do me the two favors. She asked me, "Do you know where the GoMart is?" I told her I was there for a long time today. She told me to meet her there at nine thirty and that she would bring me some food. She asked me what I wanted and I told her, "Surprise me."

     9:34pm  I walked back down to the GoMart and Sarah showed up eventually. She was driving with her friend, so she couldn't get me food. She bought me two pepperoni rolls. Hell yeah, I've already eaten two today anyway. I've got two more. TBR-894. Oh yeah, I was walking towards the GoMart earlier. Before I got there this guy walked by me. A couple minutes later he runs back up to me and asks, "I've gotta ask you. What's going on?" I tried to tell him what I was doing and he listened to my introduction. I asked him if he knew where I could camp, but he didn't. Well, later after Sarah showed up and left he pulls up in a car with his friend. When I asked his friend what the world's greatest problem was he said, "People don't listen to the gospel," or something like that. I got past the spirits part in my story with him. I'm surprised he let me get that far. Then he started talking about Jesus. I told him, "Religion is division. There's only one love." He kept going and I told him I have heard it all before. Give me something new.

                   Romans 12 1 and 2, be sure to add that to my website.

1 Therefore I exhort you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a sacrifice – alive, holy, and pleasing to God – which is your reasonable service. 2 Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God – what is good and well-pleasing and perfect.

     12:40am  About half an hour ago I got dropped off. Dude, this bible thumper had me up all night. I walked like over twenty miles today. I'm dead tired. I wanted to go to sleep. He wouldn't let me crash at his house. This dude brought me to his house and had me meet his wife. He's all hiding the fact that he smokes weed from her. We drove all the way out to Nitro and scored a dinky ass ten-sack each. I got through a lot of my Odyssey in the car, but after a while he cut me off.

                     See, I thought I was tied down to Montgomery. This guy who worked at the Dairy Queen said he'd give me a twenty sack for a shirt. He told me he would email me tomorrow. I was going to come back to Montgomery with the Christian dude, but it was getting late and I was tired from all the walking. He was busy playing videogames at the weed guy's house. Nintendo 64, an old ass system. He couldn't secure for me a place to crash. Well, I guess I could just email the dude from the Dairy Queen back, so I don't have to worry about going back to Montgomery. I need my sleep. The Christian dude said I could crash at the lake. We went to the lake and he got all paranoid that the cops were behind us. I asked him if there was a library nearby, that I would crash near there and check my email in the morning. Near the library there were these sports fields with a big lake behind it. I went to the rear perimeter and jumped the fence and camped on the other side. I so wish I had a camera. Anyway, I'm going to smoke some weed and go to bed.

Next day..

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