


San Antonio, TX

Thursday June 10, 2004

     11:46am  Time for an update. I woke up around seven. I got up and my laundry was still wet. My mom told me she was going to wash it again so it wouldn't stink. It's dry. I got my stuff loaded up and in my bag. I got my mission stuff organized. My papers. My mom just gave me a ride to the Walmart. I have four dollars. I bummed some change for "bus fare" from my mom and she gave me a dollar. My mission is I'm going to go to Travis Park and get some weed. I got five dollars total and I thought I might buy me a burger at McDonald's. I think I'm just going to go bum a cigarette at the smoking cabana.

                     The letter of the day is Ken, K.

                     I'm standing out here at the Walmart waiting for the bus. I saw my friend Jeremy. Some kid I've talked to. He recognized me. I'm showing him all the pictures I put in my wallet. Like the ones of the barn and stuff.

     12:34pm  I forgot to tell you. I'm on the 610 going towards Ingram. I got on this one because I was telling this girl Amanda my story at the Walmart. When she first saw me she saw my stick and asked me if I went hiking. She enjoyed my story so much. She'll tell all her friends, I'm sure.

     1:00pm  I'm at Ingram. To kill time I counted all my email addresses. I've got 169 in this little book.

                   Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I'm hungry. I'm going to go get a taco somewhere. I'm going to use a dollar. I'm going to go to Villa Maria place, where I usually score at by Ingram. I'll go in there and say, "Hey man, I'm really hungry. I got a dollar. Will you guys hook me up?"

     1:36pm  I saw this brother who recognized me. We smoked a joint before.

     1:37pm  He didn't give me his name, but he smoked me out. Took a couple hits by the tree in the back. All of a sudden I saw these SAPD cops over in the Joe's Volcano parking lot. Damnit, they had started walking over. We went inside and I went into the bathroom. We went inside. They never came. I think the transit center here isn't in their jurisdiction. That's what transit police are for. Anyway, we hopped on the 82. This guy is going to hang out with me downtown. Cool.

     2:09pm  I changed my mind about hanging out with that guy. He wouldn't listen to me. Screw it, I told myself I was going to go back to Medical Center. I've got shit to do. I have to go make an appointment with Mr. Piña. I wanted to walk through Gardendale. I haven't been there in a while. I have to go let them know where I've been. Right now I'm looking for a taqueria. I'm hungry. Maybe I'll find one and get some food. Then I'll bum a cigarette.

                   Oh yeah, it's awesome how I didn't have to go downtown to get some weed. It fell in my lap right there at Ingram. I asked this guy, "Hey, you got a cigarette?" He said, "No, I got some weed for sale though." I went, "Cool, that will keep me from going downtown." I ended up at Ingram all because of what happened at 12:34pm.

     2:32pm  Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you what happened. I just finished eating my Jumbo Jack. I thought, "Screw it, I'm hungry. I just smoked. I'm going to go to the Jack in the Box and ask for spare change for a Jumbo Jack." Right before I got to Jack in the Box I hear somebody say, "Hey, Victor. What's going on?" It's Katie. You know Katie and Johnny. The young girl with the older guy. She stopped. She was driving with some other dude that wasn't Johnny. She works at the NFO-NXX place. I asked Katie if she could spare any change for a Jumbo Jack and she said, "Yeah, sure," and she hooked me up. They were going to Jack in the Box anyway. She got me a Jumbo Jack and she told me that they were on their way to Corpus. I went, "Really? When are you coming back?" She said today. She was just going to go there and come back. I asked, "Hey, mind if I tag along?" I thought, "Weird, they were meant to pick me up." She told me I couldn't go. I said, "That's alright." They dropped me off on Zarzamora. I want a cigarette real bad. I just ate that Jumbo Jack.

                   Whoa, I'm standing here on Zarzamora and somebody else recognized me and pulled over and they're going to give me a ride! Awesome. What a good day.

     2:37pm  Dude, just when I was talking about how cool shit was happening to me today, this dude Alfred who I told my story to in front of the Jack in the Box on Wurzbach one time, he told me we're going to smoke a blunt now! Badass! Things happen for a reason. He told me, "Man, this is the wrong side of town for you to be on." I pointed to my marijuana rag sticking out of my pocket and said, "Man, as long as I have this it's cool. They leave me alone."

     3:15pm  What a magical adventure today has been, man. Guess where I ended up. They were all talking about going to this Amanda girl's. Some guy said, "Screw Amanda." We ended up not and Alfred tells me, "You want a ride to Wurzbach?" Perfect, back to Medical Center. We were all on the West Side. It's so crazy how I ran into people who knew me on the West Side! Right now I'm back in Medical Center. In my hood. I got dropped off at Datapoint and Wurzbach, right by the Jack in the Box. Oh yeah, now more cool shit is going to happen to me! I love having days like this. I came back to Medical Center for a reason.

                    I'm going to leave pretty soon too. I just need to get my warm clothes and head out with my backpack. I'm going to take these shoes with me. My little brother's shoes. The ones he gave to me. I fly with them. I'll be all professional long-distance walker. I've got my Natural Balance hat and my rainbow beanie. It's all my uniform.

                   Oh yeah, and we smoked a big fat blunt. I'm all stoned.

     3:20pm  I was walking through Wurzbach Crossing. I asked this one dude if he would listen to my story. He said, "Alright, go ahead." I asked him what was the world's greatest problem and he said, "Being late for your bag," and he walks off.

     3:25pm  Screw this bar here. I don't need to be there. I can go over to the Habib mart over on Gardendale. People know me there.

     3:27pm  I just realized, "Hey, I'm in Medical Center. I gotta go talk to Mr. Piña. I have to go make an appointment to talk to him." I'm just going to show him my story in my wallet. I want to see if he tells me I should do something with it. I'll see what he tells me.

     4:00pm  I just came out of Mr. Piña's. The cute girl told me that the next available appointment was on the 29th. I am not sticking around until then. I contemplated trying to tell the girl my whole story, but I changed my mind. Screw that, I'm going to take off traveling. I just let her make a copy of it.

                   I don't know. Let's see what happens.

     4:07pm  I came to the Diamond Shamrock across the street to bum a cigarette. David, I didn't even ask him. He gave me two dollars! I appreciate it, David. Everybody gets credit. Thanks for proving me right.

                  That was awesome! When that guy came up to me he was staring me in the eye. I said, "What's up, man?" He just up and handed me two dollars! What a great day I am having.

                   I'm at the Diamond Shamrock across Datapoint from Broadway Bank. I am waiting for the bus/trying to bum a cigarette. I'll see the bus pull up on Medical and Fredericksburg and I can run across the street. My transfer is still good. Badass.

                   Things are going my way today.

                   I was just standing here, not looking like a bum or nothing. Just standing here with my walking stick waiting for the bus. Man, I don't even have my boots on today. I got my expensive Nike walking shoes. I look like I have an income. And this guy just gave me two dollars. I'm going to be sure he sees the peace tattoo on the back of my neck when he's coming out of the store.

                   I'm not even wearing my rainbow beanie. I've got my Natural Balance hat on.

     4:25pm  I saw the 91 finally come. I jumped on and gave the guy my transfer. Oh yeah, when I got on one guy saw me and said, "Hey man, what's up? You still going to SAC?" I told him, "I never went to SAC. You probably saw me at SAC using the computers in the library for free all day. I don't pay for shit." He told me, "Oh, nothing's free." I tell him, "It's all free for me." This dude was wearing a Jesus cross and everything. Anyway, I'm on the 91 headed to West. Let's see what else happens to me today. It's so cool that everybody knows me.

     4:30pm  I just got off the bus in front of the Jack in the Box. I'm going to go eat. Those two dollars will be my Jumbo Jack money. I'm hungry. After I eat, I'll go hang out at West and smoke some weed.

                   I got me a Jumbo Jack with Cheese. $1.85.

     4:47pm  I forgot to tell you, I walked over to West to the smoking cabana. Hmm, there's the 91. Lemme go catch a courtesy ride. Ahh, I don't know.

     4:50pm  Eric hooked me up with a cigarette at the smoking cabana. I appreciate it, Eric. Everybody gets credit.

     5:25pm  Not only did Tammie listen to my whole story, odyssey story and everything, she also gave me a cigarette! I appreciate it, Tammie. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Man, that was a legendary presentation I just had. Man, it's funny. The security guard just drives by in his little go-cart and doesn't tell me anything. He doesn't care that I'm in the smoking cabana talking to people. He knows what I'm doing.

                   They all know me. They all know me. They all know me. Haha.

     5:37pm  I went up to this girl in the parking lot and asked her, "Hey, can I get a ride to wherever you're going? I'll smoke you out." She totally ignored me. She was a real pretty girl.

     5:50pm  Mike Berkman is the guy who finally gave me a ride. Third time's a charm. He hooked me up with a ride to Fredericksburg. I don't know where, but I'll find out. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:55pm  I got dropped off at 410 and Babcock. This old dude Mike. I told him my ideas. I blew his mind hopefully.

                   There's a bunch of traffic over here on Babcock and Callaghan. I was thinking, "Man, I bet you pretty soon someone in one of these cars is going to recognize me." All of a sudden somebody honked and waved at me. Just when I was thinking it. I'm calling the shots again.

                   I'm going to walk across the street to the gas station and bum a cigarette, then I'll walk to the hospital.

                   Screw it, I'll get a cigarette at the hospital. I'll walk to the hospital first.

     6:22pm  I was walking down Babcock from Callaghan. I'm over on Merton Minter already. I'm going to go see if there's any tennis balls around.

                   I found one on the other side of the fence of these couple playing. Joel and Jen. I didn't want to just take it. They were all excited, "Alright, you got it for us!" I told them, "You're welcome. Can I have it?" and showed them my worn one on my stick. They're hooking me up. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit.

                   That was funny. They didn't have time for my story. When I told them, "I want you guys to do me a couple favors," they all thought I was going to ask for their credit card numbers or something. A helicopter was flying overhead so I had to wait for it to pass. I told them, "I want you guys to think I'm crazy and to doubt me." They said ok. As I was walking off I told them, "Thanks for proving me right. Ignorance is bliss, I guess."

     6:30pm  Stuart hooked me up with a cigarette at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:32pm  I'm at the hospital and this bus driver walked up to me and asked, "Hey man, are you still freeloading?" I told him, "Hey, whatever works." Now, I'm going to ask him to hook me up with a transfer.

     6:38pm  I'm on the 610 going home.

                   The driver who asked me if I was still freeloading, he hooked me up with a transfer! Mr. Hill

     6:45pm  Oh yeah, I changed my mind. I got right off the 610 like a block away. I figured, "Screw that, I've got my story to tell. The last bus comes at 7:15. I'm going to go tell my story and smoke somebody out." I was going to ask people if they would come play Frisbee with me in the field. Maybe. Hopefully it'll be a girl.

                   Well, she would have to not mind missing the bus and walking around all night with me, hehe.

                    I wish.

     6:57pm  Not only did Alisha listen to my story, she gave me a cigarette too. I appreciate it, Alisha.

     7:18pm  Mr. Garcia said no on the 610. Haha. Sucker.

                   Hehe, he all saw me calling him a sucker on my tape recorder, hehe.

                   Cool, Mr. Hathaway on the 92 hooked me up.

                   He said, "Go ahead, you're fine."

     7:35pm  Mr. Hunter is hooking me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:04pm  These guys came on the bus and one pointed to my stick and said, "Hey, that's cedar." I said, "That's right. Can I tell you guys a story?" Then the other dude standing up said, "You're a long-distance walker, right? I've heard your story." Everybody knows me.

     8:45pm  I'm out here showing some of these kids at Travis Park my pictures. I showed Lola and she looked at the picture of Geba I have. She was all, "Hey, I saw that guy Tuesday. He's in Austin now." I wonder if that's true. She just said he was a housie, that he had a house in Austin. Ah, I'm not sure if I believe you then. Geba was like a street kid for life. I don't know.

                   I just took a picture of them.

     9:55pm  Walter, just out of the blue offered me a cigarette. I didn't even ask. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:24pm  I had some good presentations in the park. I was thinking I'd go over and crash out on that front porch I crashed out on last time. Over by Dallas Street. Then I started thinking, "Ah, I might still have enough time to catch the bus back to the hospital, walk to Planet K and then to my mom's house. Then in the morning I'll wake up and get ready to leave.

     10:35pm  Victoria hooked me up with a cigarette here at Travis Park. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:40pm  Mr. 641 wouldn't let me on. Everybody gets credit. Greedy ass.

                     Mr. Stickney hooked me up. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     10:42pm  The 91 guy hooked me up. The last bus out to West Telemarketing. Oh shit, I have to call my mom.

     11:22pm  I'm over here close to West Telemarketing already. At the Shell gas station on Fredericksburg/Huebner. I'm going to spange me up a Jumbo Jack.

     11:31pm  This one girl told me no. It's alright. Ha, she's seeing me recording. Cool.

                     Please Love, I'm hungry. Feed my belly. I'm going to walk home.

                     I was able to call my mom on somebody's cellphone. This girl Victoria that I was talking to, some pretty black girl, she let me borrow her cellphone on the bus. I called my mom to tell her I was coming home and to leave the door unlocked.

     11:43pm  I had a good presentation with some guys who pulled over to jump start a car. Mike hooked me up with some change for my Jumbo Jack. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:44pm  Dan, his friend who was jumpstarting him hooked me up with two bucks! I appreciate it, man. Everybody gets credit.

                     Dude, that was sweet! Just fell in my lap, just like that. I had given up. I had started walking off over towards West. These cars pull up suddenly over by the vacuum cleaner. I walked up to him and hit them up for spare change for a Jumbo Jack for my seven mile walk home. One guy said at first, "Man, just look at you. You're just walking around with no money to get you where you're going." I asked him, "Can I tell you what I'm doing?" He goes, "Yeah, sure." I started and he interrupted me. I was like, "Hear me out, please." He was all, "Okay, you're telling me for a Jumbo Jack." I started telling him and his friend was all, "Come on, let's go." They guy handed me some change. As I'm walking off, the other dude that was wanting to go runs up and hands me two dollars! Just like that, fell in my lap.

                     Oh, what a great day I have had.

                     Now I'm going to get to eat.

                     I walked into the West parking lot by the inbound department. This one security guard who knows me points at me and yells, "Go home! Go home!" He all laughed. He was just kidding. They all see I am still working at it.

                     I'm going to eat my burger then walk up to underneath the seven thousand building and hang out there and smoke a cigarette. I just got one at the inbound smoking cage.

     12:06am  I'm over here underneath the seven thousand building. I'm going to sit down and eat my burger. Hopefully somebody comes down the stairs and gives me a cigarette. The ashtrays were empty.

     12:14am  Kristy gave me two cigarettes! I just asked for one. I appreciate it, Kristy. Everybody gets credit, thank you.

     12:52am  Not only did Paul and his friend listen to my story, here at the smoking cabana, it's like one in the morning, I didn't think anyone would be out here, but he's also hooking me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:35am  Guess what I ran into at West Telemarketing at like two in the morning. A three person audience who didn't have anything to do! What were you guys' names again? Victor, Bob, and Pauly. These guys have been listening to me all night. I appreciate it, guys. Oh yeah, they're giving me a ride to Babcock too.

     1:40am  I just got dropped off at Carlos'. Well, Carlos isn't ever there anymore. Now it's usually just Tim and some dude I don't know. I'm going to stop going over there. Oh yeah, it was awesome how I got those three dudes to listen to me. At first one of the dudes was all ignorant and wouldn't let me finish, then I really got into and that dude was telling me, "I like your stuff, keep going," It was a great presentation. The whole day was just so above par.

                   Maybe that's a sign for me not to leave.

                   Maybe that's a sign for me to leave sooner.

                   Oh yeah, I'm walking on the way to my mom's house. All the way. I'm going to cut through OP Schnabel.

     2:20am  Turning left on Old Prue. I'm going to walk to the gas station on Bandera. I think it's twenty four hours.

                   Here I could go straight and hit Braun Road. I could also turn left and go to the Exxon in front of the park a couple blocks away. Make an appearance there. Smoke a cigarette and then walk home from there. I don't know what I'm going to do. Let me see if I can get a cigarette at the gas station at Bandera and Old Prue. It's right across the street from the Camino Bandera Apartments, I think.

     2:25am  I walked up to the Chevron, but they're closed. I looked through the ashtray, and didn't see anything worth grabbing. Screw it, I'm going to walk to the Exxon on Braun Road and Bandera.

     2:45am  I'm walking off. I got me two cigarettes tucked behind my ears for when I get home and eat my bowl of cereal. Then I'll take a shower and crash.

     3:15am  I walked Wickersham all the way to my mom's house. I'm beat and tired. I want a shower.

Next day..

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