


San Antonio, TX

Saturday June 11, 2005

     7:06am  I just woke up. I had a good night's sleep. 

     10:44am  My mom kicked me off the computer this morning. Then I thought, "Hey, it's Saturday. Today is the day I want to go fly my On My Way To Save The World sign on Fredericksburg/410." In Balcones Heights. I already wrote up a sign and everything. I had my mom take a picture of me with it. I can't wait. It's going to be cool.

                     She even gave me eighty cents for busfare. I've got two tens and a five, but I don't have change for busfare.

     11:06am  I'm sitting here at the bus bench in front of the Citgo. I'm flying my sign. I bought me a can of butane inside, too. For my lighter.

     11:07am  Ram hooked me up with a cigarette by the Church's Chicken. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:23am  The 606 came. The driver, "Mr. Francisco P. Trevino, I got on and only had seventy cents in my pocket. First thing he asked me was, "Do you need a transfer?" I told him I didn't know if I would have enough. He tore it off and handed it to me and said don't worry about it. I guess I am meant to go fly my sign today. Oh yeah, everybody was reading my sign as they were driving by and I was giving them all the peace sign. Great way to kill time at the bus stop.

     11:27am  I'm talking to Valerry.

     11:48am  I had a badass presentation with these Russian kids on the 606 on the way to the hospital.

                     Fuck, I just realized I was recording on Tape 3 instead of 4. I forgot to switch them out after I typed up from 3. Therefore, I've lost some history. Not much when I realized. I can't go back home and get Tape 4. This is my big day where I'll be flying my sign. I just rewound it all the way to the beginning, so I'll be recording over stuff I've already typed up. That sucks, damnit. That pisses me off. I hope I didn't lose any good juicy details I can't remember. I had been logging since I left the house, shit.

     11:04am  I came to the hospital. Jim gave me a cigarette. He said, "Hey, you have to put me in there twice now." I appreciate it, brother.

                     Leaving on the 92 from the hospital.

     12:19pm  The eagle has landed. I'm going to go snatch some publicity.

                     Oh wait, I have to take a hit of weed somewhere, hold on.

     12:28pm  I crossed the street and went over to this bus stop near this tree by the new Humane Society. I sat down under the tree and took two hits of weed. I stashed my weed tin in this plastic cup out there. Just in case cops mess with me when I'm flying my sign. I'll be back for it. I have to be fearless.

                     I went straight to the Balcones Heights side of Fredericksburg

     1:19pm  These pretty girls in their car honked at me and when I turned around with my sign they took a picture of me with a digital camera. They yelled, "Let me see your sign!" I yelled back, "¡Viva la revolucion!"

                   I got documented.

     1:39pm  I'm taking a lunch break at the Jack in the Box. Just like last year. Well, let me go across the highway and get my weed first.

                   Uhh, no. Afterwards. I'll go see if any of my friends at Oaklawn are there.

     1:43pm  I got my Jumbo Jack to-go. I'm going to go back to that tree where I stashed my weed and eat it.

     1:48pm  I walked to where I stashed it and I got it. I'm going to walk to Oaklawn Apartments. They're not that far away.

     2:10pm  I had my little lunch break. Grandma wasn't home. She had a sign on the door that said not to knock. That she was sleeping. I sat down and ate in the couch in front of her place. I smoked some weed and I saw Thor and Blade walk up. I'm done now, so I think I'm going to go fly my sign some more. I think I'm going to go stand on the highway by Woodlawn, too. A quick bus ride away. I'm going to have my weed on me. I don't care. I am fearless.

                   Okay, I'm back in front of the Jack in the Box flying my sign to all this traffic again.

     3:13pm  Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. I've decided I'm going to walk all the way to the Woodlawn intersection. Umm, I'm going to walk all the way downtown eventually, holding this sign.

                   Teo just walked by with his friends. He just shook his head at me when he walked by. I'm going to walk all the way downtown.

                   Badass, I walked right in front of the China Harbor and the Pizza Patron place, where Papa John's used to be(I think) is handing out samples. She gave me a little slice. I appreciate it. She didn't give me an upsell or nothin'. I'm going to keep walking.

     3:25pm  My water bottle was empty, so I walked into Deano's Liquor store, hoping they would have a soda fountain I could get some water from. I walked in and there was a line of people for the cashier. I looked at the back of the store and noticed these old dudes, I figured they were managers. I went to the back and asked, "I don't suppose you guys have anywhere I can get some water at?" One guy promptly took my bottle from me, brought out a bottle of drinking water they had stashed behind the counter and filled my bottle up for me. No questions asked. I asked what his name was and he said it was Deano. Deano himself hooked me up. I thought I would never get water at a liquor store. Liquor stores are usually real greedy. I appreciate it, Deano. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:35pm  I walked past umm, Silver Direct. I walked by with my sign and Julian comes out and asks me what's going on(1-13-05, 1:24pm). It was that guy who I had walked by early this year and he gave me a bluntroach. I'll put a link to that. I told him I was walking downtown and he told me, "If you want to wait a while, we could give you a ride." I told him, "That's cool, I don't mind the walk." He said, "I know you don't. You crazy walking fool." Good contact.

     3:42pm  I'm almost to Woodlawn already. I came behind this tree here and took a piss. I'm going to go fly my sign. There better not be any bums there, or else I'll kick them off my corner, hehe. I got more important thing to do. Things have to change. I'm giving this away.

     3:46pm  There was a girl standing there asking for change. I went up to her and said, "I'm not asking for money. I'm working. I need this corner for like half an hour." I showed her my sign. Her sorry ass told me, "I need money, I need food." I told her, "Then go ask for food." Her homebum-mate showed up, read my sign and they both walked off.

     3:54pm  Ahh, I changed my mind about that spot by the highway. There weren't that many cars. I looked in my wallet and I had twenty one dollars, two ten dollar bills and a loose one. I grabbed the dollar and went back to the girl and apologized for stealing her corner and gave her a buck.

     4:05pm  What's your name, brother? I was just walking down Fredericksburg some more holding up my On My Way To Save The World sign. Right at W. French and Manuel saw me hold my sign and he pulled over and waved me over. He asked me what I was doing and I'm telling him my story. What was your email?

                   I had a badass presentation right now with Manuel. He told me good luck. I told him he would see me again, that I was everywhere. Oh shit, I left my sign.

                   He told me, "I really appreciate you doing this."

     4:44pm  I walked my happy ass all the way downtown. I'm in Travis Park now. I walked all the way downtown, just like I said I would. What a great day I'm having. I can just feel the power.

     4:45pm  Sandra hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, Sandra. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:01pm  I decided since I have twenty bucks I'm going to go back to the Market Square and buy me another marijuana magnetic strobe blinky light. I haven't lost mine, I just want to have a backup while I travel. It has become an integral part of my uniform. I walked the wrong way on Commerce, so I have to double back. I am getting some excellent publicity with my sign. Tons of tourists. This one guy walked by and read it and he told me, "Good luck." I'm going to go buy an extra marijuana thing. I have twenty bucks.

     5:20pm  This dude just walked by and yelled, "Save the world, vato!" I yelled back, "Marijuana!"

     5:54pm  I came to the Market Square and I bought my marijuana thing. I told the girl there my whole story. It wasn't the same girl. She listened to it all wide-eyed. I'm going to leave now. I'm still flying my sign.

                   Oh yeah, right before I went into the Market Square there were all these Capoeira people dancing around and playing drums. There were tourists gathered walking, so I made sure to walk around the crowd a couple times with my sign.

     6:46pm  Oh yeah, I walked by the Travis Park church again and saw Brandy and Romeo. They smoked me out. I walked with Romeo to the liquor store, but then I told him I had to go home, that I had work to do on the computer. That's what I'm going to do right now. I'm going to catch the bus home. I can still catch the 606 at the hospital. I'm going to catch the 91 or the 92. I hope I have the letter of the day.

     6:52pm  I just got on the 92. When I got to the park, I saw this black dude holding a transfer. I asked to look at it and found out the letter of the day is Nancy. I sure enough had an N and I trimmed it to 6:40. When I was trimming it to the right time I heard this guy on a bench yell, "Hey, I see you doing that!" I smiled and yelled, "Fuck the system!" I'm on the bus now.

     7:25pm  Almost to the hospital. Be sure to change my script to, "It'll be evidence, in black and white(well, all the pictures are color)."

                   The bus speaker just said, "Approaching Louis Pasteur and Babcock."

     7:43pm  I'm talking to Chenise. Telling her my story. What was your email?

     8:32pm  I'm talking to what's your name? I'm talking to Greg. I'm telling him my story on the 606 and I just wanted to get your opinion on my presentation I just gave you. What did you think?

                   Greg: "Your presentation was great, man. I've never heard a story like that before. I think it's great that you're doing it. I hope you continue to do well and hopefully succeed in what you're trying to do. You have made a big difference. I am left inspired."

                   Greg recommends I check out Sierra Vista, Arizona sometime. It's close to Tucson. Maybe on my way back.

     8:52pm  I had a great presentation with that guy Greg. He's going to tell all his friends. I smoked him out at the bus stop in front of the Citgo. He told me he was wandering the streets right now. I told him I was going to show him the platform at OP Schnabel, but then I remembered I had to go home and type. Forget it. I gave him directions to the park. He told me, "Okay, well I'll let you get back to doing your thing. I know your busy." I told him thanks, that I had a world to save.

     9:04pm  I'm home. I should probably clean my mom's dirty kitchen. For good measure.

     9:53pm  Today I had a little goof. I took off recording on my #3 tape, where I had left off typing. That means I lost some history because I think I logged all of this morning. I checked and I recorded it all. I went out and flew my sign today. Last night when I got home there was nobody on the computer. Nobody was home. Well, my sister was home. I'm sitting here typing up today, the beginning of Tape 3. All of a sudden my mom calls me and asks, "Oh, did you see your presents?" I went, "What presents?" She asked, "Oh, you haven't been to your room?" I went in my room and on my bed I see a fifty-pack of blank CD's, a thing of deodorant, a new Mach 3 razor with shaving cream(I am still getting a good shave off that one I've been using since November 15.) Oh yeah, and my hat came in that she ordered off Ebay! My cool bucket hat! She even got me a big box of Honey Graham Total cereal! My favorite! I'm so happy. Everything is going my way.

     10:30pm  I'm going to crash out. I have to wake up early tomorrow and get to typing. I'm going to go to bed. I have two days at my disposal to type. Tomorrow Sunday and Monday too. I need one day to catch up on typing and one day to burn CD's. Let's see if I can get this done. I've waited to the last minute. Wish me luck.

Next day..

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