

                                                                                                             Charleston, WV

Wednesday June 11, 2008

     4:51am  I only got 5.30 hours of sleep. I woke up earlier. I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't. Hmm, I wonder if I can go to jail for trespassing.
                   I think I'm going to leave today. I might try and sell one of my shirts hardcore so I can get some money. I'm stupid. I should've bought a disposable camera with those ten bucks Nancy gave me. I bought weed instead.

     5:49am  I tried going back to sleep. I only got five hours last night. I wasn't able to. It did get a little chilly last night. I even slept with my sleeping bag liner. The sun is coming up and I should probably get out of here before the parking lot below the billboard fills up. I need to get my big pack out of the window and onto the billboard. Then I'm going to lower it down with a length of rope I've had in my pack just in case I needed it. The parking lot will fill up eventually, so I better get out there quick. I should've left when I woke up and it was still dark.

     6:00am  I am all packed up and ready to go. I smoked a cigarette and smoked some weed. I'm going to take another hit of weed, actually. Then I'm going to climb down. I was thinking last night that I have to go get some stuff done today. I might not leave today. I need to go out and try and sell my shirts hardcore. I need some traveling funds. I need to buy some disposable cameras so I can take pictures of Charleston. I even want to sneak back into the squathouse and take pictures of my crash spot. I'm not crashing there tonight. I'd have to get my heavy pack up there.

     6:29am  I pulled out a marker and totally tagged WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA and on the wall inside the room I crashed in. I totally wish I had a camera.

     6:37am  I got all of my shit down successfully! I used that rope I had to lower my pack. It was the exact same length it needed to be. I have to come back and take pictures of this place.

     6:48am  I made my way to the transit mall.

     8:01am  Shit, I just realized I lost my clown wig somewhere, that sucks.

     8:11am  I posted myself in front of the mall. I'm going to hold a fresh shirt up and tell people, 'Tee shirts for sale! Support the cause! If not, then just check out my website. It's free. It's not religious, I promise."

     8:51am  The mall security guard came up to me and barked at me. He walked up and asked, "Are you giving those away?" He said I needed a permit. I didn't sell one shirt. I'm just going to walk around.

                   Dennis C. Lewis is the security guard's name.

     9:45am  Wendy smiled at my shirt and I told her that I had them for sale, support the cause. She volunteered me two dollars! Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

     10:11am  I just got out of the library. I didn't have any emails or nothing to do. So I went outside and smoked a cigarette. Oh yeah, I wanted to print out Fawn's Message to All and I did. It didn't come out at the printer it was supposed to come out of, so I went back and told Olivia, the nice lady who makes the internet reservations, she offered to print it for me at the printer in the back. I was able to tell her my story! She loved it. I asked her to do me the two favors and everything. She had a huge smile on her face. I need to sell one of these shirts so I can buy a camera and take some pictures of this place. Please love, let something happen today.

     10:54am  I'm sitting here wondering how I'm going to sell any of these shirts. My friend Ashley came over and her boyfriend..they just broke up. She's married anyway.

                     Ashley volunteered me a dollar, awesome.

     11:21am  I walked up to St. John's for lunch.

                     I was standing in front of the church smoking and I saw this dude walk up. I went inside and stashed my bag in the coat room and I got in line. He got in line after me and I asked him if I could tell him my story, that it would kill time great for the lunch line. He happily agreed to listen. He liked my story a lot. He even let me tell him my whole Odyssey outside afterwards.

     12:36pm  I just got to the Covenant House. Working for justice for all.

     12:37pm  They're closed for lunch. Reopen at one.

     2:50pm  I just left the Covenant House. I'm going to walk all the way over to Health Rite to make an appointment to have my molar pulled.

     3:31pm  I am leaving Health Rite. They won't be able to schedule my first out of three appointments until July 6. Screw that. I'm traveling.

     4:16pm  I'm going to walk by Amanda's apartment and see if there is any way to break into it easily.

     4:24pm  I went and inspected the apartment and I can't get in it. I can't get to a window or nothing.

                   Man, I've got two WPTMJ shirts and all my dirty socks up there.

     5:35pm  I had a great presentation with Rick, this black dude. We're at the church in front of the Covenant House. Rumor has it they are going to feed here too. They served some pretty lame food at the mission. This guy listened to my story great. He even read Fawn's Message to All.

                   I am just leaving the library. I got a little bit of typing done. I hope I don't have to get it all typed up like that, at thirty minute spurts. I'm going to go for a walk. I don't know where. I'm bored. I want to leave Charleston already. I need a camera.

                   Oh, I didn't tell you. I have my CamelBak strapped to my pack now. I look all professional. I'm going to go hang out at the transit mall now and eat and smoke a cigarette. I got me an apple pie.

     9:22pm  I took my last resin hit over by the transit mall. I'm walking to the shelter now. Hopefully they'll let me crash right inside the door like they did last time.

     9:43pm  I forgot to tell you, I came to Union Mission next door instead. They made me read this whole packet and god this and god that. I already took my pack off and I'm waiting in the chapel for some guy to come talk to me. I don't think they've seen my shirt yet. I already went to the shelter next door and they didn't have any beds. I asked him if I could crash on the floor again and he said sure, just after eleven. So I came to the mission just to kill time. I'm going to see if I can tell any of these Christians my story.

                   Man, my pack looks so damn professional with my camouflage CamelBak on it. I really wish I had a camera. I should try and call my mom soon.

Nex    t day..

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