


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday June 8, 2005

     5:56am  I just woke up.

     11:35am  I am leaving the house. I'm going to go catch the bus somewhere. My bothersome nephew woke up. He was bothering me. He was all, "Ualli(my mom) said I can get on the computer this morning!" I did get a couple days typed up.

     12:02am  I didn't tell you. I walked all the way to the Walmart. I walked all the way from my mom's house. The bus comes at 19 of the hour now, but I had forgotten and walked up there thinking it was coming at 50, like it used to. I'm just now coming up to the Walmart. I'm going to see if I can find out what the letter of the day is and get a free ride. If not, I'll take that as a sign to walk all the way downtown. Walk to Medical Center at least.

     12:30am  Let's see, I got on the bus on the Walmart and I saw this one lady reading a book. I hit her up for my story and told her it was more interesting than what she was reading, I promised. She told me that she's already heard my story, haha. Then I saw some Mexican girl in the back listening to headphones. I went and hit her up for my story. She told me, "You're kind of freaking me out." Umm, I'm going to see if there is anyone else to tell my story to on this bus. It hasn't left Walmart yet.

     12:42am  There was nobody to tell my story to on the bus. I had paid with eighty cents and everything. I changed my mind. I'm going to walk to Medical Center.

     12:44am  I'm at Bandera and Eckhert.

     12:53am  I stopped in at the computer shop, Corporate Technologies. Which I still think it's a joke they have that name. I said hi to Evelyn and Adolfo. I'm going to keep walking. I'll walk past Marshall.

                     Screw that, I'll walk through Marshall.

     12:56am  I walked to Marshall. I'm going to sit down on this trail in the shade and smoke a cigarette and some weed. Oh yeah, right before I got here I found me a whole cigarette on the ground. Praise Love. Smoking on school grounds. Fuck the system!

     1:05am  I'm nice and high and nicotined. I should really stop smoking so much. I can feel it in my lungs. Oh yeah, I took a couple hits of weed too. Which isn't helping my lungs, either. I'm going to cut right through Marshall High School. Today is a school day.

                   Oh yeah, right when I started walking through the school I saw some kid wearing a Che shirt. I looked at him, put my fist in the air and yelled, "¡Viva la revolucion!" He lifted his fist too, hehe.

                   I just walked through Marshall High School. If they would've given me any shit I would've told them, "What? I can't walk through my Alma Mater on my walk downtown? I'm just walking through. I'm not going to hurt anybody." Haha, people saw me.

     1:11pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I'm walking down Bluebird Lane now. No complications at all. I wish it would have been lunchtime.

     1:25pm  Just now my ball wore out on one side. I just flipped it over now. This ball has lasted me for days now(6-2-05, 5:05pm). It's because of my new lighter stick.

     1:28pm  I popped out on Huebner and I walked Applegreen all the way to North Knoll. Actually no, I'm coming up on North Knoll right now. Over here by the Mariner Health Center of San Antonio. I'm almost there.

     1:35pm  Oh yeah, I am just now getting to Oakdell Way. Did I ever tell you that my mom bought me some new cargo shorts at Walmart for fifteen bucks?

                   I am stopping for lunch at the Jack in the Box.

     1:58pm  Finished my lunch break. I'm going to keep walking to the hospital.

                   It was cool, after I ate the girl who was my cashier was cleaning the soda fountain. I asked her, "If I got some free lemonade would you say anything?" She told me not to worry about it, cool.

     2:03pm  I am cutting through the VA hospital parking lot now.

     2:47pm  I have an update to make. When I got to the hospital, this black dude walked by. I saw that he was all hot and sweating. I told him, "Hey man, I just got hooked up with this whole bottle of lemonade right now at the Jack in the Box. Do you want to hit it?" He told me, "No, you might try to poison me. You drink some first." I drank some and he said, "Man, I am thirstier than a muthafucker." He happily took a big gulp. He noticed my marijuana pin and he said, "Where's the marijuana?" I told him, "I'll get you high if you want too." He pulled out a fat sack he had. I went, "Oh shit, will you sell me a dimebag?!" I scored me a dimebag at the hospital! Now I don't have to go score one somewhere else. He hooked it up phat, too. Screw it, I'm going to walk all the way downtown now.

                   Now that I have a sack of weed in my pocket, I'll put away my little magnetic pin.

                   I just strolled right through the Oak Hills Country Club. Went through the Lion's den unscathed. Everyone was looking at me. I was waving the peace sign. I am so lucky to be alive.

                   See, what I am doing to make me feel better, is when my lungs start hurting from smoking, I've been smoking rollies on the back porch for a while now, I take bigger weed hits now too, I get the idea in my head that I can just walk it off and feel better. I know that's just bullshit, but hey, any excuse to walk is at least a little good for you.

                   I stopped at the gas station at Oaklawn and used the restroom. I put the weed in my tin.

                   I need to find somebody to take a picture of me. I look badass in this shirt.

                   After I left the gas station I just kept walking. I didn't go try to find anybody at the apartments. I'm walking in front of Crossroads Mall already. Just passed Hillcrest.

                   I am hauling ass today, man. I'm speed-walking. Just like last night. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I am walking free today. I am not wearing my mission bag at all. I am just hauling ass.

     3:16pm  I am walking up to Santa Fe. I really, really hope Lorenzo is here. Please, Love. Let Lorenzo be here. If not I'm just going to keep walking.

     3:22pm  Damn, Cristan's isn't open. They close at three.

                   Next stop, the plasma place. I'm going to ask them when I can come back, even though I already know. I know I come in tomorrow, but I want to make an appearance.

                   I was almost to the plasma place and I see Jo and Thor walking! My friends. Jo called out, "Hey Victor!"

     3:40pm  I went in and I asked them what day I could come back.

     4:06pm  I'm walking in front of the HEB Support Center. In front of this animal hospital the marquee says, "Go Spurs, Neuter Detroit." That's funny.

     4:20pm  I sat down and smoked a snipe I had been holding for a while. In front of Pacesetters. I stopped at a bus stop and switched out my tennis ball. It finally wore out. The first ball I ever put on there. Oh and I celebrated 4:20 without knowing it, hehe.

     4:33pm  Just walked under I10, I think.

                   Fredericksburg and Blanco.

     4:44pm  Just walked to Cypress and San Pedro.

     4:46pm  I'm walking in front of the Weinerschnitzel on San Pedro and Poplar. Today's Wednesday so it's Hotdog Wednesday(4-5-05, right before 3:20, paragraph starting with: Oh shit, I just walked by the Wienershnitzel place). Cool, I'm going to go score me a hotdog for a quarter.

     4:56pm  I'm talking to Nick and Nicole. They told me it was Hotdog Wednesday, but I had to wait ten minute until five. I can wait. I scanned everybody in there and I saw this chick with beautiful hair and eyes sitting with a dude. I went up to them and hit them up for my story. What was your email?

     5:23pm  That was badass. Just because I had thirty five cents in my pocket and because today was Wednesday and they sold hotdogs for a quarter. I found out about it last time. Just because of that I went in there to go get one. It was like 4:50 when I went in there and the lady said I had to wait until five. To kill the time I looked around for listeners. I saw this guy and a girl sitting there, this pretty girl Nicole, I think. She had the most beautiful eyes. I found out they were contacts, but they were still beautiful. She had some great cleavage too, hehe. She was a great listener. I loved talking to her. Anyway, I had a badass presentation. My odyssey and everything.

                   Those kids loved my story. They were laughing at all the funny parts and agreeing with everything I said.

     5:43pm  I forgot to tell you I'm already in Travis Park. I walked all the way here. I had my destination set.

     5:57pm  Sherry is hooking me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, Sherry. Everybody gets credit , thanks.

     6:26pm  I have to make an update. I came to the bus stop and told this girl my story. David/Ziggy asked me for my one hitter, loaded himself a bowl, then handed it back to me loaded. He got on the Blanco bus.

                   Nobody was giving me a courtesy ride. I was all bummed out. Then I remembered, "Oh yeah, I wanted to get a copy of my 2004 list made before I left. Last time Patrick at the tattoo shop by Travis Park had made me a copy of my traveling list for me. I wanted to see if he would do it again. I went over there expecting it to be closed like it always is. All of a sudden Patrick comes out and tells me hi. I pulled out my list out of my wallet and asked him if he could do that magic trick for me again. He hooked me up and made me two extra copies.

                   This other bus driver told me no. She said, "No, I don't think so." She saw me walking downtown and everything.

     6:59pm  Tovar told me no. Greedy ass.

     7:05pm  362 hooked me up on the 88. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:53pm  I'm at the Walmart on Mainland. Nice Ms. I forgot her number hooked me up. She reminds me of my mom. Actually, I'm going to call my mom from the Walmart. If not I'll walk it.

     8:07pm  Mr. Jay DeLaPaz hooked me up with a cigarette at the Walmart. I appreciate it, brother. Nice name.

                   I want to check #bookz on Undernet for Human Behavior at Work by Keith Davis.

                   2370 told me no. He was all, "Nah man, you gotta pay, you gotta pay."

     8:31pm  Mr. Sojourner on the 606 is hooking me up with a ride up to the Citgo by my mom's. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:32pm  I'm off at the Citgo by my mom's house.

     8:53pm  I am home. Whew, I'm tired.

Next day..

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